
Elite Operatives: Demons Are Forever Part 33

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"You seem quite comfortable," Dario said. "I take it this isn't your first time."

"I'm forty and chronically single. I left first times behind me a long time ago."

She hoped Heather would relax before Dario realized how much she wasn't into her. She looked so stressed and uneasy she was going to blow the whole operation and get them into serious trouble.

"Why don't you join me?" She nodded subtly and rea.s.suringly.

"Don't keep our guest waiting." Dario tried to sound polite but she caught the agitated undertone.

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As soon as Heather sat beside her, Chase moved in closer and put her arm around her shoulder. G.o.d, she smelled so good.

"No kissing on the mouth," Heather said.

"As you wish," she said, looking at her lips.

"And you will do as I say." Dario turned his wheelchair to face them."I know the rules." She still gazed at Heather.

"You may begin," Dario said. "Remove her dress." She got up and extended her hand. Heather took it and stood to face her. Chase could feel how uncomfortable she was; she'd even said she didn't want s.e.x with her. She had to calm her down and relax her, so for the moment she ignored Dario's instructions and didn't turn Heather around to unzip her.

She tried for eye contact, but Heather's gaze kept moving from her eyes, to her mouth, and back again. She swallowed hard and brought her lips to within half an inch of Heather's. She didn't do it with any kind of plan; she didn't intend to kiss Heather. That irresistibly s.e.xy mouth just drew her in.

But Heather placed her finger on Chase's lips and stopped her.

She took the finger in her mouth and sucked it softly, then placed her lips on Heather's ear and slowly traced a path with her tongue down her neck to her shoulder. When Chase heard a soft groan, a thick fog filled her head and a battle began to rage inside her. She should be focused on her mission and why she was here, but she wanted only to lose herself in the smell, the taste, and the feel of Heather's skin.

"I said, take her dress off," Dario repeated more forcefully.

Chase traced kisses on her shoulder as she slowly turned Heather, keeping her own face out of Dario's vision. Her mouth near Heather's ear, she whispered, "You're doing great." With Heather turned away, Chase ran her hands up the sides of Heather's back and stopped at the zipper. Heather's head fell back against her and she heard another soft moan. She lowered the zipper of the dress until Heather was exposed down to the small of her back, then she lifted Heather's golden-brown hair and kissed the back of her neck. Slowly, she slipped the straps of Heather's dress * 254 *

down. Her skin was flawless and so exquisitely soft Chase couldn't stop caressing her.

She yearned to wish Dario and the rest of the world away so she could be alone with Heather. As Heather's dress fell to the floor, Chase followed it down, stooping to stroke the back of Heather's thighs and calves, but she kept one side turned away from Dario so she could surrept.i.tiously slip the first bug from her pocket. When she reached the tangle of dress at Heather's feet, she attached the bug to the bottom of the side table, using their bodies to shield her actions from Dario's view.

She coaxed Heather to step out of the dress, gently lifting one foot, then the other, before she slowly made her way back up her body, kissing and caressing the soft, delicate skin of her legs, back, and neck. Heather shivered.

With Heather still facing away, Chase said, "I want you at the table," loud enough for Dario to hear. Pressed together, her front against Heather's back, she led them to the dining area off to the right, placed Heather's hands on the edge of the table, then drew her hips back until Heather's a.s.s was up against her crotch.

She slowly caressed Heather's back with her right hand, while her left-the one Dario couldn't see-slipped the second bug from her pocket. To make sure Dario's attention was entirely on Heather, she traced a path with her fingers from Heather's back, to her side, to her breast.

Heather's body tensed and Chase heard a sharp intake of breath when she pinched the rigid nipple beneath her palm, then Heather moaned loudly and pushed her a.s.s deeper into Chase's crotch.

