
Four Summoners Tales Part 24

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Zeke flexed his fingers on the steering wheel. "Her parents are okay with her sleeping in her brother's college dorm room? She's thirteen!"

"She's fourteen."

"Oh, well, that's so much better."

He laughed and shook his head, watching the road for the potholes that had played h.e.l.l on his gorgeous whitewalls a few months before. The October moon was so bright that it suffused the ranchland that rolled away on all sides with a golden glow. Zeke had known people from up north who believed they had a claim on autumn, and on October in particular, because they believed folks down south never had a proper autumn. But the moonlight in South Texas this time of year had a certain quality to it-a kind of soft, tender magic-that made the world seem a kinder place, rich with possibility. Nights like this made the threats of an uncertain economy and the dangers of living so close to the border seem far away indeed.

"Daddy, please.You know Daniel. It's not like he'd let anything happen to his little sister." She rolled her eyes with a huff. "I just don't want you gettin' ideas in your head, is all.You're not sleeping in any boy's dorm room, even when you get to college!"

She smirked and cast him a sidelong glance. "And how will you know if I do?"

"Twenty-four-hour surveillance, kid," he joked. "Three hundred and sixty-five days a year."

"Better be careful, Daddy. One of these days you're liable to see something you don't want to see." She waggled her eyebrows in a way that seemed goofy rather than suggestive, and that silly, innocent part of her warmed his heart. "Besides, one of these days you're going to want grandchildren.You can't keep me away from boys forever."

"Slow down there, girl. I'm not halfway old enough to be a grandfather."

"Oh, don't have a heart attack. I'm not in any hurry." Her voice grew quieter, though he could still hear her over the wind. "You've got nothing to worry about, anyway. The boys I like never like me back, and the ones who do make my skin crawl." Zeke swallowed hard. Nothing pained him more than hearing the hurt in her voice.

"I'm sure that ain't true, Savannah. Maybe it seems that way-"

"It seems that way because it is that way, Daddy. I know it won't always be, but for now, that's my life."

"What about that Marco boy? I know he's been flirting with you. He texts you often enough."

"Oh, he likes me all right. He just likes Kasey Mason more."

Zeke scowled. "That'll pa.s.s, honey. A boy that age, why, he's just mesmerized by how much faster Kasey's filling out her bra. The rest of you girls will get there."

Savannah gave him an amused look, one corner of her mouth lifted in her trademark smirk. "Well, there you go," she said. "Right there is a stretch of conversational road I hope we never traverse again."

"What's the matter, bud? You uncomfortable talking about bras with the guy who pays for yours?" he teased. "Or is it just me talking about Kasey getting b.o.o.bs that-"

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Daddy, please-"

"b.o.o.bs. b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Knockers-"

"'Knockers'? Wow, you're old."


"Ugh. Now you're just gross."

"Next I'll start talking about nipples or pubic hair or-"

"Okay, Daddy, okay!" Savannah cried, her whole body cringing as she covered her ears. "Enough, enough. I surrender!"

They shared a laugh and Zeke couldn't wipe the grin off his face. Embarra.s.sing his daughter always felt like a triumph. Slowly, though, his smile slid away.

"Listen, honey, I know you don't like talkin' about this stuff, but-"

"Daddy," Savannah said sharply, her tone turning serious. "I know, okay? We went through this when I was ten, and again when I got my period, and again and again. Without Mom around, you had to step up and have some talks that most fathers probably avoid like the plague. And you did great. I'm not kidding. Sure, sometimes it got weird, but I don't know . . . I feel kind of lucky to have a father I can talk to about anything."

"You can, y'know."

"I know. Really, I do." She took a deep breath. "But I'm thirteen now-"

"And you've acquired the wisdom of the ancients."

"No!" she snapped. "I'm not saying that!"

They fell silent for a moment, cast adrift on a sea of shared awkwardness.

Then Zeke let out a breath, all trace of amus.e.m.e.nt gone. "Sorry, honey. I really do understand.And I trust you. h.e.l.l, I wish I'd been half as smart and savvy as you when I was thirteen. It's just that you not needing me so much is gonna take some getting used to."

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Four Summoners Tales Part 24 summary

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