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The true test of your love for a person is the enduring love you have even in the midst of negative circ.u.mstances. What keeps a woman in her home despite the pain and ridicule she encounters from the husband's family is the depth of love she has for her husband and her children. Anyone can give up in life if love is not in place. Your staying power is based on love.

The Bible says in the last days, people will give up easily; there will be deserters who will abscond their families. This is because there are many unseen and negative forces that want to frustrate us out of the will of G.o.d for our lives. However, it takes the staying power to continue with G.o.d; it takes determination to stay put with G.o.d and not give up. This is because there will be pressures from every side; you easily feel like giving up on issues. But on the long run if you don't give up, you will thank the Lord. You will see that a pay-day will eventually come, if you don't give up.

Many times when you look at the cost of obedience, at the price to pay for following G.o.d, at the price for staying in the will of G.o.d, it looks as if it is awesome or too much a price to pay. You may sometimes wonder if you can forge ahead. Once you are standing for what is right; you should not consider insults because soon, you will see that G.o.d is a rewarder. This does not mean G.o.d will reward you at the end of each month like an employee receives his monthly pay. The reward may not come at the end of each month but what is sure is that reward is inevitable; it will certainly come and when it does come, it will be obvious to everyone that G.o.d does not forget His own.

In the last days, many will lose heart, they will give up easily. Even in Christendom, many will want to have things done their own way. Many will prefer using crooked means to achieve their goals. It was also like that in the days of old.

Prophet Eli was a genuine man of G.o.d who raised up Samuel; sadly, he couldn't raise up his own children rightly. At the age of 58, his children were already priests because at that time, their father was around 98 years old. Eli's children were no longer young men; they had grown to become mature men, yet, they lived in sin.

They committed adultery with women who came to worship in the temple, they took what lawfully belongs to them out of the offering, but they do it in a wrong way. Instead of taking the meat using a fork as laid down in the Law of Moses, out of greed, they select any part of the meat they desire using their hands.

G.o.d warned them severally yet they did not change until they were judged.

Apostle Paul gave us an insight about his own ministry. Ironically, the ministry some people value are the ministries where they are cheated. They do not value those who sincerely love them. Only sincere people honour those who are sincere because you will always be attracted to what you are. If you are a sinning Christian, you will be attracted to a sinning pastor; on the other hand, if you are a holy person, you will be attracted to holy people.

These days, many young people don't care whether what they are doing is right or wrong; as long as it is working. In the last days, there will be men who will feel they have right to be h.o.m.os.e.xual and still serve G.o.d either as a pastor or a church member. It is amazing when some query why such an act is judged; they must have forgotten that the word of G.o.d has already judged the evil act.

As a true believer, if you are not careful, your heart may faint when you see strange and unpleasant things happening in the Body of Christ. If your mind is not made up to stand for what is right, you may sometimes find standing for the truth unattractive; after seeing those who do things their own way making it. Despite all these, Apostle Paul admonished us not to faint.

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of G.o.d deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of G.o.d.

II Corinthians 4:1-2

Apostle Paul refused to do things the way others were doing it. Paul is saying despite the fact that there are dishonest men/women all around, we should not join them. Others may follow short-cut and get results, we must stand for what is right. The fact that others do it their way and get results does not mean it is approved by heaven. As a believer, we must be able to separate between good and right. The fact that something is good does not mean it is right. More than having result is standing before G.o.d who ordained ministry.

In Luke 18, Jesus talked about the importance of perseverance. Because on your way to the top, when you see people taking short-cut and making it, you may also be tempted to join them, if you are not careful. An encouragement is coming to you now that all will not end here, there is a reward beyond this world so don't give up standing for what you know is right. Follow G.o.d and you will realize it pays to follow the Master's way.

And there was widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not G.o.d, nor regard man; Yet because this widow trouble me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

Luke 18:3-5

G.o.d is saying you should not give up on your prayer life. The fact that things are failing in the world doesn't mean that G.o.d is a failure.

...nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Luke 18:8

In the above verse, Jesus asked a question but He did not bother to wait for a reply. He wants you and me to answer the question; answer whether you will be a part of those dishonest people who abandon the right for the good or those who will stay with the right; knowing full well that the right will one day be good.

