
Lola Part 11

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7 January, 1917: "Now tell me something you would like to have explained, but mind you rap loudly and distinctly." "Ich o si so wenig kene." "Who is si?" "Dich!" ( = thou!) (The reply had been "I know (or understand) you so little.") "Tell me what it is you don't understand about me? tell me something every day: what is it now?" "Work when I say no!" I tried to explain to her that my anxiety to get her work so lay in my desire for more knowledge about dogs--so that I might be able to tell everybody all about them, and thus make them kinder to animals.

I took much time and trouble over my explanation, and at length Lola gave a responsive "Yes."

10 January: To-day we returned to the foregoing conversation: "Tell me what you don't understand about me?" "The food has also been worse lately!" she remarked. On this vexed subject I also attempted elucidation. I sought to explain the conditions of war, and that the amount of food available became less in consequence: that we people were no better off in this respect, and so on! And at length she again said "Yes!" Then I thought I would change the subject and asked her: "Why did Geri sigh so outside the door last night, and why does he look so unhappy to-day?" "er auch hat esen wolen!" ( = he also wanted to eat!)

In the evening I said: "Lola, what _is_ it you don't understand about me?" "Cause is often roughness!" She remarked--and here I really felt that there was little that I must needs explain--for I am not conscious of meriting her reproach on this score.

11 January: "Tell me something, Lola!" I pleaded. "Mistake to go out so little," she observed. Here she was emphatically in the right! She had not been out much lately, for it had been very wet--and she needs plenty of exercise. In the evening I invited her to "say something more." "o we gwelen!" "What worries you?" "ere nehemen!" ( = taking honour!) "Taking honour about what?" "eid!" (So the old story has not yet faded from her memory).

12 January: "Well, now you've told me ever so much that you can't understand about me! But is there anything more?" "Zeig audawer (Ausdauer) in libe zu mir!" "_Ausdawer?_ Isn't there a letter wrong?"

"Yes, 4"; "What should it be?" "Au!" So the sentence ran, "Zeig Ausdauer in Liebe zu mir!" ( = show constancy in your love for me!) Yes, indeed I will, you dear beast!


As I have stated, when Lola came to me she could already say "yes" and "no"; she had even some slight acquaintance with the numbers and counting. The bridge leading from man to animal had been started, and the first difficulties embarked on. The further I pursued these studies with Lola, the keener became my curiosity to know whether I should be equal to the task of tackling this work where an animal in its primeval state was concerned, thus driving in the first props of this bridge myself! I tried my 'prentice hand in this work on Geri, the beautiful German sheep-dog, who had come into my possession in 1914. This dog--owing to excess of breeding, and also, perhaps, to the impressions imbibed in his youth was unusually shy and melancholy--he lacked all natural energy to "cut a figure" in any way; he had learnt to say "yes"

and "no," and I feel sure that he understood me very well, but his nervousness and his constant fear held him back from rapping out anything beyond his _yes_ and _no_ answers. (At a later date I was obliged to give him away, owing to the scarcity of food.) Lola's progeny, therefore, seemed to offer more promising material for fresh ventures, but all--excepting the little lady-dog--Ulse--had been dispersed, going to their several new owners, before the winter days immediately after Christmas brought me sufficient leisure for further study, and as I had to give part of this time to Lola, as well as to the writing of this book, I had but a small margin left to expend on the little newcomer. Nor can I say, to tell the truth, that my interest in her was very great; she had already been promised to someone, and the fact of her still being with me was due to the difficulties of travel in these abnormal times. But, finally, sheer pity for the small creature--sitting alone in the stable--led me to bring her in for a few hours at a time so as to play about with me and Lola. One day it so happened that I had sent Lola off, and, being alone with Ulse, (mostly accustomed to intercourse with the maids) I attempted to teach her to understand: "Sit down!" To do this I pressed the little creature down on her haunches, saying, "_Sit down!_" And after I had repeated this three times she understood quite well what I meant, sitting down obediently at my slightest touch, and looking at me inquiringly out of her little bright eyes. I repeated this again the next day, and also touched her paw, saying: "_paw!_" Then I took the small paw in my hand and said: "Give a paw!" and in a few days this, too, had been learnt. I next taught her which was her right paw--and she very soon knew the difference. Indeed, Ulse seemed to think it all great fun, and was hugely delighted at the little rewards she earned. My interest, too, had now been aroused, and I repeated the numerals to her from 1 up to 5, and got her to understand "look here!" and "attention!" Though she was on the whole more fidgety than Lola had been, yet would she sometimes sit quite still, intent on watching my hand, but the least movement in the room would start her little head off twisting to and fro to every side. One day I took her paw, saying: "Now you must learn to rap! And placing the little pad on the palm of my hand, I first counted two with it, and then continued up to 5; then I held my hand out to her and said: "Ulse, rap 2!" and she actually did! I was delighted. I should add that before Ulse had learnt to "give a paw,"

