
Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary Part 52

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TUESDAY, April 8. Rain and snow continue as on yesterday. Our room very uncomfortable.

WEDNESDAY, April 9. Still cloudy, with rain and snow. We have some pleasant conversations in the prison, with books and papers. But all the public prints are so filled and taken up with war that they give me but little enjoyment. The minds and spirits of nearly all the prisoners are so broken down by the state and prospects of the country that interesting and instructive conversations can hardly be held.

THURSDAY, April 10. The following beloved brethren and dear sister came in to see us to-day: John Zigler, John Wine and Christian Wine, Benjamin Miller, Joel Senger, and Catharine Showalter, daughter of Brother Jacob Miller and wife of Brother Jackson Showalter. The sight and presence of these brethren refreshed us much; and the dear sister carries sunshine with her wherever she goes. Last night and this morning regiment after regiment pa.s.sed through town on their way down the valley in the direction of Winchester.

SUNDAY, April 13. We have meeting to-day. I speak from Matt. 11:28, 29, 30: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest: take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls: for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

MONDAY, April 14. To-day our two brethren, John and Joseph Cline, are released from imprisonment, and start for home to-night.

TUESDAY, April 15. I am not well. The dampness of our room and the lack of comforts in the way of bedding and fuel have given me a cold from which I am very hoa.r.s.e to-night.

WEDNESDAY, April 16. There is talk that we are to be removed to New Market. The talk is correct. We leave here at twelve o'clock, and come to Bethlehem church where we stay all night. This church is between nine and ten miles northeast of Harrisonburg on the valley pike leading from Staunton to Winchester.

THURSDAY, April 17. Start for New Market; but after getting on two miles hear the cannons at Mt. Jackson. We turn and go back to Harrisonburg. News comes of the retreat of Jackson's army. Front of the Federal army at New Market. Jackson halts for the night at Lacy Springs.

FRIDAY, April 18. Great excitement and confusion in town. General Jackson with his army pa.s.ses through in his retreat, and the Federal troops are hourly looked for. Gabriel Heatwohl, Joseph Berry and myself are released from the guard house. I dine at Samuel Shacklett's; then walk out to Samuel Niswander's three miles, and ride from there to Jacob Miller's, where I stay all night.

SAt.u.r.dAY, April 19. Brother Benjamin Bowman brings me on my way home nearly to Christian Wine's. I walk the short distance to Brother Wine's; get a horse of him, and come home.

SUNDAY, April 20. Easter. Cough very bad.

WEDNESDAY, April 23. Federal cavalry through here now. Brother Daniel Miller was taken last night by Confederate scouts.

FRIDAY, May 9. Preach the funeral of Sister Polly Summers. Age, seventy-seven years, one month and sixteen days.

TUESDAY, May 20. Preach the funeral of Sister Polly Holsinger. Age, seventy-seven years. Three sisters in our church buried so close together in time, and all so nearly the same age!

MONDAY, May 26. Sister Debby Bowman is buried to-day. I attend. Age, forty-two years, eleven months and twenty days.

TUESDAY, May 27. Preach the funeral of Mrs. Stern. Age, fifty-six years, three months and twenty days.

THURSDAY, May 29. Start to the Annual Meeting. Dine at James Fitzwater's in the Gap; sup at Nimrod Judy's on the South Fork, and stay all night at Jacob Mongold's on the South Fork mountain.

FRIDAY, May 30. Get my pa.s.s at Petersburg; dine at James Parks's; and stay all night at Martain Cosner's, in Hardy County.

SAt.u.r.dAY, May 31. Get to Thomas Clark's at three o'clock, and stay there all night.

SUNDAY, June 1. Go to meeting at Brother Rinker's. Speak from Romans eighth chapter. Meeting again at three o'clock. Speak from John seventeenth chapter. Stay all night at Brother Rinker's.

MONDAY, June 2. Come to Oakland in the morning to take the train westward, but cars are behind time. Get to Bellaire after night. Stay there all night, at Eagle Hotel.

