
Manhood Perfectly Restored Part 1

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Manhood Perfectly Restored.

by Unknown.


It is with great pleasure that we send you a copy of this, the sixth edition of our brochure on s.e.xual and Urinary Diseases. The success of the Civiale Urethral Method, since its first introduction into America, has been almost unparalleled in Medical History, and we feel that the time has come for replacing the brief pamphlet containing a mere outline of the method, with a work somewhat more full and exhaustive.

Aware of the number of worthless and oftentimes actually injurious remedies that are being advertised and recommended for the cure of these affections, and the bogus doctors and worthless firms that infest every large city, we have endeavored to give inquiring patients every proof and a.s.surance of the efficacy of the Civiale Remedies, every facility for investigating our methods, and proving, to their entire satisfaction, both the medical ability of our Consulting Staff, and the honor, honesty and fair dealing of the Agency. We court the fullest and freest investigation, either by patients themselves or any friends of theirs in this city, either of whom we shall be happy to see and satisfy at any time, at our Consulting Rooms, Business Offices or Manufactory.

Repeated trials in some of the most severe cases of Spermatorrhoea and Impotency, in both France and America, have proven the Civiale Remedies to be safe, speedy and most satisfactory in all their results, and we feel justly proud of having in our hands so excellent and efficient a means for the radical cure of so obstinate, serious and often dangerous a disease. We take pride in having saved many a young and promising life, in having often stayed the hand bent upon self-destruction, and in having many times cheated the grave or the insane asylum of its expected prey. Nor do we feel less proud in having been able, in cases of not so serious, though often of a more embarra.s.sing nature, to restore to full s.e.xual Power and Vigor _middle-aged and older men whose desire had out-lived their power_, or who, through early abuse, had become so weakened as to be totally Impotent, incapable of perpetuating their species--ashamed, discomfited, and disappointed at being somewhat less than a man.

As every case cured is the very best advertis.e.m.e.nt that we can have, it is hardly necessary for us to say that we endeavor to exercise the utmost care, skill and discretion in both diagnosing and treating these cases, and a.s.siduity and scientific accuracy in preparing and compounding those remedies of which we are the fortunate possessors.

Indeed, we do everything in our power to make success an absolute certainty.

A word in closing. Our STAFF OF CONSULTING PHYSICIANS is composed of men selected with great care for their special skill and attainments in this special branch of Medical Science. These gentlemen are handsomely remunerated for their services, and take a pride and interest in every case they treat.

Our physicians hold no pecuniary interest in the Agency, and hence prescribe for each case solely on its merits, having nothing to gain by selling less or more to any one under their care. They see and treat each case solely and wholly from a medical standpoint, and hence are never influenced by any pecuniary considerations whatsoever. However great the reputation of our physicians may be, we have, from the first organization of this inst.i.tution, taken and held the ground that the best interest of the patient is best served by resolutely divorcing the Medical from the Business Department.

The Civiale Urethral Treatment



The Baneful Effects and Consequences of Masturbation, Marriage Excesses, Venereal and Urinary Diseases on Boys and Men.

Could we read the heart of every man and boy we pa.s.s upon the street, how few--how very few--there are that would not reveal sickening pictures of l.u.s.t, disease, melancholy and insanity. Charnel-houses of sin and l.u.s.t--sloughs of despond and regret--excess of pa.s.sion offset by lack of power--dread, despair, hopelessness, shame and desperation, making a picture of misery scarcely to be conceived by any but those unfortunate beings who in the thoughtless, careless heyday of youth, or the reckless reliance on more mature vigor, have weakened, emasculated and enslaved themselves by indulgences and excesses that have borne fruit of misery, disease and desperation in after years.