she had already, of herself, shown inclinations to "rap," for she would hold up her paw--gesticulating with it in the air! These vague "pawings," moreover, were distinctly the movements of _rapping_, although she, of course, did not know their meaning at the time. And so the ground was laid for further work, during the short time I had to spare for her--as well as the limited period she was yet to remain with me.

There can be no doubt but that heredity plays a great role in these cases; her quick responsiveness bore witness to this, while, in addition, Lola evidently regarded her as the "flower of her flock," for she had always singled Ulse out for special attentions, generally retiring with her alone to a distant part of the barn. The question is whether Lola may not have given her some instruction, for, to some remark of mine, she had once replied: "Teaching Ulse!" Yet, for my part, I feel doubtful whether animals do transmit to others of their kind the things taught them by human beings. However, this may be, Ulse seemed predestined, so to speak, to learn to count and spell, mastering the numbers up to _five_ in a fabulously short time. Moreover, she _rapped_ better than Lola, or, rather, quite as well as Lola had done when in her very best days, raising her small paw high, and then bringing it down on my hand with a decided, though rather slow, beat.

Ulse was also soon able to signify "yes" by two raps, and "no" by three, but I had to keep my questions within a very narrow limit, for her intercourse was of too short a duration to enable her to acquire a lengthy or varied vocabulary. Still, we practised 2 1, 2 2, 3 2, and her answers were always excellent, as long as nothing else was going on to excite or distract her.

The amusing thing was that she loved doing it so that the little paw would be up in mid-air as soon as ever she saw me, as much as to show that she was quite ready for work. This was doubtless due to the very quiet existence she had led before coming indoors, and also perhaps to the little favours and t.i.t-bits she had learnt to a.s.sociate with her new accomplishments. Indeed, until these had blossomed out, her innate cleverness and brightness had gone almost unnoticed.

When I had a.s.sured myself that she fully comprehended the rapping, I endeavoured to teach her to rap on a board, instead of on my hand, a thing I had never been able to get Lola to agree to. Indeed, I had had to relinquish any hope of it, in the case of the older dog; whether it was that the scratching of her toe-nails on the board irritated her or what, I do not know, but it practically stopped her working. My only reason for trying to introduce this method at all had been to put an end to the suggestions sometimes put forward by sceptical persons that I might be "helping her with my hand!" Anyway, the ease with which Ulse took to rapping on the board, and the excellent work she did by that method should have proved a sufficient reply to all doubters, and I had been full of hope that her gifts would, in time, have been further developed by her new mistress, yet it was to be otherwise. Ulse was to have gone to her new home in Meran (in the Tyrol), but the regulations as to travel obtaining during war-time prohibited this, so I placed her under the temporary charge of a young lady, and while there she unfortunately died of mange.


Everything that I have so far experienced or even heard of concerning dogs, I have attempted to set down here, and to do so has taken some fourteen months of close work. I have further added certain observations dating from an earlier period. It is my full intention to continue this work of experimentation, and should be glad if I might hope that what I have communicated in these pages may raise a desire on the part of some of my readers to embark on similar work in reference to other animals; for, in so difficult a field of discovery it can only be after much independent spadework has been done that the "complete form" we are groping after will be laid bare. Up to the present it may be thought that little of really practical value has been proved, and to some this may suggest that the work is therefore superfluous. But, do we study astronomy for mere _practical_ reasons? Does the seeker in this field of science imagine that he is going to derive _practical_ results for us, _in the immediate future_, from his study of the heavens? It is for purely _ideal_ reasons--and in order to give seeking humanity that which is indeed theirs, that we humans send forth our thoughts, exploring every region of the world--be this "of use" or not!

