
Jane Shore Part 10

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_Enter Catesby, with a Guard._

_Cates._ Seize on 'em both, as traitors to the state--

_Bel._ What means this violence?

[_Guards lay hold on Sh.o.r.e and Belmour._

_Cates._ Have we not found you, In scorn of the protector's strict command, a.s.sisting this base woman, and abetting Her infamy?

_Sh.o.r.e._ Infamy on thy head!

Thou tool of power, thou pander to authority!

I tell thee, knave, thou know'st of none so virtuous, And she that bore thee was an Ethiop to her.

_Cates._ You'll answer this at full--away with 'em.

_Sh.o.r.e._ Is charity grown treason to your court?

What honest man would live beneath such rulers?

I am content that we should die together----

_Cates._ Convey the men to prison; but, for her, Leave her to hunt her fortune as she may.

_Jane S._ I will not part with him----for me!--for me!

Oh! must he die for me?

[_following him as he is carried off; she falls._

_Sh.o.r.e._ Inhuman villains! [_breaks from the Guards._ Stand off! the agonies of death are on her---- She pulls, she gripes me hard with her cold hand.

_Jane S._ Was this blow wanting to complete my ruin?

Oh! let me go, ye ministers of terror.

He shall offend no more, for I will die, And yield obedience to your cruel master.

Tarry a little, but a little longer, And take my last breath with you.

_Sh.o.r.e._ Oh, my love!

Why dost thou fix thy dying eyes upon me, With such an earnest, such a piteous, look, As if thy heart were full of some sad meaning Thou couldst not speak?----

_Jane S._ Forgive me!----but forgive me!

_Sh.o.r.e._ Be witness for me, ye celestial hosts, Such mercy and such pardon as my soul Accords to thee, and begs of heav'n to show thee; May such befall me at my latest hour, And make my portion blest or curst for ever.

_Jane S._ Then all is well, and I shall sleep in peace-- 'Tis very dark, and I have lost you now---- Was there not something I would have bequeath'd you?

But I have nothing left me to bestow, Nothing but one sad sigh. Oh! mercy, heav'n! [_dies._

_Bel._ There fled the soul, And left her load of misery behind.

_Sh.o.r.e._ Oh, heavy hour!

Fare thee well---- [_kissing her._ Now execute your tyrant's will, and lead me To bonds or death, 'tis equally indifferent.

_Bel._ Let those, who view this sad example, know What fate attends the broken marriage vow; And teach their children, in succeeding times, No common vengeance waits upon these crimes, When such severe repentance could not save From want, from shame, and an untimely grave.

[_the curtain descends slowly to music._


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