
Memoirs of General Lafayette Part 1

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Memoirs of General Lafayette.

by Lafayette.


It is a poor apology to offer for any defect or omission in a work intended for the information of the public, that it was prepared in haste. Yet in the present case it can be offered with truth. The Editor of this volume knew nothing of the plan, until it had been some time proposed, and many subscribers obtained. The gentleman by whom it was first intended to have been prepared, was suddenly taken away, without writing, or even collecting any thing for the volume. It was undertaken with reluctance, as it was known the public would he impatient for the work, and as the publisher was also desirous it should be prepared in a few weeks. It is only fifty days since the task was begun. It is believed, however, that several doc.u.ments, not yet published, will be found in this volume; and that many events and incidents are preserved, which would otherwise have been lost to the public.

Everything relating to the life and character of this extraordinary man, is certainly worthy of remembrance by the benevolent and intelligent through the civilized world, and especially by Americans, to whom he has rendered the most essential services. The endeavour has been to avoid panegyric; though in this case, a plain statement of facts may be construed, by those ignorant of the life of Lafayette, into a disposition to bestow extravagant praise.

It has been a source of much satisfaction to the Editor, to find so many proofs of consistency and of principle, as well as of zeal in the cause of rational liberty, which the life of this heroic and disinterested personage affords. And if he shall appear in this hasty memoir, as the ardent, undeviating, and sincere friend of civil freedom and of the rights of man, it will be because he justly merits such a high character.

In the account of his reception by the people of this country, in various places, during his present visit, it may be thought that we have been too particular. It was promised, however, in the proposals for the volume, that such relation would be given. It is believed that it will be found to be interesting, and that it will be a satisfaction hereafter, to recur to it.

This account embraces the time which elapsed after he landed at New-York, August 15, 1824, to the celebration of the capture of the Brittish [sic]

army at Yorktown, October 19. These statements were, copied princ.i.p.ally from the public newspapers; and it was thought to be unnecessary to give credit for them, or to insert the usual marks of quotation.

_Boston, Nov_. 1, 1824.




Among the many great men who have distinguished themselves in the present age, for their attachment and devotion to the cause of civil liberty, general LAFAYETTE is one of the most eminent. During the last fifty years, great changes have been made or attempted in human governments, highly favourable to political freedom and the rights of mankind. In some cases, indeed, revolutions have not been conducted upon just principles nor by prudent councils; and the immediate results have been disastrous rather than beneficial. Changes have taken place without direct and visible improvement; and efforts to meliorate the condition of man have produced a reaction in the adherents to patient arbitrary systems, which have given occasion to much suffering and great excesses.

The struggle for freedom by the patriotic citizens of America, towards the close of the last century, was successful; and has proved most auspicious to human happiness. We have reason to hope, that its blessings will not be confined to this western continent. A spirit of enquiry, indeed, has gone abroad in the world. It is spreading in Europe: and though we devoutly wish it may not prove the occasion of b.l.o.o.d.y contests, we shall rejoice to trace its fruits in the gradual destruction of old despotic systems, and in the general diffusion of knowledge among the people, and the enjoyment of those equal and just rights, which mild governments are calculated to secure.

In our own beloved country, we can boast of many sincere patriots and heroes besides our 'paternal chief,' the revered WASHINGTON, "who was first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen;" others will be recollected, who devoted themselves to the cause of liberty and their country, with a sincerity and zeal almost without a parallel in the annals of history. Their memories will not cease to be revered while Americans are distinguished for a love of civil freedom.

It must be acknowledged, however, that there was a _peculiar_ disinterestedness in the services and sacrifices of the Marquis LAFAYETTE in defence of American independence. It was from a n.o.ble and enthusiastic love of liberty, that he was induced to cherish and advocate our cause. It was for strangers and in a foreign land, that he went forth to defend the rights of man, a.s.sailed by the hand of arbitrary power. He was not a desperate adventurer, without fortune, or friends, or honors. He was surrounded with all these in his own country. He belonged to very ancient and n.o.ble family, and inherited a large estate. The original family name was Motier; but for several generations back had a.s.sumed the addition of _Lafayette_. Some of his male ancestors were distinguished for military, and some of the females for literary talents. His income was 200,000 francs. His property and influence were increased by a matrimonial connexion with a lady of the truly ill.u.s.trious house of NOAILES. He was married at the age of eighteen.

