
Memoranda on Poisons Part 8

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_Tests._-Solutions of the sulphate and nitrate of copper are blue; the chloride is green. The salts of copper may be thus identified:

1. A polished knife or needle introduced into the solution is soon covered with a coating of copper.

2. Ammonia produces with a salt of copper a bluish precipitate, readily soluble in excess of ammonia, and forming a splendid blue solution.

3. Ferrocyanide of pota.s.sium gives a claret-colored gelatinous precipitate, if the copper be abundant; otherwise the deposit is of a light brown.

4. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas yields a deep-brown precipitate.

5. A few drops of the copper solution are to be placed on platinum foil, and slightly acidulated; on touching the foil, through the solution, with a strip of zinc, metallic copper is deposited on the patinum.



LABURNUM (_Cytisus laburnum_).-Every portion of this plant is poisonous. The seeds are frequently eaten by children, and give rise to vomiting and purging, with dilatation of the pupils, rigors, rigid limbs, &c.

_nanthe crocata_, _Ph.e.l.landrinum aquatic.u.m_, _aethusa Cynapium_, _&c._, strictly speaking, belong to this group.

BLACK h.e.l.lEBORE (_h.e.l.leborus niger_) or _Christmas Rose_, grows in shady woods, and bears a large flower in January. The leaves and root when eaten give rise to abdominal pain, vomiting and purging, vertigo, cold sweats, and collapse, resembling that of malignant cholera. An infusion of this plant is sometimes administered by quacks to destroy intestinal worms. It has proved fatal to children under these circ.u.mstances.

Several other substances variously grouped for the sake of convenience should come under this heading.



CANTHARIDES (_Spanish Flies_).

This poison is well known, and is usually administered in the form of powder or tincture. Of the former, twenty-four grains have destroyed life; of the latter, one ounce. This poison has been employed as an aphrodisiac and to induce abortion, by persons ignorant of its dangerous effects. This is, perhaps, the most frequent cause of poisoning by cantharides. Applied externally it has proved fatal, as in the case of a girl affected with scabies, who anointed the whole of her body with cantharides ointment in mistake for that of sulphur. She died in five days, after suffering from the symptoms of poisoning by cantharides.

It produces an acrid taste, vomiting, purging, burning heat in the stomach, pain in the loins, severe strangury, b.l.o.o.d.y urine, and priapism. Then there is faintness with giddiness, the limbs become rigid, and delirium with convulsions precede death. Sometimes the matters ejected from the stomach or pa.s.sed in the stools contain shining golden or green particles, the remains of the wing cases of the beetles, which const.i.tute the drug, readily seen with a lens, or even with the naked eye.

After death, marks of inflammation are found in the alimentary ca.n.a.l, kidneys and bladder, and the genital organs.

_Tests._-The detection of Spanish flies, if taken solid, depends mainly on the presence of the shining particles already alluded to, in the stomach, or in the vomited matters. To make their nature certain, however, an extract of the suspected materials should be prepared and treated repeatedly with chloroform or ether. This fluid is to be allowed to evaporate till only a few drops are left, which may be applied on lint to some portion of the body where the skin is fine, as the fore arm, the part being covered by a bit of isingla.s.s plaster, or goldbeaters' skin. The vesication produced is the test of the presence of cantharides.

No antidote is known. Vomiting must be excited or encouraged; and linseed tea, and gum water, or gruel copiously administered. The warm bath will afford great relief. Oil must be avoided, on account of its being a solvent of the active principle (cantharidine) of this poison.






OPIUM is the insp.i.s.sated juice of the unripe capsules of the _Papaver somniferum_, or white poppy, and is a very complex substance. Its princ.i.p.al properties, however, are due to the presence of _morphia_, as meconate of morphia; but others of its const.i.tuent substances undoubtedly modify its action.

It is sometimes used as a poison in its crude state, but more frequently in solution in alcohol, forming tincture of opium, or laudanum.

Unfortunately, opium is the powerful ingredient of most soothing syrups for children, to whom opium is at all times especially dangerous; and many who do not die from its direct effects, do from the wasting indirectly produced.

Of domestic quieting physic the chief preparations are G.o.dfrey's Cordial, supposed to consist of one grain of opium in two ounces; and Dalby's Carminative, which is one-fourth weaker.

The smallest quant.i.ty of _laudanum_ which is known to have proved fatal to an adult is two drachms, from which death occurred within twelve hours. The exact quant.i.ty taken was, however, doubtful. Two grains and a half of the _extract_, a quant.i.ty said to be equal to four grains of crude opium, have produced a similar result. Much larger doses are, however, taken with impunity on many occasions, more especially by those habituated to the use of this drug, who remain almost unaffected by surprisingly large quant.i.ties. De Quincey, the English opium-eater, once found in a pirated edition of "Buchan's Domestic Medicine," a caution against taking more than "twenty-five _ounces_" of laudanum at one dose.

He says that he always bore this _excellent_ advice in mind; and it does not appear that he ever took more than sixteen ounces of the tincture of opium as his daily allowance. In certain diseases, patients quite unaccustomed to the use of sedatives can take excessive amounts without narcotism being produced. In some cases of teta.n.u.s, for example, upwards of four ounces of laudanum have been given daily for a week, without any marked effect.

