
Love In The Fast Lane Part 11

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Or a girl who makes potions in a travelling show

I know it's not much but it's the best I can do

My gift is my song and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song

It may be quite simple but now that it's done

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind that I put down in words

How wonderful life is while you're in the world"

The song made Nate feel sad. It was like she was singing it just for Noah.

"You and me against the world, Squirt."

"You and me, Mom," he muttered as he drifted off to sleep.

Brielle turned and found Nate's gaze. She walked toward him and turned the light off on her way out.

"How long were you out there?" she asked.

"Long enough."

He found himself reaching to touch her. His hand barely caressed her skin, "You're an amazing mother, Brielle. And I'm not at all trying to take Noah away from you. I just want a chance to get to know my son."

Her expression softened and Nate didn't think before he dipped his head and ever so lightly brushed his lips against hers. She stood stock still and didn't make a move which meant she didn't push him away either.

"Are you seeing that guy?" he asked against her skin. Where the h.e.l.l had that question come from?

"What guy?" she sounded less composed than before.

"That guy you were with earlier."

"Matt? No, he's Emma's brother."

"Good," with that he captured her mouth and she had no choice but to open to him. What he didn't expect was for her to practically melt in his arms. He pulled her against him and gently made love to her mouth. She matched him as their tongues danced together in re-acquaintance. He remembered every contour of her supple lips and he found himself getting rock hard against her stomach. He cornered her against the hallway wall and he felt her push her b.r.e.a.s.t.s up into him. He groaned, feeling as turned-on as a teenager.

"Nate, stop," Brielle pushed him away.

He looked down into her face. At her flushed cheeks and pouty lips, swollen from his kisses. So beautiful. But the distress on her features was like a bucket of cold ice on his erection.

"We can't do this," she had her small hand on his hard chest, keeping him at a distance. "The situation is confusing enough without throwing our hormones into the mix. I'm not that naive twenty-something anymore. I'm not going to be some cheap lay."

With that she walked around him and left him there, feeling like an a.s.shole with a hard on.


THE NEXT DAY NATE AWOKE early, feeling jumpy. He dressed in his sweats, pulled on his hoodie and, needing to expel this pent-up energy, knew that a hard road run was just what he needed. He had to keep his fitness up as part of the F1 Regulations anyway so he could definitely use the workout. Plugging in his Ipod to Dub Step, he stretched out as the music and rhythm blended to warm his blood. As the crescendo hit, he pounded the pavement hard and fast, feeling his lungs open and his heart pump faster and faster.

Last night had him on edge. He was feeling things that he never had before. Feelings he had no understanding of or explanation for. He was expecting the situation with Noah to be an uphill battle but so far, he had found that he was coming to easily settle into the idea of his son. He had enjoyed their time together so much last night that he'd stayed on far longer than he ever intended to. He had expected to pop in, see Noah and get the h.e.l.l out of there before Brielle even saw him. Instead he'd ended up with far more than he had ever bargained for. Noah was beginning to creep up into his heart and that scared Nate. He didn't even know if this whole situation with Noah was going to be permanent. He still wasn't sure if he was a good thing for the kid but despite what his head was telling him, his heart continued to lead him to Noah.

And kissing Brielle last night? s.h.i.t, that was a bad idea. He hadn't even planned to kiss her; he'd just heard her sing to Noah and shared the intimate moment between mother and son and it felt like the right thing to do. And oh, she was so hot for him. He still remembered the fullness of her lips against his and her fingers against his bare neck, holding him to her. He could lose a few hours in her. And he had, a long time ago. But the situation was complicated enough without trying to paint himself into a ready-made family. That was never the life he wanted. Plus she was p.i.s.sy with him on most days, but it could just as well be his very presence that brings out the dragon in her. Nate thought back to Brazil and the young, pliant girl she had been. So young and carefree and so focussed on her career. What happened to that girl?

He slowed down to catch his breath as he stood in front of the gym. Another half an hour of cycling and he should be good to go energy levels back to normal, not spiking into overload.

