
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language, Solomon Islands Part 25

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_ngi_ 1. v. tr., to divide; _mangisingisi_.

_ngi_ 2. transitive suffix to verb; _sau_, _saungi_. S. _ngi_.

_ngidu_ (_gu_) n., lip; _ngidu auau fua_, to hate. S. _ngidu_.

_ngisi_; _fangisi_, to acknowledge.

_ngisu_ 1. v. i., to spit; 2. n. _fe ngisu_, spittle.

_ngisufi_ v. tr., to spit on. S. _ngisu_.

_ngosa_ v. i., to bud; _ngosa faolu_, just come into bud.

_ngongosa_, a spike, a horn; _ngongose doo_.

_ngu_ 1. v. i., to sing; 2. n. a song.

_nguli_ v. tr., to sing; _ngulia ngu_, to sing a song.


_o_ pers. p.r.o.n. sing. 2. thou, used by itself as subj. or follows _ioe_. S. _o_.

_oa_ v. i. to share in.

_oalangai_ v. tr., to distribute, to share in. S. _'oa_.

_oba_ v. tr., to take from, separate, divide. S. _opa_. Florida _sopa_.

_obala_ v. n. separation.

_odonga_; _midi odonga_, to taste. S. _ohonga_.

_odu_ v. tr., to command, order.

_oe_ 1. an axe.

_oe_ 2. v. i. to commit adultery.

_oela_ v. n., adultery.

_ofosi_ v. tr., to take down. S. _oohosi_.

_ofu_ 1. v. i., together; _ofu bae_, to witness; 2. n. _ofu si doo_, a bundle.

_ofu_ 3. v. i., to boil; _ofu duqet_ to burst. S. _ohu_.

_oga_ (_gu_) n., stomach, belly. S. _'oqa_.

_ogi_ (_gu_) 1. n., bone.

_ogi_ (_gu_) 2. n., back, outside,

_ogila_ a bone needle.

_ogo_ a band, a creeper used for binding. S. _oko_.

_ogosi_ v. tr., to destroy, pull down, uproot. S. _ooho'i_.

_ogu_ 1. v. i., to collect, gather together; _ogu malefola_, money collecting; 2. adv., together, in company.

_ogua_ v. n., company.

_ogula_ v. n., _ogule ai_, a company of people.

_oi_ v. tr., to break off. S. _'o'i_.

_oimae_ exclam. alas!

_okasa_ unripe; _maea okasa_, sudden death.

_oku_ summer. S. _oku_.

_ola_ canoe, ship. S. _'iola_.

_ole_ v. tr., to betray; _ole ilalo_ deceit.

_oli_ 1. v. tr., to hold in the arms.

_oli_ 2. v. tr., to return, go back; adv. back. S. _'oli_.

_olila_ v. n., return.

_olisi_ v. tr., to answer; _nia kafi olisida_, then he answered them.

_olitai_ partic. converted; _olitai manata lau_, repent.

_olisusu_ v. i., to strive, quarrel, dispute, transgress; _olisusu marana_, to deny himself.

_olo_ 1. v. i., to be deep.

_olo_ 2. v. i., to cry out.

_olosi_ v. tr.; _olosia riilana_, cried out.

_olu_ numeral, three, _e olu_.

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Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language, Solomon Islands Part 25 summary

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