
Holy Quran Part 5

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172. Of those who answered the call of Allah and the Messenger, Of those who answered the call of Allah and the Messenger, even after being wounded, those who do right and refrain from wrong have a great reward;-173. Men said to them: "A great army is gathering against you": And Men said to them: "A great army is gathering against you": And frightened them: But it (only) increased their Faith: They said: "For us Allah sufficeth, and He is the best disposer of affairs."

174. And they returned with Grace and bounty from Allah. no harm And they returned with Grace and bounty from Allah. no harm ever touched them: For they followed the good pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Lord of bounties unbounded.


175. It is only the Evil One that suggests to you the fear of his It is only the Evil One that suggests to you the fear of his votaries: Be ye not afraid of them, but fear Me, if ye have Faith.

176. Let not those grieve thee who rush headlong into Unbelief: Not Let not those grieve thee who rush headlong into Unbelief: Not the least harm will they do to Allah. Allah's plan is that He will give them no portion in the Hereafter, but a severe punishment.

177. Those who purchase Unbelief at the price of faith,-not the least Those who purchase Unbelief at the price of faith,-not the least harm will they do to Allah, but they will have a grievous punishment.

178. Let not the Unbelievers think that our respite to them is good Let not the Unbelievers think that our respite to them is good for themselves: We grant them respite that they may grow in their iniquity: But they will have a shameful punishment.

179. Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which ye are Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which ye are now, until He separates what is evil from what is good nor will He disclose to you the secrets of the Unseen. But He chooses of His Messenger. (For the purpose) whom He pleases. So believe in Allah. And His apostles: And if ye believe and do right, ye have a reward without measure.

180. And let not those who covetously withhold of the gifts which And let not those who covetously withhold of the gifts which Allah Hath given them of His Grace, think that it is good for them: Nay, it will be the worse for them: soon shall the things which they covetously withheld be tied to their necks Like a twisted collar, on the Day of Judgment. To Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.

181. Allah hath heard the taunt of those who say: "Truly, Allah is Allah hath heard the taunt of those who say: "Truly, Allah is indigent and we are rich!"-We shall certainly record their word and (their act) of slaying the prophets in defiance of right, and We shall say: "Taste ye the penalty of the Scorching Fire!

182. "This is because of the (unrighteous deeds) which your hands "This is because of the (unrighteous deeds) which your hands sent on before ye: For Allah never harms those who serve Him."

183. They (also) said: "(Allah) took our promise not to believe in an They (also) said: "(Allah) took our promise not to believe in an apostle unless He showed us a sacrifice consumed by Fire (From heaven)." Say: "There came to you apostles before me, with clear Signs and even with what ye ask for: why then did ye slay them, if ye speak the truth?"

184. Then if they reject thee, so were rejected apostles before thee, Then if they reject thee, so were rejected apostles before thee, who came with Clear Signs, Books of dark prophecies, and the Book of Enlightenment.

185. Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved [image]

far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception.

186. Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves; and ye shall certainly Hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and from those who worship many G.o.ds. But if ye persevere patiently, and guard against evil,then that will be a determining factor in all affairs.

187. And remember Allah took a covenant from the People of the And remember Allah took a covenant from the People of the Book, to make it known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it; but they threw it away behind their backs, and purchased with it some miserable gain! And vile was the bargain they made!

188. Think not that those who exult in what they have brought Think not that those who exult in what they have brought about, and love to be praised for what they have not done,-think escape the penalty. For them is a penalty Grievous indeed.

189. To Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth; To Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth; and Allah hath power over all things.

190. Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,-there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,-191. Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire.

192. "Our Lord! any whom Thou dost admit to the Fire, Truly Thou "Our Lord! any whom Thou dost admit to the Fire, Truly Thou coverest with shame, and never will wrong-doers Find any helpers!

193. "Our Lord! we have heard the call of one calling (Us) to Faith, "Our Lord! we have heard the call of one calling (Us) to Faith, 'Believe ye in the Lord,' and we have believed. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins, blot out from us our iniquities, and take to Thyself our souls in the company of the righteous.

