
Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism Part 3

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It is impossible to give a plain, clear explanation of just what this Human Magnetism is, unless we go into the deeper occult teachings, which are not fitted for the beginner. To tell what Human Magnetism is, we must explain what Prana is, and in order to tell what Prana is, we must go right to the root of the matter and discover the true nature and origin of "Force," something which modern physical science has failed to do, but which the deeper occult teachings are able to explain, at least to those who have reached that stage of understanding, by slow, laborious and gradual steps.

It may be urged that we are expecting too much when we ask students to accept as truth, the statement that there exists such a thing as Human Magnetism, or Pranic Energy, at all, when we cannot explain its real nature. Replying to this objection, we answer that there are many things which may be proven by their observed effects, although the thing itself cannot be explained in plain terms. Take Electricity, or Magnetism, for instance - we have their existence clearly proved to us every day, by their effects, and yet physical science tells us very little that can be understood, about their real nature. And so it is with this other exhibition of Pranic Energy - Human Magnetism - we must look to its effects for proof, rather than try to solve the mystery of the common source of all forms of force - Prana.

But, we have had it urged that whereas we can easily observe the effects and outward manifestation of Electricity and Magnetism, there are no such effects and manifestations of Human Magnetism, or Pranic Energy. This objection has always amused us, when we remember that every movement of the body, from the mighty effort of the giant, to the quiver of an eyelash, is a direct effect and manifestation of this Human Magnetism or Pranic Energy.

Physical scientists call this thing "Nervous Force" or similar names, but it is the same thing that we have called Human Magnetism - a form of Pranic Energy. When we wish to raise a finger, we put forth an effort of the Will, if the desire be a conscious one - r an effort of the Instinctive Mind, if the desire be sub-conscious - and a supply of Human Magnetism is sent to the muscles controlling the movement of the finger. The muscles contract, and the finger raises. And so it is with every movement of the body, both on the conscious and subconscious plane of effort. Every step we take is caused by this same process - every word we utter is produced in this way - every tear we shed obeys the law - even the beating of the heart responds to the supply of Human Magnetism, propelled, in this last case, by the command of the Instinctive Mind.

The magnetism is sent over the nerves, just as is a telegraph message sent over the wires leading from the central office to all parts of the land. The nerves are its telegraph wires, and the current in the body always travels over these wires. And just as, until a very recent time, it has been thought impossible for messages to be sent without wires, so even to this day, do the physical scientists deny that this Human Magnetism (which they call Nervous Force) can be transmitted except over these wires of the nervous system. And just as the scientists have recently discovered that "wireless telegraphy" is a possibility, and a working truth - so have the occultists known for centuries that this Human Magnetism can be transmitted from person to person, through the astral atmosphere, without the need of the wires of the nerves.

Have we helped you to form a clearer idea of Human Magnetism? As we have stated, Human Magnetism is taken up by the organism of man, from the air he breathes; the water he drinks; and the food he eats. It is extracted in Nature's laboratory, and stored up in his nervous system, in a chain of storage - batteries, of which the Solar Plexus is the central and chief store house. From these storage-batteries, the magnetism is drawn by the mind and sent forth to be used for the thousands of purposes for which it is intended. When we say, "drawn by the mind," we do not mean that it must be necessarily drawn by an effort of the conscious mind, or will power, in fact, not over five per cent of the amount used is so drawn, the remaining ninety-five per cent, being drawn and used by the Instinctive Mind, which controls the functions of the body - the workings of the internal organs - the processes of digestion, a.s.similation, and elimination - the circulation of the blood and the various functions of the physical body, all of which are wholly, or in part, under the control and care of the Instinctive Mind.

Nor must it be supposed that this magnetism is absent from any part of the body, at any time; or is absent until it is sent there by a distinct effort of the mind. The fact is that every part of the body contains a greater or lesser amount of magnetism at all times - the amount depending upon the general vitality of the person, which vitality is determined entirely by the total amount of Prana, or Human Magnetism in the system.

A brief consideration of the nervous system, with its nerve-cells, ganglia, plexi, etc., will be advisable, at this point, in order to gain a clearer idea of the processes of nature in its distribution of the supply of magnetism.

The Nervous System of man is divided into two great systems, viz., the Cerebro Spinal System, and the Sympathetic System. The Cerebro Spinal System consists of all that part of the Nervous System contained within the cranial cavity, and the spinal ca.n.a.l, viz., the brain and the spinal cord, together with the nerves which branch off from the latter.

This system presides over the functions of animal life known as volition, sensation, etc. The Sympathetic System includes all that part of the Nervous System located princ.i.p.ally in the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities, and which is distributed to the internal organs. It controls the involuntary processes, such as growth, nutrition, etc., under the supervision and direction of the Instinctive Mind.