Beloved, unless your love for G.o.d is matched with endurance, it may never be profitable to you. There are many in the world today who have nothing to show as a profit for their G.o.dliness because they do well a little bit, afterwards, they change the gear when things seem not working. There are uncommitted people all over and when things eventually go wrong for them, those who have never sought G.o.d will see them as failures because they have not seen the proof of G.o.d's faithfulness in their lives. Not that G.o.d is unfaithful but they failed to stay on to the end.

In I Corinthians 13, Paul described the love of G.o.d for us and verse 7 tells us about endurance.

Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

I Cor 13:7

Certainly, love endures. Many want to just get result without going through anything. The hard fact is that there are things on earth you must go through. It is true that faith comes by hearing but great faith comes by what you encounter; it comes by going through the road mapped out for you by heaven, refusing to give up.

Love puts up with anything; trusts G.o.d always; always look for the best; never looks back, but keeps going to the end.

I Cor 13:7 (Msg Bible)

When you love the Lord, when you love doing the will of G.o.d, when you love following G.o.d and His purpose for your life, you will see on the long run that it pays to endure. Yes, eventually, it pays to serve the Lord. It is my prayer that you will not give up on life but you will become a reflection that serving G.o.d pays; that being in the will of G.o.d has great reward.

A pattern of endurance was seen in Jesus Christ our model as described in the book of Hebrews. All of us would have been d.a.m.ned to go to h.e.l.l fire for ever if not for Jesus who refused to give up. Persistence is the proof of your belief in G.o.d therefore; refuse to be discouraged, just like Jesus. There were enough circ.u.mstances to discourage Jesus Christ; yet, he persisted.

Wherefore seeing we also are compa.s.sed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of G.o.d.

Heb 12:1-2

The cloud of witnesses refers to the spirit of departed saints who have gone to heaven; who are watching us as we run our race. They are not concerned by the University degree you have or the material things you possess here on earth; they only see your spiritual work for the Lord and they are giving you applaud in the grandstand of heaven whenever you get it right. They are over there, encouraging you to finish well and finish strong.

The cross was not a comfortable place, it wasn't something to enjoy. It was humiliating, it was disgracing but if only you have the vision for the end, you will ignore the reproach of the moment. The middle of what G.o.d planned for you may not be appealing; you may even want to use prayer to cancel it but if Joseph had resisted going to Portiphar's house or Pharaoh's prison, he may never had come to the palace. Because of the glorious end Jesus had in view, He could heal the ear of Marcus which Peter cut down in anger when Jesus was about to be arrested in the garden of Gethsemane.

The consequence of Peter's rash action would have been immediate death sentence for Peter. It means Peter would have died before Jesus. Why was Jesus still healing at the point of betrayal and sorrow? It was because of the glory He saw ahead; He saw the whole world would one day, praise Him; He saw you and I one day being His own. Surprisingly these days, many look for glory without paying the price; they look for gain without pain.

As it is, yes, not much chance of that you know for yourself that we are not much, we've been surrounded and battered by troubles but we are not demoralized; we are not sure what to do but we know that G.o.d knows what to do; we've been spiritually terrorized but G.o.d hasn't left our side; we've been thrown down but we haven't broken. What they did to Jesus they do to us; trials and torture; mockery and murder; what Jesus did among them, He does it in us- He lives.

II Cor 4:8 (Msg Bible)

See it in Amplified version:

We are edged in, pressed on every side, troubled and oppressed in every way, but not cramped or crushed. We suffer embarra.s.sment and are perplexed and unable to find a way out but not driven to despair. We are pursued, persecuted and hard-driven but not deserted to stand alone, we are struck down to the ground but never struck out and destroyed.

II Cor 4:8 (Amp Bible)

The only thing that could motivate Apostle Paul as such is his love for the Master. You can always endure for whoever you love. When you love G.o.d, even when people think you are suffering, you won't see it as such because love will cover whatever you encounter. Paul smiled through his way despite the hardship he faced and today, though he lived over 2000 years ago, we still read about him. Beloved, life may seem unfair at the moment but if you have pa.s.sion, you will sail through.

There are people who have heard the word of encouragement being preached to them in the past but because they could not endure till the end, they died giving up on life. They couldn't make it because they didn't understand that beyond the ugly middle, there is a glorious end.

In the case of David, he knew that beyond the running away from King Saul; beyond the 21 times of attempted murder, was a throne to occupy in Israel. Despite all the attempts King Saul made to kill David, including giving him one of his daughters to marry as a bait for him, David still became what G.o.d wanted him to be; because he refused to give up.