MARIE-PAUL-JOSEPH-ROCH-YVES-GILBERT-MOTIER DE LAFAYETTE was born at the chateau de Chavagnac in the province of Auvergne, September 6th 1757. The rank and affluence of his family secured for him the best education: and this, according to the fashion of the times in France, was not only in cla.s.sical and polite literature, but united also a knowledge of military tactics. At the age of sixteen, he was offered an honorable place at Court, which he declined.

His mind was early imbued with an ardent love of freedom. It is not known whether his study of English writers who were friendly to civil liberty, or an eager curiosity to learn the merits of the dispute between Great Britain and the American colonies, lead him first thus to take a deep interest in favour of our independence. That controversy excited the attention of statesmen on the continent of Europe as well as in England. It has been said that he was acquainted with some distinguished English characters in 1776, from whom he learnt the situation of America, and the object of our revolution. In the latter part of this year, he applied to SILAS DEANE, our agent then at Paris, for information, and encouragement in his plan, already adopted, of rendering his personal service to the cause of America.

While he was at Paris, (Dec. 1776) with these views, Dr. FRANKLIN arrived.

The intelligence, received from him respecting our situation and prospects at that period, was of a nature to discourage any one, who had not cherished the most enthusiastic and resolute purpose to engage in our behalf. Our almost desperate condition seems only to have increased his zeal and devotion to the interests of America. "Hitherto, said he, I have only cherished your cause; I now go to serve it personally." He believed our cause to be just. He considered it the cause of civil liberty; and gloomy as was the prospect, hazardous as was the enterprize, he was determined to support it at the risk of life itself. In his situation, the privations and sacrifices to be made and endured were incalculably great.

It is indeed a singular instance of an heroic enterprize for the good of mankind.

We cannot more justly describe his sentiments and views, than by quoting his own language used at a subsequent period, in a letter to the President of the Continental Congress--"The moment I heard of America, I loved her; the moment I knew she was fighting for liberty, I burnt with a desire to bleed for her." The sacrifices he made cannot be so well otherwise estimated as by reflecting that he left an affectionate wife, in whom he was most happy; and who, he was obliged to a.s.sure, that he would speedily return, before she would consent to the enterprize.

When LAFAYETTE made known his purpose to embark for America, under all the appalling circ.u.mstances of our country, our Envoys were still unable to furnish a pa.s.sage for him. They had no vessels at command; and they were not then in a situation to purchase one. Loans were the object of their mission; but as yet they had not succeeded in obtaining them. And as the French court had not acknowledged our independence, or openly espoused our cause, it would have been improper for them to furnish a vessel for such purpose. What was then done for America must be effected in secret; and at most, only connived at by the French government. But the ardour of young LAFAYETTE was not to be checked by any such considerations. He took council rather of his feelings, than of that prudence by which ordinary minds are governed. He therefore immediately engaged a vessel at his own charges, and sailed for the United States, where he arrived in the month of January. He landed at Charleston, S.C. and soon entered, as a volunteer, in the American army. Soon after his arrival, he purchased clothing and arms for the troops under General MOULTRIE in that quarter. He also early made an advance to General WASHINGTON of 60,000 francs, for the public service.

For several months, he continued to serve in this capacity. His zeal and services were early appreciated by Congress; and in July, 1777, he was created a Major-General. But he did not, at once, act under that commission. In the battle of Brandywine, in September of the same year, although he distinguished himself by his activity and undaunted bravery, it does not appear that he acted as Major-General. He received a wound in his leg, in this engagement, and his services were highly applauded. He remained in the field till the close of the battle, inspiring the men by his presence and active courage. The wound was severe and required attention; but before it was entirely healed, he joined the army again under WASHINGTON. In November, at the head of some Jersey militia, he attacked a body of 300 Hessians and defeated them. General GREENE was engaged in the same affair, a part of the time; and said of young LAFAYETTE, "that he seemed to search for danger." Soon after this period, he had command of a division in the Continental army; and frequently was appointed the chief officer in separate departments of great importance and responsibility.

General WASHINGTON became greatly attached to him. He was an intelligent judge of character; and was never known to bestow his confidence upon those who were not worthy of it. He was so distinguished by the regard of the Commander in Chief, that it became usual to call him "his adopted son."

WASHINGTON loved him for his goodness, and honored him for his bravery and military talents. In the early part of 1778, when it was proposed to make an attack upon Canada, and to endeavor to connect it with the thirteen United States, Gen. LAFAYETTE was appointed to command the troops collecting for that purpose at Albany. This plan originated in Congress, and was said to be much favored by the French Amba.s.sador; but WASHINGTON ever doubted the propriety, or the feasibility of the scheme, and eventually gave his opinion decidedly against it; and it was not prosecuted. It was at this time, probably, that Brigadier General STARK took the oath of fidelity to the American Congress and of renunciation to the king and government of Great Britain, which had then been recently required, before General LAFAYETTE; and which was administered by the commanding officer in each separate Department. The original certificate of this oath is said now to be in existence. It is a singular fact, that a native American took this oath before a foreigner: or perhaps even then, General LAFAYETTE had been declared by Congress to be ent.i.tled to all the rights of a citizen of the United States.

