
Forbidden Fruit Part 4

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"No, Sir, no; got on this minute. Gert, take that thing out of you, and show me how it is--what a limp, lazy, done-up looking thing;" as the Captain, raising himself a little off Gert, gave a chance to your Mother, who at once smartly switched her birch about the ruddy head of Mr. Coocks, as your aunt exposed with the foreskin drawn back.

"Ah-r-r-r-re, Oh! I can't stand that Selina; you are cruel."

"Cruel--then put it back into Gert's c.u.n.t, and I will whip your backside well, till you do f.u.c.k her properly, Sir."

Saying which, she pressed him down on her sister, who put the smarting head into her nest to soothe it and your Mother keeping her left hand on the middle of his back, went on whisking the twigs in every direction across his b.u.t.tocks, till the red smacks showed all over the surface, and little drops of blood oozed from the excoriated skim; I could see he winced under her severity, but his p.r.i.c.k swelled visibly at every stroke, and Gert heaved up to meet each thrust, as he plunged on with erotic fury, throwing her pretty stockinged legs over his loins, giving me a splendid view of her luscious c.u.n.t as the vermilion lips clung round the white shaft of his tool; there seemed to be such a lot of sperm mixed up in her v.a.g.i.n.a that in spite of the sound of the birching which your Mother kept up regardless, of which bottom had the benefit of it, I could hear sloppy noise each time his affair plunged up to the hilt in that well lubricated receptacle, the frothy creamy looking spend hanging in patches about the hair which embellished their parts, running over his b.a.l.l.s, and trickling in quite a rill between the parting of her thighs.

At length Selina dropped the rod, and kneeling behind them used both her hands to tickle his b.a.l.l.s and Frig his p.r.i.c.k, holding back the foreskin in a way that must have been almost painful as she seemed to drag it backwards, then suddenly letting his p.r.i.c.k go as she felt the crisis coming, rammed a couple of her well oiled fingers up his bottom-hole and Frigged him there, exclaiming: "Horace, well done, I felt the bursting throb. Wasn't it splendid Gert, dear?"

Both f.u.c.kers seemed thoroughly exhausted when their crisis of ecstasy and endearments ceased, but your Mother kept her fingers going for a little till thoroughly a.s.sured they had spent the last drop and could no more.

After this she produced a bottle of some liqueur which seemed to have a revivifying effect upon all three, for the sisters stripped every rag off their brother and reduced their own clothing till they stood in nothing but chemise, drawers, stockings and their pretty boots.

"You like to see us like this Horace," said Selina, the two standing before him. He sat on the couch, lifting their pouting c.u.n.ts from the openings in the black silk drawers, his p.r.i.c.k standing again as if it had not had the least satisfaction.

"Come on, girls, for a wind up. Selina shall be St. George, as I lay back on the couch and suck Gert's delicious c.u.n.t."

All were so voluptuously wound up, they got into position at once, the two beautiful sisters embracing and tongue kissing each other as they rode, the one on the p.r.i.c.k and the other over the sucking mouth of their brother. Gert and Selina seemed ready to devour each other with their l.u.s.tful kisses, and when apparently they had both come more than once they changed places upon their rec.u.mbent brother; all finished with a chorus of bawdy words, sighs, and cries expressing the agony of their delight.

You may be sure I was glad when at last it was all over, and they went to their rooms to rest awhile before luncheon, which allowed me to escape from my awkward position in an awful state of amorous excitement which quite demoralised me, but I never trusted myself to spy on them again, although I know each day the Captain remained they retired to your Mother's boudoir. It was indeed a lesson to me in the philosophy of the s.e.xes.

"But you don't think Mamma is ever likely to take liberties with me, do you?"

"I don't know so much about that; every one fancies young people, even myself, dear; I think you are far more delicious to enjoy than any big man could possibly be; and--and--but I will tell you; my own father when I was lately at home, tried all he could to seduce me, going as far as to let me see his big standing affair one Sunday when I entered the room as he was reading the weekly paper, and I suppose had been Frigging himself; he had some excuse for that, as Mother was too ill to let him have what he wanted; but he quite frightened me, as I entered the room, by suddenly lifting the newspaper from before him, and letting me see his tremendous thing with its fiery red head; of course I rushed out of the room, but in an hour or two, when I was laying the supper table, he took me on his knee and tried to put a hand under my clothes, at the same time kissing me and shoving his tongue between my lips. 'Father, Father, for shame, I'll scream if you don't let me go!'

was all I could say, as I struggled to prevent his hand getting between my thighs, and I suppose he was frightened as he allowed me to get away. This made me think over things, and be very distant to you when I came back; so you can guess, if my good old Father wanted me, your Mamma may be equally taken with you, especially any time Papa is away and she feels the want of him.

Now Percy, comfort f.a.n.n.y a bit; you don't know how randy she feels, put your hand on her, dear, just play with the little b.u.t.ton, as we have one of our delicious tongue kisses."