The Cerebro Spinal System attends to all the seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling, etc. It sets things in motion; it is used by the Ego to think - to manifest consciousness and Intellect. It is the instrument by which the Ego is enabled to communicate with the outside world by means of the physical senses. This system has been likened to a great telephone system, with the brain as the central office, and the spinal column and nerves as cable and wires respectively.

The brain is a great ma.s.s of nerve tissue, and consists of three parts, viz., the Cerebrum, or brain proper, which occupies the upper, front, middle and back portion of the skull; the Cerebellum, or "little brain," which fills the lower and back portion of the skull; and the Medulla Oblongata, which is the broadened commencement of the spinal cord, lying before and in front of the Cerebellum.

The Cerebrum is the organ of the Intellect, and also of the unfolding Spiritual Mind - the organ of manifestation, remember, not the thing itself.

The Cerebellum is the organ of the Instinctive Mind. The Medulla Oblongata is the upper enlarged part of the spinal cord, and from it and the Cerebrum branch forth the cranial nerves which reach to various parts of the head; to the organs of special sense, and to some of the thoracic and abdominal organs, and to the organs of respiration.

The Spinal Cord, or spinal marrow, fills the spinal ca.n.a.l in the vertebral column, or "backbone." It is a long ma.s.s of nerve tissue, branching off at the several vertebrae to nerves communicating to all parts of the body. The Spinal Cord is like a great telephone cable, and the emerging nerves are like the private wires connecting therewith.

The Sympathetic System is composed of a double chain of ganglia on each side of the spinal column, and scattered ganglia in the head, neck, chest, and abdomen. (A ganglion is a ma.s.s of nervous matter, including nerve cells.) These ganglia are connected with each other by filaments, and are also connected with the Cerebro-Spinal System by motor and sensory nerves. From these ganglia numerous fibres branch out to the organs of the body, blood vessels, etc. At various points, the nerves meet together and form what are known as plexi, or plexuses. The Sympathetic System practically controls the involuntary processes, such as the circulation, respiration and digestion.

Over this wonderful system operates the Human Magnetism or Pranic Energy (or "Nervous Force," if you prefer the term of the physical scientists.) By means of the impulses from the mind, through the brain, the magnetism is drawn from its storage batteries, and sent to all parts of the body, or to any particular part of the body, over the wires of the nervous system. Without this magnetism, the heart cannot beat; the blood cannot circulate; the lungs cannot breathe; the various organs cannot function; in fact, the entire machinery of the body comes to a stop if the supply of magnetism be shut off. Nay, more, even the brain itself cannot perform its functions as the physical organ of the mind, unless a supply of Prana or magnetism be present.

And yet, the physical scientists smile at the mention of the subject of "Human Magnetism," and dismiss it by giving it another name, "Nervous Force," but limiting its scope.

The Yogi teachings go further than does Western Physical science regarding one particular part of the nervous system. We allude to that which physical scientists call "the Solar Plexus," or "Abdominal Brain," and which they consider as merely one of a series of certain matted nets of sympathetic nerves which, with their ganglia are found in various parts of the body. Yogi science teaches that this Solar Plexus is really a most important part of the nervous system, and that it is the great storehouse of Prana, which supplies the minor storage batteries, and the entire system. The Solar Plexus is situated in the Epigastric region, just back of the pit of the stomach, on either side of the spinal column. It is composed of white and gray brain matter, similar to that composing the other brains of man. It plays a much more important part in the life of man than is generally supposed. Men have been killed instantly by a severe blow over this region, and prize fighters recognize its vulnerability, and frequently paralyze their opponents by a blow over it. The name "Solar" is well bestowed, as, in fact, it does radiate energy and strength to all parts of the body, even the upper brains depending upon it for energy with which to work.

Just as the blood penetrates all parts of the system, by means of the arteries, and smaller blood vessels, terminating in tiny, fine hair-like vessels called capillaries, and the system is thereby kept supplied with rich, red blood, building up and repairing the cells of the body, and supplying the material required for that endless work of repair and rebuilding which is constantly going on in every part of the body, under the direction of that faithful servant, the Instinctive Mind - so does this Human Magnetism, or Pranic Energy, penetrate every portion of the system, by means of this wonderful and complex machinery called the Nervous System, with its complicated systems within systems of cables, wires, relays, storage batteries, and the like. Without this magnetism there could be no life, as even the machinery and apparatus for the carrying on of the work of the circulation of the blood depends for motive power upon this Pranic Energy.

The healthy human body is filled from head to toe with this wonderful force, which keeps its machinery moving, and which is used not only on the physical but on the astral plane, as we shall see later on.