On the other hand, it must not be forgotten that not a few individuals are unable to take even one-third of a grain without being narcotised.

Young children are particularly susceptible of its effects; the tenth and twelfth parts of a grain having respectively proved fatal to infants two and five days old. Dr. Edward Smith has even recorded the case of an infant seven days old, who died comatose eighteen hours after having had administered to it about the twelfth of a grain of opium, or the quant.i.ty contained in one drop of laudanum.[C] The smallest fatal dose for a child on record is one of paregoric elixir equivalent to about one-_ninetieth_ of a grain of opium. On the other hand, they sometimes recover from very large doses indeed.

The duration of a fatal case is generally from seven to twelve hours.

The shortest period recorded is three-quarters of an hour; the longest, twenty-four hours. If the patient survives twelve hours there is good hope of recovery.

The quant.i.ty of MORPHIA found in opium varies from two to ten per cent.

The chief salts of this alkaloid are the _acetate_, the _hydrochlorate_, and the _sulphate_, all being very energetic poisons. They cause symptoms similar to those about to be described as produced by opium.

But, in addition, there has been especially noticed great itching of the skin, convulsive twitchings of the muscles of the face and limbs, and occasionally teta.n.u.s. Small doses of any of the salts of morphia may cause death. In a delicate woman half a grain is supposed to have proved fatal; in several instances one grain has proved fatal; and certainly a dose of two grains might kill a healthy adult unaccustomed to opiates.

Nevertheless, under the influence of custom, large quant.i.ties may be taken. A young lady, who has long been under notice, has for the last three years taken daily fifteen grains of the hydrochlorate of morphia, without obtaining more than two or three hours' sleep from it; while for many days in succession, when suffering much pain, she increases the quant.i.ty to one scruple. From attempts to diminish the dose, made without the patient's knowledge, only mischief has resulted.

Others of the opium alkaloids are poisonous; but instances of poisoning by their means have not occurred, except one doubtful instance of poisoning by narcotine, recorded by Sonnenschein.

_Symptoms._-When a large dose of opium or its tincture has been taken the symptoms usually manifest themselves in about twenty or thirty minutes. They commence with giddiness, drowsiness, and stupor; then ensues insensibility. The patient appears as if in a sound sleep, from which he can be roused by a loud noise, &c., although he quickly relapses. As the poisoning progresses the breathing becomes slow and stertorous, the pulse weak and feeble, and the countenance livid. The eyes are closed, while the pupils are generally contracted, often almost to the size of a pin's point, and insensible to the stimulus of light.

In some instances the skin is cold and livid, in others it is bathed in sweat. So also the countenance may be either ghastly or placid, the pupils may even be dilated, and the pulse may be unaffected, or so small and frequent as to be scarcely appreciable. Vomiting sometimes occurs, with slight reaction, so that hopes of recovery are entertained. But frequently there is a relapse, the comatose state returns, and death quickly follows, occasionally preceded by convulsions.

The possibility of rousing a patient during the earlier portion of the progress of these symptoms will a.s.sist in diagnosing the effects of poisoning by opium from those due to apoplexy, epilepsy, &c. The contracted condition of the pupil will also a.s.sist; but it must not be forgotten that in lesion of the pons Varolii the pupils are also contracted. When permanent recovery ensues it is complete; but it is usually preceded for a day or two by severe nausea, a sense of weariness, constipation, and headache.

The habitual use of opium is most injurious. Dr. Oppenheim, in his description of the state of medicine in Turkey, tells us that persons seldom attain the age of forty who have begun the practice early. The opium-eater may be known by his attenuated body, withered yellow countenance, stooping posture, and gla.s.sy, sunken eyes. He has no appet.i.te, his bodily powers are destroyed, and he is obliged continually to increase the dose of his "grief-a.s.suaging remedy" to obtain the wished-for effect.

_Post-mortem appearances._-The appearances in acute poisoning by opium are not very characteristic. The most prominent are, great turgescence of the vessels of the brain, with effusion of serum into the ventricles and at the base. The turgid condition of the vessels often continues down the spinal cord, &c. The lungs are usually gorged with fluid blood, and the skin is of a livid hue.

_Treatment._-The first object is to remove all the poison from the stomach, and this cannot be effected in any way so well as by the stomach-pump. In the absence of this instrument, emetics of half a drachm of sulphate of zinc, or a tablespoonful of mustard, must be employed. The patient at the same time is to be prevented as far as possible from going to sleep. When the stomach has been thoroughly emptied, every means must be adopted to keep the patient roused. This is to be effected by dashing cold water over his head and chest, walking him up and down or shaking him between two attendants in the open air, irritating his legs by flagellation with a wet towel, applying electro-magnetic shocks to the spine, and administering strong coffee.

Bleeding has been recommended; but it is only to be used after the poison has been removed from the stomach, and when from the coma and full pulse we are sure that there is cerebral congestion. In extreme cases artificial respiration must be tried.

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