
Kiss Heaven Goodbye Part 62

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'You sure you don't want me to come with you?' he asked, putting his hands on her shoulders.

She shook her head. 'I'm grateful for you coming this far but I don't want you to get more involved than you have to be. I'm just going to go over there and get this done.'

Philip tilted his head to look up at the grey clouds gathering across the horizon. 'Well you'd better be quick. The concierge thinks there might be some bad weather coming in and you don't want to stay on that island overnight.'

'I'll swim away if I have to.' She smiled.

Phil put his arms around her and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She relaxed into his body, and didn't want to pull away. There had been so many places that had just felt right right over the past twenty years: on Pampelonne beach in St Tropez in the summertime. On a yacht in St Barts on New Year's Eve. At the CEFA designer of the year awards picking up a gong. But right now, Sasha could not think of anywhere she wanted to be more than here in Philip's gentle, protective embrace. over the past twenty years: on Pampelonne beach in St Tropez in the summertime. On a yacht in St Barts on New Year's Eve. At the CEFA designer of the year awards picking up a gong. But right now, Sasha could not think of anywhere she wanted to be more than here in Philip's gentle, protective embrace.

'I should have said yes,' she said quietly.

He turned to look at her. 'What do you mean?'

'That night in your flat. I should have said yes.'

His eyes twinkled with pleasure, but Sasha knew she didn't have time for this right now.

'I won't be long,' she said quickly, grabbing her bag and striding out of the hotel with a purpose she had not felt in a long time. She had to get this finished. Only then could she get back to Philip and the life she had been searching for all these years.The boat taking her to Angel Cay was fast and powerful, slicing through the green water with such speed that a journey that should have taken forty minutes took only fifteen.

'Shall I wait?' asked the captain as he helped her on to the jetty.

Sasha glanced at her watch. 'No. I don't know how long I'll be, but that journey was so quick I'll give you a ring when I need to be collected.'

He lifted a finger to his cap. 'Sure thing, madam. But don't leave it too long; the weather's turning.'

'I'll be two hours tops.'

She walked along the pier, her heels tapping on the sun-blanched wood to where a man was waiting by a Mini Moke. He was about forty, with weathered skin and a clipped moustache.

'Benny Law,' he said, extending a hand. 'I'm the caretaker.'

'What happened to Nelson?' asked Sasha as she climbed into the little jeep. 'I thought he was part of the furniture around here.'

'He retired,' said Benny vaguely. 'Now let me take you up to the house. Grace Ashford and that musician fella arrived a couple of hours ago.'

'So everyone's here?'

He shook his head. 'Naw, miss, not right now. They've all gone sailing. Should be back in about an hour.'

Sasha tutted and looked anxiously at her watch again. She wanted to get this over and done with as soon as possible, and Phil was right she really didn't want to spend a night on the island.

Benny took her up to the house, then drove off in a cloud of dust towards the caretaker's cottage. Left all alone, Sasha wandered from room to room, feeling the years slip away, remembering what it was like when she'd had the run of the house.

G.o.d, I really thought I was going to marry Miles, didn't I? she remembered with a smile, trailing her hands over the familiar furniture. she remembered with a smile, trailing her hands over the familiar furniture. I thought all this was going to be mine I thought all this was going to be mine.

Upstairs, she stopped with a pang of melancholy at the door of Miles' old bedroom. She wondered idly what would have happened if she had got her wish and become the next Mrs Ashford. Would she have been satisfied? At eighteen, she had believed it was her destiny to settle down and spend her life being a chattel, a possession, Miles Ashford's wife. Instead she had gone entirely the other way and been completely independent, beholden to no one, making her own way in the world on her wits and her talents. She hadn't needed anyone. Apart from Robert, of course. As much to distract herself as anything else, she went in. Laid out on the bed were Miles' clean clothes, a pressed pink shirt, Ralph Lauren chinos. This was obviously where he was sleeping tonight, she thought, wondering why he hadn't moved into the master bedroom with the best view of the beach. Same reason I'm not going in there Same reason I'm not going in there, she thought. Too many ghosts Too many ghosts.