But, it must be remembered that the Instinctive Mind is back of all this distribution, for it keeps up a continual demand and draught upon the storage batteries of the system for a sufficient supply of magnetism to supply all parts of the body, and only calls for a special amount in response to a sudden and immediate demand. But the Instinctive Mind regards the supply and demand question in this continuous draught upon the storage batteries, and the consequent sending forth of the magnetism to all parts of the body. It sends forth only a certain reasonable percentage of the amount stored up, otherwise it would soon bankrupt the system. If one has an abundant supply of magnetism, the Instinctive Mind is quite liberal in disbursing that amount, for it is no miser - it is merely prudent and such a person fairly radiates magnetism, so that others coming in contact with him feel the healthy outpouring which leaps beyond the confines of the nervous system, and fills the astral atmosphere around him. We have described the human Aura in our Fourth Lesson, and in the same lesson have touched upon the Aura of the third principle, or Prana, which is practically the Aura of Human Magnetism.

This Aura may be felt by many, and seen by those having a certain degree of clairvoyant vision. In fact, a good clairvoyant may see the magnetism as it moves along within the nervous system of a person. When in or very near the body, it has a faint rosy tint, which leaves it as it moves away from the body. At a little distance from the body, it resembles a vapory cloud of the color and appearance of an electric spark, or rather of the radiations from an X-ray tube. Clairvoyants see spark-like particles of it being shaken from the fingertips of those giving "magnetic treatments" or mesmeric pa.s.ses. It is also seen by some persons who do not consider themselves clairvoyants, to whom it appears like the heated air arising from a stove, or from the heated ground; that is, like a colorless, vapory something, pulsating and vibrating.

A person of strong concentration or trained powers of thought, also throws off a considerable amount of magnetism along with the thought-waves emanating from his brain. In fact, all thought waves are more or less charged with magnetism, but those of poor concentration and negative character throw off so little that we do not generally take it into consideration as compared to the heavily charged thought waves of the positive or developed person.

The great point of difference between the physical scientist and the occultist, is in the question of the possible transference of magnetism, or nervous force as the physical scientist calls it. The physical scientist insists that although the nervous force undoubtedly exists and does all within the body that the occultist claims, yet it is confined to the nervous systems, and cannot traverse their limits. He consequently denies the existence of much of the phenomena incident to Human Magnetism, and considers the occult teachings as fit only for visionary and imaginative people: The occultist, on the other hand, knows by experience that this magnetism, or nervous force, can and repeatedly does traverse the boundaries of the nervous system, and is projected, at times, to distances far remote from the person in whose system it was stored up. The proof of this occult teaching is to be found by anyone who will experiment for himself, providing he will divest his mind of prejudice and will be willing to accept facts as they are presented to him.

Before proceeding further, we wish to again remind our students that this Human Magnetism is merely a manifestation or form of Prana, and that Prana is not made to order by people to supply their needs. When one increases the amount of magnetism, in his system, he does it not by making a fresh supply of it, but by drawing to himself an increased supply of Prana from the great source of supply, by breathing, eating, or drinking. The amount so absorbed or extracted from air, food, and fluid may be greatly increased by the mental desire, or will power, as we will presently see. There is a certain amount of Prana in existence this amount cannot be added to or diminished. It is unchangeable. It is Force.

In our Fifth Lesson, we told you that when a thought is sent forth with strength, it usually carries with it a considerable amount of Prana, or magnetism, which gives to it additional strength, and sometimes produces startling effects. This Prana, or magnetism, practically vitalizes the thought, and makes it almost a living force. All positive thought, good or bad, is more or less heavily charged with Prana or magnetism. The man of strong will sending forth a vigorous, positive thought unconsciously (or consciously, if he understand the subject) sends with it a supply of Prana, or magnetism, proportioned to the force or energy with which the thought is propelled. A thought sent forth when one is laboring under a strong emotion is likewise heavily charged with magnetism. Thoughts, so charged, are often sent like a bullet to the mark, instead of drifting along slowly like an ordinary thought emanation. Some public speakers have acquired this art, and send forth their words with such force that one can fairly feel the impact of the thought. A strong, vigorous thinker, whose thoughts are heavily charged with Prana, will sometimes impart such vitality to his thoughts that they will live for a time as Thought Forms - that is to say, will possess such vitality, from the Prana with which they are charged, that they will become almost like living forces.

We may have something to say on this subject in our Lesson on the Astral World (Lesson X). Such Thought Forms, coming into one's psychic atmosphere, possess almost the same degree of power that would be experienced were the person present in person talking to you. Read over pages 85-88, Fifth Lesson, now that you have learned some little more about Prana, and you will get a clearer idea of Thought Forms.

Prana depends very considerably upon the desires and expectations of the person, both in the matter of his absorption and its projection with a thought wave. That is to say, that while every person absorbs more or less Prana every moment of his life, and this amount may be largely increased by following the Yogi teaching regarding breathing, eating and drinking, still the thought, or desire, or expectation of the person will greatly increase the amount of Prana absorbed. And, in like manner, will the desire or will of the person greatly multiply the force with which a thought is projected, as it largely increases the amount of Prana with which the thought is charged.

