
I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot Chapter 1297: 18.135 First Grey Star - Born inside the Dungeon.

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Chapter 1297: 18.135 First Grey Star - Born inside the Dungeon.

When the meeting in the throne hall of the palace ended, it was already daybreak. Too much was revealed all at once, and most of it was stuff that most people would want to vigorously dispute. The majority of living creatures are rendered powerless by the three global calamities and disasters.

Despite their lack of presence during the calamity of water, they were aware of the existence of the malevolent G.o.d Cthulhu.

Everyone experienced things that had a significant impact on the former, which happened to be the human species, after learning the truth about the Ancient G.o.d and the animosity between him and the skies. The Ancient G.o.d had initially answered the pleas of his followers and safeguarded the ocean. Simply put, human avarice knows no bounds.

The more they profit, the more they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

The believers' veneration for the ancient G.o.d gave way to a desire for more. One could argue that the number of devotees to a single ancient G.o.d is overwhelming. Without faith or divinity, a G.o.d's power would run out, particularly on a star of this lower cla.s.s. If the skies had supported the ancient G.o.d, he would not have been impacted by the negative feelings of humans.

Sadly, this little star's heavens are conceited, haughty, and self-centered. His goal was to become this world's sole legitimate king. So he rejoiced in watching the Ancient G.o.d gradually become tarnished by wicked human desires until he was corrupted. The old G.o.d had become a fallen and changed into an evil star in order for him to lose his divine powers.

The corruption left the Ancient G.o.d reduced to a mere shadow of his former self, just when the heavens believed he would finally be able to strip the Ancient G.o.d of his authority. It is basically leftovers. All of the Ancient G.o.d's divinity was bestowed upon the Moray Eel, Lanyu, his final adherent.

And so the skies plotted again. He desired for Lanyu, the Sea G.o.d, to fall like the Ancient G.o.d. Like the Ancient G.o.d, he is incredibly unlucky. Lanyu lacked desire. He simply waited for his lord to awaken while guarding the ocean in silence. His desire meter is at its lowest point, and he finds satisfaction effortlessly.

Lanyu had no relationship with the other living things since his only duty was to safeguard the ocean. He can live alone for as long as he pleases and is more of a hermit.

Relentlessly, the heavens decided to use one thing that could have an impact on the moray eel in order to entice him. In order to better defend the water and soon meet his lord, he spoke to the moray eel and asked him to become one of his apostles. Because he is still too young, Lanyu cannot recall what happened to his lord.

He was unaware that his lord had saved him from certain death due to corruption. The shrine of the Ancient G.o.d is turning into a polluted place. He was thrown out of the sanctuary at the last moment by the ancient G.o.d to keep him safe. However, this also caused the Ancient G.o.d to become an evil G.o.d in the end.

Who would have guessed that heaven would persevere? Becoming an apostle of G.o.d is equivalent to offering your entire life to your G.o.d. Thus, when Sea G.o.d Lanyu a.s.sumed the role of apostle of the heavens, he shut down Moray Eel's memory of the Ancient G.o.d and imposed limitations on him, preventing him from leaving the ocean's center.

The ancient G.o.d had given Lanyu his heart, and the heavens truly desired to take it away. However, this heart was sentient. It only stayed in Lanyu's body, and it would fight back if someone attempted to steal it from her. The heart would decide to kill itself and scatter all divine power if the skies really did act. The heavens could not take this divinity away once it occurred.

Thus, the sole option was to turn Sea G.o.d Lanyu into a fallen being. In other words, to turn into a Cthulhu-like malevolent G.o.d.

He declared that the Evil Octopus G.o.d had emerged from his slumber. Though his mind may be damaged, the former Ancient G.o.d is still able to remember his last follower. The Evil Octopus G.o.d used the final remnant of his will to swear he would never hurt or kill the Sea G.o.d, which caused the heavens to set up a protracted battle between Cthulhu and the Sea G.o.d Lanyu.

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While one is making every effort to kill, the other is making every effort to defend. That is the true nature of the relationship between the two sea G.o.ds.

This ultimate conflict between the two G.o.ds and the ascent of the Sea G.o.d Lanyu are seen as water-related disasters. Anybody below the G.o.d level can be instantly killed by an ascending G.o.d's tribulation. The ocean's poisoning was also brought on by Cthulhu's demise. Thus, the majority of life in the Anairam Trench's central portion had perished. Millions were also the number of marine creatures.

The Heavenly Laws (Domain Lord) unexpectedly perish in the Calamity of Water, although outside interference—such as that of Ye Jieye, who gave the order for his dragon to devour the Heavenly Laws—caused it. The world's laws would have collapsed in disorder in the absence of the Heavenly Laws.

The animals restrained by the heavens had all begun to loose their bonds, and the planet's qi had considerably diminished. This caused the seal surrounding the Ruins of Time to slip, allowing more unidentified monsters to emerge and wipe out every living thing that existed outside of their world.

The second disaster was now about to befall the land's inhabitants due to the weakening of seals on the door, leading to a different dimension. That means that when h.e.l.l broke loose on the surface of the dungeon known as the Ruins of Time, the Calamity of Land would officially begin. This is the significant information that Ye Jieye shared with King w.a.n.g Xingmo and the Heavenly Guardians.

