
Endless Love Chapter 2

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last edited: 11.01.18

T/N: In case you need to refresh your memory: (recommended)


When she logged on to the game the second day, there were lots of people who came to greet her as expected, and she added them as friends one by one.

Qu Wei En Whispered her again: "You going to Stockade to farm?" Z L T

She said politely: "Thank you, I'm already level 20, I can handle the quests on my own."

"It's too slow to level by completing quests, there's not much you can play in this game if you haven't maxed your level." Z L T

"I'm new to all these so I want to check out the backstories while playing, and familiarise myself with operating the game."

He paused a while before he replied: "Okay then, call me if you need any help."

If you repeat a lie a thousand times, it'll become the truth. Even if Qu Wei En did not bear any sentiments for her in the beginning, after being match-made together by all the gossip, it would be difficult to judge if these ambiguous feeling wouldn't bud. So the best way was, of course, to nip them in the bud.

She thought about all the quests she did not complete yesterday when she was at Westfall and decided to start from there. Just as she flew to the Westfall map, before she was able to alight the bird, Qu Wei En Whispered her.

[W From][Qu Wei En]: The quests at Westfall are around level ten, it's not very suitable for you right now, the experience will be discounted. It's better to go to Redridge Mountains or Duskwood, they're both at the Eastern side of Elywnn Forest. There are a lot of level 20 plus quests available.

[W To][QWE]: Oh, okay then. Z L T

She turned around and ran towards Redridge Mountains. There were some quests below level 20, and she cleared them easily with the gear farmed from the Deadmines.

[W From][QWE]: You can just skip the green quests, the experience they give is very little. Try to do quests with levels slightly higher than yours, if you can't clear them, I can help.

[W To][QWE]: I'm not in a rush to level up I'm just looking through the backstories. You can go and continue your stuff, don't need to mind me actually, I can settle them on my own.

—Bro, it's very pressurising with you tracking my whereabouts like that! Z L T

As she was typing, her screen suddenly flashed, and a notification prompted her to enter attack mode before an arrow split the air, flying straight at her. Turns how she had attracted the nearby monsters patrolling, so she ran further away instinctively while dealing two DOT* at the target. Who knew that monster was a ranged attacker and five levels above her, so the two DOT completely missed, while the monster's three Shadow Bolt that hit her shaved off a big half of her health. In her fl.u.s.ter, she, again, slammed into the three monsters gathered on the side, and her little life didn't seem to be able to be preserved.

* "DOT" = "damage over time" Z L T

During the split second between life and death, a player from her faction rushed out from one side suddenly and used a skill that pulled the aggro of the mob, attracting over all four monsters that had been besieging her. She immediately selected the player, ready to heal him.

Just as her fingers were about to click the hotkey for healing, they suddenly froze in place.

His name… Wan Shui Qian Shan. Z L T

Wan… Qian… Z L T

She stared at the name in a daze. Even though it was a very ordinary ID, one without any novelty or freshness; even though that Night Elf had a burly and tall physique, one without any affiliation or correlation.

It had been so long, yet when she saw these two words again, just these two words, they were enough to freeze her.

The Knight that had helped her out was only level 22. Being surrounded by four high-levelled monsters, he, too, fell quickly. She only awoke with a start after the four monsters turned back to finish her off.

[Say][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: …… Z L T

[Say][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Sorry sorry, I've never healed anyone before, so I'm not quite familiar with the skill……

[Say][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Hehe, it's okay. Z L T

While he was talking, Wan Shui Qian Shan released his spirit, sp.a.w.ned at the graveyard, and began to run back to his corpse.

[Say][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: The graveyard's pretty far, stay where you are, I can resurrect you. ♢ ENDLESS LOVE CHAPTER 02 is hosted at ZHANLANTRANSLATIONS.WORDPRESS.COM ♢

[Say][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: The monsters here are pretty densely packed, it'll be too dangerous on your own, I'll run back with you.

As expected, the minute the resurrected, they entered into attack mode. The health and mana were only filled to half its maximum. The good thing that there were two of them, and so them successfully finished off the monsters.

[Say][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Let's party and clear quests? Z L T

"Wan Shui Qian Shan invited you to party with him, yes or no?" Z L T

She clicked yes. Both of them sent each other their quests to look through, and they found out Wan Shui Qian Shan had pretty much finished all the quests she had yet to do.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Let's do your quests first. Some of my quests are the continuation of yours, we can do them together later.