And in thus probing the depths of our own subject do we not come up against those weightier questions which are of Cosmic importance? Does not Nature here fix man's eye with her own gaze--granting him new riches? For rich, indeed, is this gift that proves to him that not he alone is dowered with a soul[25]--nor dwelling in a world dest.i.tute of thought, nay--that his companion-beings along life's highway are well able to respond to and comprehend all his labour, his love, and his care for them. And above all, should it teach him to more clearly apprehend them--doing so in the spirit of a know-er and with a kindly sympathy begotten of that knowledge. For _To Know_--_to Understand_--means to give to each its rights! And, in this matter, have we to concede so much to our higher animals? The simplest form of thought contents them; the childlike adapting itself to animal uses; and, from such "small beginnings" has not our own primeval soul--the best that is within us--risen to higher glory, to become a moulder and organizer of thought--even of creative ideas? Therefore, from all that wealth with which we are dowered we may well allow this tiny morsel to our animal friends--they will a.s.suredly infringe no further upon our rights, for, after all, they are dumb, and cannot even utter the small store of thoughts they may learn to express; they can only look at us--but, oh!

how well they can do _that_--it needs no more than our eyes to tell us!

And--if we review the entire animal kingdom, are not these _higher animals_ closely akin to us, both in bodily structure as also in all that appertains to their functional activities? So near, indeed, do they approach us in the degree of evolution that for that very reason it would seem natural to attribute to them some rudiments of thought--some latent abilities; but the greatest importance of all would seem to lie in the Cosmic aspect of this question! If it _does_ "fit in" ought we, then, to dismiss it? Is it not the same thing with all subjects that open up a new point of view? Yet may those for whom such new investigations present no "disturbing elements"--those for whom, on the contrary, it chimes with their own desire--extend their hand and gratefully accept this gift from Nature--repaying her with reverence and with love. May this new science serve to enrich our ever increasing knowledge! The work will indeed mean a long struggle against the conservative elements, and all those accepted rules of procedure; every weapon will be turned against us, but, be this as it may, time will in its due course show the truth to be on our side, for ONLY WHAT IS TRUE SURVIVES.

[25] See the Song of Solomon.


_By Professor H. F. Ziegler_

The most important contribution that had been made to the study of Animal Psychology consists in the new "Alphabet of Raps," which enables dumb creatures to give reasonable expression to their thoughts, and provides us at the same time with the means of gaining some insight into their thinking and feeling. This method owes nothing to scientific investigators, yet may these gladly acknowledge the great progress thus indicated, rather than reject it with impatience and distrust. To proudly decline anything to do with it would indeed be out of place: rather is it careful study and independent confirmation--a personal application of this new method--that is here most needed. The inventor of this "Rapping and Spelling Method" was the late Wilhelm von Osten, in Berlin, reference to whom has been made in the opening chapter of this book. But the specialists refused to recognize his labours--they destroyed his position by their erroneous findings and their disapprobation--the campaign carried on against von Osten being by no means free from a spirit of unfairness.[26]

[26] I would here refer the reader to the references I made to the work issued by Pfungst; they may be found in "The Animal Soul" (Reports of new observations made with respect to horses and dogs), 2nd ed. (W. Jung) 1916, p. 38.

It was Karl Krall who took up and continued the work, improving on the original method and finally making known the most astounding results which he himself had succeeded in obtaining with his horses. These accounts may be read in detail in Krall's great book, a work the publication of which has been of immeasurable importance in the history of animal psychology.[27] Any reader of unbiased opinion will be bound to acknowledge the value of this new method, and the remarkable results achieved in the case of Krall's horses have been equally successfully applied when working with dogs. Frau Dr. Moekel of Mannheim evolved an independent rapping method of her own, which admitted of the possibilities for _counting_. This lady, however, soon became aware that a similar method had already been invented and applied by Herr von Osten, and she then enlarged on her own efforts so as to include the spelling method above mentioned. The feats of her dog Rolf were so remarkable as to arouse as much surprise in his mistress as in anyone else present. Frau Dr. Moekel was exceedingly careful to note down everything that could serve as evidence, and in spite of her long and serious illness was yet able, by dint of great exertion, to complete her MS. She died in 1915, and her book, which could not be published during the war, has only recently become available to the public. It is gratifying to be able to welcome the appearance of another little book on the same subject, the one now before us, written by Fraulein Henny Kindermann; this volume having also suffered postponement, owing to the war. This lady taught her dog on independent methods of her own, devoting much loving and conscientious care to the work and, in a general way, the results have been much the same as those obtained from Rolf, although, in the matter of detail, there is much that is new; indeed, many of the observations set down by this investigator raise questions of fascinating interest. Here, again, the author has been able to improve on the method as previously applied by others; teaching the dog to rap tens and units with different paws, as had been done by Krall's horses, and also introducing a better method of spelling by teaching the proper value of the consonants.[28] Fraulein Kindermann further applied her tests systematically in order to solve certain problems, proving the animal's ability to the full extent in one particular subject at a time. It is indeed the experience thus gained which gives to this book its special value, even though all the problems submitted may not have been fully solved. I would here draw attention to the fact that the author's dog invariably replies in "High German," whereas Rolf of Mannheim employs the dialect of the Pfalz--and the Stuttgart dog, Sepp, expresses his views in Suabian; indeed, each dog naturally learns the "form of speech" he hears in his own locality.

