
Forbidden Fruit Part 3

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"Ah, Percy," she sobbed, "you have robbed me of the only jewel I possessed; I can never get married now, any one could know some one had broken through my hymen;" and she sobbed bitterly, so much so, that I was really distressed, and ashamed of my violence.

"Oh! what have I done? Do tell me Mary, don't cry so, dry up your tears, you know I love you."

"And so I do you Percy, my own boy; and, oh, I was so afraid it would happen some day. Now, kiss me and tell me truly, who taught you to be so rude; you must have had a lesson from your Auntie Gertie whilst I was away. I know what she is, so hot, so l.u.s.tful; she wants every man and boy she can get; I know your Papa pokes her, and so does your cousin Mr. Sh.o.r.e, and even when she goes out for a ride with our groom Parsons, or a walk by herself, she takes a small syringe and a bottle of lotion in her pocket, in case of accident, but I know what sort of accident she means. Now, tell me, and I'll keep your secret: but never let her suspect I know, or I should lose my place. Now, Percy, I'm sure she taught you. Tell me truly, dear."

Certain that I could not hide the truth from the dear girl, I confessed as to my aunt, but nothing more. "Mary dear," I said, "we will keep our secret to ourselves, she will never suspect you."

"Oh, you little love, you shall be all mine; that cat, beautiful as she is, shan't have you," she said, squeezing me in her arms, and kissing me rapturously.--"All mine, and I feel it throbbing inside of me, Percy, push again now, gently at first, as I feel rather sore, perhaps it will soon get easier. Ah, that's it, how nice, draw out nearly, and then in again softly, dear; that's it, how, lovely! Oh! what is that shooting into me, like a spurt of hot balm, right up to my heart?--Oh!

Oh! I'm coming too!" she sobbed in ecstasy--"what divine pleasure--how you pushed at that moment--go on, dear, don't stop, it's too ravishing to waste a moment!" as she instinctively entwined her legs over me, and wriggled her bottom in excess of pleasure, as our love juices mingled in her womb; then at last she stretched herself out at length, her c.u.n.t closely nipping Cupid's battering ram, her arms tightly holding me almost like a vice, her lips played with mine in long kisses, our tongues darting into each other's mouths in the most luscious manner, all the while the inner folds of her tight fitting sheath kept me prisoner, and treated my c.o.c.k to the most delicious contractions and pressures, till I was so inflamed, Cupid's charger plunged on his mad career once more, making my dark beauty writhe and squirm in the excess of her ecstatic emotion; several times we seemed to stop by mutual consent, and lay for a while enjoying those heavenly sensations. After thus delaying the final crisis to the uttermost, the moment came when the life flood could no longer be kept back, and our simultaneous emission drowned the organs of love so profusely that our thighs were deluged as we continued to churn in the creamy overflow.

This finished our game for the night, and when my eyes opened in the morning she lay naked by my side, having thrown off her blood-stained chemise. She was awake. "Ah! Percy, my love, I thought you would never wake, but I did not like to touch you: see what a mess the bed is in--it was a real rape--you would never have done it if I had been strong enough--But now, oh, how I love my boy!"

The sight that met my eyes did indeed give evidence of something awful--blood stains--patches of dried s.e.m.e.n, discoloured by blood.

"My G.o.d, Mary, what will you do? We shall be found out."

"Kiss you for it, Percy. Don't be afraid, I will change the sheets and make it right," gluing her lips to mine, as if she would suck my breath away, whilst one of her hands found out my now standing champion ready for the fray.

"Let me have it again, dear, before I get up; I want you so much."

"Well then, Mary my love, try Auntie Gertie's plan; kneel across me and help yourself, whilst I lay on my back and enjoy the sight of your beautiful body as you ride up and down on my c.o.c.k; oh, I do think a dark girl like you beats all fair beauties."

"What a flatterer to say that, you artful boy--when you know, and have seen such a beauty as your aunt," as she slowly impaled herself on my rampant engine. "Did she teach you that way? Well she knows what's good any how--Ar-r-re--it's up so far, let me sit and feel it like that for a moment."

