
Manhood Perfectly Restored Part 2

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Drysdale's paper on the "Medical Aspects of Prost.i.tution," read before the Harveian Society of London, remarked that "he still entertained the opinion that there were no worse evils appertaining to human weakness than this. He had opportunities of witnessing the fact that among the young there was no cause of insanity more common than indulging in habits which he would not further particularize, but which were known to result in the most complete bodily and mental prostration."--[British Medical Journal, Feb. 17, 1866.]

Dr. John P. Gray, the distinguished Superintendent of the State Asylum at Utica, New York (Twenty-Fourth Annual Report, 1867), thus speaks of the +influence of masturbation+ in the production of +insanity+: "The records of this inst.i.tution show five hundred and twenty-one cases admitted directly attributable to this vice, and I am well convinced that the number is greatly understated."

We might add confirmatory testimony from a variety of sources, but the foregoing is sufficient for our purpose.

IMPORTANT.--_Peculiar, numb, dead, aching, or tingling sensations in the hands, arms, legs or feet, and headache and specks before the eyes on stooping or reading; also sleeplessness, too sound sleep, and apprehensive dreams should be watched for, and the moment they appear danger from Paralysis or Insanity is to be apprehended and proper treatment at once taken. These symptoms may mean nothing in some cases, but they are terrible harbingers of ill in others._


The following case, taken _verbatim_ from the Care Book of the Insane Asylum at Blackwell's Island, will serve as a _type_ of the many to be found in every hospital for the insane in this country. (_And a terrible and noteworthy fact is, that according to the recent annual reports of these inst.i.tutions, both in this country and Europe, insanity, idiocy and dementia from Seminal Losses and s.e.xual Abuses, are increasing from year to year._)

{Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 4.

Appearance of James McC----, a few weeks before he died.

(See below.)}

"James McC----, admitted to the Asylum ten days ago. Single, clerk, born in N.Y. State. Was found on 6th Avenue surrounded by a crowd who were attracted by his violent and frantic efforts to destroy everything within his reach. On being arrested and taken to the 29th Precinct Station House, he was recognized by the Sergeant on duty at the desk as having been arrested twice before within a week--once for violent shouting and disturbance in the street, and once for an attempt at suicide by drowning. As he had attempted his life by hanging the last time he was locked up, and had afterwards seriously injured himself by trying to dash his brains out, he was adjudged insane, and a watch set on him all night. In the morning, when taken before the magistrate, he was violent and abusive, using the most frightfully obscene and profane language. There he was held for examination and sent to Bellevue in a "straight-jacket," which was found to be necessary in order to control him. From the padded cell there he was sent here.

"Upon examination he is found to be suffering from acute mania, alternating with periods of intense melancholia in which he invariably attempts to take his own life. His language when excited exceeds in obscenity anything ever heard. During the intervals of quiet he is constantly practicing the vile habit which has undoubtedly been the cause of his insanity. He has lost all sense of shame and continues to practice before visitors, attendants and physicians. He makes no effort to go to the water-closet, and his clothes and cell are in a filthy and disgusting state. Ever since admission he has refused all food, and it has been necessary to feed him with a stomach pump. He is losing flesh and strength every day, and is fast wasting away.

"From his relatives who have twice called to see him it was learned that his mental trouble came on very suddenly, although his memory and faculties have been failing for some time past. They say that he complained of sleeplessness, numbness and tingling sensations in the arms and legs, headache, and a peculiar itching of the skin, for months before any distinct symptoms of insanity appeared. They attribute it all to self-abuse, which he has admitted practicing from an early age.

"AUGUST 28th.--Is now paralyzed in both lower limbs. Still violent.

"SEPT. 3d.--Died this morning about 1 A.M. Is so emaciated that he is little more than skin and bones. _Rigor mortis_ entirely absent. Shortly after death the skin of the whole body changed to a dark chocolate hue."

Truth is often stranger than fiction. What end more terrible than this!




Spermatorrhoea may be conveniently divided into three stages.


In this stage the s.e.xual organs of the brain and nervous system first begin to feel the strain of early abuse, overwork, confinement, s.e.xual excess, or whatever the cause may be in this particular case.