She could see in her peripheral vision that Dario was fixated on Heather, so in a fluid motion, she slid the bug under the ma.s.sive table, then brought her hand up to cup Heather's other breast. As she did, she drove her crotch hard against Heather's a.s.s. She was dizzy with l.u.s.t; although she had to concentrate on the job, her body was working against her. She wanted nothing more than to rip Heather's panties off and f.u.c.k her senseless-not because Heather was a call girl, nor because Chase was h.o.r.n.y-but because no woman had ever wound her up this much without even touching her.

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"Take her shirt off, Heather," Dario said.

Chase was already close to losing it, so the idea of removing her shirt almost did her in.

Heather slowly pivoted and, with heavy eyelids, looked up at Chase. Her breathing was ragged and her face flushed.

"Take my shirt off," Chase demanded.

Heather never stopped looking into her eyes as she slowly unb.u.t.toned the shirt, starting at the bottom. By the time she reached the last b.u.t.ton, Chase was beside herself. She fought to keep her hands from shaking.

Heather hesitated briefly before she peeled the shirt from her shoulders.

Chase wasn't used to women taking their time with her, especially since time was money, which left her with very little experience as to how to handle Heather's adagio tempo. Fists clenched, she willed herself not to take Heather right there and then.

"Are you enjoying this?" Heather asked, as she expertly and swiftly pulled Chase's belt loose.

"I...G.o.d, what are you doing?" she gasped. She knew Heather was putting on a show, a really convincing one, but she couldn't possibly be oblivious to what she was putting Chase through.

"Tell me what you want." Heather pulled her forward and placed her hands on Chase's b.r.e.a.s.t.s over her thin, black bra.

She was so aroused her heart was beating wildly. Surely Heather could feel it. Their lips were an inch apart as Heather reached down and unzipped her trousers.

Her mind fogged by desire, she momentarily forgot everything but the woman before her. Against Heather's rules and wishes, she pulled their bodies together and licked Heather's lips.

"Don't," Heather mumbled unconvincingly, and tried to pull away. Chase grabbed her hard by the wrists. "I need to kiss you." She dug her hand into Heather's hair and forced her head forward until their lips met.

"No kissing." Heather tried to pull away, but she bit down hard on Heather's bottom lip. She couldn't stop herself.

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As she pulled back, Heather winced, and a trickle of blood bloomed on the edge of her mouth. "I'm sorry." Heather wiped the blood away with the back of her hand. "Play by the rules," she said with meaning. "You can have anything but my mouth."


Heather placed her hands on Chase's b.r.e.a.s.t.s and slowly ma.s.saged them. "Anything."

Chase roughly lifted her, and Heather wrapped her legs around Chase's waist.

Heather dug her face in Chase's neck. "How are we doing?" she asked in a low voice.

Chase's mind was too clouded to realize what Heather was asking. "What?" she mumbled.

"The bugs," Heather whispered in her ear.

She had to force herself back to reality. "Two down, one to go," she replied fuzzily.

"Where do you want me...the last one?" Heather corrected herself.

Chase carried her across the room as Dario watched and placed Heather atop the bar. Dario turned his wheelchair slightly to enjoy the show. Heather looked at her, half dazed, half confused, obviously not knowing what to expect. She gasped out loud when Chase forcefully spread her legs and ran her hands up Heather's thighs, stopping just short of her sheer panties.

As Chase bent over, she discreetly retrieved the last bug from her pocket. So close she could smell Heather's arousal, she struggled to keep her focus. She needed to get the last bug on the underside of the bar's banister, so in order to distract Dario she placed a hand on either side of Heather and traced hungry kisses up Heather's thighs.

As she neared the inviting apex of her legs, Heather threw her head back and mumbled something unintelligible.

Chase planted the bug just as Heather grabbed her head.

Whether it was to encourage or stop her, Chase would never find out.

* 257 *

"I'm done," she whispered, as she memorized the sensation of Heather's hands in her hair, the scent of her arousal, the softness of the skin against her lips.

Heather nodded, and not two seconds later, Chase's cell rang.