TUESDAY, June 3. Get to Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, at three o'clock in the afternoon. Stay all night at Brother Henry Yost's.

WEDNESDAY, June 4. Visit Christian Forrer's. Go about through the city. Then start, and get to place of Annual Meeting in afternoon.

Stay all night at Brother Billheimer's.

THURSDAY, June 5. Visit Solomon Stoner's; then to Farmersville, and back to Stoner's.

FRIDAY, June 6. Visit Mary Trissel's. From there go to Abraham Aerbaugh's. From there go to meeting at Brother D. Miller's. Speak from Heb. 3:9. Fine weather.

SAt.u.r.dAY, June 7. Come to the place of the Annual Meeting. Preaching in forenoon and afternoon. Fine weather. Come back to D. Miller's.

SUNDAY, June 8. An immense concourse of people. Meeting in five places, forenoon and afternoon. Fine weather continues.

MONDAY, June 9. Commence taking in questions. Queries all get in to-day. In evening I go to Brother George Miller's, and have a night meeting. Fine weather; clear and pleasant.

TUESDAY, June 10. Discuss questions. Fine weather continues. Much love and good feeling generally. Go to Salem and have evening meeting. I stay all night at Brother David Zigler's.

WEDNESDAY, June 11. Meeting continues. Get through with the discussion of questions by quarter past three o'clock. Close in the usual way; and many hands and lips are met which may never meet again until they meet where farewells are no more. Stay all night at the widow Benjamin Miller's.

THURSDAY, June 12. Go to Dayton. Visit Brother Abraham Young's. After dinner go to Midway and stay there all night with Brother Henry Zimmerman's.

FRIDAY, June 13. Get to Pittsburg in the night.

SAt.u.r.dAY, June 14. Dine at Abraham Myers's, and stay all night at Martain Myers's.

SUNDAY, June 15. Love feast at the Middle Creek meetinghouse. John 1 is read. Stay all night at Jacob Miller's near by.

MONDAY, June 16. Come to Daniel Miller's at Mechanicstown. Stay all night.

TUESDAY, June 17. Love feast; part of John 14 is read. Fine day. Stay at Brother Miller's again.

WEDNESDAY, June 18. Council meeting. The case of Peter Myers and John Figa was brought up and settled. Come to David Beachley's and stay all night.

THURSDAY, June 19. Come to Frostburg in time to take the train to Oakland, where I stay all night.

FRIDAY, June 20. Come back to Brother Clark's in a hack, where I find Nell, having left her with Brother Clark. The poor brute seems glad to see me. I will never forget Brother Clark's kindness to me and Nell.

Stay with him all night.

SAt.u.r.dAY, June 21. Visit old Sister Parks and pray with her. Dine at Hyre's, and get to Brother John Mongold's on the mountain where I stay all night.

SUNDAY, June 22. Get to Brother William Fitzwater's in the Gap for dinner, and get Nell shod. This was a thing of necessity, as one of her shoes had come off crossing the mountain, and she was getting lame. Come to Brother Michael Wine's, where I stay all night.

MONDAY, June 23. Get home.

SUNDAY, August 24. At John Mongold's on the South Fork mountain.

Preach Absalom Whetzel's funeral. Age, twenty-three years, eight months and twenty-one days.

Monday, August 25. Preach funeral of Isaac Rorabaugh at Adam Mallow's.

Age, nineteen years, three months and twenty-one days. Stay all night at Jacob Hevner's.

TUESDAY, August 26. Forenoon meeting at the widow Henkel's. Afternoon meeting at George Cowger's on the South Fork. Stay there all night.

WEDNESDAY, August 27. Forenoon and afternoon meeting at Jesse Mitch.e.l.l's. Jesse Mitch.e.l.l is appointed minister of the Word, and Hughey Ratchford is elected to the deaconship.

THURSDAY, August 28. Stop at John Fulk's on top of the Shenandoah mountain, and get home in the evening.

SAt.u.r.dAY, September 6. Attend the burial of Michael Homan. Age, sixty-five years and eight months. He was a highly respected citizen of our community.

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