To speak more plainly: If one will form a mental image of the absorption of Prana, while breathing, eating or drinking, he will bring into operation certain occult laws which will tend to release a greater amount of Prana from its confining matter, and he will be greatly strengthened in consequence. Try the experiment of taking a few deep breaths, holding the mental image that you are absorbing a large amount of Prana with each inward breath, and you will feel an influx of new strength. This is worth trying when you feel tired and exhausted. Likewise, drink slowly a cupful of water, forming the mental image that you are extracting from the water a great supply of Prana which is stored up in it, and you will experience a similar result. Likewise, in eating, if you will masticate your food slowly, holding the mental image that you are extracting the strength of the Prana in the food, you will receive a much greater per cent of nourishment and strength from the food than you would in the ordinary way. These things are all helpful - we hope that you will try them, and use them when you need them. Do not let the simplicity of these things cause you to undervalue them.

The same law causes a thought projected with the mental image that it is heavily charged with Prana, to attain a greater velocity and force than would an ordinary thought, and its potency will be greatly increased by this practice. But be careful not to send forth evil thoughts in this way. Read your lesson on "Thought Dynamics" (Fifth Lesson) carefully, and heed the warnings contained therein.

A number of interesting experiments along the lines of Human Magnetism may be tried. If you have a number of friends interested in this subject you may try this experiment: Let a party sit around in a circle, holding hands, and all concentrate their minds on the common purpose of sending a Pranic current, or current of magnetism, around the circle. There must be a common understanding of the direction, else some will be sending in one direction and some in another, and the benefit of cooperation will be lost. A good plan is to send the current in the direction of the movement of the hands of a watch around its face, that is, pick out some person to represent the figure XII, and then start the current moving in the direction of "right" from that person. If the party is harmonious, and the conditions are favorable, they will soon feel a faint tingling like a weak current of electricity moving through them. This practice, if moderately indulged in, will prove invigorating to all concerned in it, but we would not advise that the sittings be continued too long, as it might produce a sufficiently strong current that might be conducive to the production of psychic phenomena, which should not be too freely indulged in by those who are not familiar with the laws of psychic phenomena. We do not approve of indiscriminate, and unintelligent production of phenomena of this sort. One should learn something of the laws, before he attempts to produce phenomena.

Our little book, "Science of Breath," gives in condensed form, a number of methods of using Pranic force, or Human Magnetism, and we refer the student to that book, after he has finished this lesson. All of our publications dovetail one into the other, and as each one is read others become plainer. Of necessity, we must condense our information, and must trust to a careful reading of all the lessons on the part of our students, in order that they may obtain the best results.

In order not to go over the same ground twice we must refer the student to "Science of Breath" for directions and exercises calculated to increase the absorption of Prana, and also for directions regarding its distribution.

Chapter XIV

, of "Science of Breath," gives you some valuable information along these lines. In this chapter, paragraph 2 furnishes a fine exercise for the increased absorption of Prana, and its distribution to all parts of the body, strengthening and invigorating all the cells, organs and parts of the body. This exercise will seem doubly valuable to you now that we have gone a little deeper into the subject of Prana or magnetism. Paragraph 3, of the same chapter, instructs you how to inhibit pain by the direction of Prana. Paragraph 4 instructs you in the directing of the circulation. Paragraph 5 gives you information on Self Healing, and Paragraph 6 gives you a short course on Healing of Others, which if followed carefully by you will make you a good "magnetic healer." Paragraph 7 instructs you in Distant Healing.

The next chapter, Chapter XV, gives you information regarding thought projection by means of sending distant thoughts charged with Prana; directions for forming a Protective Aura, which will enable you to resist the thoughts and Prana of others, if desired - this information is especially valuable, and we urge upon the student that he acquire this practice of forming a Protective Aura, as he will find it of use to him many times. Our Fifth Lesson also contains directions for the same thing, going a little more into detail than does "Science of Breath."

Chapter XV

of "Science of Breath" also tells you how to Recharge yourself, and how to Recharge others, with Prana; also how to charge water, and quite a number of valuable exercises and directions for the use of Pranic force, or Human Magnetism; much of which has, so far as we know, never been printed before.

A casual reader of these concluding lines might very naturally suppose that we were trying to sell "Science of Breath" to our students, by reason of these constant references to it. We beg to inform such casual reader of a fact, which all our students realize, without being told, and that is, that nearly every student of this Cla.s.s has read "Science of Breath," generally before he has purchased this Course. Consequently, he is not a good subject for another sale of the same book, so we must be relieved of the suspicion of an inordinate desire to sell our books by means of praising them in our lessons. Our real reason for this repeated allusion to "Science of Breath" is that we have noticed that the average student, even though he had reread the little book several times, does not begin to realize the large amount of information contained within its pages, until his attention is called to it.

