
Elite Operatives: Demons Are Forever Part 39

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We had been seeing each other for two years before I got pregnant."

"How did you meet?"

"I came from a very poor family, Jaclyn. I had no education and no prospects for a future. I did what I could to help support my siblings. I cleaned houses, sewed clothes, and baked to help my family."

"You gave me away because you were poor?" she said, exasperated. "That's no reason to-"

Celeste raised her hand. "The money wasn't enough to feed so many mouths, so I did the unthinkable. And that's where I met your father."

"What do you mean?"

"I was working in a brothel at the time."

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"You mean you were a...a..."


Jack dropped back against the couch and ran her hands though her hair. "Jesus f.u.c.king Christ." She pulled out her pack of cigarettes and prepared to light one. "I need a smoke."

"I will not have that in my house. It's a disturbing habit, and I will not have you kill yourself in front of me. And watch your mouth, young lady." Celeste frowned.

"First of all, I'm forty, and second...really? Cursing and smoking are what bother you about all this?"

"There's no need for harsh language," Celeste said sternly, "or self-destruction." Her face quickly softened. "Your father took you away, and he was right to do so. A place like that is not where a child belongs. You deserved a better life than I could offer."

"How...how did you know he was the father? I mean, you were seeing other men then."

Celeste shrugged. "I just knew it. I was careful with other men, but not with your father. He knew there was a good chance you weren't his, but that didn't stop him from coming right over. Once he saw you, he knew. Just like I did."

"So, where is he now? What happened to him? Because I sure as h.e.l.l didn't grow up with my father." Celeste looked away. "I don't know. I was never informed."

"I grew up in an inst.i.tution, adopted by a private organization in the US where they train children from all over the world to kill, steal, and die for them." She saw Celeste wince in pain at the recounting of her history. "Did my father sell me to them?" Celeste took the lid off the s...o...b..x. "I don't know," she replied as she busied herself with the contents.

"What was his name?"

"Jack Burnes. He named you after himself. I had given you the name Isabelle, but he insisted on changing it to Jaclyn even though you were already three years old." Celeste removed a picture from the box and held it up. "This is the day you were born. You were such a beautiful baby."

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Jack took the faded Polaroid and stared at it. A much-younger and weary-looking Celeste, propped up on pillows in a bed, cradled her infant daughter with an expression of serene joy. She had never expected to see a picture of herself as a newborn in the arms of her mother; the experience was so overwhelming she had to fight back tears. "This one was taken six months later." Celeste handed her another photo.

Jack was clutching a stuffed bunny, her eyes bright with glee as she smiled at the camera.

"And this one was taken on your first birthday." Celeste wiped her eyes.

Jack in a highchair, dressed in green overalls, caught laughing- her tiny fist gripped a remnant of cake and she had chocolate smudged all over her face. "I do like chocolate," she said, and her voice broke.

"And these are-"

"I remember those," she said, when Celeste gently lifted a mobile from the box. Five cherubs-thin, delicate sculptures about three inches long and made of braided gold wire-hung from a frame of wooden dowels. "My angels. My golden angels."

"I made them for you," Celeste said. "They used to hang over your crib. From the day you were born until you left." Jack reached for them and couldn't fight the tears anymore.

They fell freely down her cheeks. "My angels," she said again.

Celeste put her arm around her and they cried together. "I'm so sorry, Jaclyn. I want you to know if I had to do it all again, I would do it differently. I would have never let you go. Not to that kind of life."Jack kept looking at the mobile. "They were always in my dreams. The golden angels." She held it up. "One angel is missing."

"I gave it to your father when he took you," Celeste said.

"You used to look at those angels for hours. I wanted you to have something from your time with me. Something you loved, that made you smile."

"I don't know what happened to it."

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"Maybe your father does."

"How did you know I changed my face?"

"I used to get pictures of you every few years." Celeste reached in the box and handed her pictures starting in her preteens up to before she left for Israel and changed her life and face. All were candid shots taken of her private life-the early ones when she was away from the Colorado EOO campus on field trips, the later photos when she was in New York between a.s.signments. "Who sent you these?"

"I don't know. There was never a return address but I'm sure it's your father."

"Was he keeping tabs on me?"


"You said he was American, so I guess it's possible he found me or knew where to find me," she mused. "Do you ever hear from him?""No, but he still sends me money. He has a man deliver it to me once a month. He was always very generous."

"I see."

"Do you still work for that organization?"

"No...well, I haven't for years. I faked my death to get away from them, but...they found me ten years later. I agreed to work with them this once because some f.u.c.k...jerk kidnapped the woman I love. She's an op...works for the same organization."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Celeste didn't seem the least bit surprised at her s.e.xuality.

"This is her." She removed the picture of Ca.s.s from her back pocket and held it up. "Her name is Ca.s.sady."

"Very pretty."

"Yeah." She smiled but could also tell from the neutral look on Celeste's face that the picture didn't ring any bells. "She's in a lot of danger and I have to find her soon."

"You love her."

"More than I love myself."

"It is the only true way to love."

She smiled. "Yeah, it is the only way."

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"Then you must do whatever it takes to find her." She got up. "I have to get going."

"Will I see you again?" Celeste rose too and led the way to the door.Jack followed her, still in disbelief but with a strange sense of euphoria. "I would like that."

Celeste opened the door. "I, too. I don't want to lose you now that I've found you," she said, tears in her eyes. "Can I hold you before you go?"