With sparkling eyes and a smile on her lips which parted just enough to show me a row of pearls of the whitest ivory, and so perfect that being bitten by them could only be a pleasure. Then again the contrast between this dark olive tinted Venus and the creamy colored complexion of my aunt with her reddish-golden haired mount and the black silky down which ornamented the tight fitting sheath, which now was enjoying possession of my c.o.c.k. All these so tired my imagination, that I heaved up my b.u.t.tocks to start another heat in love's steeple chase, and the little dark tilly at once bounded on her course with all the fire of her nature.

"Ah," she said, slackening the pace, "it is too good to hurry like that," and she laid herself full length over my body, devouring my mouth with her hot tonguing kisses, whilst her c.u.n.t kept possession of my p.r.i.c.k, and treated it to a course of the most exquisite compressions imaginable, till at length she suddenly resumed the proper position and riding furiously for a moment or two, fell exhausted on my bosom as gushes of spend flooded my delighted c.o.c.k and invited it to shoot its essence into her very vitals.

"Ah," she said, as at last she reluctantly dressed herself; "what a man you will make, and what a lot of girls you will want. Poor me will be nowhere, but you shall always have me, when you want a bit of my black f.a.n.n.y--Black for Beauty--you know; much as you may sometimes run after the fair ones."

Mary and I indulged in every variety of voluptuous pleasures; we needed no further instruction, but tried everything we could think of, even to p.i.s.sing in each other's mouths, as a finale after a long bout of erotic excitements.

She had the prettiest of underclothing and one of my delights was to be dressed up as a girl, in chemise, drawers and corset; then she would put on my shirt and trousers, and in this kind of demi-toilette we had many a spree in our bedroom, and she did look a pretty boy. She would kiss and chuck me under the chin, calling me her pretty Jemima--"Pretty Jemima, don't say no, what a nice soft f.a.n.n.y you have, my dear;" as she would put her hands under my chemise and gently wag Mr. Peaslin, who was always in a state of erection. Perhaps it was the aroma of her chemise and drawers which had such a magnetic effect on me, always bringing on a violent priapism. She would push me back on the edge of the bed, and opening her trousers, pretend to get into me, and of course I slipped into her; this was quite a fancy of hers. She would say: "Jemima darling, how deliciously you squeeze my p.r.i.c.k! Do I please you, darling? Am I f.u.c.king you nicely?"

For in a very short time we got to relish all the expressions so piquant in bawdy language and which give such a zest to the fullest enjoyment. When sometimes I would say to her: "I mean to give you a beautiful f.u.c.k," she would exclaim: "Say that again. I like to hear you say that;" and as to our masquerading in each other's clothes, she said it made her feel a double pleasure when my p.r.i.c.k was so tight inside her, it seemed to be part of herself and it really appeared as if she was f.u.c.king me, as I lay beneath her, on the edge of the bed; "imagination is everything, my dear, when you can have your Aunt, or any girl you fancy, even your own Mother, if you think of her as you f.u.c.k me."

When she talked like this, "Did she know anything?" I thought to myself; so one night I said: "Mary dear, do you think Mamma is fond of f.u.c.king, and does Papa do enough for her? What do you think?"

"I don't believe one single man would satisfy you Mother or you aunt; I will tell you a great secret of something I once saw, which so upset me at the time, that I rally think if a nice young man had been there, my maidenhead would never have been left for you."

The summer before last, you will remember Capt. Devereux your uncle, and who of course is brother to both your mother and your aunt, stayed here for a week, before he went to India, where he is now; he tried to be very familiar with me, but I was too shy and ran away when he tried to give me a kiss.

You know your mother's boudoir is only separated from this room by the big closet between, which is used for hanging up dresses, as that is so much better than having them folded. You know what a roomy place it is, with a long row of pegs on one side, and the big linen press at the end; besides the door into the corridor, there is one into the boudoir, half gla.s.s covered with a pink silk blind.