Then, we know that if he takes up the book, after our calling his attention to it, he will be able to understand this particular lesson much better by reason of the reference to the book. Likewise, he will understand the book better by reason of his having just read the lesson. We wish to keep hammering away at these ideas, until our students have firmly grasped them. These lessons are intended as lessons, not as mere interesting reading. They are intended to teach something - not merely to amuse our students.

So, if the student wishes to practice the workings of Pranic Energy or Human Magnetism, we cheerfully direct him to "Science of Breath," in which he will find enough to keep him busy for a while.

In our Lesson VIII, on "Occult Therapeutics," we will also give him some work to do, if he desires, with a few exercises new to him. As we have before said, these lessons must be read and reread, in connection with one another, as one lesson will throw light on another, and vice versa. They are all parts of the one thing - all stones going to build up the temple - each has its place, and each fits into the other.

To those among our students, who have not reached that state of perfect health which the Yogi Philosophy teaches is desirable, as it fits the body for use as a perfect instrument of the Ego - to those who are suffering from disease and ill health - we urge the practice of increasing the supply of Prana, by means of the breath, the food, and the fluids, as stated in this lesson, and in "Science of Breath." A careful and constant practice of this absorption and storage of Prana will benefit every person, particularly those who are not in perfect health. Do not despise the body, as it is the Temple of the Living Spirit. Tend it well, and make a worthy instrument of it.



The student of the history of Man will find in the legends, folklore, and history of all peoples evidences of the fact that healing by some form of Occult practice has been followed by all races - all peoples - at all times.

These various forms of occult therapeutics have varied from the revolting practices accompanying the grossest form of barbaric superst.i.tion, to the most refined form of procedure accompanying some of the fashionable metaphysical cults of today. These various forms of occult healing of disease have been attached to all forms of religion, from the degraded voodooism of Africa, to the highest forms of religion known to the world. All sorts of theories have been advanced to account for the cures which have resulted from all these forms of healing - all manner of creeds built around the fact that cures have been made. Priests, teachers and healers have claimed Divine powers, and insisted that they were the representatives of the particular deity which was worshipped in their respective countries, simply because they were able to perform cures of bodily ills. And, in nearly every case, these priests and healers have claimed the cures as proof positive of the truth of the respective religion or school of religious thought which they favored; and at the same time insisted that all other forms of religions or occult healing were bogus and counterfeit, and that they, the said priests making the claim, had the only "real thing"; dire penalties being often threatened to those who dared to patronize any of the opposition healers or priests.

Human nature is much the same all over the world, and in all times. We find the same rivalry and claim of "the only real thing" existing today, both in the case of the rival Voodoo doctors of Africa and the polished leaders of the fashionable metaphysical cults of America - and among all who come in between these two poles. Alas for these claimers of a monopoly of one of Nature's great forces - these people who make cures in spite of their theories, rather than because of them! Nature's great recuperative force is as free as air and sunshine, and may be used by anyone who cares to do so. It is not owned or controlled by any person, cult or school - and no particular form of religious belief is necessary to one in order that he may obtain benefit from it - G.o.d's children amuse themselves with many forms, sects, and creeds, but He knows them all as his children and smiles at their childish desires to form themselves into cliques of "chosen people," attempting to shut out their brethren from the common heritage.

It must have become evident to the student that there must be some great principle underlying all these varying forms of occult healing, because they all make cures in spite of the fact that each claims to have the only correct theory and denounces the theories of the others. There must be some great force which they are all using, blindly in many cases, and their differing theories and creeds which they have built up around their cures must be merely regarded as incidents of the use of the great healing force, and in no way the real explanation of the phenomena of occult healing.

Any explanation to be worth a moment's attention must explain, or attempt to explain, all the various forms of occult healing - for all the various cults and schools make cures, and have done so in all ages - in spite of their creeds and theories.

The Yogi philosophers have for centuries past known and practiced various forms of occult therapeutics, and have studied deeply and thoroughly into the principles underlying the cures. But they have never deceived themselves into imagining that they had any monopoly of the matter - in fact their researches and experiments have convinced them that all healers are using a great natural force - the same in all cases, although applied and called into operation in various ways - and that the metaphysical theories, religious beliefs, claims of divine favoritism, etc., that have been built around this occult healing, have no more to do with it than they would have to do with electricity or magnetism, had they been built around these great forces instead of around the great healing force.

The Yogis realize that all forms of healing are but different means of calling into operation this great force of Nature - some forms being fitted for one case, and some for others - combinations being often used to suit some particular case.

The Yogis realize that Prana is the direct force used in all of these cures, although the Prana is called into operation in several different ways, as we shall see as we proceed. They teach that all forms of occult healing can be explained in this way - in fact they perform cures in nearly all the ways used by the great schools of occult therapeutics and have for centuries - believing that the one theory underlies them all.