The Prostate Gland (_j_, _b_, _Fig. 5_) the Seminal Vesicles (_l_, _Fig. 5_), Cowper's Duct (_n_, _Fig. 5_), the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es and Spermatic Cord (_h_, _f_, _k_, _Fig. 5_), indeed all the s.e.xual apparatus, including the bulbous sympathetic nerves lying just inside the spine, from the small of the back down to the end of the organ, become filled with dark, thick and stagnated blood. The Prostate Gland swells and becomes enlarged, the Seminal Vesicles become weak, baggy and filled with a thin, glairy fluid that oozes out into the urine and urine ca.n.a.l on any little strain, exertion or excitement; especially when, after being in the presence of the opposite s.e.x, weak, feeble erections follow. The t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es become flabby and stringy and no longer make strong, healthy, fecund vital fluid. The constant calls upon them has exhausted them as also the nerves that gave them life, strength and vitality. A heavy dragging +weight+ is often felt in the +groin+, especially after walking or long standing. There is a feeling of +weakness+ and +exhaustion+ in the parts. Often +strange sensations+ shoot through the parts, and they are +cold+ and +clammy+ at one time, while +weak+ and +sweating profusely+ at another.

{Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 5.


[From Acton's Celebrated Work on "The Reproductive Organs."]

_Side view of Body cut in half lengthways_ showing the course taken by the +vital fluid+ from the +t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e+ (where it is made) to the Seminal Vesicles (where it is stored). The p.e.n.i.s is shown cut off at dotted line _g_.

As shown here the +vital fluid+ secreted in the minute tubules of the healthy t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e is gathered into the vas deferens or conveying tube _k_, which pa.s.sing through the groin dips behind the bladder _a_ and empties into the Seminal Vesicles or Storehouse _b_. From here it is thrown forcibly into the urethra (urine ca.n.a.l) _e_, when needed, and expelled anteriorly by the ejaculatory muscles of the urethra. To reach the urethra the Seminal Duct _m_ pa.s.ses directly through the body of the Prostate Gland _j_-_b_. Upon the outside of the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e, the tube or duct is found twisted and forming a slight bunch, known as the epididymis, _f_, _g_, _h_.

It is here that the pressure of a +Varicocele+ is first felt--here that it succeeds _in cutting off the free upward flow of vital fluid_ by pressure on these soft branches of the duct, causing +emissions+ by varying and irregular pressure and +Impotence+ by constant pressure. When the +Varicocele+ becomes very large, it then destroys the delicate tubing or the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e itself.}

The general nervous system also feels the +strain+ and +drain+. +Memory and application+, +good judgment+, +decision of character+, and +clear-sightedness+ are not what they were. +Headaches+ are not uncommon. +Bashfulness and trepidation+, especially in the presence of females, is the rule. The person feels +clumsy+, +embarra.s.sed+ and +ill at ease+. +Sleep+ is sometimes poor, there are occasionally +terrible dreams+, sometimes +lascivious ones+ accompanied by +emissions+, +drowsiness+ and a tired, languid feeling in the morning, and a +disinclination to rise+ and go to work are certain signs of +impending+ nervous exhaustion. +The eyes are dull and heavy+, often +black-ringed+ underneath. The pupils of the eyes are unequal--often very large--sometimes one small and one large. The hands tremble and perspire +easily+. The person is +absent-minded, melancholy, p.r.o.ne to brood, and fears the jests+ or ridicule of his companions. The +skin+, especially of the +face+, sometimes becomes +coa.r.s.e and red, sometimes is pale and pasty+ and covered with +blotches or pimples+. There is sometimes +spasm at the neck of the bladder+, causing +some delay before the urine will flow freely+. Often it is pa.s.sed in a +forked or twisted stream+, plainly showing the presence of either organic or spasmodic stricture.

