
Holy in Christ Part 16

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There is, however, another most precious thought suggested. If our sanctification be G.o.d's will, its central thought and its contents, _every part of that will_ must bear upon it, and the sure entrance to sanctification will be the hearty acceptance of the will of G.o.d in all things. To be one with G.o.d's will is to be holy. Let him who would be holy take his place here and 'stand in all the will of G.o.d.' He will there meet G.o.d Himself, and be made partaker of His Holiness, because His will works out its purpose in power to each one who yields himself to it. Everything in a life of holiness depends upon our being in the right relation to the will of G.o.d.

There are many Christians to whom it appears impossible to think of their accepting all the will of G.o.d, or of their being one with it. They look upon the will of G.o.d in its thousand commands, and its numberless providential orderings. They have sometimes found it so hard to obey one single command, or to give up willingly to some light disappointment.

They imagine that they would need to be a thousandfold holier and stronger in grace, before venturing to say that they do accept all G.o.d's will, whether to do or to bear. They cannot understand that all the difficulty comes from their not occupying the right standpoint. They are looking at G.o.d's will as at variance with their natural will, and they feel that that natural will will never delight in all G.o.d's will. They forget that the new man has a renewed will. This new will delights in the will of G.o.d, because it is born of it. This new will sees the beauty and the glory of G.o.d's will, and is in harmony with it. If they are indeed G.o.d's children, the very first impulse of the spirit of a child is surely to do the will of the Father in heaven. And they have but to yield themselves heartily and wholly to this spirit of sonship, and they need not fear to accept G.o.d's will as theirs.

The mistake they make is a very serious one. Instead of living by faith they judge by feeling, in which the old nature speaks and rules. It tells them that G.o.d's will is often a burden too hard to be borne, and that they never can have the strength to do it. Faith speaks differently. It reminds us that G.o.d is Love, and that His will is nothing but Love revealed. It asks if we do not know that there is nothing more perfect or beautiful in heaven or earth than the will of G.o.d. It shows us how in our conversion we have already professed to accept G.o.d as Father and Lord. It a.s.sures us, above all, that if we will but definitely and trustingly give ourselves to that will which is Love, it will as Love fill our hearts and make us delight in it, and so become the power that enables us joyfully to do and to bear. Faith reveals to us that the will of G.o.d is the power of His love, working out its plan in Divine beauty in each one who wholly yields to it.

And which shall we now choose? And where shall we take our place? Shall we attempt to accept Christ as a Saviour without accepting His will?

Shall we profess to be the Father's children, and yet spend our life in debating how much of His will we shall perform? Shall we be content to go on from day to day with the painful consciousness that our will is not in harmony with G.o.d's will? Or shall we not at once and for ever give up our will as sinful to His,--to that Will which He has already written on our heart? This is a thing that is possible. It can be done.

In a simple, definite transaction with G.o.d, we can say that we do accept His holy will to be ours. Faith knows that G.o.d will not pa.s.s such a surrender unnoticed, but accept it. In the trust that He now takes us up into His will, and undertakes to breathe it into us, with the love and the power to perform it--in this faith let us enter into G.o.d's will, and begin a new life; standing in, abiding in the very centre of this most holy will.

Such an acceptance of G.o.d's will prepares the believer, through the Holy Spirit, to recognise and know that will in whatever form it comes. The great difference between the carnal and the spiritual Christian is that the latter acknowledges G.o.d, under whatever low and poor and human appearances He manifests Himself. When G.o.d comes in trials which can be traced to no hand but His, he says, 'Thy will be done.' When trials come through the weakness of men or his own folly, when circ.u.mstances appear unfavourable to his religious progress, and temptations threaten to be too much for him and to overcome him, he learns first of all to see G.o.d in everything, and still to say, 'Thy will be done.' He knows that a child of G.o.d cannot possibly be in any situation without the will of His Heavenly Father, even when that will has been to leave him to his own wilfulness for a time, or to suffer the consequences of his own or others' sin. He sees this, and in accepting his circ.u.mstances as the will of G.o.d to try and prove him, he is in the right position for now knowing and doing what is right. Seeing and honouring G.o.d's will thus in everything, he learns always to abide in that will.

He does so also by doing that will. As his spiritual discernment grows to say of whatever happens, 'All things are of G.o.d,' so he grows too in wisdom and spiritual understanding to know the will of G.o.d as it is to be done. In the indications of conscience and of Providence, in the teaching of the word and the Spirit, he learns to see how G.o.d's will has reference to every part and duty of life, and it becomes his joy, in all things, to live, 'doing the will of G.o.d from the heart, as unto the Lord and not unto men.' 'Labouring fervently in prayer to stand complete and fully a.s.sured in all the will of G.o.d,' he finds how blessedly the Father has accepted his surrender, and supplies all the light and strength that is needed that His will may be done by him on earth as it is in heaven.