How little the youth who, in his ignorance of the terrible consequences of his vice, steals away to the secrecy of his chamber or his bed, leaving his happy, healthy and playful companions, in order that he may let the hot waves of l.u.s.t and pa.s.sion run riot in his mind, and dry up every spring of healthy thought and action--how little does he think of the after-time of misery and exhaustion that he is bringing upon himself--how little does he think that the vile demon that he is raising up will, like the vampire, suck his very life-blood, steal away his strength and life and vivacity, besmirch and weaken his mind, take the strength from his muscles, the courage from his heart, sap the very foundation of his existence, uns.e.x and unnerve him, render him feeble, wavering and imbecile, dog his footsteps to the very steps of the altar, to curse and blacken and disappoint those joys of parentage and marital right that should be his. The shadow deepens with him as life advances, and follows him, bringing shame and misery and despair at every step, until the poor victim, driven too far, sinks into an early grave by disease or suicide, or is lost to the world and to all joys and friends behind the doors of an insane asylum.

He died of no disease known to medical science. He simply faded away--weaker, more nerveless and hopeless day by day; he faded away until, almost before any one knew it, the grave yawned to receive him.

Poor, miserable, hopeless wreck--poor suicide, for his own sin and crime were the real causes of his death.

How many such there are at the present day. We meet them on the street, in business and at church. Our insane asylums are full of them. We find their wives unfaithful or unhappy; and their offspring--when they are cursed with any--poor, miserable, weak fledgelings, with aged, wasted faces, water on the brain, with rickets and softening of the bones--idiots or imbeciles--dying early and scarcely regretted even by the parent whose progeny they are, for every wail of the little suffering voice pierced his heart and reminded him of his l.u.s.tful sin, and pa.s.sionate, inexcusable indulgence that caused all this misery.

"And the sins of the father shall be visited upon the children, even to the third and fourth generations."

Alas, how true! how indisputable! The imperative Laws of Nature once broken, the consequences are _inevitable_.

Of late years it has become the fashion amongst certain men to scoff at this terrible vice of secret indulgence, and to claim that its evil effects are overrated, are portrayed too vividly. Ask some poor unfortunate whose confidence you may succeed in gaining, and listen to the pitiful tale of lost health and vitality he will tell you. Mark well the wasted hand, the putty-like skin, the black-ringed, lack-l.u.s.tre eyes, the heavy lip, the labored breath--read the consequences of his sin and crime in his shame-faced way, his shambling gait, his nerveless hands, his fluttering heart, his weakened muscles, and his tottering memory and mind.

Must he needs lie dead at our feet before these skeptics can be convinced? Is not such a state a living death? Must these men visit him in the cell of the asylum, watch him as a raving maniac, gaze upon him as a hopeless idiot or a driveling imbecile, before they will be convinced? Such proof is at hand. Not an asylum in any country but has its score of such; not an asylum record-book but chronicles the sad histories of thousands of these poor, lost creatures--male and female; not an asylum nurse or doctor but will sadly point out these creatures to you, bereft of every trace of reason, all sense of shame, still practicing the horrible vice that has driven every semblance of humanity from their faces and the very light of reason from their eyes.

True, every boy or man who practices this vice does not come to this end. But who shall discriminate? There are thousands such, and who shall say which it shall be, or at what moment it shall occur? Ah! happy, rosy-cheeked boy, so gay and thoughtless now, so free from misery, disease and care, beware! It may be your turn next. A little thoughtless indulgence, the imitation of friend or companion, though apparently harmless now, may blanch your rosy cheek, destroy your peace and happiness of mind, and make a life-long, hopeless, suffering invalid of you--may shut the door of all earthly enjoyment in your face, blast your hopes, disease or destroy your offspring, alienate you from friends and family, and cut off from all communion with your race, make you an object of shame and disgust to your fellow-men, sink you into an early grave or entomb you for life in the cold stony walls of a lunatic asylum.

The day will come, erstwhile, when you will curse the parents who reared you, the friends who surrounded you and the teachers and ministers who taught you, for not warning you of the terrible nature of this indulgence, so secretly common amongst boys and young men.

