
French Book-plates Part 48

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Joan. Mariae. Morin. de Teintot Eccl. Meld. Canonici.


This Roy was probably the father of the following engraver.

ROY, CLAUDE. Born in Paris about 1712. For many years he worked as an engraver, princ.i.p.ally of portraits, which it appears he also sold at his own shop. "_Dessine et grave par Roy. Se vend a Paris chez Roy, graveur, sur le quai des Orfevres._"

For some years he was compelled to desist from work owing to the failure of his sight, which, however, was restored to him, and on his subsequent works he alludes to this happy recovery.

Thus on a portrait of Vinatier, he signs: "_Dessine Grave et Offert en 1743, par son tres oblige Serviteur Cl.

Roy, apres le Recouvrement de sa veue._" He only produced a few ex-libris, but these are of exceptional merit, and are much sought after.

He signed at times "_graveur sur tous metaux_." He died at his residence on the Quai des Orfevres in 1792, aged 80.

A nameless plate bearing the arms of Henri-Anne de Fuligny Damas, Comte de Rocheouart, etc., and those of his wife, Marie Gabrielle de Pons. As this Comte de Fuligny-Damas died on February 24, 1745, this plate must have been engraved before that date. It is a very handsome design, having, in addition to the two shields, a number of musical instruments within an elegant floral border. It is signed _Cl. Roy D. et Sc._ Reproduced in the "Archives de la Societe Francaise,"

March, 1894. With an article on Claude Roy.

Bibli. Ioan. Petri. Ludovici de Podio. Equitis. Domini de Laloubiere, 1750. Signed _Roy inv. et sculp._ Armorial.

Nic. Gat. Hamarc de Laborde equitis. Signed _Cl. Roy inv. et fec._ 1765.

ROYER, EMILE. 19th cent.


18th cent.

Signed his own ex-libris "_Augu^{us} de Saint-Aubin_;"

that of Ludovicus de Meslin, "_Aug. de Saint-Aubin fecit_;" and. "_Aug. de Saint-Aubin inv. del. 1763_" on the charming plate of F. de la Rochefoucault, Marchionis de Bayers, which exists in three dates. (See Poulet-Mala.s.sis, page 62.)

DE ST. HILAIRE _del. et sc._

Joannis Bernardi Nack.

A curious pictorial plate, dated 1759. This was reproduced by Warren. Nack was a citizen and merchant of Frankfort, but De St.

Hilaire was probably a Frenchman. (See also Wicker.)

SARRET. 17th cent.

SAS, CHReTIEN. 17th cent.

G. SAVE _sc. H. Christophe, lith.


Ex Libris A. Benoit, Berthelmingen, 1894. Pictorial.

SCOTIN, J. B. 18th cent.

Bibliotheca Domini Mascrany.


D^{ui} Richard de Ruffey, Regi a Consiliis, etc. Armorial.

Bibliotheque de Mr. le C^{te} Richard de Vesvrotte.

Armorial. Another design copied from the above, the coronet and inscription being altered. The Comte de Vesvrotte was a refugee from the Revolution; he died in 1840.

GeRARD SCOTIN _l'aine, a Paris_ (1643-1715).

Joh: Heinr: Burckhard M.D.

Armorial. Two sizes.

Charles de Bachi, marquis d'Aubais.

Armorial, with supporters.

A very scarce plate.


Le Comte D. Boutourlin.


S---- V. DE (Semeuze). 18th cent.

V. DE SEMEUZE _del. et sc._ 1761 on the armorial plate of A.

J. Have and _inv. et sculp._ on the Ex Libris Hedouin 1763; and the same on another plate for Hedouin, dated 1764, with flags and cannons. (See "Les Bibliophiles Remois," pp. 69, 71.)

L. SEON _del. sc._ 1872.

Bibliotheques Munic.i.p.ales Ville de Lyon. Literary.

SERAUCOURT _fecit_ 1747.

n.o.bilis Patrici Veneti Claudii Rocher. A pictorial.

A. SERIN, _a Paris_. 19th cent.

A. SERJENT _scul. Carnuti_, 1773 (Chartres) on the beautiful plate inscribed "Ex Libris D. D. d'Archambault" (See reproduction), and _Serjent fecit_ on an inferior plate for Mr. Tascher. M. Poulet-Mala.s.sis styles this engraver _Sergent-Marceau_.

SICARD. 18th cent.


"Graveur du Cabinet de sa Majeste l'Empereur & Roi, & du Conseil du Sceau des t.i.tres."

The name of this engraver thus occurs on the t.i.tle-page of the "Armorial General de l'Empire Francais," dated 1812, which gives the arms of the French Imperial family, n.o.bility and cities, etc., as settled by Napoleon I.

An elaborate work, with large heraldic engravings.

SIMONIN, _a Toloze_. 17th cent.

SOMM. Modern.

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