Let me ask every reader to say to a Holy G.o.d, whether he has indeed given himself to Him to be made holy? Whether he has accepted, and entered into, and is living in, the good and perfect will of G.o.d? The question is not, whether, when affliction comes, he accepts the inevitable and submits to a will he cannot resist. But whether he has chosen the will of G.o.d as his chief good, and has taken the life-principle of Christ to be his: 'I delight to do Thy will, O G.o.d.'

This was the holiness of Christ, in which He sanctified Himself and us, the doing G.o.d's will. 'In which will we have been sanctified.' It is this will of G.o.d which is our sanctification.

Brother! are you in earnest to be holy? wholly possessed of G.o.d? Here is the path. I plead with you not to be afraid or to hold back. You have taken G.o.d to be your G.o.d; have you really taken His will to be your will? Oh, think of the privilege, the blessedness, of having one will with G.o.d! and fear not to surrender yourself to it most unreservedly.

The will of G.o.d is, in every part of it, and in all its Divine power, your sanctification.


Blessed Father! I come to say that I see that Thy will is my sanctification, and there alone I would seek it. Graciously grant that, by Thy Holy Spirit which dwelleth in me, the glory of that will, and the blessedness of abiding in it, may be fully revealed to me.

Teach me to know it as the Will of Love, purposing always what is the very best and most blest for Thy child. Teach me to know it as the Will of Omnipotence, able to work out its every counsel in me. Teach me to know it in Christ, fulfilled perfectly on my behalf. Teach me to know it as what the Spirit wills and works in each one who yields to Him.

O my Father! I acknowledge Thy claim to have Thy will alone done, and am here for it to do with me as Thou pleasest. With my whole heart I enter into it, to be one with it for ever. Thy Holy Spirit can maintain this oneness without interruption. I trust Thee, my Father, step by step, to let the light of Thy will shine in my heart and on my path, through that Spirit.

May this be the holiness in which I live, that I forget and lose self in pleasing and honouring Thee. Amen.

1. Make it a study, in meditation and prayer and worship, to get a full impression of the Majesty, the Perfection, the Glory of the Will of G.o.d, with the privilege and possibility of living in it.

2. Study it, too, as the expression of an infinite Love and Fatherliness; its every manifestation full of loving-kindness.

Every providence is _G.o.d's will_; whatever happens, meet G.o.d in it in humble worship. Every precept is _G.o.d's will_; meet G.o.d in it with loving obedience. Every promise is _G.o.d's will_; meet G.o.d in it with full trust. A life in the will of G.o.d is rest and strength and blessing.

3. And forget not, above all, to believe in its Omnipotent Power.

_He worketh all things after the counsel of His will._ In nature and those who resist Him, without their consent. In His children, according to their faith, and as far as they will it.

Do believe that the will of G.o.d will work out its counsel in you, as you trust it to do so.

4. This will is Infinite Benevolence and Beneficence revealed in the self-sacrifice of Jesus. Live for others: so can you become an instrument for the Divine will to use (Matt. xviii. 14; John vi. 39, 40). Yield yourselves to this redeeming will of G.o.d, that it may get full possession, and work out through you too its saving purpose.

5. Christ is just the embodiment of G.o.d's will: He is, G.o.d's will done. Abide in Him, by abiding in, by doing heartily and always, the will of G.o.d. A Christian is, like Christ, a man given up to the Will of G.o.d.

Twenty-seventh Day.


Holiness and Service.

'If a man therefore cleanse himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, _sanctified_, meet _for the Master's use_, prepared _unto every good work_.'--2 Tim. ii. 21.

'A _holy_ priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices. A _holy_ nation, that ye may _show forth the excellences of Him_ who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.'--1 Pet. ii. 5, 9.

Through the whole of Scripture we have seen that whatever G.o.d sanctifies is to be used in the service of His Holiness. His Holiness is an infinite energy that only finds its rest in making holy: to the revelation of what He is in Himself, 'I the Lord _am holy_,' G.o.d continually adds the declaration of what He does, 'I am the Lord that _make holy_.' Holiness is a burning fire that extends itself, that seeks to consume what is unholy, and to communicate its own blessedness to all that will receive it. Holiness and selfishness, holiness and inactivity, holiness and sloth, holiness and helplessness, are utterly irreconcilable. Whatever we read of as holy, was taken into the service of the Holiness of G.o.d.

