
Dragon Ball God Mu Chapter 675

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Chapter 675

In the Macro World, any magnificent sight seemed insignificant in front of this vast s.p.a.ce. Next to the towering pillars in the deep s.p.a.ce, the s.p.a.ce curled and restrained, like a ferocious and monstrous beast, mercilessly devouring all the substances that invaded this world.

Dark Demon Realm, outside the s.p.a.ce barrier.

A few wisps of light appeared in the dead world. The light flashed and kept closing the distance at a speed faster than the speed of light. When these rays of light approached the Dark Demon Realm, the whole outline gradually appeared. It was a few fortresses wrapped in a pale green gas sac. The fortress was in a strange shape, with a flat shape and a hollow in the middle, with a surface as bright as lenses.

Each fortress was only four or five meters tall, and it was too precious to call it a cosmic flying device.

This was actually an aircraft used by the ‘Time Nest” s.p.a.ceship used for s.p.a.ce-Time Jump. At first glance, it did not look like a high-tech equipment. In fact, it was not a technological creation. Because the surface was attached with the divine power of Chronoa, it could sail in the vast world of s.p.a.ce-time.

“Mr. Muyang, we are already close to the location of the Dark Demon Realm.”

A warrior in a red uniform of the Time Patrol pointed to the distorted light and shadow in front of him.

The mission to attack the Dark Demon Realm this time gathered more than two hundred powerful warriors of the Time Nest. Each warrior had been through hundreds of battles and at least had the strength of a Half-G.o.d Level. Such a scale could be said to be full of elites. It was for the sake of completely eliminating the Dark Demon Realm led by the Demon Kai, Mechikabura.

If it was an ordinary dark force, they would have been scared out of their wits and surrendered when they saw such a lineup.

However, the Dark Demon Realm was not an ordinary place. There were countless Demon G.o.ds in the inner area, so it was not an exaggeration to be more careful when dealing with it.

“Stop first.”

Muyang, who was standing at the front of the crowd, ordered with a cold expression. His eyes stared at the distorted s.p.a.ce in front of him, and his whole body emitted the aura of a divine power.

Muyang asked Gaia, who was beside him, “Is that the location?”

Gaia nodded vigorously. “Yes, it is exactly the same as the one in my memory.”

Gaia devoured Towa’s memories and quickly determined that the location of the Dark Demon Realm was in front of them.

After receiving Gaia’s confirmation, Muyang thought for a moment and asked everyone to prepare.

This time, more than two hundred s.p.a.ce and Time Patrol Warriors were divided into eight groups, attacking the Dark Demon Realm from different directions. The entire universe led by Muyang and Acceleration World’s warriors would directly face the core strength of Supreme Kai.

After entering the Dark Demon Realm, attack them directly. Do not miss any opportunity to attack. The strength of the people of the Dark Demon Realm is not as strong as you, so it is not scary, but there is one thing to pay attention to… According to Chronoa, there are a few devil G.o.ds in the Dark Demon Realm who have the ability to demonize and deteriorate.

“Once you encounter such an opponent, immediately ask for backup. Remember not to fight alone. Those with insufficient strength are allowed to retreat.”

The demonization and extreme deterioration was a special ability given to the subordinates by the Demon Kai Mechikabura. Once it was activated, it would be like a transformation, and its strength would undergo an earth-shaking change. Chronoa had especially explained its danger.

Some of the warriors nodded, and then split into eight teams and rushed towards different directions of the Dark Demon Realm.

Watching as all the warriors separated and gradually disappeared from sight, Muyang turned around and nodded to Broly and the others, leading them to the Dark Demon Realm.

Just as they were about to enter the Dark Demon Realm, a strange wave of energy swept over. Pitch black water splashed up and down, and the pale green dimensional fortress kept swaying up and down. The violent shaking caused the people inside to stagger and lose their balance.

“It’s a spatial trap!” Gaia cried out in alarm.

“Let me do it.”

Muyang stepped out of the fortress, his body directly exposed in the turbulent waves of energy. He stared ahead, and a hard fist suddenly punched forward.


The fist that carried Acceleration World’s energy collided with the distorted s.p.a.ce, and it instantly shattered the s.p.a.ce in front of him like a stone breaking through the sky.

Hiss… An ear-piercing sound. The dark and deep cracks tore open. Muyang took a step forward in a spurt of energy and swept through the obstacles in front of him one after another.

The power of an angel swept across the world. The distorted s.p.a.ce traps could not stop Muyang at all. He grabbed at the void hand of the s.p.a.ce-time fortress. It was like an invisible rope was dragging there. The s.p.a.ce-time fortress instantly entered the edge of the Dark Demon Realm.

