
Style The Witcher 1 Chapter 1

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On a highway illuminated by lampposts, a motorcycle ran extremely fast chased by cars and the driver of the bike was shot by shooters in cars.

The rider accelerated even more and distanced his pursuers but the cars did not let go and they remained behind him.

The pursuit arrived at a harbor where the rider stopped and as he got off the bike he took off the helmet to reveal a handsome face with striking green eyes.

"d.a.m.n, these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds do not let go of me, but if I have to die today then I will not die alone." the biker said with an irritated voice.

The rider ran to the containers and just after the cars arrived and many men in suits with weapons came down with some men who stood out among them who looked superior.

One of the upper looking men looked around and shouted "Where is he, or is he gone!" he said, kicking the bike.

One of the men raised his hand and said: "By the boss."

"So what are you waiting for, go get it." said the boss, shouting.

As all the gunmen flocked to the direction of the biker, the chiefs of the armed men followed their men and discussed among themselves.

"Guys, what did you want to do with him after catching him?" "I'm going to castrate him and f.u.c.k him in the a.s.s." said a man with eyes red with madness.

"Yamada is a good idea, but it's not enough, I'm going to torture for at least a whole year and have him sodomized by h.o.m.os.e.xuals and animals." another man said with a crazy smile.

"Oooh, it's a good idea Kuribayashi," Yamada said.

The other men around them laughed at this discussion and they added other forms of torture with pa.s.sion but each of them had a face twisted by anger.

Finally, gunshots resounded in the night at the scary port of birds and sleeping rats.

The bosses who were chatting heard gunshots and rushed to where the shots were heard.

Upon arrival, the leaders saw dead men with a bullet in their head or torso and saw their men fire at a container.

The biker was hiding behind a tall container and was shooting with his two Kimber 1911 aimed at the gunmen "s.h.i.t, they are too many and there are only 38 bullets left, 14 in the two magazines and two other magazines in my belt."

The biker gritted his teeth and aimed at the gunmen he ran and jumped on another container.

As the shooting dragged on and the rider tried to save his bullets, the bosses began shouting "It's good Sosuke, give back and you'll have a painless death!"

Sosuke shouted, "Who do you take me for?" "A child?"

"We all know that either I die or you die then save me you bulls.h.i.t please."

Yamada stepped forward and shouted, "You are going to die today and if you get caught alive you will live h.e.l.l then keep a bullet for you son of a b.i.t.c.h."

"Hey, finally you tell the truth and yes I am a son of a b.i.t.c.h, Hahaha."

After that Sosuke ignored them and continued down the gunmen and he took the opportunity to target the bosses who rushed to hide when he felt a shot graze them.

When Sosuke finished his ammunition he thought, "d.a.m.n, we'll have to use the emergency plan."

Sosuke stood up and threw both his arms and ran to the container lanes.

The gunmen followed the pursuing Sosuke bosses and after a chase, he found Sosuke on a moonlit platform revealing his whole body.

Sosuke is wearing a black leather suit with gloves and a long coat. His brown hair partially hides his face and bright green eyes.

Sosuke was standing on the platform and said with a smile, "So you're happy to finally catch me."

The armed men had their weapons pointed at him and the bosses looked at him with joy and one of them shouted "Yes you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, we're happy, we'll make you live h.e.l.l."

Sosuke looked at him scornfully and said, "Why are you so angry at me, I still do not understand."

"Because you f.u.c.k our wives, our daughters, our mothers and even our aunts, you son of a b.i.t.c.h!" While he was saying this, the man had red eyes and tears flowed and even the other bosses had their faces twisted with anger.

The armed men, for their part, pitied their bosses for being cuckold at this point.

Sosuke looked at them and said, "And then, you have lovers apart from your wives, did not try to deny it and you only have them because you have the power to have them and some of you have even f.u.c.ked women married. "

Sosuke continued, "Then I would say it's Karma."

The bosses looked at Sosuke with venom and one of them shouted, "We have the power, so we do what we want, because, for you, you're just a son of a b.i.t.c.h who thinks he's a hero."

"A hero?" Said Sosuke calling himself "Me?"

Sosuke burst out laughing and said, "I preferred being called villain than hero."

Sosuke then looked at the boss and replied, "You have the power, what power, if I remember correctly, you are Hamada, the head of Engine Enterprise no?"

Hamada nodded and Sosuke said, "I remember now, I f.u.c.ked your wife like crazy, her legs were smooth and long and her p.u.s.s.y ... mmmmh ... she was so tight."

Hearing Sosuke, Hamada wanted to cut him to pieces, but hearing the rest, Hamada wanted to spit blood "You know what she said to me after I finished f.u.c.king her, she said it was the first time that she was satisfied and that her husband could not even get to my ankle. "

Hamada looked at Sosuke angrily, pointed at him and shouted, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to slaughter you!"

