
Kisses In The Sand: Blame It On The Kiss Part 13

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She raised her hands and snapped her fingers. Nope. No magic happening with the wall. Dammit. Maybe no one would notice it once she had everything else in place.

"Knock, knock," Sophie called out.

Honor turned and almost burst out laughing as her friend walked through the door.

"What?" Sophie put a hand on her hip. "The overalls too much? You said you were painting so I thought I'd help."

"You do make one heck of a poster girl for painting." Honor crossed the room and took the bag Sophie had in her other hand. "And you're the greatest friend ever for bringing lunch. Thank you."

Honor waved for Sophie to follow and strode over to her desk. She moved aside some stuff and put the bag from the Beach Cafe down.

Sophie practically skipped behind her. She'd been walking on Cloud Nine since returning from her honeymoon. "What color is that?"

"Eggplant." Honor pulled out a napkin and laid it on the desk before taking out the burgers and fries. Sophie grabbed her food and they found a relatively clean spot on the floor to sit down and eat.

"I like it. Are you painting the other walls the same?"

"No. Just that one." She liked things slapdash. Made her feel at home. "How's the new piano?" The surprise from Zane had floored Sophie.

"Amazing. I'm in love after only one lesson."

"h.e.l.lo?" a man said from the direction of the open front door.

Honor looked up. "Danny?" He looked around like he'd heard her but couldn't see her, and she realized there were several boxes in the way. She stretched up and leaned to the side. "We're down here."

His eyes met hers. "Hey. Am I interrupting?" He stepped into the store, his attention wandering around the s.p.a.ce.

"No. We're just eating lunch."

"Hi Danny!" Sophie said, lifting her arm higher than the box at her back and waving.

He responded in kind, then said, "Nice place you've got here. I noticed the downstairs is vacant." He stopped in the middle of the room and scuffed the floor with his work boot.

Hold on. She'd never seen Danny in anything less than slacks and dress shirts. "Mr. Case hasn't rented it yet. What are you doing here?"

Hands in the front pockets of his jeans, he studied the floor for a moment. "Bryce asked me to stop by. He told me you were fixing the place up on your own and your floors could use some sanding. I had a free couple of days, so here I am."

Sophie kept eating her burger like this was the most natural thing in the world to have Danny show up and sand floors. Honor popped to her feet. "Bryce thought you could come over here because...?"

"I'm pretty good at this sort of thing. I make a hobby of woodworking."

Honor sighed. She hadn't heard from Bryce in two weeks except via text a couple of times. He'd thanked her again for helping him with the gift for his mom and mentioned he'd had to leave town to meet with clients.

She glanced down at the floor. It did need help. But that wasn't why her heart pounded. Bryce had been thinking about her. Lord knew she hadn't stopped thinking about him. His last text, You should let me help you take care of that one night thing, was burned into the back of her brain. She'd yet to reply.

"So, I'll go get my stuff out of the car and be back in a few to get started. That cool?" Danny said when she'd stood there tight-lipped.

"That's fine!" Sophie responded.

Danny gave a nod and a smile and left. Honor dropped down to the floor and gave her friend the stink eye. Although, truthfully there wasn't a lot of irritation behind it.

"What do you know that I don't?" Honor asked, grabbing a few French fries.

"Nothing. But Bryce obviously wants to do something nice for you. And Danny is really good with his hands." Honor raised her eyebrows. "Stop it. I've seen some of the furniture he's made and it's beautiful." She wrapped up the remains of her burger. "According to Zane, he hasn't been himself lately, so maybe this project is something he could use, too."

Honor pressed her hands into her lap. This went beyond one-night and Payton's list territory.

"I know there's a lot going on in that head of yours." Given that Sophie used to do brain research, sometimes Honor got the feeling her friend could actually see right through her forehead and into her thoughts. "But if it's about Payton, she's gone, Honor. Feeling some guilt for being here when your friend isn't is normal, but a lot of time has pa.s.sed now. I've seen you and Bryce together. There's something there. I don't think your best friend would begrudge you finding out what that is."

Gathering up their trash, Honor stood. "You're right."

Sophie got to her feet, too, and wiped her hands down the legs of her overalls. "Why do I hear a 'but' coming?"

"Buuut..." Honor smiled. "That something is very short-lived. Trust me."

Doubt clouded Sophie's eyes before she nodded. "Since we need to get out of here for Danny, want to go shopping? I could use your help with some new clothes."

"You are the only girl I know who wants to shop after scarfing down a burger and fries. I'd love to."

"Meet me at Ivy Bleu?" The small boutique had become Sophie's favorite, too.

"I'll be right behind you." Honor looked around the large room at all the boxes and small furniture pieces. Should she haul everything downstairs? Push the boxes into the corners?

Text Bryce and thank him? Tell him yes.

Danny appeared in the doorway holding a big round tool thingie. "I'm using the s.p.a.ce below to hold some of my larger items," she said. "Should we put everything down there?"

"I got it. You take off. Just leave me the keys. If you're okay with it, I'll hang on to them and be back tomorrow. I should be done by the end of the day."

"Sounds good. Thank you." She looked around her desk for the keys and handed them to him. "A lot of the items in the boxes are fragile."

