
Dragon Ball God Mu Chapter 679

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Chapter 679

“Gaia actually turned into a Dragon G.o.d?!”

Looking at the majestic and majestic blue dragon above the void, Muyang was a little absent-minded.

Gaia was actually able to turn into a Dragon G.o.d!

Unlike the Dark Dragon G.o.d, Pulred. This was the first time that Gaia had transformed into the Dragon G.o.d. Her strength had just advanced to the Level 10 Dimension, but there was still a huge gap between her and Pulred. However, even if her strength was not as strong as Pulred, she was still a powerhouse of the Level 10 Dimension. She could still buy a little time.

This was what Muyang and the others needed the most.


Along with the clear dragon roar, Gaia’s body swayed. The blue dragon body hovered and rose, spitting dragon breath. The dragon head full of dominance stared at the black dragon in the distance. Its body emitted a pressure that was above the world.

“You are actually the heir to Zalama!”

The voice of the Dark Dragon G.o.d contained endless anger.

As Gaia transformed into the Dragon G.o.d, Dark Dragon G.o.d Pulred knew that everything had gone beyond his control. He and Mable and others can temporarily suppress Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa, but the situation had changed since Gaia joined, even though Gaia was just in the beginning of the Level 10 Dimension, but that was also the level of the pinnacle.

Moreover, the Red King and Grand Minister from far away were still rushing over.

In time, it was not good for Pulred.

“All of you, back off. Otherwise, I will swallow you all.” With a roar, the giant basin could swallow several galaxies.

“Did you become disrespectful after advancing to the Level 10 Dimension? Even Zalama did not dare to talk to me like this.”

Pulred suddenly burst into laughter. His loud voice reverberated in the void like rolling thunder, threatening the entire deep s.p.a.ce.

After a while, the Dark Dragon G.o.d stopped laughing and his huge body began to circle.

For a moment, two mighty and huge divine dragons, one black and one blue, confronted each other. The pressure that could sweep through countless universes instantly filled the entire s.p.a.ce. The sky and the universe trembled violently. If it was an ordinary G.o.d, even if they were at the level of a G.o.d, they would be easily crushed into powder in the face of this pressure.

“What should we do now?” Melissa asked Muyang in a small voice.

Muyang had a complicated expression on his face, “Just wait, I hope that Gaia can handle it.”

“En.” Melissa nodded vigorously, her breathing somewhat heavy.

Looking into the distance, Muyang clenched his fists, a complicated expression on his face.

In the past, he had always been the one to protect everyone, but now he could only retreat behind them. Relying on the protection of Gaia was truly a bit shameful! At this moment, Muyang had an urgent desire for power.

If he could break through the last layer and reach the Level 10 Dimension, then he would not be so powerless to watch others fight.

“Lord Pulred, they are stalling for time,”

The green-skinned Master of the Litz reminds.

“I know.” A heavy voice sounded. The Dark Dragon G.o.d glanced at the blue dragon opposite him and roared, “All of you, attack together and completely destroy those ants!”



The others in the zeroth universe nodded in understanding when they received the instructions of Pulred.

There was no doubt that Gaia and the others were now a great threat to him. If he let them go now, they would definitely become more and more disadvantageous to him in the future. Since he was certain that the other party was an enemy, then he might as well take advantage of the fact that the other party had yet to mature and eliminate them.

In the twinkling of an eye, Demon G.o.d Race Mable, tall and st.u.r.dy man General Carlyle, silver hair man Shroom and others simultaneously move. They scattered in different directions and then attacked Muyang and the others at the same time.

When Chronoa saw this, the pressure he faced suddenly increased.

The white skirt fluttered, and golden light shone on Chronoa.

“s.p.a.ce and Time seal.”

The nodes of different time periods opened. Chronoa used his supreme power to channel the timeline to suppress the attacks of Mable and the others. He dispersed and digested the boundless energy strand by strand, expelling it to other times. For a time, all was quiet, and time seemed to have stopped.

But even so, there was still a small amount of energy leaking out.

Although this energy was small, it swept to the location where Muyang and the others were like a storm.

s.p.a.ce trembled violently. It was as if a small boat in the middle of a vast ocean had encountered a violent storm, and was in danger of capsizing at any moment. Muyang took a deep breath, his face grim.

“Heavenly G.o.d Beam!”

A blinding light lit up, and a wave of energy that distorted s.p.a.ce and time was released. The vast and mighty attacks collided with the energy of the other party. At this moment, the chaotic energy suddenly split apart, and with a loud crash, the entire world began to shine with a light that was like the sun.

After Muyang attacked, Melissa and April also reacted, a.s.sisting in releasing their strongest attacks.

“Tornado Storm!”

“Transfiguration Beam!”



In an instant, energy waves of various colors converged together, and the blazing energy instantly caused the surrounding temperature to rise by dozens of degrees.

However, the attack of Universe 0 was too powerful. Even a small amount of energy was not something that the Melissa and the others could resist. In the crisis, Muyang urgently increased his energy. After releasing the peak level nine energy, he barely managed to block it.

“A bunch of people who have not even reached Level 9 Dimension dare to interfere in the battle of high-level G.o.ds.”

A white figure suddenly appeared in front of him, his voice very cold.

It was the Silver Hair Man Shroom of Universe 0.

His strength was comparable to the Level 10 Dimension.

Shroom revealed an evil smile. He raised his palm and punched down.

“s.h.i.t, it’s dangerous!”

An urgent alarm flashed through his mind. In the face of the sudden strong attack, Muyang’s pupils suddenly shrank into a small dot. He was extremely anxious. He glanced at the nearby Melissa and the others who had yet to react. Muyang knew that they definitely could not block the attack of the other party!

Biting the tip of his tongue, Muyang quickly reacted. He teleported to the front and used his body to protect everyone.

“Thunder Shock Surprise!!”

Golden energy shot out, and the shadow of a hundred million palms appeared out of thin air.



Muyang’s Thunder Shock Surprise collided with Shroom’s attack. The dense explosions immediately linked together, and the energy of the backlash came with it. Muyang’s body shook and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His face turned pale.

“As expected of a level ten dimension. Just a casual attack is so powerful,” Muyang said with a bitter smile.

“Interesting, he actually blocked my attack,” Shroom said as he looked at Muyang.

He immediately prepared an even more powerful attack.

At this moment, Gaia’s angry roar sounded in his ears.


A series of deafening dragon roars came out from Gaia’s mouth.

Seeing that Muyang was injured, Gaia gave up the confrontation with the Dark Dragon G.o.d. Instead, she locked her target on the silver-haired man. Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Under everyone’s shocked eyes, a gigantic dragon claw that covered the sky cut through the void and descended from the sky. This dragon claw was abnormally large. Every scale on the claw was larger than the size of a planet.

The silver and blue light was clearly visible.


Shroom was in a hurry to block Gaia’s attack. His expression suddenly changed. At this moment, the sun and moon rotated, and the stars shattered. Shroom’s body was shot out like a cannonball.

“All of you, get away!”

A bright light shone. Gaia opened her b.l.o.o.d.y mouth as if she wanted to swallow the s.p.a.ce in front of her.

“Gaya, you are really amazing.”

“This is just a Level 10 Dimension.”

“Fortunately, she is here.”

The people who survived the disaster exclaimed. Amelia quickly took out a Senzu Bean from her bag and fed it to Muyang. After a while, Muyang’s face recovered.

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Dragon Ball God Mu Chapter 679 summary

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