There was enough to discourage Jesus our Lord because one of the soldiers He healed, Marcus, was one of the soldiers that killed Him. Yet because he saw the millions that would one day be His followers, He was able to endure the humiliation and pain.

Persistence is the mirror of self-discipline; it is a reflection of whether you have self control. The zeal you have for your future dream is enough to take you to where you will get to. Many may give up on you but don't give up on yourself. There is a future for you in life; discover your area of strength and stay on till you have what you desire.

Many also gave up on Jesus after His crucifixion; even the disciples didn't believe Jesus would resurrect. They thought all was finished after His death; that was why Jesus had to show Himself to them several times. In Luke 24, two men, Cleopas and another disciple were discussing as they travelled about the death of Jesus, and Jesus joined them in their discussion; He had to encourage their spirit because He knew they were about to give up. Don't give up because G.o.d cannot help those who give up.

While you persevere, there are four things that are crucial to your reward:

Right Perspective: Live by vision, and when you do, you will see the promise afar off with the eye of faith. What gives you power for today is the vision of tomorrow. The great heroes of faith had power because they had vision of a better tomorrow. So have a vision and a dream. It is amazing when people say they can't determine how they will end; yes you can. Jesus knew G.o.d had already determined the end for Him so the ugly middle or the little struggle did not make any meaning.

You must have the right perspective about life; know that real life is following the Master; that real life is being in the center of His will. Real life is not giving up; it knows that nothing good comes easy. See the promise afar off just like Jesus saw it afar. He saw the glory ahead of Him; He saw several people from the different continents all over the world honouring His name; He saw you and me with the eye of faith and that was why He could persevere. Jesus had power for today because He had a vision for tomorrow. Jesus did not go to the cross as if He was helpless; He knew it would not end there for Him.

Have a resolve and confidence that what G.o.d says will come to pa.s.s; be sure of what G.o.d says concerning you and that G.o.d's promise will not fail. Remain optimistic by living your life to make a legacy, not just a living. Know that it will not always be like this; that things will soon change for your good. Embrace G.o.d's promises in your life with the confidence that it will not end like this.

There are two compartments in the screen of your mind: the memory and the imagination. Yesterday is in the past; it is gone and nothing can be done about it. But the imagination is the future G.o.d has for you; the glory, honour, restoration of all that was lost. Your dream must be ahead of you, not your memory. If the memory of your yesterday is more than your imagination of tomorrow, you will always live in your past.

Some people are in the habit of living their lives based on memory. For Jesus, the imagination of the future was glory, resurrection, ascension and the eternal honour every creature will give to His name. He refused to focus on the memory of the pain of the cross, the pain of betrayal and denial from close a.s.sociates, the shame and despise He witnessed both during His trial and also on the way to the cross; all from the very ones He came to save! Jesus even rebuked Peter for attempting to talk Him out of G.o.d's plan; it means Jesus did not die hopelessly or as if He had no choice.

Right Purpose: Whenever the purpose of a thing is not understood, its abuse is inevitable but when your perspective is right, your purpose will be right. You won't do things for doing sake, you won't live for food or what you can get out of life; you will live for the Master's will. And as you pursue the Master's plan, blessings will come. There is a reason behind everything that G.o.d creates; there is a reason behind your life. Your life is not meant to end in disaster; G.o.d has a good plan for your life.

If life is all about eating, drinking, building houses, buying cars and making merry; then life itself is useless; then the death of Jesus is meaningless. Anybody can have all these without being born again but thank G.o.d life is worth much more than that. So let your life revolve round purpose.

When Eliab saw young David on the battle front, he accused him of pride but David gave brother Eliab a wise answer:

And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men; and Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, why camest thou hither? And with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thy heart; for thou art come down that thou might see the battle. And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?

I Sam 17:28-29

David knew there was a reason for Prophet Samuel anointing him and that one of such reasons is to save Israel from shame and ridicule Goliath brought on G.o.d's people; he knew the anointing on him is powerful to bring down the head of the man who had defied the armies of the living G.o.d. A man who does not know the reason behind a thing will think those who are following G.o.d are not reasonable.

Gehazi became a leper because he couldn't understand why his master rejected Naaman's numerous gifts. Gehazi must have thought if Elisha was not willing to be rich, he was; so he ran after Naaman. In fact, he had to lie to Naaman:

And he said, All is well. My master has sent me, saying, Behold, even now there be come to me from mount Ephraim two young men of the sons of the prophets: give them, I pray thee, a talent of silver, and two changes of garment.