Her eyes was drawn to the laptop computer sitting on the walnut desk by the window, a white light on the front blinking at her. Glancing back towards the door, she walked over and sat down. I wonder I wonder ... she thought. In all the maelstrom of the past forty-eight hours, she had not entirely forgotten about her business and in particular how Miles was trying to pull it from under her. She knew he was in league with Simon a.s.sad, but how exactly and why? Maybe there would be some clues on his personal computer... . she thought. In all the maelstrom of the past forty-eight hours, she had not entirely forgotten about her business and in particular how Miles was trying to pull it from under her. She knew he was in league with Simon a.s.sad, but how exactly and why? Maybe there would be some clues on his personal computer.

She made a few clicks, but it was immediately clear that he had protected his emails with a pa.s.sword. Dammit, she thought. If there was going to be evidence, it would be there. His desk-top files, however, were not protected in this way. Systematically she began opening them. Most were dull Ash Corp.-related items. Spreadsheets, projections, PowerPoint presentations with pie charts and endless contracts in dense legalese. She was just about to give up, when she found a folder full of dozens of photographs. Miles skiing. Miles on a yacht somewhere hot and sunny. Miles with his arm around a clean-cut handsome ski instructor. Miles in bed with another man, laughing at the camera. She recoiled in surprise and then almost laughed out loud. Of course! Of course! So many things began to fit into place. Their strange s.e.x life, which had swung between the borderline kinky and the lackl.u.s.tre. He was either at her like a piston or couldn't get it up. It also explained his remote relationship with Chrissy perhaps even his bond with Alex Doyle. So many things began to fit into place. Their strange s.e.x life, which had swung between the borderline kinky and the lackl.u.s.tre. He was either at her like a piston or couldn't get it up. It also explained his remote relationship with Chrissy perhaps even his bond with Alex Doyle.

She clicked on another folder ent.i.tled 'Dubai' it looked like some sort of Ash Corp. company jolly, or maybe the launch of one of his resorts there were loads of shots on the beach, various men and women in swimsuits horsing around on the sand and in the water. Lots of shots of Miles with yet another good-looking man in aviator shades and surf shorts. And then she saw something that make her heart beat faster. It was such a small thing, she could easily have missed it, but there it was and she was sure she had seen it before. The main photo was of Miles smiling as he held up a c.o.c.ktail in salute to the camera, but what was grabbing Sasha's attention was in the background; the good-looking man was running out of the surf, which had pulled his shorts low. She enlarged the image as far as it would go; it pixelated as it expanded, but it was enough to see the mark on the man's hipbone. It was a tattoo of the sun, its rays curling outwards. A tattoo she'd recognise anywhere. Bradley the boat boy the dead dead boat boy had had exactly the same tattoo, in exactly the same spot. Was it simply a coincidence? boat boy had had exactly the same tattoo, in exactly the same spot. Was it simply a coincidence? Could Could it be? Sasha's palms felt clammy; intuitively she knew it was the same tattoo, the same man. But who was he? Why was he with Miles? it be? Sasha's palms felt clammy; intuitively she knew it was the same tattoo, the same man. But who was he? Why was he with Miles?

'What the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l is going on?' she whispered to herself.

She shut the laptop and glanced around Miles' bedroom. There were few personal possessions here, just the clothes and a small overnight bag, nothing to give her more clues.

Who are you, surf boy? she thought frantically, her mouth feeling dry. she thought frantically, her mouth feeling dry. And why are you with Miles? And why are you with Miles?

Unzipping his leather holdall, she looked inside. Toothpaste, floss, deodorant, nothing out of the ordinary. She pulled out a magazine: Forbes Forbes, with a picture of Miles on the front cover, a fat cigar between his grinning teeth. Typical Typical, she thought. Miles' idea of p.o.r.n: a picture of himself Miles' idea of p.o.r.n: a picture of himself.