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Won't that be very time-consuming for you, it's okay it's okay, I can finish them on my own.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: It's faster for two people to do together. Moreover, clearing monsters can gain experience anyway.

Wan Shui Qian Shan was different from Qu Wei En. He was very patient, and would always stand on one side quietly to wait for her to submit her quest. He wouldn't hurry her around in a commanding tone to "come here", "pick it up" or "faster". This had actually made her a little apologetic, and so, she very hardworking-ly delved headfirst into clearing monsters.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Don't charge in front. I'll pull the aggro, it's okay for you to deal damage from behind.

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Won't that make me very lacking in bro-code-ness?

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Hehe, I'm a Knight, a future MT*, it should've been me protecting you thin-blooded healers and DPS* positions.

* MT = Main Tank Z L T

* DPS = Damage Per Second Z L T

While Wan Shui Qian Shan was pulling the aggro in front, she was doing ranged attacks. Whenever she saw him in danger, she'll cap a damage-absorbing shield on him and add some health. The two of them cooperated and they were able to kill the monsters very speedily, and finished the quest very quickly. She was worried she would take up too much of his time, so they ran back to the village to submit her quest.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: All the storylines begin here and in Dark Shire. It's worth going through them in detail, you don't need to hurry.

It was as though he knew what she was thinking. Z L T

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Puff puff, finally caught up with you.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: You're a novice right? Z L T

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Enh… Z L T

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: You've played for two hours, wanna rest for a while?

She glanced at the clocked. Two hours had already pa.s.sed unconsciously.

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: I'm not tired at all, you?

Frankly, she was currently pumped with enthusiasm right now, and couldn't wait to help him finish some quests so as to prove that she was not an impeding good-for-nothing.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: I'm not tired either, let's continue then.

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Enh, ^_^

Why was it that when she was brought around by that big cow Qu Wei En, she would feel beyond exhausted, yet when she's partying with Wan Shui Qian Shan, she's feeling contented and unconstrained? Seemed like she was indeed not a cow person huh.

The two little mount-less and short-legged characters ran on the road, one in front, one behind. The road was actually really safe, there were rarely any monsters. However, they suddenly entered into attack mode when they reached a s.p.a.cious fork in the road. Before An Si Dong was able to see the situation properly, she fell heroically down in the burning fire, dead. It was then did she see a red-named Horde Mage standing not too far away. The level was a skull, which meant his level is way above hers. She flipped through his battle history and saw that they were all knocked out and wiped in a second.

[Ai Mu Ti makes a rude gesture at you.]

[Ai Mu Ti spits on you.] Z L T

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: ? Z L T

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: There's a Horde attacking me, hurry run.

The Knight that had already pa.s.sed the turn stopped, turned around, and ran back to her. That Horde player had been so focused on sending her all sorts of emotes he hadn't discovered Wan Shui Qian Shan attacking him. Yet, even though Wan Shui Qian Shan attacked first, he was still burnt dead by a fireball immediately.

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Told you to run, why did you come back.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: How can I abandon you on your own and escape on my own?

For some reason, his every sentence made her want to cry.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Don't move first, wait till he's gone before releasing your spirit.

Ai Mu Ti upon seeing the two of them not reacting stood on her dead body and jumped around stomping on her several times, before jumping on his wolf to leave.

She ran back from the graveyard to her body. Just as she was about to drink some water and eat some bread after resurrecting to recover, that Ai Mu Ti jumped from behind a tree again, and once again burned her to crisp. This repeated several times, and she finally realised that that guy was bent on bullying them till the end.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Looking at the damage output, that guy's definitely got his levels maxed out. He's able to dodge all our damage, we can't win him.

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Then what're we gonna do?

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Log off first, we're still low-levelled anyway. When he sees the two off us offline, he won't guard our bodies anymore. Let's log on again later on.

With that said, Wan Shui Qian Shan's icon in the party dimmed. She stared at the screen in disappointment for half a minute before silently clicking log off.

After she closed the window, her QQ blinked. It was Qu Wei En again: "You logged off?"

She said glumly: "There's a Horde that keeps killing me."

He immediately said: "What's his name? I'll go sort him out, you go and continue your quests."

She told him his name, and when she logged on again, that Horde player was gone. The Party's already disbanded. She stood at where she was for a long time, but wasn't hara.s.sed, nor did she see Wan Shui Qian Shan.

