
French Book-plates Part 50

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_L. B._ (Portrait plate of Madame Baillieu. Library interior.) Dated 1894.

SYLVESTRE, J. E. Modern.

Ex-libris J. E. Sylvestre.

Motto, "_Nihil_." Eve plucking the apple: a very plain young lady, with large flat feet. Reproduced in "Ex-Libris Ana."

Ex Libris Jules de Marthold.

Fantaisie. Motto, "_Pa.s.sons_."

Reproduced in "Ex-Libris Ana."

Ex libris Lebegue. Fantaisie.

Motto, "_Lire delivre._"

A. Salze. A pictorial plate designed for a bibliophile of Montpellier. Motto, "_Utile dulci._"

And several others.

TARDIEU _filius_. 18th cent.

On a nameless ecclesiastical armorial plate.

TARDIEU, P. F. 18th cent.

TARDIEU, LSE DUV. (_Grave par._)

Sangnier D'Abrancourt.

Armorial. No motto.

TARDIVEAU, _a Rennes_.

On a plate inscribed "a Mr.

Leferon de l'Hermite."

Armorial with supporters.

Signed _Fecerunt Tardiveau et le feron Redon_. Date indistinct, either 1767 or 1787.

P. TARGe _sculp._

Nameless plate, armorial, pictorial, dated 1730. Motto, "_Invenit et perficit._"

G. TASNIeRE _fecit_, _Taurini_, 1697.

On a nameless armorial. (See "Archives de la Societe Francaise," vol. ii., p. 44.)


Signed "F. R. Tatt." on the fantastic etched plate of M.

Georges Vicaire, dated 1888.

Reproduced in the "Archives de la Societe Francaise,"

vol. iii., Feb., 1896.

Mons. F. Tattegrain, born in Peronne, is an artist of standing, some of whose paintings adorn the Hotel de Ville in Paris.


Bibliotheque Societe de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Francais. Pictorial. Dated 1868. (See reproduction.)

THANSIS 18th cent.

A. THeRY D'INGHEM, _a Cisoing_.

Adrien Thery d'Inghem, chanonie regulier de l'abbaye de Cisoing, engraved an armorial plate for his brother the Abbe de Gricourt, dated 1750, signed _A. T.

Cis._ (See reproduction.)

THEVENARD, M. 18th cent.

M. F. Huguenin Dumitand.

Armorial landscape.

THIBAUT. 18th cent.

THIeRY, C. E. Modern.

C. E. Thiery. Library interior.

"Bebe fait irruption dans la bibliotheque--gare!!"

Bibliotheca Oratorii Turonensis.


Ingold (D'apres la miniature originale de 1466). This belongs to the Rev. Father Ingold, author of "Les Ex-libris Oratoriens." Paris, 1892. (See reproduction.)

Mons. Claude Emile Thiery was one of the founders of the Societe Francaise,--he died at Maxeville on February 3, 1895.

He was born in 1828, studied in the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and was a graceful and humorous artist. He was appointed engraver to the Austrian Court, and was for some time curator of the Museum of Nancy.

An article on his works appeared in the "Archives de la Societe Francaise" for January, 1894, with a series of book-plates he designed for his friend Gustave Droz, and he also engraved several plates for his own books--of these the most interesting was in imitation of a MS. of the Middle Ages, impressions of which were issued with the "Archives de la Societe Francaise" for January, 1895, accompanied by a humorous letter from Mons. Thiery himself.

E. THIeRY _f._

Nameless literary plate, belonging to Beaupre, Conseiller a la Cour de Nancy.

Two states.

THOMa.s.sIN. 17th cent.

A nameless plate bearing the arms of the Nivernais family _D'Armes_.


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