Well, one day I was in there taking out the dresses, to keep them free of moth when I heard the key turned in the lock of the door into the corridor, and your mother's voice: "No one can go in there now, and we can't be disturbed," as the Captain and his two sisters entered the boudoir. I don't know why I didn't knock to be let out at once, but when I thought of doing so, I heard the Captain's voice:--I suppose, Selina, you must be first. I want a f.u.c.k awfully bad; we've got the whole morning to ourselves, so there is plenty of time for Gert; and my dear sisters, how we shall miss each other when I can never visit you.

It's an awful bore being sent out to India, but I suppose there will be game amongst the officers' wives and daughters; our Colonel takes out all his family and has two or three fizzing girls who will soon ripen in the Indian sun.

"Oh, Horace," exclaimed your Mother. "I never had such a f.u.c.ker as you, and you taught me and Gert all we know in the Art of Love. Come to my arms, my brother, the more wicked it is to be f.u.c.ked by you, the more piquant is our enjoyment:--Take it out, Gert, and put it into me, I will do as much for you presently, and lick him up too, if I make him too limp."

You may be sure I could not resist a peep, and at once thought of Solomon's proverb about the "Wonderful way of a man with a Maid," and now was a chance to learn something. So kneeling behind the gla.s.s door, I slipped a little corner of the blind aside and what did I see? Your own Mother leaning forward over the scroll end of the couch, with her dress and skirts all turned up over her back; she had on black silk knickers trimmed with a golden fringe, and light pink silk chemise and stockings; the Captain was opening her drawers and putting the tail of the chemise aside, whilst your aunt was busy unb.u.t.toning his trousers and taking out "Oh, such a big beautiful p.r.i.c.k," quite nine or ten inches long, which she presented to your Mother's bottom, and I really thought he was going to push it into the wrong place, but his sister directed it lower down, and I could just see the lovely fleshy lips of your Mother's c.u.n.t, as it fairly sucked him in, she pushing out her bottom in the rudest possible way, to meet his advance.

His shaft was as white as ivory ornamented at its base by reddish brown hair, and as his hands took a firm grip of her b.u.t.tocks, drawing them towards him every time he pushed home, and I could see each movement, it was a sight to impress a girl like myself, who had never yet surrendered to a man. Ravishing indeed to watch the amorous play of your Mother's splendid c.u.n.t, as he worked in and out, withdrawing till he nearly exposed the inflamed head of his p.r.i.c.k, then plunging in again to her apparent delight.

The black silk showing off the white skin to perfection, but what impressed me most as I watched the piston-like action of the Captain's affair, was to see how the fleshy lips of her f.a.n.n.y clung to it each time it withdrew. I could hear quite an audible sucking sound, and those lips gradually deepened in colour from their original fleshy tint, till at the apex of excitement they were quite a splendid vermilion hue; then came the emission, which must have been copious as it spurted out in thick creamy and frothy jets, as he continued to work on.

"Horace--Horace--let me have it, b.a.l.l.s and all--s.p.u.n.k into me now!"

your Mother almost shrieked in her frenzy.

"Now! Now! Selina, I'm coming--I'm bursting my love--Oh, Gert, work your fingers well," was his response, whilst your aunt was doing all she could to increase his ardour by working her lingers in his bottom-hole.

I was almost frantic myself at such a sight. My hand could not but seek my own gap, and quite unconsciously rubbed and frigged myself, whilst I feel sure my eyes must have been starting from their sockets, so intensely was I fascinated by the incestuous scene enacted before me.

Within a few minutes they ran another course, and came again with cries of pleasures and bawdy expressions.

The Captain now withdrew, his machine hanging down looked quite crestfallen and limp, covered with glistening spend which dripped off on to the floor; your Mother retained her position, as if too tired to get up, when to my surprise your aunt Gert, proceeded to kiss and suck her sister's reeking c.u.n.t which was still all of a quiver, those now vermilion lips twitching as if still anxious for more.