After a while he said, but how long was a while?

She accepted a low-levelled letter-sending quest to return to Stormwind City. She only discovered after she returned that the trade channel was filled with cursing. Looking at the username, it was probably Ai Mu Ti's* secondary account.

[Trade][Ai Mu Ti*]: QWE you SB*, randomly rolling the gear, buying things without paying, seducing other people's waifu. Detour next time you see this a.s.shole.

* same p.r.o.nunciation but different words: 爱慕梯 is his main, 挨母踢 is his secondary

* 傻B = sha bi/SB: stupid fvckr/a.s.shole Z L T

[Trade][Ai Mu Ti]: QWE you SB, randomly rolling the gear, buying things without paying, seducing other people's waifu. Detour next time you see this a.s.shole.

[Trade][Ai Mu Ti]: QWE you SB, randomly rolling the gear, buying things without paying, seducing other people's waifu. Detour next time you see this a.s.shole.

She Whispered Qu Wei En: "Why's that person scolding you like that?"♢ ENDLESS LOVE CHAPTER 02 is hosted at ZHANLANTRANSLATIONS.WORDPRESS.COM ♢

[W From][QWE]: He can't possibly say I killed him till he had to log off right. He's still Whispering me his profanities now.

That Ai Mu Ti's pretty smart, to know how to find all sorts of ways to drag someone down, except… exactly what kind of person would be able to qualify for all three of his charges… o(╯□╰)o

These kinds of saliva-spitting, screen-flooding situation was a pretty normal thing. Other than the people involved, no one else would be concerned, until Nai He Qing Shen popped out to say something.

[Trade][Nai He Qing Shen]: You're joking right? QWE randomly rolling gear? Do you even have the qualifications to party with him?

[Trade][Zhi Zhu Nü Xia]: Promptly taking the first row seats!

[Trade][Si Ye]: It's very obviously a Horde that's been killed stupid, opening a secondary account to revenge, just that this revenge work of yours is seriously lacking in standards.

[Trade][Cherry]: Wow, it's really Nai He Qing Shen, quickly takes a picture together.

[Trade][Nan Gong Yan]: Anyone knows what kind of person QWE is? That secondary account flooding the screen had actually mobilised Nai He da shen* to talk for him?

* 大神 = da shen; guru/pro/very good player, means "big G.o.d" directly translated

[Trade][Cherry]: 555*, I missed him… Z L T

* 呜呜呜 = wu wu wu/555; onomatopoeia for sobbing (呜 sounds like the number 5 in Chinese)

Some people took the chance to mock and ridicule.

[Trade][Jiang Dong Xiao Jiao]: Can some people have some independence? Rushing up every time some da shen appears to kiss up, what's this, our society's advocating slavery?

[Trade][Zhi Zhu Nü Xia]: You're too lacking in entertainment spirit.

[Trade][Cherry]: I'm happy to, I'm willing to. If you've got the abilities why don't you go adopt some slaves to chase after you to take your photo. I'm my Nai De da shen's fan, why, you jealous? Are you more handsome than him, or are you a better at gameplay than him?

But that Ai Mu Ti seriously wasn't very professional, his screen-flooding while Whispering Qu Wei En flooded and flooded and became a milkshake of something else altogether.

[Trade][Ai Mu Ti]: SB, did your grandpa I * your mom or * your ancestors for you need to kill me non-stop?

* the asterisks were given in the raws; feel free to fill it in with an appropriate word with your own imagination

[Trade][Zhi Zhu Nü Xia]: Puuh*… you accidentally spillt the beans.

* 噗 = Puuh; onomatopoeia for escaping laughter/bursting into laughter

[Trade][Nan Gong Yan]: Ai Mu Ti tong xue*, your a.s.s is showing oi.

* 同学 = tong xue; cla.s.smate

[Trade][Si Ye]: See, I didn't guess wrongly did I. Z L T

Ai Mu Ti got furious, and so he simply flooded the channel with obscenities.

[Trade][QWE]: Next time I see you bullying low-levelled players and guarding their bodies, I'll kill you till you can't walk.

[Trade][Zhi Zhu Nü Xia]: Hoh, bullying low-levellers but got killed instead, and you're still here making an exhibition of yourself. People's RP* sure have no baseline these days.