I did all I could to oblige her, with my lingers, my tremendously swollen p.r.i.c.k pressing all the while against her mount and frigging himself by rubbing his nose in the hairy moss of her mount. This could not last long. She opened her thighs and, drawing me upon her, directed my eager tool to her burning slit.

I pushed in slowly, enjoying the gradual insertion, till its head was gently taken in charge by the nippers, which she had in such perfection; it seemed to me just like a baby hand pressing and caressing my delighted instrument, and we enjoyed this sort of dalliance for some minutes; neither spoke, but our lips and tongues eloquently proved the intensity of our feelings. At length she suddenly bucked up her bottom, as a challenge to me go on. Thus spurred on, I slowly drew out to the very head of my p.r.i.c.k, then gently pushing in again, kept repeating the motion, each time gradually increasing the pace, till we arrived at the short digs, when clinging closely to her, my hands pressed up her bottom till we could scarcely move, as the spurts of our s.e.m.e.n mingled in her womb, and I felt her receive it with the same peculiar and perceptible shudder of delight which warned my aunt to use her syringe at once.

"Oh, Mary, I've done it for you; that will make a baby the image of myself."

"Not if I can prevent it, Percy, the very last time I went to the chemist's I bought an enema and some sulphate of zinc, so you will see I don't want any babies; if you only knew what an awful thing it is for an unmarried girl to have one, you would not wish to have it happen to me."

She jumped up and syringed herself at once, as carefully as my aunt had done.

It is impossible to relate all our sprees, but I had to please Auntie now and then, when she got a chance. And so six months rolled away, and I was growing rapidly; my especial delight was to contemplate the development of my p.r.i.c.k, which seemed to improve daily, and must have grown to quite eight inches, being thick in proportion; I believe it was the thorough and regular irrigation by Mary's spendings which brought on such perfection. The more it grew, the more my desire for my Mother increased, which of course I kept to myself, when one day Papa had to go off almost without notice to America about a property he had over there. Mamma and Gert both cried a good bit when he started, but I asked him to bring me home a nice present.--"Some diamonds will do, Papa," I said kissing him. "What a silly innocent boy you are, Percy; they are cheaper here and your Mamma and Gert would like a lot first, when I have money enough; you shall have a necklace of grizzlybear's claws, and we'll dress you up as a girl; won't it be fun, Selina?

There--there, my boy. I won't forget you;" giving me a last kiss, and then embracing Gert and Mamma, in long luscious kisses, saying: "Cheer up, don't cry," as he jumped into the carriage and drove off.

I cheered up immensely, as his absence would be my opportunity, and that very night, in Mary's arms, I enjoyed my Mamma in imagination.

Several days pa.s.sed, but one morning early my Auntie Gertie started for a long day's picnic with some friends, and took Mary to attend upon her.

Mamma took her breakfast in bed, so I went to say good-morning and kiss her; she was asleep and I had a grand view of her really magnificent bosom, as being very warm weather, she had on only a low necked chemise; how long I stood to admire the snowy whiteness of the large full bosoms as they rose and feel under my ardent gaze at each respiration, and I was going to awaken her by kissing them, when a sudden idea pleased me better; going to the drawers where I knew she kept her under clothing, I selected a pink silk chemise, and was about to take a pair of black silk drawers, only my eyes lighted upon some open net-work tights of dark blue silk, a pair of golden garters, lovely blue silk hose and a pretty pair of Turkish slippers, which looked just made for my small feet; looking in the wardrobe I spied a duck of a dressing gown, of almost transparent white muslin, which would show the figure inside and display the most attractive charms.

Running away to the nursery on the next corridor, I soon put off my own things, arrayed myself in the feminine attire, and, looking in the gla.s.s opened the dressing gown and lifted up my chemise to see how I looked beneath. Neither my Mamma or my Aunt were big women; they were rather what I call the thoroughbred type, about the Venus height and slim, with splendid bottoms which I know must have been cultivated by the most careful corsetage from earliest girlhood, so being a well grown boy, the things just suited me. But to return to the looking-gla.s.s, it made me in love with myself; the pretty stockings, legs, garters and slippers, but what almost took my breath away was the sight of the blue open network tights, which my ample thighs filled up so that they fitted me to perfection, the blue showing up the flesh tint beneath in a most ravishing manner and my c.o.c.k actually began to stand as I contemplated the sight of myself, and thought of the effect it might have on my Mamma. I felt so wicked, and as I pa.s.sed along the corridor--"La, what a pretty girl you make, Master Percy," came from a pretty young chamber maid, as I pa.s.sed her. "Do you think so, Patty," I replied, "Just look at my chemise and how I am dressed underneath,"

opening my robe to give her a view. I felt so full of devilry that I was half inclined to pull her into the nursery for a game.

"My Goodness!" she exclaimed, in surprise, "tights and all, you don't look quite comfortable, but you'll do;" as her eyes must have caught sight of my state of erection. "See what your Mamma will think of you,"

with a curious look on her face.

"Kiss me then, Patty," I said giving her a hug and pressing my lips to hers, which she freely returned. "Now, go along and don't be rude, Mary must have taught you something."