They divide the forms of healing into three general cla.s.ses, viz: (I) Pranic Healing, including what is known to the Western world as "magnetic healing," etc.; (II) Mental Healing, including the several forms of mental and psychic healing, including "absent treatments," as well as cures made under what is known as "the law of suggestion", etc.; (III) Spiritual Healing, which is a very rare form of healing, and is possessed by those of advanced spiritual attainment, and is a very different thing from that which is called by the same name by some of the "healers" of today. But under even the last advanced form of healing lies the same force, "Prana." Prana is the instrument by which the cure is effected, no matter what method is used, or who uses it.

In considering the subject of Occult Therapeutics, we must go back to the beginning. Before considering the question of cure we must look at the healthy body.

The Yogi Philosophy teaches that G.o.d gives to each individual a physical machine adapted to his needs, and also supplies him with the means of keeping it in order, and of repairing it if his negligence allows it to become inefficient. The Yogis recognize the human body as the handiwork of a great Intelligence. They regard its organism as a working machine, the conception and operation of which indicates the greatest wisdom and care. They know that the body IS because of a great Intelligence, and they know that the same Intelligence is still operating through the physical body, and that as the individual falls in with the working of the Divine Law, so will he continue in health and strength.

They also know that when Man runs contrary to that law, inharmony and disease result. They believe that it is ridiculous to suppose that this great Intelligence caused the beautiful human body to exist, and then ran away and left it to its fate, for they know that the Intelligence still presides over each and every function of the body, and maybe safely trusted and not feared.

That Intelligence, the manifestation of which we call "Nature" or "The Life Principle", and similar names, is constantly on the alert to repair damage, heal wounds, knit together broken bones; to throw off harmful materials which have acc.u.mulated in the system; and in thousands of ways to keep the machine in good running order. Much that we call disease is really a beneficent action of Nature designed to get rid of poisonous substances which we have allowed to enter and remain in our system.

Let us see just what this body means. Let us suppose a soul seeking a tenement in which to work out this phase of its existence. Occultists know that in order to manifest in certain ways, the soul has need of a fleshly habitation. Let us see what the soul requires in the way of a body, and then let us see whether Nature has given it what it needs.

In the first place, the soul needs a highly organized physical instrument of thought, and a central station from which it may direct the workings of the body. Nature provides that wonderful instrument, the human brain, the possibilities of which we, at this time, but faintly recognize.

The portion of the brain which Man uses in this stage of his development is but a tiny part of the entire brain-area. The unused portion is awaiting the evolution of the race.

Secondly, the soul needs organs designed to receive and record the various forms of impressions from without. Nature steps in and provides the eye, the ear, the nose, the organs of taste and the nerves whereby we feel. Nature is keeping other senses in reserve, until the need of them is felt by the race.

Then, means of communication between the brain and the different parts of the body are needed. Nature has "wired" the body with nerves in a wonderful manner. The brain telegraphs over these wires instructions to all parts of the body, sending its orders to cell and organ, and insisting upon immediate obedience. The brain receives telegrams from all parts of the body, warning it of danger; calling for help; making complaints, etc.

Then the body must have means of moving around in the world. It has outgrown the plantlike inherited tendencies, and wants to "move on."

Besides this it wants to reach out after things and turn them to its own use. Nature has provided limbs, and muscles, and tendons, with which to work the limbs.

Then the body needs a frame work to keep it in shape, to protect it from shock; to give it strength and firmness; to prop it up, as it were. Nature gives it the bony frame known as the skeleton, a marvelous piece of machinery, which is well worthy of your study.

The soul needs a physical, means of communication with other embodied souls. Nature supplies the means of communication in the organs of speech and hearing.

The body needs a system of carrying repair materials to all of its system, to build up; replenish; repair; and strengthen all the several parts. It also needs a similar system whereby the waste, refuse matter may be carried to the crematory, burned up and sent out of the system. Nature gives us the life carrying blood - the arteries and veins through which it flows to and fro performing its work - the lungs to oxygenize the blood and to burn up the waste matter. (See "Science of Breath." Chapter III.) The body needs material from the outside, with which to build up and repair its parts. Nature provides means of eating the food; of digesting it; of extracting the nutritious elements; of converting it into shape for absorption by the system; of excreting the waste portions.

And, finally, the body is provided with means of reproducing its kind, and providing other souls with fleshly tenements.

It is well worth the time of anyone to study something of the wonderful mechanism and workings of the human body. One gets from this study a most convincing realization of the reality of that great Intelligence in nature - he sees the great Life Principle in operation - he sees that it is not blind chance, or haphazard happening, but that it is the work of a mighty INTELLIGENCE.

Then he learns to trust that Intelligence, and to know that that which brought him into physical being will carry him through life - that the power which took charge of him then, has charge of him now, and will have charge of him always.