II Kings 5:22

Naaman gave Gehazi more than what he wanted and he hid it. Gehazi thought he had cleverly covered his track but how wrong he was! Gehazi couldn't understand why his master refused the gifts but Elisha knew that if he had taken the gifts from Naaman, Naaman wouldn't feel indebted to the G.o.d of Israel, having already paid for his healing. But with Gehazi's greed, Naaman must have gone back to his country to think every prophet is the same; he must have thought everybody has his own price 'after all, he first boasted he doesn't need the gifts but he later changed his mind'. It is a pity Gehazi's action robbed G.o.d of the honour and Elisha cursed him:

And he said unto him, Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments.... The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed forever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow.

II Kings 5:26-27

Elisha was a man of the spirit who knew when to accept or reject gifts; this was what Gehazi didn't know. He didn't know the purpose for which the gift was rejected and he allowed his flesh to rule him. When your life is governed by purpose, you will never live like ordinary men.

Right Pa.s.sion: Once you have the right purpose, there will be zeal in you to forge ahead. Men of purpose are men of strength, men of pa.s.sion and drive. There is a driving force in a man not to give up but such drive is found inside purpose.

In the days of Martin Luther King, he was unwanted by his own people - the Blacks. It was because he was pioneering a cause they counted as rubbish. Because his people accepted their fate as slaves, they could not understand why Martin Luther was fighting the Whites against discrimination. He fought a cause he believed till the end. Though he died several years ago, he is still celebrated all over the world today. It was because he lived for something he strongly believed and he pursued it with all pa.s.sion.

Many great leaders in the past are dead but the legacy of what they left behind still produce people who lay claim to be their protégé. If this could happen at the natural level, how much more the spiritual level? Apostle Paul is gone but his purpose still speaks volume. While he was in prison, though others may see him as a prisoner but those prison terms gave him the liberty to write most of the epistles.

Those times Paul was imprisoned, his accusers thought they have succeeded in hindering the gospel, not knowing it would eventually become an avenue for him to dictate the scripture to those who copied for him. Some other great prophets that lived in those days who didn't have the opportunity to doc.u.ment their experiences are not known today but Paul's experiences were doc.u.mented because of what looked like hindrance then. His words, though written over 2000 years ago, are still touching the lives of men. Yet, all his writing came in the midst of the ugly middle and sorrow.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to G.o.d must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Heb 11:6

The above promise becomes automatic once your diligence in pursuing G.o.d is intact. It is then men will see the reward of your chast.i.ty; if, while others prefer to live in sin, you choose to keep your virginity from seductive men/women; when you refuse to cut corners like everyone around you are doing. They may hate you publicly but in their closets, they know you are reliable to run to when they have trouble. Once they know you are reliable, they will desire that you be the treasurer of their co-operative society; even if they don't seem to agree with your strong faith.

If men would know this, you can be sure G.o.d also knows in heaven. Man can only reward you temporarily for doing right but it is only G.o.d that can give you eternal blessing. Remember, real blessing comes from heaven. There are some men that once lived; they lived through struggle and persistence in what they believed; they went through difficulties but eventually, they made it. You will also make it in Jesus name, Amen.

The story of Jacob was told in Gen 32:24-29. Jacob went through a lot in his lifetime; he was on the run all through his life from his twin brother who wanted to kill him and he was on his way back home after several years of his sojourn in a strange land.

And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as He wrestled with him.

Gen 32:24-25

Jacob had a vision of an angel appearing to him in the form of a man when Jacob was on his way to meet with his brother Esau. When Jacob did not let go of the angel, he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh. The dislocation Jacob had was enough for him to give up; you can be sure the dislocation would make the leg painful, yet, he persisted.

And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go except thou bless me.

Gen 32:26

Do you also need G.o.d's blessing so desperately that you will refuse to give up? If yes, then seek Him, follow Him, love Him and be committed to His purpose.

Is it not surprising that even those who serve the devil are committed to him? They painstakingly observe all they are told to do; no matter how odd or difficult it is: sleeping in the burial ground, having 11 months fast, going naked in the midnight to bathe in the market square and so on. No matter how absurd it is, they are still committed to the delusion of their minds.

