
Memoranda on Poisons Part 12

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If the acid is in the liquid form a drop of the prussic acid and the yellow sulphide may be mixed and heated until they thoroughly combine. A drop of sulphate of iron is then added as before, but all the sulphide must be decomposed or a black sulphide of iron will be produced, even though prussic acid be present, instead of the ordinary blood-red color.

Other substances give a similar reaction with iron; but their color is discharged by corrosive sublimate.





DIGITALIS PURPUREA (_Purple Foxglove_).-The seeds, leaves, and root of this indigenous hedge-plant are poisonous. _Digitalin_ is the principle which these parts contain. The officinal infusion of digitalis, made from the dried leaves, is used in doses of ?ij, ?ss, or more; of the tincture m. v to m. xl are usually given. On the recommendation of the late Mr. Jones, of Jersey, half an ounce of the tincture is sometimes administered in cases of delirium tremens; this dose being repeated a second or even a third time, in the course of six or eight hours.

Digitalis is very uncertain in its action. When given medicinally its effects should be watched, as in some cases it probably acc.u.mulates in the system, but in others, especially in heart disease, it may be given for months or years without hurt, and even with advantage. A poisonous dose seems to produce vomiting, purging, colic, headache, slowness and extreme irregularity of pulse, dimness of vision, dilated pupils, lethargy, prostration, convulsions, and coma. In two instances death occurred within twenty-two hours. The appearances found afterwards have been chiefly congestion of the cerebral vessels and slight inflammation of the stomach.

_Digitalin_ has acquired a certain importance from the trial and execution of De La Pommerais for poisoning the widow Pauw by its means.

The facts were altogether inconsistent with his innocence, and though digitalin was not separated from the woman's body, yet extracts of the vomited matters killed dogs with the symptoms of poisoning by digitalis.

The extracts obtained from the stomach and bowels did not prove fatal.

Tardieu and Roussin, who were engaged on the case, came to the conclusion that the woman had been poisoned by some vegetable poison, probably digitalin. The woman's symptoms, which were not, however, carefully noted, were violent vomiting and extreme depression.

In addition to the administration of emetics and castor oil, some infusion containing tannin, as strong tea, &c., should be given as an antidote in poisoning by digitalis. Substances containing tannin render the digitalin inert. Strong tea or coffee, with brandy, will likewise be needed, to lessen the depression and exhaustion.

CALABAR BEAN (_Physostigma venenosum_).-This bean, which grows on the West Coast of Africa, is generally used as an ordeal. According to the superst.i.tion of the natives the innocent vomit and are safe, the guilty die. Its most characteristic effect is contraction of the pupil. It seems to act by paralyzing the motor muscles, leaving the senses intact.

There is great interference with the heart's action, it beating tumultuously, but death seems to follow paralysis of the muscles of respiration. In some cases, one fatal, occurring in Liverpool, there was much vomiting.

TOBACCO (_Nicotiana tabac.u.m_).-All parts of this plant are very poisonous. An infusion of the leaves, exhibited as an enema, has, on several occasions, speedily proved fatal. Persons in attempting to acquire the habit of smoking often suffer from severe nausea, vomiting, great prostration, and insensibility; while in some instances, more severe effects have ensued. Symptoms very much resembling those of apoplexy have also been produced by the excessive use of snuff. A celebrated French poet died in fourteen hours, from swallowing the contents of his snuff-box, which had been mixed with his wine, as a joke. Snuff or tobacco is also sometimes used for drugging persons with a view to nefarious purposes, as robbery and such like.

_Nicotin_, the alkaloid of tobacco, is as deadly a poison as prussic acid. It is an acrid, volatile, oily liquid, of a pale amber color. In 1858 a chemist of rising reputation committed suicide with this substance. He was seen by one of the attendants at the Museum in Jermyn Street, in the act of falling forwards out of a water-closet in which he had concealed himself. The attendant raised him up, and with the aid of another man endeavored to carry him to a table, but he heaved a deep sigh and died in their arms. The appearances afterwards found were great congestion of the membranes of the brain and a dark fluid state of the blood.

The only other case of importance on record was the occasion of the _cause celebre_ Bocarme. This man, a Belgian count, studied chemistry, apparently, with a view to the preparation of this substance, made it in quant.i.ty, and with the help of his wife poisoned her brother. The count was condemned and executed. M. Stas was engaged to search for the poison, and thus was introduced his process, so often referred to.

CONIUM (_Conium maculatum_, _Common or Spotted Hemlock_).-This indigenous plant, which grows abundantly in hedges and wild places, belongs to the order Umbelliferae. The following common umbelliferous plants are likewise poisonous: viz., the _Cicuta virosa_ or water-hemlock, the roots of which have been eaten in mistake for parsnips; the _nanthe crocata_, or the water-dropwort, one of the most virulent of English vegetables; the _aethusa cynapium_, or fool's parsley, sometimes gathered in mistake for parsley; and the _Ph.e.l.landrium aquatic.u.m_, or fine-leaved water-hemlock, popularly known as water-parsnip. They have all given rise to accidents.

The seeds, leaves, and root of the _Conium maculatum_ are all poisonous.

The effects are rather variable, sometimes consisting chiefly of delirium, stupor, coma, and convulsions; on other occasions, the action, being chiefly exerted on the spinal cord, gives rise to gradually extending paralysis, the lower limbs being first affected, afterwards the arms and chest, thus producing death by apna from paralysis of the muscles of respiration. Probably, however, could artificial respiration be kept up, the heart would continue to beat much longer.