At this time, the world barrier was in front of Muyang and the others. Muyang sneered and smashed his fist forward with the strength of his riveted foot.


The huge Dark Demon Realm shook and a big hole was smashed into the world barrier. The dark edge of the s.p.a.ce twisted and was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“The people of the Dark Devil Realm are already prepared. Everyone, break into the Devil Realm and fight quickly.” A hint of coldness flashed through Muyang’s eyes.

“Charge in and don’t let anyone go.”

“The preparations are ready. We are waiting for the battle.”

There was no lack of warriors like Vegeta who were full of fighting desire in the team led by Muyang. When the gate of the Dark Demon Realm opened, they could not hide their excitement.

The tall body of Broly emitted an incomparable domineering aura, and soon turned into a green-haired super-cla.s.s state.

Son Goku and Veeta were not to be outdone, and the Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Form quickly appeared.

After that, a fiery red light flashed, and the Super Saiyan G.o.ds of Muqiu and Amelia also completed their transformation, followed by Son Hongye and the red-haired Super Saiyan 4 of Elek.

“Jiren, do you feel hot blood boiling?”

Seeing everyone rushing towards the Dark Demon Realm, Toppo propped up his fist and laughed.

Jiren’s dark eyes swept over Toppo and he calmly said, “There are monsters over there. I can feel their aura…”

Toppo restrained his smile. “A demon…”

Universe 11 was once attacked by a demon. At that time, the number one expert in the Universe 11, Jieqing, died because of a demon. Jiren was Jieqing’s disciple, so Toppo could imagine that Jiren must be full of anger at this time.

“Let’s go!”

Jiren said silently. His body shook and he turned into a shadow as he rushed into the door of the Dark Demon Realm.

Toppo sighed and let go of all distracting thoughts. He moved with the large team.

The large-scale operation of the Time Nest naturally caused the Dark Demon Realm to shake violently. When the demons and monsters in the middle reacted, a powerful energy impact swept down. One by one, high intensity explosions that could shatter the world continued to happen. Countless floating islands shattered and fell.

The illusory world that was like a fairyland before had turned into h.e.l.l in the blink of an eye.

Although there were no lack of Half-G.o.d Level and peak Half-G.o.d Level experts in the Dark Demon Realm, they lacked the ability to destroy other experts like G.o.ds. In the face of the full attack of the Time Nest, defeat was only a matter of time.

In the battle field, Melissa laughed loudly. Together with Broly, they were like two tanks that kept crushing them head-on. The rumbling sounds of explosions rang out one after another. All the people who resisted in front of them were annihilated.


“Don’t hold back. Leaving them behind is a disaster!”

“Wow, what a wonderful time this is!” The Golden Frieza opened his arms wide and shouted in an awe-inspiring manner. His fingertips tapped lightly, and a fiery red planet of destruction was released.

Immediately, it was a scene that could destroy the world.


Jiren’s tall and st.u.r.dy body shuttled between the monsters, each punch turning the monsters into minced meat. “This is the time for revenge!”


Hit kept disappearing and reappearing, fully displaying his killer skills. Every time his shadow flashed, it accompanied the death of the enemy. “Time-Skip and “Time Lag” took over, killing the enemy was as easy as cutting a melon.

Compared to Jiren and Hit’s efficiency, Lapis and Lazuli were much more salted fish. They never took the initiative to pursue the enemy, as if they were taking a stroll. Only when the enemy approached them would they wave their fists symbolically.

With a punch, he crushed the enemy.

“Lazuli and the others are really too buddhist…” Muyang shook his head.

Perhaps it was because they possessed eternal energy that they were not afraid of being entangled with the enemy, so their attacks were not so active.

Muyang himself was in charge of the overall situation, so he was only observing the situation of the warriors of the Time Nest in the sky. When he turned his eyes to the other side, he could not help but laugh when he saw the battle between April and Gaia.

These two people were truly worthy of being called the true “devouring duo”. April constantly released hunting food to absorb the energy of the enemy. As for Gaia, she jumped and split into countless clones. One by one, slimes danced like mad demons, absorbing the essence of energy.

One of them was the G.o.d of Destruction, the other is the sultry Angel Level, which was unstoppable. The people of Dark Demon Realm are really unlucky to meet them.

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Dragon Ball God Mu Chapter 675 summary

You're reading Dragon Ball God Mu. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Maple Leaf Connection, 枫叶缀. Already has 41 views.

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