Jacob was desperate to receive blessing from the angel. He must have thought 'You have wounded me yet, I refuse to let you go. So I better die than let you go without you blessing me. My wives and children are scattered, I'm alone here so you had better blessed me or else I won't let you go. Whatever it is, I won't let you go without fulfilling destiny. I better exit this world than live as if I'm not living'. When the angel saw his desperation, he asked what his name was. The word Jacob means unreliable, someone who can't be trusted with anointing and power. The angel knew Jacob's name was working against him; a change was therefore necessary:

And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with G.o.d and with men, and hast prevailed.

Gen 32:28

The angel made this declaration several years ago yet, the name of Israel is still in existence and very much relevant. This is because whatever G.o.d says concerning you shall prevail. But what if Jacob had given up 5 minutes to the time of his divine touch? What if he had given up when he was wounded at the thigh?

Jacob was certainly wounded before he was blessed. Remember if there is no test, there is no proof. Nothing good is free on earth and spiritual things are costly. If you desire power from G.o.d, then you have to follow Him; you need to diligently seek His face; not once in a while, at your own convenience.

Serving G.o.d with a lackadaisical att.i.tude will just put you among the mult.i.tude; it will land you in the valleys of life, not on the mountain top. Only the disciples go to the mountain with Jesus while the mult.i.tudes stay in the valley. At the valley of life is where the enemy can do anything; it is where people become victims of circ.u.mstances but the mountain top is where victory is guaranteed because it is a place of advantage.

He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had power with G.o.d: Yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication unto him...

Hosea 12:3-4

In the message bible:

In the womb that he, Jacob got the best of his brother: when he grew up, he tried to get the best of G.o.d but G.o.d would not be bested. G.o.d bested him; brought to his knees, Jacob wept and prayed; G.o.d found him in Bethel, that's where he spoke with him and blessed him.

Hosea 12:3-4 (MSG Bible)

The above verses described the perseverance of Jacob in different versions of the Bible. Another man that persevered in the face of adverse circ.u.mstance was Joseph. The summary of the life of Joseph was written in the book of Psalms.

He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant: whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance.

Psalms 105:17-21

Many think of the beginning of Job without considering the end of it. The story of Job was also penned in the book of James.

Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

James 5:11

Job persevered, he refused to give up. In your life also, even in the midst of every negative circ.u.mstance, G.o.d is patiently working things out, so live for the Lord. Don't copy people who are not going anywhere with G.o.d. When you see a man standing for the truth that has little challenge, don't see him as cursed; the Bible counts him as blessed.

People often make the mistake of counting those who suffer while doing the will of G.o.d as being miserable; this is to lure them away from standing for G.o.d. But in the sight of G.o.d, you are blessed to go through what you are going through because whatever it is you are going through, it is just for a moment. At the end, the law of eventuality will work in your favour and things will be different. In different versions:

We give great honour to those who endure under suffering; for instance, you know about Job, a man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him, AT THE END for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy.

James 5:11(NLT)

What a gift life is to those who stay the course. You've heard of course, of Job's staying power and you know how G.o.d brought it all together for him at the end. That's because G.o.d cares, cares right down to the last detail.

James 5:11(MSG Bible)

You know how he called those blessed, [happy] who are steadfast, who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job, and you have seen the Lord's purpose and how he richly blessed him in the end in as much as the Lord is full of pity and compa.s.sion and tenderness and mercy.

James 5:11 (AMP version)

The issue of your life is not now but the end of it. It then means you can't write a man off until it is ended. And the end of someone is not in the hand of the devil or any man; it is in G.o.d's hands who is the A and the Z, the Alpha and Omega.

The Lord is gracious and full of compa.s.sion, Slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works.

Psalms 145:8-9

It wasn't when the Israelites got to the Red Sea that G.o.d started searching for a road; G.o.d didn't summon angel Gabriel or Michael before He knew what to do. The Bible says G.o.d had made a road in the midst of the sea from the foundation of the world; He already knew there was a road in the midst of the sea, though none could see it.

He was merely waiting for the appropriate time for His beloved to need it before He opens it up so they could use it. That was why He announced to Moses ahead of time what He was about to do. Moses wasn't surprised when the Egyptians pursued them to the Red Sea. Though Moses was not sure of what G.o.d will do but he was certain G.o.d would intervene.

And Moses said unto the people, "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you today. For the Egyptian whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more forever".