Let us just look back on the revelation of what is holy in Scripture.

The seventh day was made holy, that in it G.o.d might make His people holy. The tabernacle was holy, to serve as a dwelling for the Holy One, as the centre whence His Holiness might manifest itself to the people.

The altar was most holy, that it might sanctify the gifts laid on it.

The priests with their garments, the house with its furniture and vessels, the sacrifices and the blood,--whatever bore the name of holy had a use and a purpose. Of Israel, whom G.o.d redeemed from Egypt that they might be a _holy_ nation, G.o.d said, 'Let my people go, that they may _serve_ me.' The holy angels, the holy prophets and apostles, the holy Scriptures,--all bore the t.i.tle as having been sanctified for the service of G.o.d. Our Lord speaks of Himself 'as the Son, whom the Father _sanctified and sent_ into the world.' And when He says, 'I sanctify myself,' He adds at once the purpose: it is in the service of the Father and His redeemed ones,--'that they themselves may be sanctified in truth.' And can it be thought possible, now that G.o.d, in Christ the Holy One, and in the Holy Spirit, is accomplishing His purpose, and gathering a people of saints, 'holy ones,' 'made holy in Christ,' that now holiness and service would be put asunder? Impossible! Here first we shall fully realize how essential they are to each other. Let us try and grasp their mutual relation. We are only made holy that we may serve.

We can only serve as we are holy.

_Holiness is essential to effectual service._ In the Old Testament we see degrees of holiness, not only in the holy places, but as much in the holy persons. In the nation, the Levites, the priests, and then the High Priest, there is an advance from step to step: as in each succeeding stage the circle narrows, and the service is more direct and entire, so the holiness required is higher and more distinct. It is even so in this more spiritual dispensation: the more of holiness, the greater the fitness for service; the more there is of true holiness, the more there is of G.o.d, and the more true and deep is the entrance He has had into the soul. The hold He has on the soul to use it in His service is more complete.

In the Church of Christ there is a vast amount of work done which yields very little fruit. Many throw themselves into work in whom there is but little true holiness, little of the Holy Spirit. They often work most diligently, and, as far as human influence is concerned, most successfully. And yet true spiritual results in the building up of a holy temple in the Lord are but few. The Lord cannot work in them, because He has not the mastery of their inner life. His personal indwelling and fellowship, the rest of His Holy Presence, His Holiness reigning and ruling in the heart and life,--to all these they are comparative strangers. It has been rightly said that work is the cure for spiritual poverty and disease; to some believers who had been seeking holiness apart from service, the call to work has been an unspeakable blessing. But to many it has only been an additional blind to cover up the terrible want of heart-holiness and heart-fellowship with the living G.o.d. They have thrown themselves into work more earnestly than ever, and yet have not in their heart the rest-giving and refreshing witness that their work is acceptable and accepted.

My brother! listen to the message. 'If a man _cleanse_ himself, he shall be a vessel unto honour, _sanctified_, _meet_ for the Master's use, _prepared_ unto every good work.' You cannot have the law of service more clearly or beautifully laid down. A vessel of honour, one whom the King will delight to honour, must be a vessel _cleansed_ from all defilement of flesh and spirit. Then only can it be a _sanctified_ vessel, possessed and indwelt by G.o.d's Holy Spirit. So it becomes _meet for the Master's use_. He can use it, and work in it, and wield it. And so, clean and holy, and yielded into the Master's hands, we are Divinely prepared for every good work. Holiness is essential to service. If service is to be acceptable to G.o.d, and effectual for its work on souls, and to be a joy and a strength to ourselves, we must be holy. The will of G.o.d must first live in us, if it is to be done by us.

How many faithful workers there are, mourning the want of power; longing and praying for it, and yet not obtaining it! They have spent their strength more in the outer court of work and service, than in the inner life of fellowship and faith. They truly have never understood that only as the Master gets possession of them, as the Holy Spirit has them at His disposal, can He use them, can they have true power. They often long and cry for what they call a baptism of power. They forget that the way to have G.o.d's power in us is for ourselves to be in His power. Put yourself into the power of G.o.d; let His holy will live in you; live in it and in obedience to it, as one who has no power to dispose of himself; let the Holy Spirit dwell within, as in His Holy Temple, revealing the Holy One on the throne, ruling all; He will without fail use you as a vessel of honour, sanctified and meet for the Master's use.

Holiness is essential to effectual service.