Sliding into a cycle, he cranked his Ipod up to another fast-paced beat. He needed a distraction. He needed to forget about Brielle and keep his focus purely on Noah. He watched the yoga cla.s.s that was downstairs in the gla.s.s studio. Now, that was a distraction he could use. He took in the scantily clad women with their short yoga pants and tank tops. They were all bent forward with their a.s.ses in the air and Nate grinned in appreciation. Downward facing dog, his favorite. He noticed that the other men beside him on the adjacent cycles were also nodding their appreciation.

The women stretched forward, their a.s.ses climbing up high. Oh, what a view it was. He noticed the instructor in front. She looked like a blonde with her hair tied back and a thick black bandeau holding her hair away from her face. He couldn't get a look at her face but her body was toned and s.e.xy and soft. She got into a cat-like pose, on all fours and then arched her back up and then stuck her a.s.s out again, almost like asking to be taken from behind. Nate was getting hard. Geez, he'd clearly gone without s.e.x for far too long if a fully clothed woman was getting him hard. She continued with her yoga poses, twisting and contorting her body in unimaginable stances. Now, this was a woman he could take to bed. She could probably show him a thing or two, so unlike the stiff Brielle Woods. Yes, when this cla.s.s was over, he was definitely going to give miss yoga pants a taste of Nate. Some hot s.e.x with a stranger was just what he needed to take the edge off and keep him far away from his baby-momma.

She lifted her head and Nate nearly fell off his cycle. Standing on one foot and bending forward, the yoga teacher was none other than Brielle herself. This day was really turning to s.h.i.t.

Brielle felt much better after her yoga cla.s.s. Nothing calmed her down and revived her better than advanced yoga. It was exactly what she had needed after the stress of the past week. Between seeing Nate again and the paternity test, and then Noah's party and that kiss last night! That was the kicker. She had never ever expected to kiss Nate again. She had imagined many scenarios in her head over the last five years. About how she'd give him a piece of her mind and tell him to shove off and then run into the waiting arms of another hot guy. But she didn't have any guy waiting, never mind a hot one. h.e.l.l, she hadn't had time for a man since Noah had been born. Her son came first and providing for him was a full-time job.

Then Nate had come along and kissed the air right out of her lungs and ended her six-year drought. All that left her was wet and waiting and h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l. She didn't like it, not one bit. So, she'd sought solace in the one activity that best soothed her yoga.

Her cla.s.s cleared out and she packed up her mat and strode toward the exit. On the way out she noticed some men sparring in the boxing ring. They seemed to be doing some sort of mixed martial arts and Brielle squinted for a closer look. Great, all she had to do was think of the man and he was miraculously conjured up. There was Nate, standing in his sweats and sweat-drenched t-shirt, battling it out with another guy to stay upright. Even in his sweat-drenched state the man managed to look just delectable. Her nipples started to tingle and she chastised her body for betraying her.

At that moment Nate wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked up to meet Brielle's eyes. His gaze dropped to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and no doubt he was appreciating her pointed nipples. Before she could warn him, the other guy came around and sucker punched him right in the side of his face and he went down like a sack of bricks. He rolled around and groaned as he sat upright in the ring, arms on his knees. The contender was all too happy, hopping around Nate in the ring. Brielle shook her head and laughed to herself. Boys will be boys. Plus, he kind of deserved it after his moves on her the night before.

Brielle headed home for a quick shower and then back to the Brentwood Hills home. She was having yet another open house and was hoping that this time the house would actually sell. She was expecting to meet Paul, one half of the amazing couple she had met earlier in the week, and hopefully she could close the deal and convince him to buy the house.

Considering that it wasn't a formal working day, she opted to dress more casually today. She slipped on her confidence heels for luck anyway. Noah was at a friend's house for the day so she didn't have to rush to get back to him, which was a great help if things went as she hoped they would.

When Paul walked into the home at noon he was sans Claudette.

