
Finder's Stone - Song Of The Saurials Part 21

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"I don't need any allies," Alias snapped. "All I need to know is what you did with Nameless. Where is he?" she demanded. "And Olive, too?"

"The bard and the halfling must have fled to escape Kyre after she imprisoned me in a soul trap. I do not know where they went. We have more important things to concern ourselves with at the moment."

"Kyre imprisoned you in a soul trap?" Alias asked incredulously. "Why didn't she tell anyone?"

"Because she was a minion of Moander, preparing the way for the Darkbringer's return to your world," Grypht said.

"You're all crazy!" Alias declared. "Moander is dead. Dead!"

"You merely destroyed the body of Moander in this world, but Moander's power and spirit live on in the Abyss, and the Darkbringer's slaves in this world are building it a new body, a new abomination for it to possess. The Darkbringer will return once the body is finished."

"Moander hasn't got any followers left in the Realms to build him a body," Alias protested.

"That," Grypht explained, "is why Moander enslaved my tribe and brought them to the Realmsa""

Grypht gurgled suddenly, released Alias, and clutched at his throat. There was an arrow lodged in his neck. The great creature teetered once, then fell over backward and landed on the forest floor with a crash.


The Soul Song

Dragonbait rushed to Grypht's side as Alias whirled around. Breck stood at the edge of the clearing, a second arrow already notched in his bow. He must have rediscovered Akabar and Grypht's trail and tracked them right back to the camp, the swordswoman realized.

Dragonbait knelt beside the saurial wizard, cursing himself for having forgotten the ranger's bloodl.u.s.t.

Breck cried out, "Don't touch him!"

Dragonbait ignored the ranger's order and laid his hands on the larger saurial's chest. He began to pray for the power to heal.

"Breck, you idiot!" Alias called out. "What do you think you're doing?"

Breck approached them. "I thought I was saving your life," he said. "That creature could have killed you in an instant. What does Dragonbait think he's doing?"

"Healing him," Alias explained.

"No!" Breck shouted, and shoved the saurial paladin away from Grypht. "Are you crazy? That's the monster that killed Kyre!"

"No, he isn't," Alias said. "Grypht is a saurial like Dragonbait. He's a friend of Dragonbait's. He couldn't have killed Kyre."

"Well, actually," Akabar said, "he did kill her."

"See? I told you so!" Breck said, waving his finger in Alias's face.

Alias shot Akabar a look of frustration. Even if the Turmishman didn't want to lie, he could at least have had sense enough to keep his mouth shut.

"He had no choice, though," Akabar explained. "Kyre was a minion of Moander. She would have enslaved both of us to the Darkbringer if Grypht hadn't destroyed her."

"How dare you speak such lies?" Breck growled at Akabar. "Kyre was a Master Harper! How dare you slander her like that? And with such a feeble story. Moander is dead." The ranger turned his bow on the Turmishman. "You're lying about Kyre. Admit that you're lying!" he demanded.

Alias pushed Brock's bow aside. Despite her anger with Akabar and Zhara and Dragonbait, she couldn't let Breck shoot them full of arrows. "Lord Mourngrym said we were to capture Grypht, if we could, and bring Akabar back alive," she reminded him sharply. "If we don't do something for Grypht soon, he's going to die, and if you don't stop waving that bow at Akabar, your fingers are going to slip and we won't be able to bring him back alive either."

"All right," Breck said, "you can heal Grypht, but I want him tied up first."

"With what?" Alias asked. "Breck, he's too big to tie up. He's not going to run off anyway."

Dragonbait signed something to Alias.

"Dragonbait says he guarantees Grypht's good behavior," Alias explained to the ranger.

"He's going to guarantee the good behavior of a murderer?" Breck asked sarcastically.

"It was self-defense," Akabar insisted.

"Kyre wouldn't hurt anyone." Breck retorted.

"She was possessed by Moander," Akabar explained. "It's true Moander was dead, but the evil G.o.d's spirit is trying to return to the Realms. It can possess good creatures as well as evil."

"Like the treants," Alias pointed out. She shifted her position very subtly, blocking the ranger's view of Grypht as Zhara bent over the saurial wizard .

"You saw the treants, then?" Akabar asked. "They were controlled by Moander the same way Kyre was," the mage explained, motioning with his hands to keep Breck's eyes away from his wife. "She might never have joined Moander willingly, but she was possessed by a vine of some sort, the same thing that possessed the treants. We had no choice but to destroy them. They tried to kidnap me and nearly killed Grypht. Why do you think a single arrow brought him down so easily? He received so many injuries from them that he pa.s.sed out in our hiding place and slept for hours."

Akabar put a hand on Breck's shoulder. "I am sorry for the loss of your fellow Harper," he said to the ranger. "She seemed to me a beautiful and clever woman, traits that Moander could not have made her mimic were they not already her own. I can understand your anguish. I share it with you."