"Could you teach me anything, Patty, will you give me a lesson some day?" I said, looking full in her eyes; "I think you can."

Blushing crimson, the girl got away from me, and ran into one of the rooms; perhaps she expected to be followed, but I had other games in view, relegating the pretty Patty to some future opportunity.

Entering Mamma's bed room as quietly as possible, I again contemplated that divine bust till my p.r.i.c.k was rampantly stiff, the compression of the net-work tights seeming only to increase the lascivious desire which inflamed it more and more every moment. I was hot all over, and my trepidation was so great, my knees knocked together; a shiver pa.s.sed through my frame.

Dare I kiss them? How awful should I be repulsed. Desperation gave me courage.

"My beautiful Mamma, do let me kiss your lovely t.i.tties?" was all I could say almost in a whisper as my voice quite failed, so great was my agitation. First laying my burning cheek by the side of her heaving bosom, I took a nipple between my lips, but had hardly done so, when: "My darling boy, are you kissing your Mother's bosom? I was just dreaming of my Percy. How nice of you to awake me like that;" but seeing my get up, she started in surprise: "What have you got on? my things, oh, you funny boy!" drawing my face to hers, and giving me such kisses as I had never had from her before; they were like flames, making my blood boil in a moment.

"Now, let me see how you have dressed your self, Percy," opening the muslin robe. "Ah, chemise too, none of your own things." Playfully lifting it up, you should have seen her eyes start as she caught sight of my lower parts encased in her own open-net, blue tights; seeing how Mr. John Thomas was excited, and seemed fit to break out at the instant.

"They are not big enough, they irritate you, Percy let me get them off," she said, raising herself and as the bed-clothes fell back giving me a sight of her golden-haired mount for a moment quickly as she pushed her chemise over it. It was perfectly maddening, but I had to act the innocent, and know nothing. "Come on the bed, then I can pull them off, you silly boy, why did you put them on?" So I mounted on the bed by her side, and she a.s.sisted me to remove the tights, lingering, as I thought, unnecessarily long in doing so.

"Now, I can cuddle my boy. I haven't had you to myself for ever so long, and how that thing of yours has grown! That net-work chafed you, my dear, or it would never get like that."

Saying which, she made me lay by her side, clasping me tightly to her bosom, which heaved tumultuously. "Poor thing, how hard and swollen it is," she said, putting her hand on my affair. "Let me soothe it; there--there--there, it will be all right soon," but I could feel her heart beating furiously, whilst her beautiful face was aflame, and those deep blue eyes seemed to dart sparks of love as she regarded me.

Imperceptibly I was drawn between her legs, and my tool throbbed against her belly. "There is only one away, Percy, to cure that stiff thing of yours; let me put it somewhere for you, my dear;" I was pa.s.sive in her hands, and she presently placed the head of my p.r.i.c.k just inside her moist warm c.u.n.t, for she had been spending in antic.i.p.ation, the effect was electric as far she was concerned, her bottom gave one big upward heave, and I felt myself at last buried to the hilt inside my own Mother. "Mamma Mamma, where have you put it? It feels so warm and nice."

"Oh, my own boy, my Percy, I must have you; push it all into me, dear.

I must teach you; you will find it delicious to be cuddled in that way; Ah, my love, my own boy, let me feel your soul flow into mine; let me make you feel what real love is like."

"Mamma, Mamma darling, how nice! What are we doing to each other?"

"Making love, Percy dear, don't you like it?" as she pressed me closer and tighter in her arms every moment, whilst her hot swimming c.u.n.t sucked me in ravenously at each thrust I gave.

"Making love is nice; may I often do it to you, Mamma?"

"Yes, my lovely boy, only never let a soul know it; it is thought so improper, but now Percy, now push it all in--faster faster; I give you my very life. Oh--Oh--I'm coming; can't you feel my warm flow?"

"Yes--yes, what is going to happen, Mother--Mamma I shall burst.--Ah--there it is--Oh," as I had played my part to the end, and was fairly exhausted by the spend and the intensity of my emotions.

Her arms held me tightly to her bosom, as she panted after her excessive lubricity, keeping me still on the top of her, whilst the contractions of her v.a.g.i.n.a treated my p.r.i.c.k to the most exquisite compressions. I put one hand down to feel where I was, and ran my fingers all round the lips of her salacious c.u.n.t, putting them up inside as far as they would reach. "Let your hand play with me, and move yourself on me at the same time; let me teach you how to please your Mother, who loves you so; do you know Percy, I have given you my very life, my honour,--fancy a boy like you putting horns on the head of his Father!"

"Mamma, dear, what do you mean, you talk so funny, how can I make horns for Papa?"

"By what you are doing my love, by perhaps making me a baby; you will understand some day."

"And would a baby be a brother, just like me?"

"Yes love, a brother or a sister--but Percy never a word to any one, as you love me; this is so naughty, so wicked to do."

"Naughty, wicked, how can it be so to play with my Mamma!"

"Fathers or Mothers must not have their children like this, nor even Brothers their Sisters; it is through awful called 'Incest' in fact.

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