_And service is no less essential to true holiness._ We have repeated it so often: Holiness is an energy, an intense energy of desire and self-sacrifice, to make others partakers of its own purity and perfection. Christ sacrificed Himself--wherein did that sacrifice consist, and what was its aim? He sanctified Himself that we might be sanctified too. A holiness that is selfish is a delusion. True holiness, G.o.d's holiness in us, works itself out in love, in seeking and loving the unholy, that they may become holy too. Self-sacrificing love is of the very essence of holiness. The Holy One of Israel is its Redeemer.

The Holy One of G.o.d is the dying Saviour. The Holy Spirit of G.o.d makes holy. There is no holiness in G.o.d but what is most actively engaged in loving and saving and blessing. It must be so in us too. Let every thought of holiness, every act of faith or prayer, every effort in pursuit of it, be animated by the desire and the surrender to the Holiness of G.o.d for use in the attaining of its object. Let your whole life be one distinctly and definitely given up to G.o.d for His use and service. Your circ.u.mstances may appear to be unfavourable. G.o.d may appear to keep the door closed against your working for Him in the way you would wish; your sense of unfitness may be painful. Still, let it be a matter settled between G.o.d and the soul, that your longing for holiness is that you may be fitter for Him to use, and that what He has given you of His Holiness in Christ and the Spirit is all at His disposal, waiting to be used. Be ready for Him to use; live out, in a daily life of humble, self-denying, loving service of others, what grace you have received. You will find that in the union and interchange of worship and work, G.o.d's Holiness will rest upon you.

'The Father _sanctified_ the Son, _and sent_ Him into the world.' The world is the place for the sanctified one, to be its light, its salt, its life. We are 'sanctified in Christ Jesus,' and sent into the world too. Oh, let us not fear to accept our position--our double position; in the world, and in Christ! In the world, with its sin and sorrow, with its thousands of needs touching us at every point, and its millions of souls all waiting for us. And in Christ too. For the sake of that world we 'have been sanctified in Christ,' we are 'holy in Christ,' we have 'the spirit of sanctification' dwelling in us. As a holy salt in a sinful world, let us give ourselves to our holy calling. Let us come nearer and nearer to G.o.d who has called us. Let us root deeper and deeper in Christ our sanctification, in whom we are of G.o.d. Let us enter more firmly and more fully into that faith in Him in whom we are, by which our whole life will be covered and taken up in His. Let us beseech the Father to teach us that His Holy Spirit does dwell in us every moment, making, if we live by faith, Christ with His Holiness, our home, our abode, our sure defence, and our infinite supply. As He which hath called us is holy, let us be holy in His own Son, through His own Spirit, and the fire of His Holy Love will work through us its work of judging and condemning, of saving and sanctifying. A sanctified soul G.o.d will use to save.


Blessed Master! I thank Thee for being anew reminded of the purpose of Thy Redeeming Love. Thou gavest Thyself that Thou mightest cleanse for Thyself a people of Thine own, zealous in good works. Thou wouldest make of each of us a vessel of honour, cleansed and sanctified, meet for Thy use, and prepared for every good work.

Blessed Lord! write the lessons of Thy word deep in my heart. Teach me and all Thy people that if we would work for Thee, if we would have Thee work in us, and use us, we must be very holy, holy as G.o.d is holy.

And that if we would be holy, we must be serving Thee. It is Thy own Spirit, by which Thou dost sanctify us to use us, and dost sanctify in using. To be entirely possessed of Thee is the path to sanct.i.ty and service both.

Most Holy Saviour! we are in Thee as our sanctification: in Thee we would abide. In the rest of a faith that trusts Thee for all, in the power of a surrender that would have no will but Thine, in a love that would lose itself to be wholly Thine, Blessed Jesus, we do abide in Thee. In Thee we are holy: in Thee we shall bear much fruit.

Oh, be pleased to perfect Thine own work in us! Amen.

1. It is difficult to make it clear in words how growth in holiness will simply reveal itself as an increasing simplicity and self-forgetfulness, accompanied by the restful and most blessed a.s.surance that G.o.d has complete possession of us and will use us. We pa.s.s from the stage in which work presses as an obligation; it becomes the joy of fruit-bearing; faith's a.s.surance that He is working out His will through us.

2. It has sometimes been said that people might be better employed in working for G.o.d than attending Holiness Conventions. This is surely a misunderstanding. It was before the throne of the Thrice Holy One, and as he heard the Seraphim sing of G.o.d's Holiness, that the prophet said, 'Here am I, send me.' As the mission of Moses, and Isaiah, and the Son, whom the Father _sanctified and sent_, each had its origin in the revelation of G.o.d's Holiness, our missions will receive new power as they are more directly born out of the worship of G.o.d as the Holy One, and baptized into the Spirit of Holiness.

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