Exodus 14: 13

Moses must have thought G.o.d will bring fire down to consume Pharaoh and his entire host, but G.o.d didn't do that. If He had done that, all the surrounding nations wouldn't have appreciated the G.o.d of Israel the way they did and still do till now. Instead of G.o.d to bring down fire, He allowed the host of Pharaoh to sink in the sea like a lead; for people all over the nations of the world to see it is only the almighty G.o.d that can make a way where people think there is no way.

In your life also, you may a.s.sume G.o.d will move/intervene in a certain way, whereas, He has chosen another way. Beloved, G.o.d is still in the business of making a way where there seems to be no way; He says it is possible when people say it is not possible; He says 'I am just beginning' when people say it is over.

Don't use your small brain to fathom how G.o.d will do it for you; all you can be sure of is that G.o.d knows what He is doing though you may not know what is in the offing. It was also like that for great heroes of faith.

And Elijah said unto Ahab, get thee up, eat and drink, for there is a sound of abundance of rain.

I Kings 18:41

Despite the fact that there was no rain in the land of Israel for over three years, Elijah heard the sound of rain with the ear of the spirit. But what do you do when there is a sound and there is no rain physically? In your life, what do you do when G.o.d speaks to you and the fulfillment of the prophecy is not yet obvious? What do you do when G.o.d promises you a child, yet the doctor keeps telling you your womb has been damaged? What do you do when your wife has reached menopause yet, G.o.d says He will give you triplet? What do you do when it seems the best time for you to have succeeded is behind you?

Even when the economy seems to have come down, G.o.d can still do the unlikely for you. G.o.d is a specialist in showing up when people think it is too late and whenever He chooses to come is usually the best time. He can turn water to wine at the late hour when guests become frustrated for lack of wine. G.o.d can come anytime to bless you; age has nothing to do with G.o.d.

At 75 years, Abram was still living with his father childless yet, G.o.d called him. Just like Abraham, what do you do when it seems as if all hope is lost and G.o.d is saying "I am your hope"? What do you do when it seems everything is over? What else did Elijah do after he gave Ahab the a.s.surance it will rain?

...And Elijah went up to the top of Camel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees.

I Kings 18:42

This is the major difference between boys and men. Boys will say "G.o.d has said it and I know it shall come to pa.s.s" and they will do nothing. Even though G.o.d says it, you need to pray down the fulfillment of the promise...that is the place of perseverance and persistence. It is standing for what G.o.d says and doing your part to be sure G.o.d's promise is fulfilled.

G.o.d will not do for you what you can do yourself; He will not do the possible. Once G.o.d speaks, the rational thing for you to do is to pray. In the above verse, Prophet Elijah prayed down the will of G.o.d. After he prayed, did he receive answer immediately? Let's see:

And he said unto his servant, Go up now, look toward the sea. And he went up, and looked, and said, there is nothing.

I Kings 18:43a

Yes, it was as if Elijah's prayer wasn't working; it was as if G.o.d had abandoned His prophet. What Elijah said he saw in the spirit realm was not obvious but instead of accusing G.o.d as a liar, what did the prophet do?

And he said, Go again seven times.

I Kings 18:43b

I could imagine the thoughts of the servant of Prophet Elijah as he went each time. 'Maybe I should just turn back on the way; though I have gone this same road several times and there is nothing different, yet this prophet is insisting I go again'. And the seventh time, all he saw was a little cloud as small as the fist of a man...that was all that was needed for G.o.d to do what He wanted to do. If you refuse to give up also, the anointing of G.o.d upon you will do the unusual.

The book of James tells us of the summary of what Elijah did:

Elias was a man subject to like pa.s.sions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the s.p.a.ce of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

James 5:17-18

This did not happen anyhow. Elijah saw it, yet, he had to persevere. This shows us how to persevere; how to bring to pa.s.s that which G.o.d has shown you. For every believer, there is a test of faith for every believer because if there is no test, there is no success. But do you know it was not everyone in the Bible that persevered?

Jeremiah was called by G.o.d but he was hated for preaching the truth. So also in your life, some may hate you for standing for the truth because they cannot afford to hear the truth. But why worry about what man will say; after all, you will stand before G.o.d and not before man to be judged. Why do you have to care about the opinions of men when you are in the centre of His will? Jeremiah, as a young brother called by G.o.d, almost missed out on G.o.d when he started complaining. Jeremiah prayed the kind of prayer you hear people praying today:

O Lord, thou knowest: remember me and visit me, and revenge me of my persecutors; take me not away in thy longsuffering: know that for thy sake I have suffered rebuke...Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuse to be healed? Wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar, and as waters that fail?

