
Discovering Something Special 28 First Night Together

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(Quincy's POV)

"When will you be back?" she asked in a tiny voice that shook my heart.

"The conference will last for 4 days, counting my arrival and departure days, it'll be a week at most."

I had an out-of-state IT conference to attend with some of my employees. This would be our first time apart since we started dating back in June.

"One week..." I could tell she wasn't pleased. Who told me to earn money instead of staying with my woman.

I picked up the quilt and hugged her from behind. Although we often spent late nights together, this was the first time we slept in the same bed together.

"It'll pa.s.s by before you know. Also, you'll be very occupied with you paper you won't even realize it," I comforted as I sniffed in the scent of her hair. It smelled like apples.

"I know." She took my hands off and turned around to hug me.

"I'll be keeping tabs on you," she said meaningfully with her signature eyebrow lift and crinkled nose.

She was so cute, and I couldn't resist her charm for the sake of me. She was pulling on the chordae tendinae, in layman term, my heartstrings.

'The perks of having a biologist girlfriend,' I chuckled mentally.

I already missed her even when she was right in my arms. I placed a kiss on her forehead, followed by her eyes, those eyes that suck my soul out of my body. Then her nose, she crinkled it again as if feeling tickled. I kissed her cheeks that usually turned rosy red whenever I say those words she conveniently called cheesy.

I looked back into her eyes that were filled with love before I placed a kiss on her lips. There it was again... the sparks I feel when I kiss her, the b.u.t.terflies in my belly, the tickling in my heart.

This time, she took the initiative to deepen the kiss as she pried open my mouth and found my tongue with hers.

The short night pa.s.sed with us kissing and talking about whatever topic popped in our heads.

Morning came and we bade our goodbyes. I arrived at the company at 9am only to find Beatrice in the reception area.

"Hey," I said flatly never expecting to see her so soon again.

Beatrice Walters went to the same high school as I did. We almost attended the same university, but she couldn't get in with her scores. I knew she always liked me, but frankly, she just wasn't it for me. I didn't keep in touch with her after I returned, but she somehow found her way here.

"Good morning Quincy. I was told you had a trip so I'll be fast. I came to hand you my birthday invite. It's the week after you come back. It'd make my day if you could be there " she recited with pleading eyes.

"I'll be there," I agreed. It wasn't like she was asking for my sperm for an IVF.

"Great. I'll take my leave then. Have a safe trip."

I noticed she didn't say anything about bringing Summer along, but I'll have to disappoint her.

At 9:30 I set out for the airport making sure to send my girl a departure text.

"Take care of yourself for me babe *kiss*."

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Discovering Something Special 28 First Night Together summary

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