As we open ourselves to the inflow of the great Life Principle, so will we be benefitted. If we fear it, or trust it not, we shut the door upon it and must necessarily suffer. The student may well ask what has all this to do with Occult Therapeutics, and may complain that we are giving him a lesson in Hatha Yoga, in which latter statement he would be near the truth. But we cannot get away from the idea that there is that in Nature which tends towards keeping a man in perfect health, and we cannot help feeling that the true teaching is rather to instruct people how to keep well in the first place rather than to point out how they may get well after they have violated Nature's laws. The Yogis think that it is illogical to build up a cult around methods of healing - they feel that if cults must be built up let them rally around the centre of Health, allowing the curing of disease to be merely incidental.

In "Hatha Yoga", our forthcoming book, we will give the principles of the Yogi Philosophy of perfect health, in which is taught the doctrine that Health is the normal condition of man, and that disease is largely a matter of ignorance and the disobeying of natural laws of living and thinking. We will teach there that the healing power exists in every man, and may be called into operation consciously or unconsciously. Occult healing is merely the calling into play of this inner force within the individual (sometimes with the a.s.sistance of other individuals) , and the opening up of the system to the recuperative energies already within itself.

All healing is occasioned by what we have called the "Vital Force" in the individual. The active principle of this Vital Force is, as we have explained, that manifestation of universal force - Prana. In order to avoid repet.i.tion we would refer you to "Science of Breath" and to "Lesson Seventh" of this course, for an explanation of the Nervous System and how Prana operates over it. Read over what we have said on this subject, and you will be able to more clearly understand what we are about to say regarding the different forms of occult healing.

Let us suppose that a person has neglected the rules of right living and thinking, as set forth in "Hatha Yoga" and other works on the subject, and has "run down" in health. He has tried different forms of material treatment, and wishes to avail himself of what may be found in the several forms of Occult Therapeutics. He finds himself offered several forms of occult healing. We will try to make plain to you how these different forms of healing operate, and the explanation behind each. We cannot give you detailed information and methods in a lesson of this size, for each system would require a volume to do that, but we hope to give you a general idea of the several forms of treatment.


This is a form of Pranic Healing in which either the sick person or some "healer" sends an increased supply of Prana to the affected parts. Pranic healing really accompanies nearly every other form of healing, although its use is not suspected by those administering it. In what is known as "Magnetic Healing" the operator pa.s.ses his hand over the body of the sick person, and by an effort of will, or strong desire, generates within himself a strong supply of Prana which he pa.s.ses out to the patient. This Prana acts as would a supply sent from the system of the patient himself, and tends to strengthen and invigorate the afflicted part of the body and to cause it to function normally. In Magnetic Healing the hands are usually pa.s.sed over the body, the actual touch usually being employed. We have given general directions regarding this form of healing in "Science of Breath," and may, some day, issue a little manual on the subject, giving specific directions. We will give some general directions at the close of this lesson, if s.p.a.ce permits. We have said so much about Prana in previous lessons, and in "Science of Breath" that the student should be able to understand the principle behind this form of healing, without much more explanation.


Mental Healing covers a great deal of ground, and has a number of apparently differing forms. There is a form of Self-Healing which consists of the repet.i.tions of affirmations, or auto-suggestions, by the patient, which tends to create a more cheerful and uplifting mental att.i.tude, which reacts upon the body and enables it to function properly. We would say right here that the princ.i.p.al benefit derived from this and kindred forms of healing lies in the fact that it compels the patient to "let go" of adverse thoughts which have prevented Nature from doing its work, rather than in any special virtue of the affirmations.

We have been refusing to let the Divine Life Principle work freely through us, and have hampered it with adverse auto-suggestion. When we change our mental att.i.tude we cease to interpose this obstacle, and Nature soon rea.s.serts herself. Vigorous auto-suggestion, of course, stimulates the system and spurs up the Instinctive Mind to its work.

In the form of mental treatment known as "Suggestion" the same principle operates. The mind of the patient is relieved of adverse auto-suggestions by the positive suggestions of the healer, and the brake is taken off of the Instinctive Mind and Nature soon rea.s.serts herself, and a sufficient supply of Prana is sent to the parts and soon a normal condition of affairs is reestablished. In Suggestive Treatment the healer usually, although often unconsciously, sends forth to the patient a supply of his own Prana which stimulates the parts to action and which renders easier the efforts of the patient's mind to reestablish normal Pranic conditions.

In what is ordinarily known as "Mental Healing" there is generally a considerable amount of suggestion used, although the healer may not be aware of it. The mental att.i.tude of the healer is impressed upon the patient by the att.i.tude, words, tone, and demeanor of the healer, and the mind taking upon the suggestion is benefited thereby. But, besides this, the healer is pouring into the minds of the patient a strong current of uplifting, strengthening, and invigorating thought, which the patient receives telepathically, particularly as a receptive mental att.i.tude is manifested. The joining together of the two minds in a common purpose produces a greatly increased directive force, and besides the mind of the patient being turned away from negative thoughts, a greater supply of Prana is absorbed and distributed through the body. The best form of Mental Treatment benefits both the mind and the body of the patient.