194. "Our Lord! Grant us what Thou didst promise unto us through "Our Lord! Grant us what Thou didst promise unto us through Thine apostles, and save us from shame on the Day of Judgment: For Thou never breakest Thy promise."

195. And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them: And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them: "Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female: Ye are members, one of another: Those who have left their homes, or been driven out therefrom, or suffered harm in My Cause, or fought or been slain,-verily, I will blot out from them their iniquities, and [image]

admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath;-A reward from the presence of Allah, and from His presence is the best of rewards."

196. Let not the strutting about of the Unbelievers through the land Let not the strutting about of the Unbelievers through the land deceive thee: 197. Little is it for enjoyment: Their ultimate abode is h.e.l.l: what an Little is it for enjoyment: Their ultimate abode is h.e.l.l: what an evil bed (To lie on)!

198. On the other hand, for those who fear their Lord, are Gardens, On the other hand, for those who fear their Lord, are Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath; therein are they to dwell (for ever),-a gift from the presence of Allah. and that which is in the presence of Allah is the best (bliss) for the righteous.

199. And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book, those And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book, those who believe in Allah, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to Allah. They will not sell the Signs of Allah for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and Allah is swift in account.

200. O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah. that ye may prosper.

Surah 4. Women

1. O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;-reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you.

2. To orphans restore their property (When they reach their age), nor To orphans restore their property (When they reach their age), nor subst.i.tute (your) worthless things for (their) good ones; and devour not their substance (by mixing it up) with your own. For this is indeed a great sin.

3. If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.

4. And give the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift; but if And give the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift; but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you, Take it and enjoy it with right good cheer.


5. To those weak of understanding Make not over your property, To those weak of understanding Make not over your property, which Allah hath made a means of support for you, but feed and clothe them therewith, and speak to them words of kindness and justice.

6. Make trial of orphans until they reach the age of marriage; if then Make trial of orphans until they reach the age of marriage; if then ye find sound judgment in them, release their property to them; but consume it not wastefully, nor in haste against their growing up. If the guardian is well-off, Let him claim no remuneration, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. When ye release their property to them, take witnesses in their presence: But all-sufficient is Allah in taking account.

7. From what is left by parents and those nearest related there is a From what is left by parents and those nearest related there is a share for men and a share for women, whether the property be small or large,-a determinate share.

8. But if at the time of division other relatives, or orphans or poor, But if at the time of division other relatives, or orphans or poor, are present, feed them out of the (property), and speak to them words of kindness and justice.

9. Let those (disposing of an estate) have the same fear in their Let those (disposing of an estate) have the same fear in their minds as they would have for their own if they had left a helpless family behind: Let them fear Allah, and speak words of appropriate (comfort).

10. Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a Fire Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a Fire into their own bodies: They will soon be enduring a Blazing Fire!

11. Allah (thus) directs you as regards your Children's (Inheritance): Allah (thus) directs you as regards your Children's (Inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females: if only daughters, two or more, their share is two-thirds of the inheritance; if only one, her share is a half. For parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased left children; if no children, and the parents are the (only) heirs, the mother has a third; if the deceased Left brothers (or sisters) the mother has a sixth. (The distribution in all cases ('s) after the payment of legacies and debts. Ye know not whether your parents or your children are nearest to you in benefit. These are settled portions ordained by Allah.

and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.

12. In what your wives leave, your share is a half, if they leave no In what your wives leave, your share is a half, if they leave no child; but if they leave a child, ye get a fourth; after payment of legacies and debts. In what ye leave, their share is a fourth, if ye leave no child; but if ye leave a child, they get an eighth; after payment of legacies and debts. If the man or woman whose inheritance is in question, has left neither ascendants nor descendants, but has left a brother or a sister, each one of the two gets a sixth; but if more than two, they share in a third; after payment of legacies and debts; so that no loss is caused (to any one). Thus is it ordained by Allah. and Allah is All-knowing, Most Forbearing.


13. Those are limits set by Allah. those who obey Allah and His Those are limits set by Allah. those who obey Allah and His Messenger will be admitted to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath, to abide therein (for ever) and that will be the supreme achievement.