Heavenly Guardian Mu asked, "This Calamity of Land, is it when the door of the Ruin of Time completely broke? Does that mean the seal would be broken in the future regardless of what he does?"

"Yes, even the barrier placed around it can only last for three months. This is a calamity that the people of the land are required to undergo. As for the final calamity, I will only tell you the details once you survive the second one, okay?" Ye Jieye said. Everyone responded with silence to his question.


Only when Mu Zang sighed did the quietness in the hall break. Then he looked at his grandson, who still looked indifferent, as if this calamity had nothing to do with him.

"Xiao Ye, when do you plan to return to your real body? Have you found a way to?"

With Mu Zang's query, Ye Jieye became the center of attention for everyone, including Mo Xuejing. Ye Jieye seems unconcerned by the mult.i.tude of eyes on him. Well, save from that one look from his sweetheart. He gave an involuntary flinch, realizing that he had to give his wife an explanation.

Ye Jieye said, "I will go back to my real body in the third month. I suggest you guys complete your preparations before the end of the third month. To cancel the overall curse on everyone, you guys must defeat all monsters at the same time. That's the only way to rebound the curse. Your current method is too crude. On the battlefield, monsters can also mutate your knowledge."

"We will keep that in mind," w.a.n.g Xingmo said.

Ye Jieye said, "We flew here all day. Let us take the rest of the night. Don't worry about the dungeon. It would be quiet for three whole months. Good night."

He got up and moved toward his family, his wife and children. After dinner, Ye Jingxia and Ye Anxia had been asleep for a while. The little cubs are too tired after their voyage back. Despite his expressionless face, Mo Xuejing was a touch late, even for someone who does not usually stay up late. Ye Jieye tenderly strokes the area beneath his wife's eyes.

Ye Jieye whispered, "Sleepy? Don't worry. We can go back and sleep now."

"Are we going back to the Mo Mansion?" Mo Xuejing asked.

Ye Jieye said, "No. I have a mansion under my name in the city. We will go there."

"Okay, let's go," Mo Xuejing said.

Following their good-bye for the evening, the pair departed. Additionally, as the palace is someone else's residence, they declined to stay there. A grandiose hidden mansion was built inside the city limits, hidden from view from the city by towering trees. Ye Jieye escorted his wife to their chambers to rest as he gave the two systems orders to clean the mansion.

The couple stayed in the master bedroom, and the two cubs were put next door.

In the master's bedroom...

As the pair lay in bed about to drift off to sleep, Mo Xuejing suddenly awoke and stared at Ye Jieye's red eyes with his wide silver eyes. For some unknown reason, the G.o.d of Void became anxious. He does not know why, even though he did not do anything wrong, watching his wife look at him with such intense intensity makes him feel anxious.

Ye Jieye asked, "What's... wrong?"

"You still haven't told me why you keep looking at that dungeon just now. The others might have forgotten about it as you intentionally didn't let them remember about it, but you can't hide from me," Mo Xuejing said.

At this very time, Ye Jieye was reminded of his other half, Hei Anjing, by the narrowing phoenix-shaped eyes of Mo Xuejing. If his Jing'er thought he was keeping something from him, he would look at him like this. Ye Jieye answered truthfully after noticing the way his eyes and lashes curled in a way that gave the impression of a smile but actually gave him the chills.


Ye Jieye said, "The problem is nothing much. Maybe because my real vessel is inside that dungeon, the control of the dungeon on me is stronger than the rest. My control over fire has greatly weakened just now. Something in that dungeon is restricting my abilities, especially within the certain range where the door of the Ruins of Time is located."

"Weaker? In what way?" Mo Xinyue asked.

Ye Jieye answered, "I can hardly call fire elements to follow my command. The h.e.l.l flame I called in that split moment was almost gone. Thankfully, I cut off my qi immediately, or else everyone in the area would be burned to nothingness."

"How can a dungeon take control over you? You weren't born there," Mo Xuejing said.

Ye Jieye paused for a moment before confessing. "A'Mo, I, Ye Jieye, was born inside the Ruins of Time. Didn't the old man tell you? Only my soul comes out with the help of my other grandfather. My real body is still there."

What Mo Xuejing heard astounded him. This was not what he had expected. Ultimately, the information that Satan was born in a dungeon was kept a secret. Some of the others would most likely be unable to tolerate it if they found out. Particularly for a unique dungeon such as the Ruins of Time, only creatures are born in the dungeon. n.o.body is aware of what is actually concealed there.

It must have been packed with monsters similar to those that emerged during the dungeon glitches, though, judging by the creatures that managed to escape from it. Distorted, shaped, and randomized curses are powerful and deadly. People who were viewed as inferior to others found it difficult to accept individuals who had greater strength than they did.

They were also unable to accept the malevolent G.o.d who resides in the Tower of G.o.d for the same reason. He has the ability to wipe out the entire human species, which is why mortals fear him.

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I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot Chapter 1297: 18.135 First Grey Star - Born inside the Dungeon. summary

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