
Elite Operatives: Demons Are Forever Part 44

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"What is tomorrow really about...Landis?" She stopped again to look at her.

"About rescuing another op."

"I think it's about framing me."

"Framing...where did you get that?"

* 328 *

"You want to connect me with Rozsa after you pull off whatever scheme you have in mind."

"Heather, listen to yourself." Landis shook her head. "You're not making sense." She seemed sincere, but Heather doubted she was capable anymore of discerning lies from truths as far as Landis was concerned. This was probably just another ploy to keep her involved in whatever they'd cooked up for tomorrow.

"Are you two bounty hunters paid to deliver Rozsa, or are you just after Dario's blackmail money?" She shouted the words so loud that a window in the apartment building they were near banged open and a woman popped her head out.

"Please, everyone can hear you. It's the middle of the night." Landis took her by the elbow again and led her farther down the block before she stopped to face her. "I don't know how you came up with these stories or if that b.a.s.t.a.r.d put them in your head, but Jack and I work for an organization. Private contractors, if you will.

Heather, we work with governments worldwide. We're not paid a.s.sa.s.sins, nor are we after Dario's blood money. He wants you to believe we are to scare you, and he accomplished it. He wanted you to run to distract us tomorrow. I don't know what he's up to, but he's doing a good job so far."

Heather considered what she was saying, but she didn't know who or what to believe anymore.

"The only reason I want you here with me is because you're not safe yet," Landis said. "Not until I arrange relocation so Dario can't find you."

"And who the h.e.l.l said I'm willing to change my d.a.m.n life because of you?" She shoved Landis as hard as she could, but Landis barely budged, and her benign, unreadable expression never wavered.

"This deal could offer you a better life. The feds will find you a job and take care of your brother so you don't have to-"

"Don't have to wh.o.r.e myself?" She unleashed her rising fury.

"Do you really think I need you to save me from a life of sin and take care of my brother? Have I given you the impression I need to be saved, or are you always this G.o.dd.a.m.n chivalrous?"

* 329 *

"No, I'm just saying you have other options."

"Is that what you tell the girls you pay to f.u.c.k? Do you have them come over so you can preach about better options, or do you have them spread their legs and tell you what a fantastic f.u.c.k you are?" Landis opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"I didn't think so," she said. "Women like me are nothing but objects to you. So why the h.e.l.l do you care what happens to me?"

"Because I got you in this mess."

She laughed. "You won't even deny I'm nothing more than an object."

"I..." Landis looked genuinely hurt, which didn't make sense.

"This isn't about you or your occupation, it's about-" Landis was right about that, but Heather couldn't let go of the topic, though she wasn't sure why. "It's about you using women.

How can you do that, being a woman yourself? I doubt it's hard for you to get laid, so what is it? Do you like degrading women? Does it turn you on?"

"Don't take your frustrations for the life you've chosen out on me," Landis shouted.

Heather was surprised; she'd never heard Landis raise her voice, not even when Dario provoked her.

"I'm not one of your hairy-a.s.sed clients asking you to scream my name during fake o.r.g.a.s.ms," Landis said loudly. "If you have a problem with what you do, then look for other solutions. You could have tried to find something else to support you and your brother, but this is what you came up with. You chose to sell s.e.x."

"Are you saying it pleases me to have s.e.x with strangers for money?" she shouted back, and a couple pa.s.sing by paused briefly to gape at them. "Do you know what it does to me, every time I have to be with some guy?"

When Landis didn't answer and continued to look aloof, her rage deepened. How dare Landis think she enjoyed this life? That would imply she was no mere call girl, but a real wh.o.r.e at heart. "I know you think I'm disgusting, but that doesn't mean you can stand here and insult me."

* 330 *

Without thinking, she raised her hand to slap her, but Landis caught her by the wrist. She tried to pull away, but Landis wouldn't let go. "Let me-" She froze when she glanced up at Landis.