Sosuke looked at him and said, "Trash, out of my sight."

Sosuke looked at the rest of the bosses and said with a voice filled with disdain that annoyed all the bosses. "I f.u.c.k all the women around you and they were finally satisfied with my techniques, you should be proud to know you because your women were taken by my p.e.n.i.s."

The leaders have had enough and they shouted together to their men "Shoot, kill me that b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

Sosuke hid behind an iron plate and continued to talk "And you know who's the best guy."

The bosses continued to listen to him, but Sosuke's sentence put them on the spot.

"Have you done a paternity test on your "kids" or not because, hehe, I do not know if your wives' children are your blood and even your daughters, aunts and mothers should be pregnant right now, Hahahaha. "

The chiefs were shocked to hear this sentence because it would mean that the recent pregnancies of their wives are not theirs. They now remember that their mothers and aunts are all pregnant and their daughters have often been sick lately.

The leaders were illuminated and their bodies began to shake and even their men were shaking with fear as they continued to fire.

The leaders shouted, "You're lying, it's not possible!"

Sosuke snorted and said, "It's up to you to believe me or not, I do not care."

"Now you're the biggest cuckold in this world thanks to me, Hahaha."

The chiefs turned red with anger and cried out to their men, "What are you doing, buy me that b.a.s.t.a.r.d?"

"Destroy the platform and let me down this b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

The gunmen approached the platform and laid explosives and moved away to detonate it.

Sosuke watching this scene looked at the moon and thought, "So this is my terminus huh, but I will not die alone."

The gunmen blew up the pillars and the platform collapsed on itself and the gunmen under the command of the leaders approached the platform and saw Sosuke crawl to lean against the ruins.

One of the gunmen shouted, "Boss, the target and alive, but she is hurt!"

The bosses learning that he could catch Sosuke alive were excited, they got closer and saw him hurrying against a container.

The leaders laughed when they saw him in this position and Hamada approached him and started beating him but Sosuke started laughing.

Hamda stopped and grabbed his hair and shouted, "Why do you laugh b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

Sosuke laughed and Hamada slapped him and shouted "Answer!"

Sosuke looked at Hamada and the other leaders and said, "Do you think that your "power" is supreme?"

Hamada snorted and said, "With money everything is possible, even slavery."

Sosuke: "With your power you did evil, so I'm going to show you the reality and your power is just an illusion."

Hamada dropped Sosuke's hair and kicked him and said, "Who do you think you are, you are always arrogant and you do not beg for your life.

Sosuke laughed and said, "I will not bend to anyone and beg even less, dirty pork."

Hamada kicked him in the face and said, "Son of a b.i.t.c.h, you will not plead then."

Sosuke replied, "No, and I remind you that I am a son of a b.i.t.c.h, so for me it is not an insult.

Sosuke raised his head and said, "Now I'm going to prove to you that your power is only an illusion, look carefully at the crane at the top."

Hamada with the rest of the chefs looked up to see a crane that had containers but they saw a flashing red light and unconsciously, Hamada said, "What is that red light?"
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One of the gunmen shouted "It's a bomb!" but Sosuke said in a relaxed voice, "And look around you."

Looking around, they finally noticed small red lights shining everywhere. "

The leaders had cold sweats and said, "These are not bombs, you will not kill yourself to kill us too."

Sosuke says "Oh really."

Sosuke put his back against a container and took out a small remote control from his inside pocket, saying, "This is the detonator and all around us, there is a scattered C4, enough for all to bury us.

Yamada asked, "It's good, we'll let you live and what do you want to leave us alive?" Thinking of his revenge.

Sosuke looked at him and said: "You are stupid or what, when each of us will leave on his side, you will come back for revenge, besides I have a loss of blood so I will die inevitably"

Hamada had enough and shouted, "You do not have the guts to blow yourself up and I swear to you that when I'm home, I'll kill all your descendants to the last child."

Sosuke looked at him and said "Idiot."

Sosuke looked at the nervous bosses and said scornfully, "You are all going to die today and you are afraid of dying. When you have already killed, you must be ready to be killed in turn by a bunch of light garbage. "

Sosuke continued, "I hope that my descendants will not be idiots like you when they are in power and do good in the world, but as for you, you will come with me to h.e.l.l and purify this world of garbage like you. and answer for your crimes with me in h.e.l.l. "

Sosuke pressed the detonator and said, "Come with me to h.e.l.l, b.a.s.t.a.r.ds."

The bosses shouted "Nooooon !!!!"

Half of the port exploded, alerting the entire city, and the police arrived very quickly and blocked access to the port.

The consequences of Sosuke's act were felt rather quickly.

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Style The Witcher 1 Chapter 1 summary

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