The results that have come under notice seem at times so extraordinary that doubts may arise as to the authenticity of what has here been set down; yet should we be careful not to reject new evidence because it happens to exceed all we have hitherto known or experienced. For this is a case of exploring new ground, ingress to which has now become possible owing to an entirely new method, and none should take upon themselves to decide in advance what may, or may not be, found possible within this new domain. Careful examination of all evidence put forward is desirable, yet can this be undertaken only by such persons as are themselves in the possession of an intelligent dog, one to which they can apply the test of similar instruction. It should be needless to say that the experimenter must abstain from anything in the nature of a sign given to the animal. It is a far easier matter to train an animal in _that_ way than to bring out the latent possibilities attaching to its understanding by training it so as to state its own thoughts.

The proof of the genuineness of such "utterances" on the part of the dog lies in the fact that it so often gives an entirely different reply to that which is expected of it--it may even say something that is quite unknown to the person carrying out the experiment. Many such examples will be found in this book, as well as in that of Frau Dr.

Moekel, while many more could be furnished by the owners of other "Spelling Dogs." Indeed, the more reckoning and spelling dogs there are the sooner will the value of this new method become generally recognized and the easier will it be to rid the truth of any errors that may still obscure it. Here in Stuttgart my Lectures delivered on the subject have so far led to the training of four dogs in counting as well as spelling, this having been done with best results. In addition to these, I myself have a dog, "Ava," by name a daughter of Lola, who is already proficient in both accomplishments. There is nothing mysterious about this new animal psychology that has been brought into evidence by the method here explained, it is no secret, but at the service of all who care to explore what is entirely free ground--not reserved for the learned alone, but at the disposal of any animal-lover, if he will but co-operate in a spirit of patience and devotion, and is endowed with the particular "gift" for teaching an animal. The truth under discussion here is not likely to be find elucidation in the study of the learned man--rather will it be the result of the collective, convergent and corresponding evidence brought together by the labours of many a patient investigator.


_September_, 1919

[27] Karl Krall, "Denkende Tiere, Beitrage zur Tierseelenkunde, auf Grund eigener Versuche," Leipzig, Engelmann, 1912.

[28] Rolf could only rap with one paw owing to the other fore-paw having been injured; he generally leaves out the vowels, these being already contained within the consonants. This habit gives rise to a somewhat curious form of writing.


There are in all now twelve dogs known to communicate by means of "raps." The experiences I have had with my own dog have been reported by me in the article ent.i.tled "Respecting a Dog's Memory,"

and appeared in the "Zoologischen Anzeiger," 1919, No. 11-13. The name of my dog "Awa" is quite intentionally put together, as Lola has herself "invented" all the names given to her progeny.






[Translated from the Italian with the omission of

I. An Introductory Section, and II. A Section giving the Story of "Lola."]


a.s.suming, as I have done, and as I think I must do, that we have not here to do with a trick or fraud, we seem to be dreaming, or to be reading the account of a dream. Those poor horses of Elberfeld, so greatly extolled and so much discussed in their day, are not in the same field with Lola. And yet I am convinced that it is not a dream. It is another kind of psychological reality, but it is a reality probably too complex to be reduced to a single formula. Let us then try to face the facts.

As to the "intelligent" character of the manifestations, there is no possible doubt, even though we put on one side for the present the arithmetical phenomena, which perhaps must be treated from a particular standpoint, as I shall explain. The question before us is therefore a dilemma. Is there intelligence in the dog, or is the intelligence in others?

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