+Twitching of the muscles of the eyelid, face and limbs+ is often present, accompanied sometimes by +creeping sensations up the spine+, +flushings of the face+, +chills+ (slight), +dizziness and black spots before the eyes+ on stooping over and occasionally by neuralgic pains in the +head+ and about the heart. If unchecked, or if the baneful habit is still persisted in, the symptoms of the First Stage merge rapidly into those of the


Here all the symptoms of the foregoing stage are usually present, only somewhat more intensified. The +congestion+ and +irritation+ are +more decided+, the +weakness+ more marked, the +nervous prostration+ more decided. Any, many, or all of the following symptoms may be present, according to the degree of severity or the rapidity of the disease:

+Emissions+ (day or night), +Oozing of a glairy fluid+ under excitement and imaginings, presence of the opposite s.e.x, etc., +Partial+ and +Imperfect Erections, Desire to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e+, Formation of +Evil Pictures in the Mind+, +Flushing and Chilliness+, +Stupidity and Tendency to Doze or Sleep+, +Mental Hebetude+, +Failing Memory+, +Lack of Power of Application, Energy or Concentration+, +Restlessness+, +Pain and Smarting+ in pa.s.sing urine, +Wetting the Bed+, +Pain in the Kidneys+, +Headache+, +Pimples+ on the face or body, +Itching or peculiar sensations+ about the s.c.r.o.t.u.m (bag), thighs, legs, a.n.u.s, etc., +Wasting+ of the +Organs+, +Stringiness and Softening+ of the +t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es+, +Dyspepsia+, +Sluggish Bowels+, +Torpid Liver+, +Failing Sight+, +Pains in the Head+ (front, top and back), Chest, Limbs, etc., Sensation of the +Bowels Falling Out+, +Dizziness+ on stooping over or kneeling, +Specks+ before the +Eyes+, +Erotic Dreams+, +Melancholy+ (developing sometimes into +Insanity+), +Numbness+ of arms, hands, feet or legs (precursors of +Paralysis+), +Twitchings+ of the muscles of the eyelids and elsewhere (sometimes ending in +Epileptic Fits+ or +St. Vitus' Dance+), +Timidity+, +Diabetes+ and +Deposits+ in the +Urine+, +Troubled Breathing+, +Indecision+, +Loss of Will Power+, +Bashfulness+, +Burning+ of the face, +Coldness+ and +Clamminess+ of the feet and hands, also of the +s.c.r.o.t.u.m+ (or bag), +Palpitation+ of the heart, +Early Loss of fluid during connection+, +Feelings of Gloom, Despondency, Hopelessness+ of a cure, or fear of impending danger or +misfortune+, +Tenderness of the Scalp+ and +Spine+, +Dryness+ and +Itching of the skin+, +Sudden Sweating+, +Sudden Nervous Trembling+, +Noises+ and +Reports+ in the ears and brain, +Weight+ on the brain, +Weak+ and +Flabby Muscles+, easily tired after slight exertion, +Desire to Sleep late+ in the mornings and +failure to be rested+ by sleep, +Weakness+ and +Torpor+ the day after a nightly emission has occurred, the +Oozing of thick white fluid+ from the urethra when +constipated+ or +straining at stool+, +Varicocele+, etc., etc.


As a rule the +organs waste away+ rapidly or become +curved, twisted, or misshapen+. Oftentimes the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es +dwindle away+ to almost nothing.

+Settled gloom+ and +melancholy+ pervade the mind, and +hallucinations+, +morbid fear+, +unnatural l.u.s.t+, +groundless jealousy+ and a +morbid desire for solitude+ show themselves. Undoubtedly the list of promotive causes is considerably augmented by maltreatment and the employment of injudicious remedies. We should therefore suggest to all prudent persons the wisdom and importance of consulting _competent authority_ only.

Self-enervation in the first instance brings about that irritability which evinces itself in +nocturnal discharges+, afterwards in inappreciable but exhaustive +diurnal discharges+, and subsequently in complete debility of the whole generative system. This seminal fluid, such indeed as it is--weak, effete and devoid of all generative power--is undoubtedly the fluid which the organs suffer to escape; and to prevent further its flow, as well as to give a healthy tone to the secretory and retentive vessels ought to form our first care.


It is a curious pathological fact, that during the progress of Spermatorrhoea, difficulty of breathing, cough, and tightness of the chest, arising in many const.i.tutions from the seminal disorder, have sometimes been actually mistaken for pulmonary consumption. The cough is often distressing, occasionally attended by an expectoration of an offensive kind. There is no doubt that many have been maltreated for consumption when Spermatorrhoea was the real malady. That the latter leads to the former is certain enough, but the stages and connections of the respective diseases have been grossly misunderstood by pract.i.tioners who have not had sufficient personal acquaintance with the indications of Spermatorrhoea.