The day will come, when in the midst of your mental, moral and physical agony, with weakened mind and exhausted body, physicians will tell you that masturbation is practically harmless, that its consequences are exaggerated, and that your sufferings are mostly imaginary. Then will you pity their ignorance and bemoan the fact that to such men must sufferers in your terrible extremity apply without any feeling of being understood, appreciated or sympathized with, and, far less, relieved or cured.

Happy will you be then, if you can (with your vice and misery staring you in the face and threatening you with some or all of its dire consequences) direct your steps to those who not only can and will sympathize with you, but who are able to aid you with proper remedies and restoratives and set you safely on the way to health and happiness again. For there _are_ proper aids and remedies; there are hope and happiness to be obtained if the affections growing out of this vice be skillfully taken in hand in time. None but the hopeless sufferers who have been lifted from the misery, shame and weakness of their self-inflicted suffering know how much this world owes to the high medical skill, exhaustive study, and persistent search for truth and proper remedies of those two great Frenchmen, +Professors Claude Lallemand+ and +Jean Civiale+. The medical as well as civil honors conferred upon them by their country and their medical brethren, great as they were, could never half repay them for the good they rendered thoughtless youth and suffering manhood by their special discoveries.

There can be no question but that the +Civiale Urethral Crayons+, named thus after this great specialist, and endorsed by the most eminent medical men of France (that country in which l.u.s.t and pa.s.sion are peculiarly prevalent), are the most far-reaching and reliable specifics for Generative, s.e.xual and Nervous diseases known.



Many years' experience in the treatment of these debilitating diseases has proven very surely that there are many causes besides Self-Abuse (Self-Pollution, Secret Vice or Masturbation) for Spermatorrhoea, Impotency and Debility or Lost Manhood. Self-Abuse is the most common cause, and we therefore give it the most prominence. The others we will name briefly in about the order of their frequency.

1. MARRIAGE EXCESSES.--A very common cause, more often producing Impotency (loss of s.e.xual Desire or Power) and Sterility (inability to beget offspring), than Spermatorrhoea (loss of vital fluid, daily and nightly losses, losses in the urine, nervous prostration, debility, insanity, paralysis, &c. For full description of symptoms, see pages 12-16). s.e.xual desire was given to mankind, like any other power or appet.i.te--to be enjoyed in reasonable moderation _and for the purpose of insuring a continuance of our species by the birth of offspring_. Many men abuse this power--abuse it inordinately, shamefully--and suffer the consequences. This is especially true of the newly married, and men advanced in years, who push their failing powers too far. As a just retribution for the abuse of so important a function, the Almighty deprives some of desire, some of power, some of both.

2. ONANISM.--By many this is confused with Masturbation or Self-Abuse.

While like it in some respects and in many of its consequences, it is still different. It is as hurtful to an adult as abuse is to a young person. G.o.d punished Onan for this sin, hence its name. Yet, despite this terrible example so plainly set forth in the Old Testament, probably one-half of the married men of the present day are pursuing it, and hence so many Impotent and Powerless persons, seeking vainly amongst the many cheap, quack remedies for something to re-invigorate and re-vitalize them.

This is a terrible vice, terrible in its consequences, and however hardy and robust the man, sooner or later his s.e.xual powers must and will succ.u.mb to the strain. Many men write us, saying that they never m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed, and yet are totally impotent and cannot understand why it is. And yet they have been thus injuring themselves for years!

s.e.xual power and desire were given us for one purpose--the perpetuation of our species, and whoso endeavors to avoid this, must suffer. Many married couples do not want more children, from care, poverty or other causes, and hence the extent to which this terrible practice is indulged. It _must_ be from ignorance, for were it commonly known how injurious this practice is, _but few would dare take the terrible risk_.

And yet the resulting weakness can be speedily cured if properly treated. In no cla.s.s of cases have the Civiale Remedies achieved greater success than in these.

