
Legend Of The Escape King Volume 1 Chapter 27

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Que Siyu and Bird talked until midnight. After sleeping, Que Siyu and Jiang Ju went to see the Gu Family. After a night of good dreaming, Bird opened his eyes to find Yi Wuxin was walking around his bed with her knife in hand. “Hey, since you already woke up, follow me,” Yi Wuxin said without any emotion, staring at him. The princess put the blade on his neck. With a shallow cut, she could end his life.  “Yi Wuxin, the Second Princess of the demons, with no demon practice base, no practice experience. Using a big knife, slaughtered a village of about 100 residents. What a capable teammate!” Bird spoke out the truth, though he knew that with one wrong word the princess would kill him immediately. “The human woman told you many things about me. If it were someone else, they would have been frightened into running away. However, you are still calm. Don’t you fear me?” The young man bewildered Yi Wuxin. Beside Jiang Ju, he was the second one who had surprised her. Anyway, without forming a team with this Bird, she must take the place of Que Siyu to follow Jiang Ju. “Since us two were forced to be a team, and I can’t move right now, why not contact each other with a soul mirror? You can take the first action,” Bird suggested. “If you catch up with them, you still have a chance with the Gu Family.” “I am the Second Princess of the demons, with royal blood in my veins. How could I follow a human woman?! But, anyway, your advice sounds interesting, so I will take it.” The princess took the blade and cut her own palm, and forged the blood droplets out into a pill. Then she slipped the pill into Bird’s mouth. “Suck on it for two hours; don’t waste my precious blood.” “The demon blood being nursed by desire and greed is so tasty. Now I understand why there are so many people who will run to kill you demons and drink your blood. They look for eternal life.” The two different kinds of blood were conflicting in his body, and Bird’s face changed from human-like to demon shape from time to time, and even the White Face couldn’t bear the pain and yelled internally. When Huo Yuan entered the room, the demon blood had already made the whole back garden as dark as h.e.l.l. Huo Yuan’s face turned cold and he covered his face with some strength, only to bring out an illusion lamp in his hand to light up the way in. Now Bird was sober, but he couldn’t move. Huo Yuan took out a pill to feed Bird. With his sense of hearing sealed, he couldn’t hear anything or talk. But he didn’t want to talk at this time. The pill entered Bird’s body and cooled his blood. Huo Yuan had saved him again. “Why were you contained by demons’ strength?” “Thanks!” Bird didn’t want to talk more with him, or mention things about Yi Wuxin. “Doctor Huo, you said you know my master. Would you give me some more information about him?” “You are changing the topic?” “You saved me for some special purpose, right? Do you do all this for my master?” “. . .” Bird’s att.i.tude made Huo Yuan not know how to answer him. After some time, he said, “Kid, n.o.body can survive the demons’ blood. You are lucky. Take a good rest, or you will die even with my healing.” Huo Yuan finished the talk and went up to leave. “Though he has some purpose, he is good at medicine.” Bird felt his body better after the numb since being fed the blood pill of the princess. He stood up to walk out with his body still shaking. A smile appeared on his face. At the same time, Que Siyu and Jiang Ju were stopped by Yi Wuxin on the way to see the Gu Family. Yi Wuxin wanted to join in their journey as a player, but Jiang Ju refused. The two sides were at a deadlock. Yi Wuxin set an enchantment to block the whole street. All the ordinary residents ran away when they saw Yi Wuxin. The guards of the Xiaoxiang City heard this and came for them. “Jiang Ju, I must go to the Gu Family today. Can you stop me? Let me see your power.” Yi Wuxin was so envious of Que Siyu. But she already knew that Que Siyu was not a common blind person. She was a hero in Taohua Village’s fight ten years ago. “Second Brother, let her go. We don’t need to waste time.” Que Siyu felt the princess’s enmity toward her, and she knew the reason was Jiang Ju. “This time, you are a player of the Escape Game. Forget your real ident.i.ty of the princess for a short time.” Que Siyu stepped out the enchantment of Yi Wuxin easily. “d.a.m.n it!” Yi Wuxin complained. She did not have the base of demons to practice, or she wouldn’t have made such a simple enchantment. Usually, her ident.i.ty as the demons’ princess was enough to frighten the people. “Que Siyu, don’t think that I will appreciate you. You and I will have a fight sooner or later.” “As you like, Yi Wuxin,” Que Siyu answered. “How can you, a human girl, call my name? Call me the Second Princess from now on.” “Okay, Second Princess.” “. . .” Yi Wuxin was irritated by Que Siyu’s indifference, but she had no way to treat her. The next moment, they arrived at the Gu Family. The housekeeper saw them and invited them into the hall. Pa.s.sing through the hall to the back garden, they found an elder was already waiting there. After a salute, they began to talk. “Eighth Prince, the memorial was nowhere to find. I have told you already. Even you come to me thousands of times, and you don’t get it. Please give us back the peaceful life.” Master Gu bowed to Jiang Ju, planning to send him away. “The host of this game took this case as questionable for some reason. We are sure there will be some trace for the memorial. Master Gu, it is the only way to return your peace by telling us the truth. Gu Qingming is your son, an obedient son I heard. He must have told you something about this case. Please let us know the details.” Jiang Ju didn’t give up on this requirement. “Gu Qingming was nominated by me to be an officer. It was not my intention to send him to this Xiaoxiang City to serve. Now he has died mysteriously. I won’t let the truth flee away from me.”    “Eighth Prince, I thank you for your deeds to my son. However, I have no information about the memorial. If I had anything about it, I wouldn’t wait until today.” “So . . . since you don’t have any clue about the memorial, let’s go, Sister Siyu.” Jiang Ju felt that the elder might know nothing indeed, and forcing him wouldn’t get the answer they wanted. “Good bye, Eighth Prince. I won’t send you.” Seeing that they walked out of the garden, Master Gu’s expression became more serious. After a while, a knife forged by black ice hit him from behind, which pieced his chest, and a black shadow appeared with a mask on his face. The housekeeper discovered the death of the master and ran to him, crying, “Master, Master . . .” The black shadow disappeared immediately, as if he had never been there. Soon, a fire from heaven came down to burn the Gu Family. People in the villa ran everywhere to find a way out, but they were burned to ash before they could get out. Jiang Ju and the other two saw Bird come toward them. They didn’t notice the black smoke behind them.  

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Legend Of The Escape King Volume 1 Chapter 27 summary

You're reading Legend Of The Escape King. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Su Yun, 云苏. Already has 848 views.

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