The look of indifference she'd seen there had been replaced by hurt. Landis lifted her hand to her mouth and kissed her palm. "Yes.

I know what it does to you, and I hate it," she whispered. "I hate what you do, and I hate every man who's ever touched you." She put her free arm around Heather's waist and pulled her closer. "And no, you don't disgust me." She kissed Heather's wrist. "As a matter of fact, I find you amazing."

Before she could fully register what was happening, Landis was kissing her softly on the lips. Such a sweet, brief kiss, in stark contrast to the fury raging between them seconds earlier. She should resist, but the exquisite sensation of their lips together mesmerized her. "You are so d.a.m.n beautiful it hurts to look at you." Landis bent to kiss her neck and Heather trembled. "You're giving..." Landis kissed the other side of her neck and Heather let her head fall back.

"And caring..." She closed her eyes as Landis's mouth brushed the corner of her lips. "And brave..." Landis pulled her closer until their bodies touched. "And I'm going to die if you won't let me really kiss you."

She opened her eyes. Landis's lips were a breath away. Desperate to kiss her, Heather pulled their mouths together. The world melted away. Soft, tentative explorations with their lips, their ardor building until both were breathing heavily. She loved kissing women-so much so that was why she never let her johns kiss her; she didn't want to taint such profoundly personal contact. But it had been such a long time since she'd kissed a woman, and Landis was such an amazing kisser, that this moment aroused and excited her more than she would have thought possible.

Landis cupped the side of her face as they kissed, and when her thumb brushed the edge of her mouth, Heather licked it seductively with the tip of her tongue.

* 331 *

Landis threaded her fingers roughly through Heather's hair, pulling her closer to deepen the kiss. Her heartbeat accelerated in an instant, and she kissed Landis back with equal pa.s.sion, their mouths and tongues claiming each other in a frenzied unleashing of the energy that had been building between them.

She wasn't sure whether a minute or a day had elapsed before Landis pulled away.

"Come with me?" Landis looked as aroused as Heather felt.

"Where?" she asked suspiciously.

"I don't care." Landis's voice was husky.

* 332 *

ChaPter thirty-siX.

Chase waited, her body thrumming with desire, as Heather considered how to respond.

"Get us back to the hotel," Heather finally said, taking her hand.

She was surprised, but said nothing.

"Yes, I know what I'm doing," Heather added, as though she'd read her mind.

"I know you don't want to hear it, but you can trust me." Heather squeezed her hand. "I want to." The clock in the lobby read ten past midnight as they stepped into the elevator. Chase pressed the b.u.t.ton for the fifth floor. "I'm going to let Jack know we're back." She dialed Jack's cell.

"Stop sighing or I'll put a pillow over your head," she heard Jack say distantly to Dario when the connection went through. Then, to her, "Find her?"

"Yes. We'll be in my room. Don't disturb us unless it's a matter of death and death."

"Why?" Jack asked. "What's going on?"

She didn't answer. Jack's quarter should drop any second.

"Are you two about to-" Jack whispered into the phone.

"Good night, Jack."

"One of us is going to have a good night and it's sure as h.e.l.l not going to be me. Be good to her." Jack hung up.

She opened the door and let Heather go inside. Heather went to the middle of the room and stopped there, glancing about.

* 333 *

Chase remained just inside the door, looking everywhere but directly at Heather. A jittery antic.i.p.ation and a totally unfamiliar nervousness infused her. She'd been in similar situations too many times to count and, until now, it had always been easy and predictable.

How ironic. Here she was, a s.e.x veteran with a beautiful woman in her room, and she didn't even dare look at her. Heather didn't say anything either, as she observed the room like it was a study in art history. And there wasn't much to see. The room was a duplicate of the one Jack and Dario were in. Say something. "I, uhm...can I offer you something to drink?"

"Is Landis your real name?" Heather spoke at the same time as she turned to face her.

That was awkward. "Yes. Landis Coolidge."