"All by your lonesome today?" she teased, walking over to shake his hand.

He surprised her by enveloping her in a big hug. "No need for formalities. I feel like we are already well acquainted."

Brielle laughed good naturedly as Paul let her go. He pulled out a bottle of wine and found two wine gla.s.ses in the spa.r.s.ely equipped kitchen.

"Are we celebrating?" she asked hopefully.

"If things go as planned, then yes we are." He had a twinkle in his eye and Brielle felt a tingle of antic.i.p.ation run up her spine.

He poured the wine and clinked gla.s.ses in a toast.

His cell phone rang and as he pulled it out of his pocket, Brielle caught a glimpse of Claudette's name but Paul declined the call.

"Is everything ok?" she asked, concern starting to overshadow her bubble.

"Yeah, it's fine. We, Claudette and I, broke up yesterday."

"Oh, no, Paul." Brielle placed her hand over Paul's on the counter and her heart pinched, both for the couple and the potential sale of the home.

Paul shrugged but didn't remove his hand. "It's for the best, she was very possessive and things weren't working out.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it," he stepped closer to her. "I'm still interested in buying the house."

He stepped closer still and his knees b.u.mped against hers as she backed up against the kitchen counter.

"Paul," Brielle breathed. Trepidation starting to kick in. What was he doing? This was not what she wanted.

"Yes, Brielle?" he caressed her cheek and leaned into her.

"Paul, no. This is not what I want." She started to push against him but he now had his hands on her and was pulling her in. "Stop!"

She tried to pull out of his grasp but he was so strong and his body locked in all the parts of her anatomy she could have used as potential weapons. Brielle started to panic as Paul moved in closer. She had no way of getting out of his grasp.

"Paul, stop!"

"Is everything ok in here?" a cold voice at the foyer inquired.

Brielle heard footsteps coming toward them and she turned to the sound. She was never so happy to see Nate in her life.

"Oh, darling!" she gushed as she pushed away from Paul. "What took you so long?"

She waltzed into Nate's arms and pressed her body into his so he would get the picture, then pulled his mouth down to hers in a deep kiss. She needed his embrace as much for the charade as for the comfort and safety. For a few moments he just stood there, not moving and she willed him to just go with it. When his response did kick in, he dipped her low and deepened the kiss, even going so far as to cup her a.s.s.

"Too far," she whispered, loud enough for only the two of them to hear.

"It's your game," he whispered back, a sly grin on his face.

She pushed away and regarded Paul coldly. "So, where were we?"

Paul looked miffed. "I will see you soon, Brielle." And he walked out in a huff.

When the door shut, she fell back heavily against the cool wall and let the cold soothe her heating flesh. Whether she was overheating from Nate's kiss or from Paul's near miss, she couldn't tell for sure.

"You ok?" Nate asked. "You're shaking. What did that moron want? Did he hurt you?"

"He came in here with his girlfriend the last time and I thought he wanted to buy the house, and then today he just came at me."

"Didn't you read the signs?"

Brielle looked at him dubiously. "What signs?"

"He came in here dressed for a date on a Sunday. He comes in without said girlfriend. And he brings you wine," he lifted the bottle for emphasis. "Unless it was you who brought the wine." He lifted a questioning eyebrow.

Brielle shook her head, still reeling. What would have happened if Nate hadn't walked in?

"Why didn't you just tell him to shove off? Why the facade of a boyfriend when that a.s.shole forced himself on you?"

Brielle could tell Nate's blood pressure was rising. "I just saw an easier way out. If I freaked then you would have too, and you'd have beat him into the marble floors, and then I'd have to clean up all the blood, and I just didn't see it as worth the trouble."

Nate smirked, obviously seeing right through her attempt at humor to lighten the situation.

"Thank you," she said shakily. "For intervening, I mean. I didn't actually see the signs. I've been out of the game for so long, I probably still wouldn't see them even if they were spelled out to me."

"How long have you been out?"

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Love In The Fast Lane Part 11 summary

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