
Food for the Traveler Part 2

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24. Salted mackerel with creamed potatoes, milk.

25. Pineapple with grapefruit, fish, apple salad, lettuce.

26. Cherries with water eggnog, triscuit with chipped beef.

27. Cherries with pineapple, cream cheese, egg food or fish.

28. Bananas with tomato, cranberry or rhubarb compote.

29. Apple or apricot sauce with Imperial Sticks or fruit toast.

People who have difficulty in digesting eggs will find it more agreeable to eat the yolks and whites at different times of the day; the former prepared in salad dressing or boiled custards; the latter in the form of baked eggs with lemon and green vegetables.

Learn by experience to select the kinds of food which yield nourishment and avoid those which disagree.


1. Apple salad, lettuce, broiled steak, shredded wheat with b.u.t.ter.

2. Cream of pea soup, beef or roast pork, potatoes, stewed prunes.

3. Broiled chops, young peas, creamed potatoes, oranges.

4. Tomato salad, lettuce, veal with mushrooms and rice.

5. Cream of tomato soup, veal chops with peas, stewed prunes.

6. Sweet potatoes with roast beef, tomato puree, celery, nuts.

7. Lettuce salad, mashed carrots, baked beans with lemon, bacon.

8. Beefsteak with eggs and potatoes, celery, prunes.

9. Pea soup with crackers, fish with apple salad, celery.

10. Sour roast with potato dumplings, lettuce salad, prunes.

11. Broth with egg, apple salad and lettuce, pork chops.

12. Pea soup with toast, fish with apple rice, coffee and crusts.

13. Game or pork with sauerkraut and potato dumplings.

14. Tongue with mushroom sauce and potatoes, crusts and coffee.

15. Boiled beef with string beans, potatoes with white sauce.

16. Baked oatmeal with cranberry sauce and celery, nuts.

17. Fish with potato salad and lettuce, grapes or pie.

18. Roast mutton with peas and baked potatoes, celery.

19. Bean soup with raw carrots, bread and b.u.t.ter.

20. Barley soup with crackers, Swiss cheese and apple salad.

21. Lettuce salad with omelet, stewed prunes or cranberries.

22. Tomato and lettuce salad with pork tenderloin, oranges.

23. Mashed carrots or beets with fat or lean meat, green grapes.

24. Pea soup with fried bread, calves' liver with apple salad.

25. Lentil soup, fried bread, codfish b.a.l.l.s with apple sauce.

26. Roast beef, greens, apples or potatoes, gelatine.

27. Chicken soup, asparagus or peas, potatoes, meat.

28. Spinach or lettuce, macaroni, cheese, pea or tomato puree.

29. Tomato soup or salad, baked beans, lettuce, prunes.

Drink sufficient pure natural water between your meals. There is danger in over-drinking as well as in under-drinking.

All who are in the habit of eating more than their systems require and especially those who indulge in large amounts of bread at dinner, would do well to begin their meal with a soup. Legume and cream soups will furnish a satisfactory meal by themselves. Take toast or sun-dried bread at the end of the meal, with black coffee or postum.


1. Corn and tomato soup with crusts or raw greens.

2. Cream of tomato soup with zwieback or raw greens.

3. Green pea soup with zwieback and celery, pie or pudding.

4. Broth with egg, sandwiches with bologna or cold meat.

5. b.u.t.termilk with graham toast, stewed prunes with cream.

6. Fresh milk with tomato toast, stewed prunes with cream.

7. Fruit gruel with white of eggs, and b.u.t.tered toast.

8. Strained tomato juice with whole wheat toast and b.u.t.ter, celery.

9. Orange juice, cooked leaf vegetable with fried bacon and eggs, toast.

10. Pineapple salad with whipped cream and toast or triscuit.

11. Apple or banana salad, lettuce, orange juice, nuts.

12. Potato salad with lettuce and soft boiled eggs, ham or bacon.

13. Strawberries or raspberries with rich milk and zwieback.

14. Cherries and egg food, fish or nut foods, lettuce.

15. Cream cheese with apples and sandwiches, lettuce salad.

16. Fig or date b.u.t.ter with ryenuts and rich fresh milk.

17. Raw huckleberries (3/4 cupful) with bread and b.u.t.ter or zwieback.

18. Lettuce, bananas, one gla.s.s of cranberry or tomato juice.

19. Apple salad with lettuce and almond cream or almonds.

20. Apples, raisins, six to twelve nuts, lettuce, celery.

21. Gelatine of fruit, or bread and bran with cream and toast.

22. Clam broth or cream soup with toast and raw celery.

23. Muskmelon with lemon and berries or cherries.

24. Baked apples in gelatine with fish salad, lettuce.

25. Ambrosia or apple sauce with whites of eggs and toast, malted milk.


1. Rice with milk, black toast with fig b.u.t.ter or honey.

2. Pea broth, tripe with tomato sauce and toast with b.u.t.ter.

3. Melon, berries, codfish cakes with bread and b.u.t.ter.

4. Cream of corn soup, tomato toast with milk.

5. Rice flour with hot cream or milk, toast with eggs.

6. Milk rice, soda crackers or toast or cake, coffee.

7. Apple salad, puffed wheat with b.u.t.ter and fried bacon.

8. Broth with egg, cracker, sprouts, lamb, toast, b.u.t.ter, oranges.

9. Apple and celery salad, fruit cake with coffee or milk.

10. Raspberries or strawberries, shredded wheat or cake, rich milk.

11. Tomato or blackberry toast, one or two gla.s.ses of rich milk.

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Food for the Traveler Part 2 summary

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