
Level Up Legacy Chapter 860 All Hell Breaks Loose

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Chapter 860 All h.e.l.l Breaks Loose

"You expect me to believe a man I found here who has spent his life as the emperor's dog?" said Lyle with a frown. "You are telling me no one else remembers the previous princess?"

"I know how it sounds and that there is no way to prove it. However, I told you about her before I knew you were her son!"

"My face is well-known throughout Ilios, so I would imagine you've seen it somewhere," said Lyle as the wind gathered in his hand. "Tell me the truth, old man, or you will die."

"Kill me, but I would never deny her life," said the old man with a resolve that made Lyle hesitate. "I promised to remember her, even if the world forgets."

"If so, you would have kept the secret instead of revealing it to her child. What use would this bring me other than confusion about my purpose?"

"I heard that Zonas Mantra was arrested by his son and was set to be executed today. I begged for my life for more than just meeting my wife, but to fulfill one more desire. I wanted her to be remembered by the people she loved. If Zonas died, you would never know the truth."

"Father would have told me something so important."

"Judging from the story you told me and how you kept calling for a girl named Anna in your sleep, I imagine he didn't have the heart to tell you that your own family killed the person you loved. Instead, he wanted to take the secret to his grave."

Lyle was silent. If this man were truthful, it would all make sense. After all, he had done everything to learn about his mother once he became the Knights Commander, but there was no clue of information except the pendent he had.

"I will prove my words," said Casper as he sat up. His wrinkled hands reached into his collar and took out a pendant. "I gifted your mother the pendant you are wearing, and I know the words engraved on it: remember my love. It was the last thing I gave to her before leaving because I never wanted to be forgotten by her, even if she was happy with another man."

Lyle didn't need to take out the pendant to verify it was true. Instead, he read those words growing up, believing his mother was telling him to remember her.

"It makes me sick that it's some old man telling my mother to remember his love while I believed it was for me," said Lyle with brutal honesty. The man laughed before he took out the pendant and opened it.

"I was with her when she gave it to you on her deathbed. In the end, I used the rune on this pendant to record a new picture of her last moments with her son."

Lyle walked closer to see the picture inside; it was his mother holding a baby in her arms. She was crying, her clothes covered in blood, with a smile. He reached out and took the pendant off Casper's neck, engraving the image of his mother into his mind.

"…what am I supposed to do now?" asked Lyle with unfocused eyes as his fingers tightened around the pendant. "Am I supposed to keep going or just stop?"

"It doesn't change a thing," said Casper as he rose to hold his hand, his eyes glittering with tears. "Your mother was forgotten because of the emperor, and she preferred being forgotten than to live as his daughter."

"It doesn't change the fact that… I have their blood in my veins," said Lyle with disgust. "That wretched, selfish family. I have their blood running through my veins."

Lyle dug his fingers into his forearm, holding the pendant, making blood break through his skin. It was red, warm, and disgusting. The hatred he had toward himself intensified.

"Averie," Casper suddenly said before grabbing his arm and staring into his eyes. "That is the woman I once loved but lost. I am too weak to make things right, but there is someone you love, too, right?"

"…there is."

? "Then that makes things easy to figure out. Go to the capital and make things right!" said Casper before closing the pendant and pushing it toward him. "Take it with you. She would have wanted her son to see her final moments as a mother!"

Lyle was momentarily stunned before a smile appeared on his face. The truth changes nothing. He was born out of love hidden because of the emperor, and because of the emperor, he lost the love he found.

"You will live another day, old man. Go back to your wife, and wait until the world turns upside down. At that time, come to the capital. I will punish you after dethroning the emperor."

"That makes me happy."

"…don't say weird things, old man," said Lyle before he started to gather the wind. "I know you are still unwell, but I need to return to Helios. I'm running out of time."

"Take me to Helios too. My wife is living there with her sister, so our destination is the same," said Casper as he crouched to tie his leg. "I don't want her to be too surprised seeing me like this."

"…you gave this leg for my sake, and I'll not forget the debt."

"One good deed doesn't erase the bad I've done," said Casper with a regretful face. "I have prepared myself for the h.e.l.l I've had to put people through. While I did all those experiments because they've threatened my family, I chose myself over them."

"…that is human."


You could feel the unease growing in Helios by the day. As you walk through the streets, people are rushing about, stocking for the fight to come. Some bought potions and runic cards, while others had no money except rations.

As for those who had no money, Grandma Mo took care of them. She did her usual tours throughout the lower districts, helping the poor and healing the sick. She was known throughout the Copper District as the faithful caretaker of all families.

Grandma Mo spotted one of the posters with the date of the executions. She was carrying firewood to keep the improvised families warm, but she was still shaken to see that she would soon be executed tomorrow.

"Arthur Silvera…" muttered Grandma Mo with complex emotions as she seemed to age from worry. "Have you managed to save Zonas?"

Although she lived a long life filled with adventures, Grandma Mo knew she had no role to play in the upcoming war. It will be brutal and cruel, but the ones who will be hurt the most are the upper districts. However, the fight will be far from them.

A pair approached her, making Grandma Mo turn toward the newcomers. It was Layla, one of the girls Zonas adopted and a friend she had never met. It was a cloaked woman, veiled by a shawl.

"Grandma!" said Layla with surprise as she saw the old woman carrying the firewood and rushed over to help. "Your weak body is unfit for such stressing work!"

"How dare you, child?" said Grandma Mo with an offended face before she tightened her grip around the firewood on her back. "I'm still strong enough to discipline you, so careful!"

Layla stopped in her tracks, speechless at the old woman. As for her friend, she started laughing. Grandma Mo was taken aback by such a sweet and clear voice, which made her stare at the cloaked woman with surprise.

"Greetings, Grandma Mo," said the woman before walking forward to uncover her face. "My name is Ai, a friend of your granddaughter. She told me an awful lot about you."

"I find it hard to believe that a brute like her has a friend such as yourself," said Grandma Mo with genuine surprise. "I lived for over a century but have never met someone as beautiful as you are!"

"You flatter me, Grandma Mo," said Ai with a blush covering her face. Grandma Mo was still dazed when Layla covered to diffuse the awkwardness. "Are you touring the sick families?" asked Ai.

"I am," said Grandma Mo before turning to resume her journey. "October is here, and the families wouldn't survive the upcoming fight without firewood to keep them warm."

"Can you let me visit them with you to heal whoever needs it?" asked Ai as she walked closer, and Layla followed after her. "I would like to help those in need."

"Heal? Ah, I see. You are the woman visiting every injured and sick person throughout the capital, naming herself a Saint of Elements. I can see through your intentions, child. Do not manipulate the poor like this."

"Manipulation is done for self-gain, while I do it to protect the people," said Ai as she walked beside her, with Layla taking the other side. "I want the people to follow me when the time is dire."

"And for what reason?"

"To protect them when all h.e.l.l breaks loose."

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Level Up Legacy Chapter 860 All Hell Breaks Loose summary

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