In May 1778, while the British main army was in Philadelphia, and the American troops at Valley Forge, he was detached with about two thousand five hundred men under his command, to a position in advance of the continental camp and near the city, for the purpose of watching the motions of the enemy. The British endeavored to surround and surprise him: but he had timely notice of their plan, and retired in safety to the vicinity of WASHINGTON'S head-quarters. Had he been surprised in this situation, the result would probably proved fatal to our cause. For the continental troops under WASHINGTON were few in number and poorly clothed and armed. But the Commander in Chief, doubtless, was fully aware of the important and critical nature of the service, and entrusted it to one, in whose judgment as well as bravery he had perfect confidence.

Soon after this, in the month of June, the British army left Philadelphia, to return to New-York. It consisted of as large a number of well disciplined troops, as they had in America at any one time; and though they chose not to make a direct attack upon WASHINGTON, they seem to have had no apprehensions of an attack from him. But he was resolved to avail of the occasion of their march through the State of New Jersey, to attack and annoy them. This he did on the memorable 28th of June, near Monmouth court-house; and had his judicious plan been faithfully executed, or his own personal activity and bravely been seconded by General LEE, who had the command of the troops more immediately engaged on that day, a great and decisive victory would in all probability have attended the daring enterprize. General LAFAYETTE had a distinguished command on that critical day. Lee, indeed, at first declined the command of the advanced corps, detached by WASHINGTON to hara.s.s the rear of the enemy while on their march; and it was given to the former: though; afterwards, when it was found, that the enemy was preparing for a general engagement, a reinforcement was ordered, and the whole placed under the command of General Lee. In this whole affair, General LAFAYETTE conducted with remarkable intelligence and bravery; and received the entire approbation of the Commander in Chief.

In August of the same year (1778) when the enemy had a large force on Rhode Island, and were supposed to be meditating an attack on some place in the vicinity, Lafayette (with General Greene) offered his services as a volunteer. The expedition was not attended with success: the British troops then were more numerous than we could collect against them; and what were mustered were princ.i.p.ally militia. The continental regiments were then all needed near New-York. But General Lafayette a.s.sisted in conducting the retreat of our men, with much skill and effect; and his behaviour on the occasion received the particular notice and approbation of Congress.

About this time, with the knowledge and consent of Congress, Lafayette made a visit to Boston. The particular object of this journey is not known. It is evident, however, from the resolve of Congress on the occasion, that it was not from merely personal or private views. It was, no doubt, for some purpose of a public nature, and for the welfare of the nation. The following is the resolve alluded to; and is proof, that his visit at the time, was designed for the promotion of some plan calculated for the prosperity of the country.

"In Congress, Sept. 9th, 1778. Resolved, That the President be requested to inform the Marquis de Lafayette, that Congress have a due sense of the sacrifice he made of his personal feelings, in undertaking a journey to Boston with a view of promoting the interests of these States, at a time when an occasion was daily expected of his acquiring glory in the field; and that his gallantry in going a volunteer on Rhode Island, when the greatest part of the army had retreated, and his good conduct in bringing off the pickets and out sentries, deserves particular approbation." This resolve was communicated to Lafayette by the President of Congress, with a polite note; to which the Marquis replied as follows:


"I have received your favour of the 13th instant, acquainting me of the honor Congress has been pleased to confer on me by their most gracious resolve. Whatever pride such approbation may justly give me, I am not less affected by the feeling of grat.i.tude, and that satisfaction of thinking my endeavours were ever looked upon as useful to a cause in which my heart is so deeply interested. Be so good, Sir, as to present to Congress my plain and hearty thanks, with a frank a.s.surance of a candid attachment, the only one worth being offered to the representatives of a free people. The moment I heard of America, I loved her: The moment I knew she was fighting for liberty, I burnt with the desire of bleeding for her: and the moment I shall be able of serving her, in any time, or in any part of the world, will be the happiest of my life. I never so much wished for occasions of deserving those obliging sentiments I am honored with by these States and their representatives, and that so flattering confidence they have been pleased to put in me; which have filled my heart with the warmest acknowledgments and most eternal affection.