3. ANYTHING DEBILITATING--such as Overwork, Confinement, Sedentary Occupations, Worry, Care, Excitement, &c., &c.--These are much more common causes of s.e.xual and Generative Diseases than is generally supposed, and usually very obstinate and difficult to treat, because the system is so run down that there is very little stamina or vitality to rely upon. Clerks, business men, lawyers, bankers, ministers and students are very subject to this form of impaired vital and s.e.xual power. Theological students are very p.r.o.ne to it. Many do not have any idea as to what their real trouble is, and lose much valuable time in doctoring for Dyspepsia, Consumption, Neurasthenia and the like, when really their very life and vitality are oozing away from them in their urine or otherwise.

4. WOMEN'S (OR VENEREAL) DISEASES.--Gonorrhoea (clap), Gleet, Stricture, Injury to the Urine Ca.n.a.l from the rough use of sounds, bougies, catheters, &c., &c. Any one or all of these, by extending the inflammation backward to the seminal ducts and neck of the bladder, may cause either Spermatorrhoea or Impotency. Indeed, Stricture (often caused by Self-Abuse) is one of the most common causes of these complaints. It was here that +Lallemand+ and +Civiale+ found the key-note of the true treatment of these diseases.

5. VARICOCELE, or a wormy, swollen or twisted state of the veins in the bag, and of those that run down to the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es, is a very common cause of both Spermatorrhoea, Impotency and Debility. (For full description of this very common and often unexpected disease, send for our ill.u.s.trated pamphlet on the subject, or see Chapter XI, page 44 of this book.) No man or boy with Varicocele, no matter how it was produced, can be perfectly sound and strong in his s.e.xual Organs.

6. UNDEVELOPED, WASTED OR MISSHAPEN PARTS.--A failure to have perfectly developed organs sometimes dates from birth, but in most cases it is caused by self-abuse at a time when the person is growing. In any case, Seminal weakness and Wasted or Misshapen Parts go together as both cause and effect, and the one, when found, will usually very soon lead to the other. _Twisting or Curving_ is one of the most positive signs of previous inflammation, stricture and twisting or distortion of the seminal ducts, and hence sterility or barrenness. In such especially are the remarkable effects of the +Civiale Treatment+ the most noticeable.

We can say with positiveness, and prove it by case after case, that by no other method can such rapid and perfect restoration of the organs to a natural and healthy state be obtained as by this. Some of the very worst and apparently most hopeless cases that we have had--cases that have gone from one physician to another without the slightest improvement--have yielded effectually to the +Civiale Remedies+. In some of them the persons thus afflicted would have been totally unfitted for marriage had they failed to find relief. Their children--healthy, happy and finely developed--speak volumes for what our treatment has done for them. (For Treatment refer to page +42+ of this book.)


We have thus far given briefly the most common causes of Seminal Disease. There are a few that we have not mentioned: Blows on the Head, Loins (Small of the Back), t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es, &c.; Weakness caused by prolonged illness, fevers, &c.; Malaria, Consumption, &c.; the abuse of Tobacco, Opium, Alcohol and Chloral, &c., &c.; but these are less common and less important. There is one condition, however, that we have only referred to incidentally, and that is the failure of s.e.xual Power in men past middle age. No man (if he is reasonably careful and does not abuse himself) should find his powers decaying before he is seventy or eighty years of age. Mind, we do not say "no man does," but no man "_should_,"

provided he is reasonably careful.

But here comes the fact. Most men are _not_ careful, and most men _have_ abused themselves at some period. Many believe and stoutly maintain that they "never had emissions or seminal disease, and it didn't hurt them."

But it did, and it is just now that they begin to feel it. It is true they escaped the more acute and direful effects, but it told on them in after years. There are many thousands to-day who are just now feeling the effects of early vices, now almost forgotten. They can be restored to _natural_ power by proper treatment, but they rarely are, because but few of them believe that early self-abuse or later Onanism has anything to do with it. So they spend a fortune almost--and uselessly too--on Stimulants, Nervines, Tonic and the like, but still remain partly or wholly Impotent. Foolish men!


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