
French Book-plates Part 33

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DOYEN. 18th cent.

DREER. 18th cent.

DREVET, C. 18th cent.

F. GUMBERT DROZ _fecit._

On the armorial plate of Philipe de Reynold. 1730.

(Possibly Swiss.)

DUDOUT. Or Dudouit.

De Flaghac, Capne. de Dragons.

1779. Armorial.

Motto, "_Laudate anima mea Dominum._"

DUFLOCQ. 18th cent.

CL. DUFLOS _sculpsit._

On a handsome armorial plate (after a design by Sebastien Le Clerc) in 1701 for Geoffroy, ancien grand garde du corps des Apothicaires de Paris.

"_Matthaeus Franciscus Geoffroy, Pharmacopoeorum Parisiensium antiquior Praefectus, aedilis et consul._"

Motto, "_Turris fortissima Deus._"

DUFOUR-BOUQUOT. 19th cent.

DUMONT. Modern.

A landscape with initials A.

D. (Mons. A. Duriez.) 1893.

DU PALLUET. 18th cent.


Bibliotheque du Docteur Felix Durosier.

Punning armorial.

DUPLESSIS. 18th cent.

DUPONT _del. et sculp._

Ex Libris A. Kuhnholtz Lordat. Armorial; pictorial.


DUPRe, J. R. 18th cent.

DURAND. 18th cent.

M^r. de Fenille. Armorial.

"George M^{quis} de Ma.s.sol de Serville. L^{ant} Colonel de Ca^{vrie}. Fils a Guillaume L^{ant} General des armes du Roy." Armorial.

Carolus de Bra.s.ses, Comes Tornaci, etc. (who died in 1777).

Two armorial plates, similar in design, but having different inscriptions. (See "Les Archives de la Societe Francaise,"

January, 1896.)

See A. Aveline for more details.

Ex-libris Thoma.s.sin.


Mr. De D'Alleray. Pictorial.

J. L. Ainard de Clermont-Tonnere.

Abbatis, etc.

Armorial; ecclesiastical.

A. DURAND, Paris.

Dacquet. Pictorial.

This appears to be an old design re-engraved.

Reproduced by Poulet-Mala.s.sis, p. 3, 2nd edition.

He considers the design to be of Flemish origin.

DURAND, D. V. 18th cent.

Named by Poulet-Mala.s.sis.

DURAND, _a Lyon_. 19th cent.

Named by Poulet-Mala.s.sis.

DURAND. _Lith. Melun._

Ex Libris P. Guiraudi, 1680-1880.

With the arms of Renaud, Genas, and Comte de Balincourt. Motto, "_Da laborem dabo fructus_."


Magon de Terlaye. Armorial.

DURIG, _a Lille_. 18th cent.

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