What is known as "Absent Mental Treatment" acts along precisely the same lines as the above mentioned form of Mental Treatment - the distance between patient and healer proving no obstacle to a strong healing thought. In both cases the healer often creates a powerful thought form, fully charged with Prana, which often produces an almost immediate effect upon the patient, the parts being greatly stimulated and strengthened. Instantaneous cures have often been made in this way, although comparatively few healers are sufficiently advanced to send thought forms of this kind. A very powerful mental healer may be able to send a thought so highly charged with Prana, and so full of vital force and life, that a diseased organ may be filled with such recuperative force that it will begin instantly to cast off the waste and diseased matter and draw from the blood the elements necessary to rebuild and repair itself in a comparatively short s.p.a.ce of time, in which case when the organism of the individual once reestablishes normal functioning the system is able to carry on the work without further help from outside.

All forms of Mental Healing come under one or more of the above heads. Remember, now, the important point is to get the mind of the patient into the proper mental att.i.tude, casting out all forms of adverse auto-suggestion, so that it will allow Nature to do its work properly without interference. In the process of accomplishing this result, the patient may be aided (as above explained) by strong thought directed to the afflicted part, and also by sending a supply of Prana from the healer to stimulate the part and thus render easier the healing work of the mind.


There is another form of healing, very rarely observed, in which a highly developed spiritual person is able to let his spiritual aura and essence so descend upon an afflicted person that the entire system becomes filled with it temporarily, and all abnormality disappears, as Spirit being perfect transforms all that with which it comes in contact. This true Spiritual Healing is, however, so rare that very few persons have had the good fortune to witness it. It is claimed by many who are doing good work healing on other lines, but many of these persons are self-deceived, and have not the faintest conception of what true Spiritual Healing is.

Spiritual Healing is marked by the immediate and perfect healing of the patient, and the restoration of absolutely normal physical conditions, the patient being transformed, physically, into a condition resembling that of a robust, perfectly healthy, strong, vigorous child, without a blemish, pain, particle of inharmony, or symptom of any kind.

A few gifted individuals in the world in each age possess this power, but it is rarely manifested, for good occult reasons. And (draw a pencil line under these words) true Spiritual Healing is never performed as a means of obtaining financial gain - it is given "without money and without price." True Spiritual Healing is never tarnished by the slime of materiality - never! It is right and proper for "healers" to charge for Mental Healing and Pranic Healing in all forms, as they devote their time to the work, and "the laborer is worthy of his hire," and no desire is entertained to criticize such charges - they sell their services just as we sell these lessons, and are ent.i.tled to their just remuneration just as we are. But the individual who is able to give the real gift of Spiritual Healing is never placed in a position in which he finds it necessary to charge for his services - he is fed by the ravens, and has no need of bartering his spiritual gifts, and would die before he would so prost.i.tute his divine privilege. We do not wish to be misunderstood in this matter - when we speak of Spiritual Healing we mean the true gifts of the Spirit, not some of the forms of Psychic or Mental healing miscalled "spiritual." If you would have an example of true Spiritual Healing, turn to the New Testament and read of the work of the Spirit as manifested through the Son of Mary. Let that be the standard - as in fact it is.


We find, to our satisfaction, that we will have sufficient s.p.a.ce in which to give our students a few brief experiments in actual Occult Healing which they may practice. These experiments are given merely as examples, of course, and are not to be taken as being full instructions in the various forms of Occult Healing.

We will first take up a few experiments in Pranic Healing (or "Magnetic Healing," if you prefer the term) (I) Let the patient sit in a chair, you standing before him. Let your hands hang loosely by your sides, and then swing them loosely to and fro for a few seconds, until you feel a tingling sensation at the tips of your fingers. Then raise them to the level of the patient's head, and sweep them slowly toward his feet, with your palms toward him with fingers outstretched, as if you were pouring force from your finger tips upon him. Then step back a foot and bring up your hands to the level of his head, being sure that your palms face each other in the upward movement, as, if you bring them up in the same position as you swept them down, you would draw back the magnetism you send toward him.

Then repeat several times. In sweeping downward, do not stiffen the muscles, but allow the arms and hands to be loose and relaxed. You may treat the affected parts of the body in a similar way, finishing the treatment by saturating the entire body with magnetism. After treating the affected parts, it will be better for you to flick the fingers away from your sides, as if you were throwing off drops of water which had adhered to your fingers. Otherwise you might absorb some of the patient's conditions.

This treatment is very strengthening to the patient, and if frequently practiced will greatly benefit him.

In case of chronic or long seated troubles, the trouble may often be "loosened up" by making "sideways" pa.s.ses before the afflicted part, that is by standing before the patient with your hands together, palms touching, and then swinging the arms out sideways several times. This treatment should always be followed by the downward pa.s.ses to equalize the circulation.

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