14. But those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and transgress But those who disobey Allah and His Messenger and transgress His limits will be admitted to a Fire, to abide therein: And they shall have a humiliating punishment.

15. If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (Reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some (other) way.

16. If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both.

If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful.

17. Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allah turn in mercy: For Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.

18. Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil, Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil, until death faces one of them, and he says, "Now have I repented indeed;" nor of those who die rejecting Faith: for them have We prepared a punishment most grievous.

19. O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may Take away part of the dower ye have given them,-except where they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good.

20. But if ye decide to take one wife in place of another, even if ye But if ye decide to take one wife in place of another, even if ye had given the latter a whole treasure for dower, Take not the least bit of it back: Would ye take it by slander and manifest wrong?

21. And how could ye take it when ye have gone in unto each other, And how could ye take it when ye have gone in unto each other, and they have Taken from you a solemn covenant?

22. And marry not women whom your fathers married,-except what And marry not women whom your fathers married,-except what is past: It was shameful and odious,-an abominable custom indeed.

23. Prohibited to you (For marriage) are:-Your mothers, daughters, Prohibited to you (For marriage) are:-Your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, Mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (Who gave you suck), foster-sisters; your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in,-no prohibition if ye have not gone [image]

in;-(Those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful;-24. Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,-desiring chast.i.ty, not l.u.s.t, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.

25. If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands possess: And Allah hath full knowledge about your faith. Ye are one from another: Wed them with the leave of their owners, and give them their dowers, according to what is reasonable: They should be chaste, not l.u.s.tful, nor taking paramours: when they are taken in wedlock, if they fall into shame, their punishment is half that for free women. This (permission) is for those among you who fear sin; but it is better for you that ye practise self-restraint. And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

26. Allah doth wish to make clear to you and to show you the Allah doth wish to make clear to you and to show you the ordinances of those before you; and (He doth wish to) turn to you (In Mercy): And Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.

27. Allah doth wish to Turn to you, but the wish of those who follow Allah doth wish to Turn to you, but the wish of those who follow their l.u.s.ts is that ye should turn away (from Him),-far, far away.

28. Allah doth wish to lighten your (difficulties): For man was created Allah doth wish to lighten your (difficulties): For man was created Weak (in flesh).

29. O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual goodwill: Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful!

30. If any do that in rancour and injustice,-soon shall We cast them If any do that in rancour and injustice,-soon shall We cast them into the Fire: And easy it is for Allah.

31. If ye (but) eschew the most heinous of the things which ye are If ye (but) eschew the most heinous of the things which ye are forbidden to do, We shall expel out of you all the evil in you, and admit you to a gate of great honour.

32. And in no wise covet those things in which Allah Hath bestowed And in no wise covet those things in which Allah Hath bestowed His gifts More freely on some of you than on others: To men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn: But ask Allah of His bounty. For Allah hath full knowledge of all things.


33. To (benefit) every one, We have appointed shares and heirs to To (benefit) every one, We have appointed shares and heirs to property left by parents and relatives. To those, also, to whom your right hand was pledged, give their due portion. For truly Allah is witness to all things.

34. Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).

35. If ye fear a breach between them twain, appoint (two) arbiters, If ye fear a breach between them twain, appoint (two) arbiters, one from his family, and the other from hers; if they wish for peace, Allah will cause their reconciliation: For Allah hath full knowledge, and is acquainted with all things.

36. Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good-to Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good-to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: For Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious;-37. (Nor) those who are n.i.g.g.ardly or enjoin n.i.g.g.ardliness on others, (Nor) those who are n.i.g.g.ardly or enjoin n.i.g.g.ardliness on others, or hide the bounties which Allah hath bestowed on them; for We have prepared, for those who resist Faith, a punishment that steeps them in contempt;-38. Not those who spend of their substance, to be seen of men, but Not those who spend of their substance, to be seen of men, but have no faith in Allah and the Last Day: If any take the Evil One for their intimate, what a dreadful intimate he is!

