
Elements of Gaelic Grammar Part 18

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7. Bha an crodh 'g an leigeadh, _the cows were a-milking_; bidh deudaichean 'g an rusgadh. "Gillies' Collect." p. 82. So {91} in English, the book is a-printing; the deed's a-doing now, "Douglas," Act 1.

The following scheme shows the different modifications of time, as expressed by the several Tenses of the Gaelic Verb, brought together into one view, and compared with the corresponding Tenses of the Greek Verb in Moor's Greek Grammar.


_Indicative or Affirmative Mood._

Present Tense.

Ta mi ag bualadh, [Greek: tupto], I strike, or am striking.


Bha mi ag bualadh, [Greek: etupton], I was striking.


Buailidh mi } [Greek: tupso], I will strike, Bithidh mi ag bualadh } or be striking.

Aorist or Preterite.

Bhuail mi, [Greek: etupsa], I struck.


Ta mi iar bualadh, [Greek: tetupha], I have struck.


Bha mi iar bualadh, [Greek: etetuphein], I had struck.

_Interrogative or Negative Mood._


Am bheil mi ag bualadh? Am I striking?


An robh mi ag bualadh? Was I striking?


Am buail mi? Shall I strike?


Aorist or Preterite.

An do bhuail mi? Did I strike?


Am bheil mi iar bualadh? Have I struck?


An robh mi iar bualadh? Had I struck?

_Subjunctive Mood._


Bhuailinn, } [Greek: etupton an], I would strike.

Bhithinn ag bualadh, }


Ma bhuaileas mi, If I shall strike.


Bhithinn iar bualadh, [Greek: etupsa an], I would have struck.

_Imperative Mood._ Buaileam, Let me strike.

Buail, [Greek: tupte], Strike.

_Infinitive Mood._ Am bualadh, [Greek: to tuptein], The striking.

A' bhualaidh, [Greek: tou tuptein], Of the striking.

Ag bualadh, [Greek: en toi tuptein], A-striking.


_Indicative or Affirmative Mood._


Ta mi 'g am bhualadh, [Greek: tuptomai], I am in striking[64].


Bha mi 'g am bhualadh, [Greek: etuptomen], I was in striking.

{93} Future.

Buailear mi, } [Greek: tuphthesomai], I shall be struck.

Bithidh mi buailte, }

Aorist or Preterite.

Bhuaileadh mi, [Greek: etuphthen], I was struck.


Ta mi buailte, } [Greek: tetummenos eimi], I have been struck.

Ta mi iar mo bhualadh } Pluperfect.

Bha mi buailte, } [Greek: tetummenos en], I had been struck.

Bha mi iar mo bhualadh}

_Interrogative or Negative Mood._


Am buailear mi? Shall I be struck?

Aorist or Preterite.

An do bhuaileadh mi? Was I struck?

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