"No manhandling the boxes, got it." His eyes sparkled and Honor got the feeling he was really excited about this.

"Okay, then. I'll stop by tomorrow." She stepped around him. "You like fritters?"

"Does a horse like hay?"

Honor smiled. On her walk to Ivy Bleu's she pulled her phone out of her pocket. She and Bryce were at an impa.s.se and the ball was in her court. Sophie was right. Time marched on. People changed and made progress toward something better. Honor needed to stop standing in her own way. She'd said goodbye to eleven months since Payton's death. And the more time she spent with Bryce, the more her heart opened to him.

Both as a friend and maybe as something more, if only for one night. They both deserved to move forward and Payton would be okay with that. Her best friend had never begrudged someone else's happiness.

Okay, she texted.

Her phone chirped two seconds later. Okay what? Just want to be clear since several days have pa.s.sed since my offer.

Okay to one night. And thanks for sending me Danny.

Happy to help. With both. Danny's not for the taking btw.

A flash of heat whipped through her at his possessive and flirtatious answer. She waited a beat before texting back. That's not what he said.


She giggled at his use of all caps. Something about keeping my keys and- I'm going to kill him.

Now? I'd like to make good use of those hands of his first.

The only hands allowed to touch you are mine.

A shot of pleasure hit between her thighs as she remembered his hands and where they'd been. Good grief. He was turning her on as she walked down Main Street.

"Honor, dear, are you all right?" cute little dyed-blond Mrs. Landry asked, bringing Honor to a stop on the sidewalk. "You look a little flush."

Of course someone would choose this moment to pa.s.s by. "I'm fine. Just worked up a little sweat painting. Thank you, though."

"You should drink more water. Doctor Flynn says it's the best thing for you. He also told me that being well hydrated helps keep the libido in good working order." She double-winked, and Honor tried to keep a straight face.

"I'll be sure to remember that." And try to forget where she heard it. The last thing she wanted to hear about was Mrs. L.'s libido when the woman liked to sneak around with Uncle Tuck.

"When is your new store opening?"


Mrs. L. patted her arm. "I hope so."

Honor's phone chirped. "Gotta go, Mrs. L." She hurried around the spry senior and focused back on her phone.

Did I scare you away?

No. Sorry. Ran into Mrs. Landry and got schooled on the importance of drinking water.

So back to my hands on you, then.

I'm not sure your hands need to be involved.

Too late, sweetheart.

What makes you think I want a repeat performance? She did. She wanted his hands on her again and again and again.

The s.e.xy sounds you made when you came.

Her pulse sped up.

This time I'm going to make you come with my hand, my mouth, and while buried deep inside you.

She darted down a small alleyway and leaned against the building, pressed her legs together. In that order?

Now what fun would it be to give that away?

How do you know I like surprises?

Let me surprise you tomorrow night.

Coop is out of town.

I'll be over at 8.

Her stomach fluttered and her head got a little light. She'd led him to her front door, she couldn't back out now. Okay.

I can't wait.

The flutters moved upward and filled her heart. She left the texting at that, so delighted by his admission that her hands shook. She couldn't wait either.

Bryce dropped his phone next to him on the couch and stared at the email on his laptop. Cooper Mitch.e.l.l needed more time to make a decision and would be in touch soon. Honor Mitch.e.l.l had made her decision and tomorrow night they'd be doing a lot more than touching.

Whether or not it was the right thing to do, he'd find out later. The fact that she trusted him made him forget about his own trust issues. She couldn't hurt him if he kept this about the list.

And until he signed Cooper, he saw no reason not to be with her. She didn't want a relationship, but she wanted a one night stand. No strings attached s.e.x meant no emotional entanglement.

Really Cooper should be thanking him. Bryce guaranteed Honor got exactly what she wanted and deserved. A good guy who respected her body and wishes. A guy who would worship her and make her feel safe while he rocked her world.

You're an idiot if you think your emotions aren't involved.

His mind wandered to Payton. He'd cared deeply for her, but over the past several weeks he'd come to realize he hadn't truly loved her. Not the way he'd wanted to love someone. She'd never sparked the kind of intensity needed for forever. Coming to that understanding, he'd made his offer to Honor.

He couldn't stop thinking about her. She tied him in knots of l.u.s.t and affection and he wanted to make tomorrow night good for her. A part of him planned to love her with slow, smooth strokes like he'd done on her couch a couple of weeks ago. But another part of him wanted to spread her legs wide and pound into her with unrestrained urgency so she'd know exactly how crazy she made him.

So he'd do both.

And give her a night she'd always remember before he walked away.

Chapter Eight.

"I don't think you should drive in this weather," Honor said into her cell. She did not have cold feet. She just didn't think it nice of Mother Nature to drop the rainstorm to end all rainstorms on her Friday night plans.

"You think a little rain is going to keep me away from you?" Bryce said, his voice warmer and more delicious than her favorite hot chocolate.

d.a.m.n him.

She drew her legs up onto the couch and tucked the blanket around her. "I'm sure the roads are a mess and it's only supposed to rain harder."

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Kisses In The Sand: Blame It On The Kiss Part 13 summary

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