Pushing the thighs as wide apart as possible, your aunt buried her face between those luxurious b.u.t.tocks, and seemed eager to secure every drop of the precious elixir that was slowly oozing out. "Oh, how lovely!"

your mother said, with a sigh of pleasure; "Come to me Horace, let me revive the drooping courage of your glorious p.r.i.c.k; whose lips but mine ought to raise it again for dear Gert? What intense felicity you gave me, my dear?" as he placed himself kneeling on the couch so as to bring his affair into position for her to take it into her mouth, which she did with great avidity, her hands gently holding back the foreskin and caressing his hairy b.a.l.l.s, as first giving a good suck in her mouth she proceeded to t.i.tillate the little orifice in its head with the tip of her velvety tongue. The effect was marvellous to me. The before limp affair almost jumped into life again by a series of jerks till it stood even more proudly than ever. How she fondled that resuscitated c.o.c.k and handled his b.a.l.l.s till his eyes started with l.u.s.t, and his bottom wriggled as if he would soon be brought to the spending point again.

"No, no, I won't make you come Horace. Let Gert have her due, she's a dear girl, and never jealous of me, are you Gert? So I let her be as much Fred's wife as I am, and we three have some rare razzle-dazzles, I can tell you, same as we do with you."

Selina, your Mother, now made Gert lay on her back on the couch, and inserting her brother's p.r.i.c.k in the beautiful c.u.n.t you know so well, "There, dears, go on and I will do all I cam to add to your pleasure;"

saying which, she pulled Horace's trousers down to his heels, and turning his shirt tail well up, handled his b.a.l.l.s from behind for a few moments:

"Ah, you f.u.c.ker," she exclaimed, "you like Gert better than me, but no matter--there--there--there--there--go on and f.u.c.k her. Spend into her!" giving four tremendous slaps with her hand, which made him fairly wince.

Then as if suddenly remembering something, she opened a long box ottoman, and took out a bunch of birch twigs, elegantly tied up with ribbons, with which she proceeded to attack his firm looking fleshy rump.

"Lay on Selina, don't spare me, drive me well," said the Captain.

"That's just what is wanted."

This excited my imagination to the utmost; how could a whipping add to his enjoyment. Selina did not keep me waiting long, she touched him up smartly, giving light stinging strokes, at least I feel certain they must have been stingers, to judge from the lovely rosy tint she soon raised on those firm white b.u.t.tocks of his, which gradually quivered more and more as he worked rapidly in your aunt's pretty c.u.n.t; I could see his white shaft almost withdrawn, to be plunged in again with ever increasing verve. The more Selina whipped and made his bottom smart the more furiously he f.u.c.ked her.

Presently your Mother shifted her position, so as to cut towards the division of his bottom, and make the tips of the pliant birch even reach the jewel bag, which was about to shoot its balm of love into her sister.

Gert was almost mad with l.u.s.t; she fairly squealed: "f.u.c.k faster, you dear brother, let me feel it well up at every stroke--Oh, I must come now, Eeecch?--what a gust--what a man to poke--my love, I'm spending--oh, Heavens--How delicious!"

After a short rest, laying soaking his tool in that flood of mixed love juice, he was going to withdraw, but Selina interposed.

"Gee up--Gee up--you haven't half done your duty yet, Sir; hold him tight, Gert, and I'll soon make him start and keep up to it properly."

Your aunt clasped him tightly in her arms, renewing her kisses on his lips, darting her tongue into his mouth; then finding he returned her kisses and did not attempt to get away, one hand stole down to his now languid p.r.i.c.k, and began to Frig it, keeping the head still within the lips of her inflamed c.u.n.t, whilst your Mother began to lecture him.

"So, Sir, you don't want to go on f.u.c.king my sister, when you owe her so much pleasure, but I'll see you don't defraud her of what is fairly due;--will you move Sir, or, must I scalp your bottom, for you, eh?"

"You're used up and languid, are you? I believe you will go to sleep on the top of Gert--there--there--move will you!" giving a couple of very vicious cuts, which left a lot of long fiery marks across his bottom.

"Oh, Selina don't, you hurt so, let me rest a minute or two."

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Forbidden Fruit Part 3 summary

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