"I pray you to accept my thanks for the polite manner in which you have communicated the resolve of Congress; and I have the honor to be, &c.


During the year 1778, some propositions were made to Congress from the British ministry, through three commissioners, who were sent over to America. The object was to bring about a cessation of hostilities, and peace, without acknowledging our Independence. They were, therefore, immediately rejected. In the address of the commissioners to Congress, the French King and ministers were mentioned with great disrespect, and represented as secret enemies to America; and therefore, not to be believed in their engagements and promises in our favour. The Marquis de Lafayette highly resented this heavy charge against his king and government; and wrote a very spirited letter on the subject, to Lord Carlisle, the princ.i.p.al commissioner. He seemed ready to appear as the champion of his abused Prince and country, in the chivalrous manner such attacks were met in former ages, when disputes were settled between nations by single combat. The indignation he expressed was honorable to his patriotic feelings; but, probably, his maturer years and judgment would have chastened and moderated it.

Early in the year 1779, after an absence from his beloved family and country of more than two years, Lafayette visited France: not however, without the consent of Congress and also of General Washington, and a determination to return to America at a future day. He embarked at Boston.

In waiting for a pa.s.sage to France, the Marquis was several weeks in Boston; and here became acquainted with John Hanc.o.c.k, Dr. Cooper, S. Breck, Esq. and others, to whose families he became particularly attached. The hospitable attention of the Bostonians, was not lost upon him. With warm feelings and elegant manners, he was well qualified to appreciate their patriotism and politeness; and impressions were made upon his generous mind, favourable to their characters, which he has not forgotten to the present day. In no place in America, perhaps, did he find the citizens more congenial to his ardour of affection and devoted love for civil liberty.-- It cannot be doubted, that to a man of his amiable and tender feelings, the consideration of meeting with his family and friends influenced him to this visit. But it appears also, from his letters at that time, that he considered his duty to his King and country required him to go to France.

War was now declared between France and England; and he believed himself bound to give his personal services for the defence of his own nation. With all his zeal in favour of liberty and of America, which he considered engaged in its sacred cause against an arbitrary power, he acknowledged his obligations to a.s.set in protecting his native country. If his King should consent, he engaged to return to America, and devote himself again in support of her rights. The following letters will justify this statement of his views, at the time of which we are speaking. The first is from General Washington to the President of Congress.

"_Head Quarters, Oct. 13th_, 1778.


"This will be delivered to you by Major General, the Marquis de Lafayette.

The generous motives which first induced him to cross the Atlantic, and enter the army of the united States, are well known to Congress. Reasons equally laudable now engage him to return to France, who, in her present circ.u.mstances, claims his services.

"His eagerness to offer his duty to his Prince and country, however great, could not influence him to quit the continent in any stage of an unfinished campaign; he resolved to remain at least till the close of the present; and embraces this moment of suspense, to communicate his wishes to Congress, with a view of having the necessary arrangements made in time; and of being still within reach, should any occasion offer of distinguishing himself in the field.

"The Marquis, at the same time, from a desire of preserving a relation with us, and a hope of having it yet in his power to be useful as an American officer, solicits only a furlough, sufficient for the purposes above mentioned. A reluctance to part with an officer, who unites to all the military fire of youth, an uncommon maturity of judgment, world lead me to prefer his being absent on this footing, if it depended solely on me. I shall always be happy to give such a testimony of his services, as his bravery and good conduct on all occasions ent.i.tle him to; and I have no doubt that Congress will add suitable expressions of their sense of his merits, and their regret on account of his departure. I here the honor to be, &c.


From the Marquis to Congress.

"_Philadelphia. Oct. 8th_, 1778.

"Whatever care I should take not to employ the precious instants of Congress in private considerations, I beg leave to lay before them my present circ.u.mstances, with that confidence which naturally springs from affection and grat.i.tude. The sentiments which bind me to my country, can never be more properly spoken of, than in presence of men who have done so much for their own. As long as I thought I could dispose of myself, I made it my pride and pleasure to fight under American colours, in defence of a cause which I dare more particularly call _ours_, because I had the good fortune of bleeding for her. Now that France is involved in a war, I am led by a sense of duty as well as by patriotic love to present myself before my king, and know in what manner he judges proper to employ my services. The most agreeable of all will always be such as to serve the common cause among those, whose friendship I had the happiness to obtain, and whose fortune I had the honor to follow in less smiling times. That reason, and others, which I leave to the feelings of Congress, engage me to beg from them, the liberty of going home for the next winter.

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Memoirs of General Lafayette Part 1 summary

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