Remember that these continued seminal discharges of an involuntary character disorder every function of the animal economy, and it may be added that while Spermatorrhoea produces so many ruinous effects peculiar to itself, it aggravates and excites any other disease which may co-exist with it.

The +features+ become +pale, emaciated and haggard+. The +eyes are dead, sunken+ and l.u.s.treless, and in many cases hold in their depths +a look of wild, unsettled fear that denotes rapidly approaching insanity+. The +bowels+ become +sluggish+, the +appet.i.te capricious+, the +muscles weak+, the +urine pale+ and with +a heavy sediment of s.e.m.e.n+ that drains away in it almost constantly. +Emissions+ at night becoming more frequent and copious--sometimes b.l.o.o.d.y--although the fluid secreted by the wasted t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es is +scarcely stronger than water+. +s.e.xual incapacity shows itself.+ +e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n+ is either +too quick+ or else very +long delayed+. The +skin+ becomes dry and sallow, the +liver congested and sluggish+. +The heart beats irregularly+, and any sudden sound, movement or fright sets it to beating violently. +Shortness of breath+ is complained of. +The brain becomes weaker and more sluggish day by day.+

{Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 6.


Showing where the vital fluid is made and stored and how, and by what means it pa.s.ses from the +Testes+ (where it is made) to the +Vesicles+ (where it is stored). The heavy black marks on either side of the urine channel, show the relative position of the ejaculatory muscles.}

He generally loses flesh, and feels uneasiness in his stomach which suffers from many of the symptoms accompanying dyspepsia. He is easily startled; the slamming of a door, the firing of a cracker, the falling of a book, a sudden touch, or even speaking to him unexpectedly, will cause him to start. Cowardice is a sure consequence of Self-Abuse and involuntary emissions. The appet.i.te is irregular, often poor, sometimes voracious; the bowels are also variable in their action. The prostatic portion of the urethra is frequently irritable and sometimes is very much +inflamed+; oftentimes there is a +thickening, a sponginess or puffiness+ of the parts immediately involving the ejaculatory ducts.

The mucous membrane of the vesiculae seminales becomes inflamed and thickened. The +t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es+ and the +spermatic cord+ are oftentimes very tender and the seminal fluid is much thinner than natural. Such a Patient has generally +dark spots under his eyes+, +a sharp nose+, and often +flushes of hectic color+ in his cheeks, particularly when in the presence of company, and there is more or less palpitation of the heart.

In the second stage, as in the first, the pollutions are diurnal and nocturnal; the latter are copious and recur frequently. So insensible is the pa.s.sage of s.e.m.e.n that the patient is usually astonished and horrified on waking to find himself and +bedclothes saturated+ with this fluid, which is easily absorbed by the clothes, and rapidly dries up, because it has become thin, watery and effete. In addition to this loss he is subject to one equally great on almost every occasion of +urinating+ and +defecating+. This also takes place without any consciousness on his part, and his only knowledge of the fact is from the alarming weakness he experiences after pa.s.sing water or going to stool. Distraction or absence of mind renders the judgment unfit for any extensive enterprise.

The s.e.xual powers are greatly weakened; the overtaxed organs refuse to fulfill their legitimate task; their susceptibility and irritability are so great that the power of retention is lost, and the seminal fluid is discharged prematurely.

The generative organs are wasted and inactive, or so weakened as to secrete but a ropy, thin and glairy fluid, having few or none of the characteristics of Vital Fluid. Should the individual suffering this way--and either careless or unfortunate enough to go uncured--have offspring, they will a.s.suredly be puny in body and weakly in mind, and will lead a miserable existence through the neglect and indiscretion of their parent.


This stage is an aggravation of the two preceding stages combined.

The emissions are accompanied and followed by a disagreeable and disgusting sensation of shame and misery. The mind is absorbed as much as can be by the one idea of its wretched situation, and the sufferer is haunted by the thought that his condition and its cause are known to the whole world, and that he is pitied or scorned by every person he meets.

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