Breck took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Replacing his arrow in his quiver and shouldering his bow, the ranger nodded respectfully at Akabar. "Thank you," he said. "However, you must realize I cannot accept your story without proof. There was nothing left of Kyre's body. You will have to come back to Shadowdale, so Morala and Lord Mourngrym can judge whether you are telling the truth or not."

Behind the ranger, Zhara finished her prayers to cure Grypht's wounds.

Akabar looked up at the trees hesitantly, reluctant to agree with the ranger but equally reluctant to refuse him. He looked anxiously at Grypht, who was rising slowly to his feet.

"He hasn't time to return to Shadowdale," Grypht said in Realms common.

Breck whirled around and discovered the saurial on his feet. The ranger reached for his sword, but Grypht caught his wrists. As burly as he was, the ranger was no match for the five-hundred-pound saurial.

"You've drawn my blood twice in as many days," the wizard said to Breck. "Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of it. Now you will listen to me without attacking me."

Breck's body went limp and he glared at Grypht. "I'm listening, monster."

"Good," Grypht said, but he didn't release the ranger. "In our world," the wizard explained, "there are still fools who worship the Darkbringer and give his minions power to walk among us. Kyre came to our world as a visitor to study our music, and we welcomed her, but while she was among us, our tribe was attacked by minions of Moander. Kyre helped defend our tribe most heroically, but she was captured by the enemy. The Darkbringer made her one of its minions by possessing her body with its vines. Since she is native to this world, she can walk among your people without raising suspicion, so Moander sent her back here to prepare things for his return. In the meantime, my tribe has fought against the attacks of other minions of Moander for months now, until all but I and my apprentices and the Champion, the one you call Dragonbait, have been caught and enslaved. Moander has marched my tribe forcibly through the plane of Tarterus and into this world. The Darkbringer is using them to create a new body to use in the Realms. I came to your world seeking Champion's help.

"Unfortunately I arrived in Kyre's presence, and she used your ignorance to her own purposes and convinced you to attack me. When she'd cornered me in Nameless's room, she imprisoned me in a soul trap. Akabar freed me, and I destroyed her before she could enslave us both. I would not have destroyed her if there was any hope she would live once Moander had dispossessed her, but there wasn't. Moander's possession had eaten away the inside of her body."

"You kidnapped Elminster and Nameless, and you expect me to believe what you're saying?" Breck said, tossing his head back haughtily.

"I didn't kidnap Elminster or Nameless," Grypht replied. "I used a transference spell on Elminstera""

"That agrees with what Lhaeo said must have happened," Alias interspersed. "That strange place where Morala saw Elminster in her scrying bowl must be Grypht and Dragonbait's home world."

"Then why hasn't Elminster returned home?" Breck demanded.

"I can only a.s.sume that somehow the Darkbringer has interfered with his returning," Grypht answered.

"What did you do with Nameless?" Breck asked.

"Nothing," Grypht replied. "As I already told Alias, the bard and Olive must have fled to escape from Kyre after she trapped me in her soul gem. I was tracking Olive with the bard's magic stone, but I turned back when Akabar told me Champion was in Shadowdale."

Unable to refute the wizard's story, the ranger became less adamant, but he remained cautious. "I still need more proof," he said. "Where's the finder's stone now?"

Grypht released the ranger and pulled from his robe the prize he had looted from Kyre's body.

"All right," Breck said. "Think of someone in your tribe whom Moander has enslaved and sent to the Realms," he ordered the wizard.

Grypht held the stone and concentrated on a saurial he suspected would still be alive, despite the deprivations Moander put its slaves through. The finder's stone sent a beam northwest by westward, toward the peaks of the Desertsmouth Mountains.

"Give Alias the stone," Breck ordered.

Grypht tossed the stone to the swordswoman.

"Think about Nameless," the ranger told Alias.

Alias did as the ranger asked. The first beam of light faded and a second one shot out to the southwest. Alias felt a sense of relief. Wherever the bard was, he was far from Moander's saurial slaves.

Breck wore a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Nameless used the stone to cast a tongues spell so he could speak with Grypht," Akabar explained. "I tried to tap into the stone's magic last night, but it wouldn't work for me except as a compa.s.s."

"I'll bet it would work for Alias," Breck said.

"Me? I'm not a mage," the swordswoman said. "What do I know about magic stones?"

"You're Nameless's heir apparent, so to speak," Breck said. "Try the stone for something other than detecting someone," he suggested.

Alias peered into the depths of the stone, remembering how cryptic Elminster had been on the night last year when he'd given it to her. He must have thought she could use it, too. Back then, when she hadn't even known about Nameless, the magic object had seemed to her to be just another light stone. Now that she knew it had belonged to the bard, however, a whole new set of memories came to hera"memories that Nameless must have implanted in her before she was "born"a"memories of how to use the stone.