* 人品 = Ren Pin/RP: luck (for gaming usually) or moral character/values

[Trade][Ai Mu Ti]: Oh hoh, you jealous seeing how this grandpa can * that girl ain't it? If you got the capabilities, why don't you go * her too! Just look at your not even two foot eight's ladyboy appearance, you definitely won't have the guts.

[Trade][Si Ye]: Specialising in bullying low-levelled accounts, and sockpuppeting cuz you can't win a high-levelled account, so you mean you have the guts?

It wasn't that people starting a fight and arguing was a rare sight on BBS, but b.u.mping into such shameless people was seriously very anger inciting.

It hadn't been any business of Qu Wei En's to begin with, yet he got involved and was targeted wrongfully. An Si Dong couldn't tolerate it any longer, and she replied.

[Trade][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: You done? What, you bullied low-levelled players and that's reasonable?

She immediately received Qu Wei En's Whisper.

[W From][QWE]: There are all sorts of people on the web. Close your channel, don't bother yourself with him.

As expected, Ai Mu Ti upon seeing someone replying immediately became enthusiastic.

[Trade][Ai Mu Ti]: Babe you're here, didn't my * feel very good? Way better than that stumpy winter melon ** right? …

The more he said, the more obscene it got. She was so angry her face flushed. It was useless trying reason with him, so she headed to the Redridge Mountains instead; the heart won't grieve what the eyes don't see. When she reached the city entrance, a new notification popped up.

[Trade][Liu Ru Mei]: MD*, lao niang* I just left the city for a little while, did city get wrecked by a pig?

* 妈的 = Ma De/MD; fvck it

* 老娘 = Lao Niang; (used jokingly/boastingly, depending on context) referring to oneself (used by females); directly translated means 'ole mother'

[Trade][Si Ye]: Nang niang*'s back, someone's a.s.s' gonna get destroyed…

* niang niang = empress/queen Z L T

[Trade][Liu Ru Mei]: So you got killed by our people, and went on your secondary account to flood the channel? They can't be bothered to care about you, yet you're still sticking your nose in. Come let lao niang see. Lao niang don't know other stuff, but these two I know: healing, and cursing in the streets.

[Trade][Zhi Zhu Nü Xia]: Niang niang is almighty, niang niang go on. ♢ ENDLESS LOVE CHAPTER 02 is hosted at ZHANLANTRANSLATIONS.WORDPRESS.COM ♢

[Trade][Ai Mu Ti]: Lowly person, your guy's seduced by **, you're still helping him talk.

[Trade][Liu Ru Mei]: Name's Ai Mu Ti right? Your brain must have been flooded with water or wedged by a door huh, either that or your mom kicked it. Kicked it right into a pig's stomach, and threw you thrice up into the air after you're born, catching only twice when you dropped. Your parents ain't keepin' you, neither are the pigs and dogs lovin' you. Even the donkey will kick you, so will a pig trample on you when it sees you.

[Trade][Ai Mu Ti]: You d.a.m.ned ladyboy, all you know is to pretend to be a woman all day long. Liu Ru Mei my a.s.s, can you get more disgusting.

[Trae][Liu Ru Mei]: You're seriously brave for not suiciding despite growing up to look like this, but without your existence, how would it be able to contrast Dong Gua MM's beauty. You're wasting oxygen being alive, and wasting soil being dead. All those carca.s.s-feeding ghosts would get constipation from chomping on your body. If you're thrown into the toilet, the toilet'll vomit; if you're thrown into the dragon's lair, Onxynia will explode; if you're thrown into Ahn'Qiraj, C'Thun*'s eyes will go blind.

* C'Thun is a BOSS in World of Warcraft

How, how very valiant… exactly like Mao Yin. Z L T

[Trade][Nan Gong Yan]: All hail Liu niang niang….

[Trade][Si Ye]: Niang niang unify the jiang hu* through the ages Orz

* 江湖 = jiang hu; (wuxia setting) the entire country

Be it typing speed or the inspiration for all the curses, Ai Mu Ti cannot compare up to Liu Ru mei at all. After flooding the screen, he finally slipped away quietly with his tail between his legs.

[W To][Liu Ru Mei]: Niang niang you're so amazing…. Thank you niang niang.

[W From][Liu Ru Mei]: Ohehehe… when you meet these kinds of low people, you gotta use lowness to subdue their lowness, and scold them till they can't reply. But MM you can't learn from lao niang, QWE doesn't like girls so exuberant and zealous like lao niang.