Sitting on the bed, she flicked through the magazine until she found the feature about Miles. And then she stopped as she saw a small black and white photograph inserted into a body of text. It was the same man in the surf shorts, but instead of sungla.s.ses he was wearing small wire-framed spectacles. She ran her finger across the page. Was it him? Could it be? His face had slimmed out. His hair was darker, not as blond. The nose was different too thinner, straighter, with the perfect nostril shape; the work she knew instantly of an expert cosmetic surgeon, because she'd had similar work done herself. But it was him. Her breath was ragged, her hands shaking. It was him It was him. She read the caption: 'Miles Ashford and Ash Corp. director of business affairs Michael Marshall.' Oh s.h.i.t Oh s.h.i.t, she thought. She had no idea what was going on was this guy scamming Miles? Was Miles in on it? Was this some sort of sick game he was playing? Whichever way you looked at it, it wasn't good, and instinctively she knew they were in danger. Putting the magazine back, she slipped out of Miles' bedroom and went into her own, pulling her BlackBerry out of her bag.

Who to call? Whether Miles was manipulating them or not, he had to know something. But when she dialled his mobile number, her heart sank as she heard it ringing back in his bedroom.

s.h.i.t, s.h.i.t, s.h.i.t, she whispered.

She scrolled through to Philip's number and walked towards the window, her eyes searching the sea for a sight of Miles' boat.

'Phil. It's me,' she said, keeping her voice low.

'You're there already?'

'Yes, and I have a horrible feeling that something weird is going on.'

'What's up?'

'You know we found the body of the boat boy?' she whispered. 'Well, he's not dead. He's Michael Marshall.'

'The lawyer who invited you here?' said Philip. 'So whose body have the police got, then?'

'I wish I knew.'

She was shaking her head, trying to process the facts in her mind, trying to work out what made sense.

'Look, the boat boy had a tattoo on his hip; it's one of the few things I remember about him. I've just seen a photograph of Michael Marshall on Miles' computer. Phil, he has the same tattoo. He's changed his appearance, his name, but it's him. I know it.'

'Why on earth would Miles have the boat boy working for him?' asked Philip.

'I don't know. Maybe he doesn't even know it's him. I don't know what to think.' She closed her eyes tightly, trying to blot out her fear.

'Do you want me to come to Angel?' asked Philip.


'I'll be there as soon as I can, but the weather's changed. I'm guessing that's going to slow me up, but Sasha, I'll get there.'

She felt a wash of relief, but she hated being so vulnerable. She was Sasha Sinclair, the a.r.s.e-kicking global style icon, but she was just grateful that Phil was on the way.

'Where is Marshall now?'

'I don't know. He told me he was going to be here, but the caretaker didn't mention him.'

'Is Miles with you?'

'No. He's out sailing with Grace and Alex.'

'Well find some company. Stay with them.'

As she clicked off, she heard a noise behind her and whirled around.

A smartly dressed man with cocoa-coloured skin and short hair was standing in the doorway.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you,' he said and extended a hand. 'Detective Carlton. You must be Sasha Sinclair. I recognise you from one of my wife's magazines.'

Her shoulders sank with relief and she clasped a hand to her chest. 'A detective,' she said, breathing out. 'You scared the life out of me. Are you with Miles?'

'No. A boat has just brought me from George Town. Perhaps we should go downstairs and wait for him?'

'Good idea. I think he's in danger.'


Sasha wasn't sure she should tell the police anything until she had spoken to Miles. Then again, what if Michael Marshall was with them? What if he was planning some sort of revenge?

'Yes, I think there's a man on this island who might not be who he claims to be.'

She turned around to retrieve her BlackBerry. She didn't realise that Detective Carlton had come up behind her until she felt an arm around her throat, choking her. She struggled, but he was too strong, his arm pressing into her windpipe. For a split second, the pieces started falling into place. But then it was too late, because a moment later, she had lost consciousness.