"And you're a graphic novelist?"

"Of course."

Heather laid her purse on the table. "What do you have?" She looked uncomfortable. "I mean, to drink."

"Nothing, but I can call the reception desk."

"No, that's okay."

Chase approached her slowly, fists clenched at her side. She was acting like a complete idiot and couldn't help herself. It was like having an out-of-body experience. She stopped a foot away from Heather. "I don't know why-"

"You feel as uncomfortable as you look?" She smiled. "This has never happened to me before."

"That makes two of us."

"I noticed." Frustrated, she sat on the bed. "It's not like either of us lack experience."

Heather frowned. "Thank you for reminding me."

"That's not what I meant." She got up. "I mean...I don't know what I mean. G.o.d, why am I being such an idiot?" She sat back down. Could she act more like a fool?

Heather came over and squatted so they were eye to eye. "We don't have to do this."

Heather was so close again, all she had to do was reach out. She raised her hand hesitantly but stopped before she touched Heather's face. "What the h.e.l.l is wrong with me?"

* 334 *

Heather started to touch her knee but pulled away as well.

Chase knew nothing was wrong with the chemistry. They'd had plenty of that, since just a few moments ago they were ready to do it in the middle of the street.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on. I've never had this...I already said that." She sighed.

"You know, maybe we're both too tired." Heather stood. "Or maybe you reacted without thinking out there. Let's face it. I'm not exactly the type you go for."

"What type is that?"

Heather crossed her arms and scowled. "Would it help if you paid me?"

"Do you think this is about you being a call girl?" She couldn't believe Heather had just said that.

"What I think is that my worst nightmare has come true. That a beautiful, interesting woman I'd like to get to know has found out what I do and can't deal with it, even though she thought she could. Because every time she looks at me all she sees is a...a..." Heather blinked hard, obviously fighting tears. "I feel like an idiot for losing control out there and letting myself think I could get away with this." She was talking so fast, stating so many things, Chase didn't know what to react to first.

"Heather, this...my inability to be normal right now...isn't about you. I'm not sure what it is, but I know it's me." Heather turned her back. "Whatever you say," she mumbled.

"What-ever-you-say. Listen, I'm exhausted and need to get some rest. I'll take this room, if you don't mind. I'm in no mood to see his ugly face any time soon and need to get a decent night's sleep." She walked to the bathroom and never looked back. "I'll see you tomorrow, Landis." The door closed behind her.

Chase stared at the door as though it held the answer to who had abducted and taken over her body. She dropped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She knew Heather wanted her to leave, but she couldn't even if she wanted to. She was incapable of putting any more distance between them.

* 335 *

How could Heather get angry with her, when she appeared just as disoriented and uncertain? What if Heather's reaction was a defense mechanism? Something she did without thinking, when she felt judged because of what she did? Chase had made it clear she didn't care about all that.

But Heather clearly had problems herself fully accepting the decisions she'd made. And that probably meant she couldn't allow herself to believe that anyone else could, either. Was she looking for a reason to run and escape whomever from condemning and dumping her? It disturbed her to see how money could make such a beautiful, wonderful woman feel so insecure. And the worst part was, she'd just contributed to making Heather feel inferior by making her feel undesired.

She heard the water running in the shower. She had never wanted any woman more. Had never yearned so to protect and care for anyone, had never wanted so much to make any woman smile and take her away from everything that had ever hurt her. All I want to do is love you.

The sudden realization terrified her and she jumped off the bed. d.a.m.n, this wasn't supposed to happen. She paced the room and stopped in front of the bathroom door. Caressing the frame, she stopped with her hand on the handle. She tested it and it wasn't locked.

She took a deep breath and opened the door. She couldn't see Heather through the gla.s.s of the shower because of the steam.

She took another deep breath and approached the gla.s.s. "You'd really like to see me again?" was all that came out.

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Elite Operatives: Demons Are Forever Part 44 summary

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