Now that he mentioned it, she had not seen Qu Wei En having any girlfriend throughout the entire three years, so she really didn't know what type of girls he actually liked. And hence, she very stupidly asked another sentence.

[W To][Liu Ru Mei]: Then what type does QWE like?

[W From][Liu Ru Mei]: Hateful. You're such a peevish little vixen, so naughty! Asking even though you know, doesn't QWE like types like you?

Gooseb.u.mps! She shivered from the chills. Z L T

When she returned to Redridge Mountains again, it was all tranquil and peaceful now. After experiencing this time's a.s.sa.s.sination, she was scared witless when she was clearing monsters. While she released her skills, she had to keep adjusting her camera to eye the surroundings to keep a watch out for Hordes pa.s.sing by. There was once when she pa.s.sed by the entrance of the mine, and a high-levelled Horde rushed out unexpectedly, and ran away hurriedly, leaving her frozen at her spot, frightened out of her mind, he heart still thumping away in her chest.

[W From][QWE]: No Hordes came to disturb you right?

[W To][QWE]: No. Was surrounded by monsters just now, and a Horde actually came to help me kill them off.

[W From][QWE]: That's nothing, it's very normal to help each other kill off the elite monsters. Those kinds of sc.u.m that catch low-levelled players and guard their bodies are the minority.

There were, after all, more friendly players in the world, like Qu Wei En and his friends, and that Horde that had helped her, and… Wan Shui Qian Shan.

As compared to the first two, she was more thankful towards Wan Shui Qian Shan, a low-levelled player as weak as her, yet still turned to help her resist that Horde. ♢ ENDLESS LOVE CHAPTER 02 is hosted at ZHANLANTRANSLATIONS.WORDPRESS.COM ♢

[W To][QWE]: I thought players of different factions would kill each other upon meeting, isn't that very glory-worthy?

[W From][QWE]: There's very little glory for killing players in the wild. WOW actually isn't a very PVP*-oriented game. People are playing PVE* the majority of the times.

*PVP: player-vs-player Z L T

*PVE: player-vs-environment Z L T

That made sense. Also, the language between the two factions didn't match, and so spitting and stamping some foot after killing really coudln't incite much dispute. Hence, there naturally would not be some much grudges and disputes.

Just thinking about how people living at two ends of the world can play a game on the same server, that in itself is akin to some kind of fate. Yet half the people from this server was someone you would brush past, someone you cannot party with, cannot send messages to, cannot add each other's friends, and even cannot communicate with. Other than ma.s.sacring each other, there was no in-between.

It seemed… pretty melodramatic. She didn't even properly catch the name of that Horde that had helped her just now. She would not be able to thank that player even if she wanted to.

The Internet was such an illusory thing as such.

Wan Shui Qian Shan… when will he log on again? Z L T

She opened her friends interface and entered Wan Shui Qian Shan's, but the name showed the player was offline. Suddenly feeling extremely bored, she rounded Redridge Mountains several times, but she didn't even have the strength to do quests.

Forget it, she should just log off. Didn't she agree to do the quests with him?

Just as she closed the window, a sudden "ding" sounded and a line of words flashed across her notification centre.

[Your friend Wan Shui Qian Shan has logged on.] Z L T

Thank goodness, thank goodness there were not from different factions, thank goodness she was able to add him as friends, thank goodness they chose the same server, thank goodness…

They were able to meet once again.

Ever since then, An Si Dong did quests with Wan Shui Qian Shan very frequently. Their time online wasn't very long and their gameplay was relatively more leisurely. They usually would run about all over the map to complete a chain quest and not bear to give up. Wan Shui Qian Shan would also run with her, not letting go even the green and grey quests. Because they rose two to three level every day, which wasn't very fast, they spent about half a month before finally maxing their level.

And during this period of time, she had been continuously experiencing her cla.s.smate's amiable concern.

When she was level 30— Z L T

[W From][QWE]: Going to Gnomeregan?

When she was level 40— Z L T

[W From][QWE]: Going to Uldum?

When she was level 50— Z L T

[W From][QWE]: Going to Sunken Temple?

Needless to say, Gnomeregan, Uldum and Sunken Temple were all instances. Actually, when they were clearing their quests, they received quests to clear instances, but when Wan Shui Qian Shan shouted on the channel, they weren't able to find people to party with, and so they didn't.

Thankfully, a new large party-raid instance Naxxramas opened. Qu Wei En was busy with opening this new instance, and so he had no time to mind her.