The alkaloid of hemlock is a pale yellow, volatile, acrid oily-looking liquid, known as _conia_, _conein_ or _conicina_. It is a potent poison, occasioning general paralysis without loss of sensibility. This alkaloid, which is found in all parts of the plant, may be readily recognized by rubbing with caustic pota.s.s. This sets free the alkaloid from its combination, and being readily volatile its mouse-like odor becomes at once apparent. Chemically it is allied to ammonia, and gives many of the reactions of that substance.

In many respects _curare_ (referred to under _Nux vomica_) acts similarly to _conia_.

LOBELIA INFLATA (_Indian Tobacco_).-This plant is a native of North America; and its powdered leaves and seeds have been much used as a remedy for asthma. In one instance, in which a quack prescribed a drachm of the leaves, pain, vomiting, unconsciousness, feebleness of pulse, and contraction of the pupils supervened, and death occurred in thirty-six hours. Ignorant imposters, calling themselves "medical botanists" (more appropriately known as "Coffinites"), have poisoned several simple individuals, both in England and America, by physicing them with this mischievous and powerful drug.

COLCHIc.u.m (_Colchic.u.m autumnale_, _Meadow Saffron_).-This plant grows in most damp meadows. Its noxious properties are due to the active principle _Colchicia_, which in its effects is allied to that contained in white h.e.l.lebore, _Veratria_. In two instances less than half a grain of colchicia proved fatal to adults.

_White h.e.l.lebore_ (_Veratum alb.u.m_) is a poisonous plant which, when taken internally, has caused violent sickness, purging, dilatation of the pupils, great prostration, and lowering of the heart's action, cold sweats, convulsions, and death. At the same time it is powerful in relieving pain. Its properties are due to _veratria_, an alkaloid, which may also be prepared from the seeds of the Asagraea officinalis, or Cevadilla seeds, and from Veratrum viride.

Gentle emetics, purgatives, and stimulants are the means employed to prevent death in poisoning by any of these vegetable substances. They all produce extreme depression, hence stimulants must be freely used.




The most important of these asphyxiant noxious gases are carbonic oxide, carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, and carburetted hydrogen.

CARBONIC OXIDE is a much more dangerous poison than is carbonic acid, but poisoning with it in a pure state is rare. It const.i.tutes an ingredient in most vapors produced by burning c.o.ke or carbon, especially if the combustion is imperfect. It forms with the coloring matter of the blood a remarkably stable compound of a light red color; in point of fact it is the impossibility of exchanging carbonic acid for oxygen in the lungs which causes death. After death the blood is bright red in hue.

CARBONIC ACID GAS.-This heavy inodorous gas is the cause of numerous accidents, owing to the variety of sources from which it is produced.

It is formed from burning fuel, from the calcination of limestone or chalk, and it is a product of respiration. It is diffused through wells, coal-mines, and caverns. During fermentation it is largely given off, and acc.u.mulates in beer vats. The vapor of charcoal partly owes its poisonous properties to carbonic acid gas, as does that arising from lime and brick-kilns.

In this country suicides rarely resort to carbonic acid gas to accomplish their ends; in France they very frequently do so.

_Symptoms._-In its pure state this gas causes death by asphyxia, the glottis becoming spasmodically closed the moment the vapor comes in contact with it. When sufficiently diluted to be inspired it acts by absorption, giving rise to giddiness, headache, vomiting, a tendency to sleep, and loss of muscular power. The heat of the body continues, and the limbs are usually flexible. The countenance gets livid, the respiration becomes hurried and stertorous, and complete insensibility ensues; while the heart's action, which was at first rapid, soon ceases.

_Post-mortem Appearances._-The body is generally swollen and livid, especially about the face. The countenance is not always bloated, sometimes being calm and pale. The limbs are often rigid, the skin is marked with livid patches, and the abdomen is distended with gas. The right cavities of the heart, the lungs, and large veins, are found gorged with venous blood; while the brain and its membranes are usually very vascular, and occasionally there is serious effusion.

_Treatment._-Prompt removal to the pure air, cold affusion, and stimulating applications to the chest and extremities, are the best means for resuscitation. If the countenance is bloated, venesection may be performed. Artificial respiration, galvanism, and the inhalation of oxygen gas, have been found useful.

SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN.-This gas is a very active poison, but from its offensive odor (resembling that of rotten eggs) it is not so liable to be accidentally inhaled as is carbonic acid. It is usually met with combined with other gases, resulting from the putrefaction of animal matter. When breathed in a diluted state, it speedily produces insensibility and death. Workmen long engaged in drains and sewers, or in any atmosphere contaminated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas, suffer from giddiness, nausea, and weakness; these symptoms ending at length in a kind of fever, which is often fatal.

In acute cases there will be little hope of recovery, unless the individual can be quickly removed into the open air, and stimulants, &c., applied. Chlorine gas, well diluted with common air, might be employed, as it breaks up the gas.

CARBURETTED HYDROGEN (_Coal Gas_).-The symptoms produced by this gas, when mixed with air and inhaled, are those of asphyxia. If the person breathing it should be roused before a fatal quant.i.ty has been inhaled, the chief effects may be intense headache, labored and oppressed respiration, quickened action of the heart, sickness, and great loss of power.

In 1841 a family in Strasburg were poisoned by being in an atmosphere contaminated with coal gas, for forty hours. Of the six members, four were found dead, while the father died in twenty-four hours; but the mother recovered. The gas escaped from a pipe which pa.s.sed under the cellar of the house where this family resided; so that it probably poisoned the air gradually, and gave rise to no suffering to warn the unfortunates.

CHAPTER x.x.x.



This group, though far from a natural one, is nevertheless convenient.

It comprehends a great variety of substances, first among which comes.

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