"Nameless triggered it witha"" Grypht began.

"Music," Alias interrupted.

Grypht nodded. "The bard cast a tongues spell with it. Since my own tongues spell will wear off shortly, it would be helpful if you could speak saurial. The bard sang eight notes. I'll try to hum thema""

Alias waved to Grypht to be silent and closed her eyes. "I know what to do," she said. It was almost as if she could hear Nameless instructing her: "To cast a tongues spell, sing an A-minor scale. . . ."

Alias sang the scale, at the same time concentrating on the strange saurial tongue. The stone glowed yellow in her hand; then the glow traveled up her arms and surrounded her whole body. Alias was suddenly aware of a myriad of scents wafting from both Grypht and Dragonbait. She could not only smell the scents, but also taste them as well. Then, unexpectedly, the air filled with noises, tooa"high-pitched whistles and clicks that complemented the scents.

"It seems to have worked. Tell me it worked," Grypht said to Alias in saurial. He gave off a scent like chicken soup, which the swordswoman realized indicated impatience.

"But I don't just smell you," Alias said in saurial. "I hear you!"

"Smells merely convey emotions, emphasis, intonationa"" Grypht began to explain.

"But the words are clicks and whistles!" Alias completed the thought for him. "Why couldn't I hear them before?" she asked with puzzlement.

"Your ears normally don't work as well as ours," Grypht said with a shrug.

Dragonbait reached up and tapped Grypht's elbow. "High One," the paladin addressed the wizard, and Alias realized that the name "Grypht" was the closest human approximation to the saurial words for "High One," though whether it was the wizard's name or t.i.tle she could not tell.

"I would like to speak with my sister," Dragonbait said, issuing a scent like basil, which Alias realized indicated he desired privacy.

"Champion, there simply isn't time," Grypht replied. "We have much to discuss before the spell Alias cast wears off."

"The tongues spell cast from the stone is permanent," Alias said.

Grypht looked at the swordswoman in disbelief. "You must be mistaken. You do not understand magic. It takes a tremendous amount of power to make a spell permanent," the wizard explained.

Alias shrugged. "You're right. I don't understand magic, but I know this spell is permanent."

Grypht still looked doubtful. He nodded to Dragonbait. "Have your talk," he said, "but speak quickly." The saurial wizard turned away and walked off, taking Akabar and Zhara and Breck with him.

Alias was left alone with Dragonbait. The swordswoman looked down at the ground and shifted her weight nervously onto one leg. She could no longer shut out the paladin's words now by turning her back on his signing fingers, and the memory of how she had done so filled her with embarra.s.sment.

"Sister," Dragonbait said, "will you accept my apology now, if I offer it in my own language?"

Alias could smell the saurial's sadness and tenderness. She could smell and taste something minty, too, an emotion she'd never sensed in Dragonbait. It was remorse. He was really sorry, and there was no way she could deny it.

Yesterday, Alias thought, I told Morala that I would love Finder no matter what secret he told me, yet I would have left Dragonbait without even giving him a chance to explain. How could I be so cruel and unforgiving? The swordswoman put her hands on the paladin's chest and started to weep.

"You are right to complain that I treat you like a child," Dragonbait said, stroking the brand on her right arm. "I am overprotective and domineering. I was afraid you'd be angry, so I said nothing about Zhara, though I could smell that she was your sister immediately. Then I made matters worse by bringing Zhara along without asking you, because I did not want to argue with you. I just did what I thought should be done. I took your property and gave it to her without your permission. I am no better than a thief."

"Much worse," Alias said, looking up at the paladin. "A good thief wouldn't get caught."

Dragonbait looked startled, then caught the scent of mischief in Alias's scent and realized she was teasing him. He smiled and brushed the tears from her face.

"I'm sorry about fighting with Zhara," she said.

"As I said before, if you offend Zhara, it is Zhara you must apologize to," the paladin reminded her.

"Right," Alias said. "I still don't trust her, though."

"Alias," the saurial said with an earthy scent of frustration, "she is your sister."

"That's why I don't trust her," Alias said. "Dragonbait, the spell Moander's minions cast on me last year made me unleash Moander on the Realms without even realizing what I was doing. Phalse put a quest spell on me to hunt down Moander in the Abyss. It nearly tore me apart resisting it. I managed to break the spell only by killing Phalse. Zhara may think she's working against Moander, but she could be working for Phalse."

"Destroying Moander would not be an evil thing merely because some other evil being wishes it," the paladin argued. "Besides, there is more at stake here, or had you forgotten what Grypht just said. The Darkbringer has enslaved my people. I must accompany Grypht and challenge Moander. Akabar and I destroyed the Darkbringer once. It is my hope we can do so again."

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Finder's Stone - Song Of The Saurials Part 21 summary

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