There was once she did a Summoning the Princess elite quest with Wan Shui Qian Shan and the two of them were unable to pa.s.s despite trying multiple times. This was a chain quest, and they had run across several continents to finish the previous few ones. The reward for the quest was a pretty decent blue necklace, so it was quite a pity.

She lied on the ground looking at the dazzlingly lofty and powerful princess, and really wanted to pull out the producer and designer for World of Warcraft to beat them up. The princesses in WOW probably existed solely to topple people's beautiful imagination of what the word "princess" depicted. Even a pig that was messing around in the pumpkin patch in the beginners' village was also called "princess", and it even had a bunch of other pigs following it!

After comparison with the princess before she, she suddenly felt that her little healer's appearance was literally an immortal descended from heaven. ♢ ENDLESS LOVE CHAPTER 02 is hosted at ZHANLANTRANSLATIONS.WORDPRESS.COM ♢

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Why not we give up. This necklace is for a Mage, and you died so many times even though you don't have any use for it. All your gears' gonna finish dropping if we keep going at this rate.

[Party][Wan Shui Xian Shan]: We've already reached the last step, it'd be a pity to give up now. Just now when she only had one-third of health left, we were still at full health, it's just that we ran out of mana. Let's try going out and using some strength to deal damage this time.

The two of them tried different methods of dealing damage to the princess, but owing to the princess being too violent, they were blasted to ashes within several moves.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Unfortunately a few of my friends are not online. If they were I'd be able to call them over to help.

She opened her friend list, and realised Qu Wei En and Ni Kan Bu Jian Wo were online. Ni Kan Bu Jian Wo was at the Wetlands, which was very near here, and so she sent a Whisper: "Come help me with this elite quest? It's in Arathi Highlands."

[W From][Ni Kan Bu Jian Wo]: QWE's here too, why don't you just call you?

[W To][Ni Kan Bu Jian Wo]: He's clearing an instance. If you've got something on then never mind.

[W From][Ni Kan Bu Jian Wo]: It's nothing it's nothing, I'm idle as ever, I'll come over immediately.

Ni Kan Bu Jian Wo came over very fast. Z L T

Ni Kan Bu Jian Wo flew over quickly. Quest monsters of this level were very easy for him. After a few slashes, he yawned and left.

That gossipy guy definitely let the word out because Qu Wei En Whispered her very soon after: "Why didn't you call me when you couldn't pa.s.s your elite quest?"

[W To][QWE]: Saw you clearing an instance just now so I didn't want to interrupt. I saw Ni Kan Bu Jian Wo nearby so I called him to help.

[W From][QWE]: I've been in the city all the while, not clearing instance.

She hard-headedly decided to act dumb. He couldn't see her anyway.

[W To][QWE]: Yi*, I'm pretty sure I saw you in Naxxramas, unless I mixed that up with someone else?

* 咦= yi; expression of surprise

He couldn't say much anymore. After throwing down a "call me if you need help next time", he didn't talk to her anymore.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: So you have level-maxed friends, why don't you have them bring you through the instances? It'll be a lot faster levelling that way.

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: Isn't having someone else bringing you growing up the same as not growing up? I'm a newbie, if I don't clear the quests, I won't understand a single thing about this world. If it's like that, then why is there even a need for me to play anymore.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: Hehe, I feel like that too.

Wan Shui Qian Shan also had friends who had wanted to bring him levelling, and asked her if she wanted to join. She had said she wanted to clear quests. He was afraid their quests would then no longer be in phase, hence would not be able to play together in the future, therefore refused his friend's good intentions politely. She remembered all these.

As they helped each other out along their way, she understood some information about him in real life during their conversation. He was a graduate student from P University next door. He had played a while on another server before, however, he gave up halfway due to his studies. Holidays had started recently, so he was called over by his friends to restart this game.

So he was from P University… they were just a wall's distance away, how very near. She had been to the restaurant that sat in the street between the two universities so many times, she wondered if they had unknowingly met before?

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: No wonder your gameplay's so good.

[Party][Wan Shui Qian Shan]: I'm an amateur player too, my gameplay's just very average. My friends often tell me off about being disappointing, saying they shouldn't have let me learn the MT role.

[Party][Xia Tian de Dong Gua]: I think your gameplay's really good, you're always several times my damage output

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Endless Love Chapter 2 summary

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