
Fires of St. John Part 33

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Yes, one can! But he who does, plays with his own destruction!


And if one destroys one's self, who cares?


You should not talk like that, Miss Marie.


Oh, it is all nonsense, all nonsense, for to-night is St. John's night.

Do you see that fire yonder. Pastor? They had to put it out! But there, on the hill--look, there, there! How beautiful! How wild!


Yes, and when you look closely, it is nothing more than a ma.s.s of dirty lumber.


For shame, Pastor!


Like everything that blazes, except the sun----


You should not have said that, Pastor--you should not. I don't want it!

I will not have you slander my St. John's fires! I want to enjoy it once--only once--then nevermore!!!


[_Disturbed_.] My dear Miss Marie, I do not understand the reason for your agitation, and I will not question you! But of your struggles--you shall know that you have a friend near you, on whom you can rely, now and for all time to come. Marie, I don't know how to express myself; but I desire to shield and protect you all your life--I will worship you----


Pastor, do you know who and what I am?


I do!


And who my mother is?


I know all!


Pastor, how am I to understand this?


Marie, I know I should not have spoken, at least not now. I should have waited--it was stupid of me, I know; but I have such a fear--a fear for you. You are going to the city to-night and I don't know what may happen! But you shall know before you go, where you belong and that your future is a.s.sured!


[_With a sigh of relief--almost a sob_.] Ah--ah--ah----!


Marie, I do not want an answer now. Besides, I must first notify my father. Though he is but a simple farmer, he shall not be slighted-- Marie----


[_Shrinking--dully_.] Yes, that is--perhaps--what I need--ah! [_Sinks in chair_.]


Why, what is the matter? Shall I get you a gla.s.s of water? Or would you prefer wine?


[_With an effort_.] Wine--wine--there--in the bowl! [_He helps her--she drinks_.] Thank you! [_Stirred_.] No one has ever waited on me before!


I will carry you upon my hands


Very well, Pastor; but no one must know before the wedding!


Perhaps on the wedding day--at the wedding feast? Papa might make the announcement; that would be such a fitting occasion!


No, no! I will have to much to do then.


Then, when the happy pair have gone?

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