
Fires of St. John Part 32

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Then would you mind reciting it for me? Come, I will a.s.sist you: "The flowers, the beautiful blossoms"---- Well?---- "are a maiden's----"


No, Pastor!


You are acting so strangely to-day! You are so shy--so----


The St. John's night oppresses me!


That will soon be over.


Would that it were over now!


Perhaps the thought of traveling alone at night has something to do with it?


Oh! [_Recovering herself--lightly_.] You are right, Pastor; but it can't be helped!


Shall I come with you? Oh, I'll find something to be done in the city.

I won't even have to ask permission. Anyway, I am longing for a glimpse of the good old town. I will inform the old pastor--I don't think he has retired as yet----


Then please tell him---- I usually visit him myself every day, but now, just before the wedding, it's impossible for me to call. Will you please tell him that? I am so fond of him! Tell him that, and in thought I kiss his hand.


Certainly. And may I accompany you!


No, thank you. Pastor!


Now let us speak openly, Miss Marie. I have been watching you all the evening. You appear to me--what shall I call it--like a mouse before a cat! You need a protector; some one in whom you can confide, some one----


And so you would like to be my father confessor! Eh, Pastor?


You know very well we do not have that inst.i.tution in the Protestant Church, though at times it might prove a blessing----


[_Mischievously_.] And then again it might not?


You are quite right. We should all rely more upon ourselves----


[_With emphasis_.] I do that, Pastor, I do!


Yes, my dear Marie--pardon me, I should not have said that--and yet I must speak frankly with you; you seem to have a fear--a dread----


Of the cat?


I wish I knew!!!


But supposing I were the cat, who would then be the mouse?


That would be sinful and wicked in you!!!


But one cannot be the cat and the mouse at the same time?


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