Miles decided to cut the sailing trip short. Thick grey storm clouds were gathering quickly and both Miles and Grace had spent enough summers in the Exumas to know that when bad weather came, it could be bleak and torrential. As they tied up the boat and walked up to the house, the tall coconut palms had begun swaying from side to side and the once cloudless sky had become dark and brooding.

'I hope Sasha has managed to get here,' said Alex, looking towards the house. Where before it had looked idyllic and welcoming, now the dark windows made the place seem cold and unsettling.

Miles tutted. 'I still can't understand why she refused to come out from London with you two.'

'I should think the prospect of an eight-hour flight sitting next to Grace probably put her off,' said Alex quietly as Grace walked into the house out of earshot. 'After all that business with her and your dad.'

'I see your point,' said Miles as they followed his sister in. It was obvious that no one was in the house; there were no lights or signs of life.

'Where's b.l.o.o.d.y Benny?' snapped Miles. 'I need a drink.'

'The bar's only over there, Miles,' said Alex, nodding to the corner of the living room. 'I think you can manage to unscrew a bottle by yourself.'

'I'll do it,' said Grace, obviously trying to head off a confrontation. She handed them all gla.s.ses, then sat down on a high-backed cream sofa.

'Look, Miles, I know Sasha's not arrived, but she might not even get here tonight. So I think we should start talking about what we came here to discuss.'

Miles glanced out of the windows at the dark, rolling sea. There was no way a boat would bring Sasha over from the White Sands resort unless it had left already. He shrugged.

'Fair enough.'

He was just sitting down when his mobile started ringing, a faint, shrill rasp in the distance.

'b.o.l.l.o.c.ks. Where did I leave my phone?'

'Sounds like upstairs,' said Alex. 'Why don't you leave it? We need to get started.'

'Might be the police,' said Miles, running up to his room and pulling his phone from a pocket of the jacket hanging behind the door.

'Mr Ashford?'


'DeShaun Riley. I'm doing forensics on the island.'

Miles had met the man earlier. He had taken the Mini Moke out to the west beach that afternoon to see how he was getting on.

'Can you meet me by the boathouse? As soon as you can. There's something I need to show you.'

Miles frowned, feeling a flicker of distress. The boathouse? The boathouse? What the f.u.c.k was he doing there? Hadn't Detective Carlton said that the only scene-of-crime work was being done around the site where the body had been found? What the f.u.c.k was he doing there? Hadn't Detective Carlton said that the only scene-of-crime work was being done around the site where the body had been found? G.o.d, I knew it was a mistake to let Michael go back to George Town G.o.d, I knew it was a mistake to let Michael go back to George Town.

He grabbed a windcheater from his wardrobe and ran downstairs, where Alex and Grace were still sitting expectantly on the sofa.

'I have to go out,' he said, heading for the door.

'Miles, we're here to b.l.o.o.d.y talk!' said Alex.

'I won't be long.'

Outside, the temperature seemed to have fallen by ten degrees and the first drops of rain were beginning to fall, spotting Miles' expensive suede leather deck shoes. The quickest way to the boathouse was to weave through the mangrove at the back of the house. It was darkening as he walked through the forest, the wind beginning to rush through the treetops. I won't go down for this I won't go down for this, he told himself. I did nothing wrong I did nothing wrong.

As he approached the west beach, the vegetation thinned out and he could see glimpses of sand through the trees. A man was standing in the shelter of the rickety boathouse, but it was not DeShaun Riley.

'Michael?' said Miles with a puzzled expression. 'What are you doing back? Where's Riley?'

Michael waited until Miles had joined him him before he spoke. 'I sent him away. I didn't want anyone to overhear this.'

'Overhear what?'

Michael's expression was serious. 'Miles, you have to tell me what happened that night.'

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Kiss Heaven Goodbye Part 62 summary

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