She hesitated for a moment and then practically threw herself at...her mother. She held her so tight she was afraid she'd hurt her.

For the first time in her life, she felt she had a past; she belonged to someone. She dug her face into Celeste's neck and took a deep breath to savor her essence. "Did you love me? While I was with you, I mean?"

"Then and now," Celeste murmured as she hugged her back, "more than I love myself."

* 300 *

ChaPter thirty-two.

Misawa Air Base, j.a.pan 4:15 p.m.

Less than three hours after leaving Beijing, Dario's plane touched down in northern j.a.pan at a sprawling airfield busy with military aircraft and personnel in US Army, Navy, and Air Force uniforms. From her window, Heather could see a navy-suited airman waiting for them with a van. He conversed privately with Landis, then helped get Dario and their luggage into the vehicle and took them across the tarmac to a waiting US Air Force jet.

Heather went inside. The seats were similar to those on a commercial plane, but arranged along both sides of the interior, apparently so cargo could be transported in the large empty s.p.a.ce between them. She took a seat toward the front, on the opposite side from Dario. It was as far from him as she could get, though the arrangement meant she'd have to face the jerk during the entire journey.

When she went to buckle in, Heather found a shoulder-belt harness instead of the standard lap belt, and though it looked straightforward, her hands were shaking so much from exhaustion and anger she couldn't fasten it. After several unsuccessful attempts, she tossed it aside in exasperation. "Screw it," she said out loud.

Sighing, she looked out the window at the bustling personnel and luggage trucks. Landis was talking to a senior air-force officer * 301 *

with a barrage of medals on his chest. When did her life get this surreal? She had never felt more lost or alone; she didn't know what to make of this situation. She hadn't spoken to her brother in days, and he hadn't contacted her at the hotel number she'd given him.

She wanted to call him just to hear his voice and make sure he was okay, but she would have to wait until they reached France.

What if something had happened to Adam during this disastrous trip? She'd never be able to forgive herself. How would she ever be able to deal with having left her brother just to help a couple of strangers or a friend who was dead anyway? She'd trusted Landis would keep her promise to keep her safe, but she'd failed. At this point, Heather didn't know who had betrayed her more: Dario, the murderous organ-s.n.a.t.c.hing b.a.s.t.a.r.d who'd had her arrested as a junkie, or Landis for using her. Either way, both were a threat to her life. The only difference was, Landis had gained and abused her trust; Landis had presented herself as a caring individual who had asked Heather to trust her. At least Dario hadn't made any phony promises or shown anything other than l.u.s.t. She could have sworn up until last night that Landis sincerely liked her, which only made the betrayal harder to accept.

The object of her musings came on board and tilted her head toward the seat next to Heather. "May I join you?" She shrugged. "If you must." She was in no mood to chat, however; she was far too angry, so she pulled her MP3 from her bag and plugged the buds in her ears. Not long after, once they were in the air, she felt Landis lean back and relax. When she ventured a glance that way a few minutes later, Landis had her eyes shut and appeared to be dozing.

She used the opportunity to study the mysterious woman who had turned her life upside down. Dark circles under her eyes and deep worry lines marred the usual calm confidence that she'd come to a.s.sociate with Landis. For the first time since they'd met, she looked vulnerable and near collapse from exhaustion. Despite her own feelings of hurt, Heather wanted to erase the pain and pull Landis to her chest.

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Soon, she drifted off as well, and when she awoke, she felt pressure on her left shoulder. Landis's head rested there; she could feel her slow exhalations through the thin material of her blouse.

She checked her watch and found she'd been asleep for an hour and a half. Though she'd tried not to disturb Landis, the other woman stirred and groggily opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Landis sat up abruptly.

"Just woke up myself," she replied.

Dario laughed. He was watching them intently.

"What's there to laugh about?" Landis asked.

"You looked so perfect sleeping together." His voice oozed sarcasm.

"Jealous?" Landis asked.

"Hardly. I can get another Amber whenever I please."

"If you pay her enough."

Dario ignored Landis's comeback and turned his attention to Heather. He smiled at her with an inexplicably smug expression, considering his current circ.u.mstances. "Tell me, Amber, how long have you known your friend?"

"My name is Heather and it's none of your d.a.m.n business."

"From your pouting att.i.tude," he said, "and unpleasant exchange with her in China before you were politely abducted and made to join us, I'd say you don't know her much at all."

"What business is it of yours?" she asked.

"It's not, but I refuse to be judged about how I attain my company...s.e.xual gratification, if you will, from someone who, in my humble opinion, is no better than I."

"What are you getting at?" She was curious.

Landis grabbed the armrests of her seat until her knuckles turned white. "You don't know anything about me." His smile grew. "I know enough to recognize someone who isn't a stranger to the pleasures of paid s.e.x." She turned to Landis. "What's he talking about?"

"Ignore him." Landis glared daggers at him. "He's trying to divide and conquer."

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"From my angle, there's nothing to divide. Our Heather doesn't seem very happy with the predicament you've put her in. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you put her life in danger when you decided to use her?"

"Shut up," Landis said quietly.

"Tell me, Heather...the performance you two put on for my benefit last night," he went on. "Didn't it seem peculiar to you how comfortable...familiar, even, your friend was with the rules and how quickly she adapted?"

"She was acting." She didn't know why she felt the need to defend Landis, but the thought of her having to buy s.e.x seemed too absurd and somehow made Heather feel exposed.

"Was she?"

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Elite Operatives: Demons Are Forever Part 39 summary

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