She straightened. "I have to take it," she said apologetically to Heather. "It could be work."

"Of course. Go ahead."

"This is your very serious yet very fake business call," Jack said."That's very upsetting," she replied, trying to sound perturbed.

"I'll talk to him right away. We can't lose this deal." She hung up.

"My apologies to both of you." She turned from Heather to Dario.

"But I have a crisis situation. I'm afraid I have to leave."

"Can't it wait a little?" Heather pursed out her lips in a pout.

"I'm sorry." Chase walked to the dining table and picked her shirt up off the floor. "But I really must leave."

"How unfortunate, just when it was about to get good," Dario said.She and Heather both turned to look at him. The bulge between his legs was unmistakable, and she was glad she hadn't been able to see it earlier because it would have definitely put a damper on her zealous performance. Heather looked away in distaste as well as she jumped off the bar.

She hurriedly redressed and went to the door, pausing at the threshold to look back at Heather. "It was a pleasure. Maybe we can get together some other time."

"Yes...it was." Heather looked disoriented. "But there won't be another time."

When Chase got back to their suite, Jack was at the desk with earphones on. "All bugs in place," Chase told her.

"Aha. I'm picking everything up loud and clear." Jack turned to her. "How are you?"

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She dropped on the bed, sweaty and dazed. "All right, I guess."

"I'd say you need a cold shower. Just the audio was enough to make me need a smoke."

"What we won't do for the organization." She tried to smile.

"After what just happened, I think you need to thank the organization."

She shrugged. "She's a beautiful woman."

"And experienced."

"So am I."

"Then why do you look so...disoriented?"


"You look like you just lost your virginity." She unb.u.t.toned her shirt. "Don't be immature. It was a job."

"If you say so, but it sure didn't sound like it. Look, I frankly don't care what it was, just don't forget what she is." She got off the bed and stood before Jack. "What is she?"

"It's their job to make you feel...good. It's acting, and what she just did with you was Oscar-worthy. And good for her, considering it was the most important performance of her life."

"I know d.a.m.n well what she is, and what their job is. Heather is...different."

"You've been saying that all along. I just hope your hormones aren't blurring your judgment."

She was quickly tiring of Jack's inappropriate opinions. "You should be the last person to criticize or judge another for their misguided decisions. At least she never hurt anyone but herself." Jack looked away. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"That's my business, not yours."

"Again, you're right."

Chase took off her shirt and started toward the bathroom.

"You probably want to postpone the stripping act." Jack waved her over and pressed the headphones to her ears.

She checked her watch. Dario's call was ten minutes early. She put her shirt back on and had her headphones in place even before she sat next to Jack.

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"Have you decided how you want to handle Rozsa?" Dario asked the person on the other end. He listened, and then, "Of course we have to make him disappear, but we don't know what rock that idiot is hiding under. If the authorities can't find him, how are we-" After a short pause, he said in a surprised voice, "Cooperate?" He listened again. "Yes, I understand. But how am I going to get him to give me his location?" Another short pause. "Of course, but I haven't been exactly friendly or receptive to his contacting me.

Why would he believe me now?" A long pause this time. "Of course I realize what is at stake here, and I know very well that it will be my hide and not yours, dear sister, but-" He listened some more, and when he spoke again, he was clearly angry. "Don't patronize me. I'm not one of your lackeys.

Yes, it was my idea to work with him, but you were only too eager to welcome a new supplier." Another pause. "Very well." He sighed. "I will contact you when I know more. I expect his call in ten minutes." They heard the cell disconnect.

"Cold b.i.t.c.h," Dario said, either to himself or his goon.

"They want to off Rozsa," Jack said. "That means-"

"We won't let that happen."

"Dario has no idea where he is."

"It doesn't sound like he's in China." Chase sat back, trying not to feel as defeated as Jack looked.

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Elite Operatives: Demons Are Forever Part 33 summary

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