Jeremiah 15:15, 18

Rendition by message Bible says,

But why, why this chronic pain, this ever worsening wound and no healing in sight? You are nothing, G.o.d, but a mirage, a lovely oasis in the distance and then not.

Jeremiah 15:18 (MSG Bible)

Do you wonder how problem can get one to a point of desperation; to a level of not wanting to seek G.o.d again? I pray you will not be one of the deserters, who, because of temporary issues, change their steadfastness and love for the Master. Whenever your prayer life is being attacked, it is an indication that G.o.d is about to do something in your life that makes the devil want to weary you out of G.o.d's will.

Whatever contrary circ.u.mstance you are facing presently, n.o.body will encourage you than you yourself; so stir up your spirit and know that your present level is not your final destination. With all what G.o.d has done for you and with the reality of heaven in view, how can you ever desire to marry another wife, all because your wife has not yet given birth?

How can you ever desire something you are convinced is not of G.o.d? How can you lay claim to be a believer yet, your life does not show it; with all G.o.d has done for you in the past? You must stir up yourself to know this is beyond the ordinary and it is only through what you do that you can be free from every attack.

A young man who was an unbeliever once proposed marriage to a Christian lady who was a student in one of the inst.i.tutions. This sister went back home to cry to G.o.d. She saw it as an insult for an unbeliever to propose marriage to her. She wondered what the unbeliever saw in her to have desired to marry her. Sadly, many sisters today would have seen it as a major breakthrough; deceiving themselves that G.o.d can convert such brother. They laugh at what ought to make them cry; it is because their value is wrong.

In the above verse, though Jeremiah was a holy man, pressure and the misunderstanding from people brought him to a point that he wanted to quit serving G.o.d. He thought G.o.d would have defended him against the people that insulted him. He must have forgotten G.o.d Himself had been insulted by man He created in the past, but He choose to love them still.

Just like Jeremiah, frustration can make a man think G.o.d has failed. But I have good news for you that there is no failure in G.o.d. G.o.d knew the prophet had gone off the right track so He had to answer Jeremiah:

Therefore thus said the Lord, if thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me....

Jeremiah 15:19

G.o.d says Jeremiah should turn back unto Him. Many often a.s.sume saying sorry is repentance. No, it isn't! Repentance is turning back; it is changing from your old ways just like the people of Nineveh did. The Ninevites did not just say they were sorry, they turned from their wicked ways and G.o.d also changed the decree of His judgment against them. The greatest part of repentance is changing, not just saying sorry. Anybody can claim to be anything; but whatever you say must reflect in your action. Faith is an act.

Don't stoop to cheap winning; then, but only then you will speak for me. Let your words change them; don't change your words to suit them.

Jeremiah 15:19b (MSG Bible)

There are many today who have changed their words to suit people. Many pastors have adjusted their preaching to please their congregation; thinking they will lose their congregation if they say things as they are.

Many overseers in the church of G.o.d now go to any length to gather people to their churches; bringing worldly musicians who do nothing but to entertain, bringing comedians to the church to make people laugh for hours without any iota of the word of G.o.d, making jest of biblical principles; the very basis of their salvation! Such foundation has been based on error and no one can be genuinely saved under such atmosphere.

As a believer, let your words change the unbelievers; don't allow them to change the truth of G.o.d's word you already know. Many believers have changed the true values they have known over time. Remember, you can't modernise G.o.d. Don't behave like King David when he tried to take the ark of G.o.d and he thought it was old-fashioned to carry the ark on the shoulder as G.o.d earlier commanded. King David said the ark should be carried on a new cart and in the process, Uzzah died while trying to prevent the ark from falling.

Beloved, if you don't give up and you do your part by staying where you should be, G.o.d's word can never fail concerning you. At the end of it all, you will look back to thank the Lord. I don't know how He will do it because I am not claiming to be all-knowing like G.o.d, but what I am certain of is that G.o.d's word will NEVER fail.

This Word has been in existence before any of us came here. If the Word didn't fail before your existence, then it can't fail now. If the Word worked for others in the past, then, it will surely work for you now. All you need to do is to believe G.o.d's report. After the hateful middle, you will find out that G.o.d's counsel will be established in your life and you will thank Him for the road you have gone through. So don't give up because G.o.d has great plans for you. Be encouraged to follow G.o.d all the way; don't be lazy in spiritual things and it shall be well with you in Jesus name.

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