39. And what burden Were it on them if they had faith in Allah and in And what burden Were it on them if they had faith in Allah and in the Last Day, and they spent out of what Allah hath given them for sustenance? For Allah hath full knowledge of them.

40. Allah is never unjust in the least degree: If there is any good Allah is never unjust in the least degree: If there is any good (done), He doubleth it, and giveth from His own presence a great reward.

41. How then if We brought from each people a witness, and We How then if We brought from each people a witness, and We brought thee as a witness against these people!

42. On that day those who reject Faith and disobey the apostle will On that day those who reject Faith and disobey the apostle will wish that the earth Were made one with them: But never will they hide a single fact from Allah.


43. O ye who believe! Approach not prayers with a mind befogged, O ye who believe! Approach not prayers with a mind befogged, until ye can understand all that ye say,-nor in a state of ceremonial impurity (Except when travelling on the road), until after washing your whole body. If ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. For Allah doth blot out sins and forgive again and again.

44. Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who were given a Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who were given a portion of the Book? they traffic in error, and wish that ye should lose the right path.

45. But Allah hath full knowledge of your enemies: Allah is enough But Allah hath full knowledge of your enemies: Allah is enough for a protector, and Allah is enough for a Helper.

46. Of the Jews there are those who displace words from their (right) Of the Jews there are those who displace words from their (right) places, and say: "We hear and we disobey"; and "Hear what is not Heard"; and "Ra'ina"; with a twist of their tongues and a slander to Faith.

If only they had said: "What hear and we obey"; and "Do hear"; and "Do look at us"; it would have been better for them, and more proper; but Allah hath cursed them for their Unbelief; and but few of them will believe.

47. O ye People of the Book! believe in what We have (now) O ye People of the Book! believe in what We have (now) revealed, confirming what was (already) with you, before We change the face and fame of some (of you) beyond all recognition, and turn them hindwards, or curse them as We cursed the Sabbath-breakers, for the decision of Allah Must be carried out.

48. Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed.

49. Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who claim sanct.i.ty for Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who claim sanct.i.ty for themselves? Nay-but Allah Doth sanctify whom He pleaseth. But never will they fail to receive justice in the least little thing.

50. Behold! how they invent a lie against Allah. but that by itself is a Behold! how they invent a lie against Allah. but that by itself is a manifest sin!

51. Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who were given a Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who were given a portion of the Book? they believe in sorcery and Evil, and say to the Unbelievers that they are better guided in the (right) way Than the believers!

52. They are (men) whom Allah hath cursed: And those whom Allah They are (men) whom Allah hath cursed: And those whom Allah Hath cursed, thou wilt find, have no one to help.


53. Have they a share in dominion or power? Behold, they give not a Have they a share in dominion or power? Behold, they give not a farthing to their fellow-men?

54. Or do they envy mankind for what Allah hath given them of his Or do they envy mankind for what Allah hath given them of his bounty? but We had already given the people of Abraham the Book and Wisdom, and conferred upon them a great kingdom.

55. Some of them believed, and some of them averted their faces Some of them believed, and some of them averted their faces from him: And enough is h.e.l.l for a burning fire.

56. Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.

57. But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We shall But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We shall soon admit to Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath,-their eternal home: Therein shall they have companions pure and holy: We shall admit them to shades, cool and ever deepening.

58. Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; And when ye judge between man and man, that ye judge with justice: Verily how excellent is the teaching which He giveth you! For Allah is He Who heareth and seeth all things.

59. O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination.

60. Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who declare that they Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to thee and to those before thee? Their (real) wish is to resort together for judgment (in their disputes) to the Evil One, though they were ordered to reject him. But Satan's wish is to lead them astray far away (from the right).

61. When it is said to them: "Come to what Allah hath revealed, and When it is said to them: "Come to what Allah hath revealed, and to the Messenger.: Thou seest the Hypocrites avert their faces from thee in disgust.

62. How then, when they are seized by misfortune, because of the How then, when they are seized by misfortune, because of the deeds which they hands have sent forth? Then their come to thee, swearing by Allah. "We meant no more than good-will and conciliation!"

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