
Sword Of Daybreaker Chapter 1

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Original Author:Yuan Tong(远瞳)

Translator: akes117

Unknown date.

Underground World still be peace as it always be,no wind,rare cloud,observing areas are available to see.

  Gawain calmly looks down the far land as an absolute dominate version,calmly contemplating about life——after all ,he(or it)can't do anything but thinking.

He couldn't remember how many years he had been in this state, or what he looked like now. Although he could make a rough judgment about time which based on the cycles of day and night. Actually after thousands of cycles he did not bother to count.

Did I suppose to cross through the world?

In fact,Gawain was welcomed to cross,it is not to say that he already have such a great consciousness to have no fear of death, but when the plane fall down,he realized how impermanent of life before he died. Besides, comparing with the definite death, having a cross is better than any situation. He just wondered why to float in the sky after crossing through the world.....

And floating in the sky.....for thousands years....

  Gawain don't know what kind of state of his body, he can't transfer perspective, he also can't feel the existence of his body, what's worse, except the visual,he has completely lost all senses to feel the external environment.Thus he can't confirm whether is a wisp of residual soul or a floating corpse on the orbit of the s.p.a.ce.

The only thing he can certain is that now he is not in a normal state of human.

For he can be sure that a mental structure of a normal human being would never have been able to think as clearly, remember as well, or even think as if he had been alone for thousands years.

Mortals can't take this.

But he is still keeping in conscious,even with a super clear memory.

Over ten thousands years of journey does not destroy Gawain memories, nowadays he can still clearly remember his end at the last minute of his life, shrill scream, alert warning, violent vibration of the airplane, the roiling outside screen sight, and neighbors,trying to wear breathing mask but failed, as well as the disintegration of the aircraft in the air with a loud Boom.

So clear as if everything happened yesterday, and he could clearly remember how shocked he was to open his eyes again after the BANG and find himself floating over a strange planet.

From the moment he opened his eyes again, he realized that he was not looking through the earth's land and sea, so he spent some time figuring out and accepting the fact that he was in a different world, and then spending far more time trying to  stop floating like this.

Shamed he failed.

He found himself been "immobilized," or perhaps he just can't move his body, looking down the earth with a "fixed perspective" , and stuck in the present position.He can look at the earth, but he can only look at the earth, and even he can only look at a confined area of the earth -- an irregular land  around by ocean, his limited vision does not see much wider .

He couldn't turn his eyes from side to side, and couldn't be sure that there was no other land beyond the sea ---- he even had not yet been able to see what the stars looked like in this world for the same reason .

He wasn't even sure if there were other planets in the world - maybe when he turned his head and then will see a G.o.d with a white beard shining a spotlight on everything.

d.a.m.n it, I want to backstroke...

Even if after the backstroke the only thing he can see is a weird white-bearded G.o.d holding a spotlight shining upon everything is fine......

However, his desire is an unreachable hope, this overlooking  perspective is unable to change the direction.

But after a long time of trying, Gawain found some operable part of the sight -- he couldn't move from side to side, but he could magnify and shrink the sight, or to say—— he could zoom in or out of it.

After discovering it, he was really happy for a long time, and then he tried to stretch his vision in all kinds of ways, although it stretched as far as possible ,it was still limited in this isolation land , at least he could choose to see what happened on the land.

It was green and full of life, clearly alive.

Although only floating here,it is good to see alter world people's daily lives and customs to divert some boredom ,doesn't it?

Then he drew his vision closer and closer,finally got to the nearest point where he could clearly see the gra.s.s and the trees on the ground.

That day, he despaired,that the land ,full of mammals ...

None had learned to walk upright.....

But never mind, Gawain had patience -- maybe he had no patience when he was alive as a human, but after crossing into a overlooking eye-sight, he found that he really become so patient.

He waited until those monkeys learned to walk upright.

Many years later, he witnessed the birth of the first artificial fire.

A flint-making fire.

After the birth of that spark ,the changes happened.

Gawain had no idea what happened, but after the first fire appeared on the land, he felt that everything was suddenly "faster," or to say there was something wrong with his own perception of the time -- things rapidly evolved on earth , as if a million times faster video had been played.

He saw the human race to gather up a primitive tribe, then tribes become polises in a moment, he see the human race to master the mystery capability , and those who used it like magic skills conquered the land, but before he saw what exactly had happened on the earth, those kingdoms turned into ruins one by one, then a new humanoid creature from all corners of the ruins prosper again.....

He saw human and other various races began to compete for living s.p.a.ce on the land, they built all kinds of kingdoms, all kinds of beliefs, Shouting the names of various G.o.ds to fight each other, and then quickly dispersed.....

He saw....

The process continues to speed up, Gawain gradually began to be unable to handle the ma.s.sive information he saw, he saw creatures like dragons suddenly into the field of vision, He did not know whether those "dragon" is evolved on the land or from the oversea.

He saw chaos of the sword and the fire ,almost destroyed the whole land, but in the blink of his sight, a new civilization had been built.

It was a long time after that before he realized it was not the process had accelerated, but it is himself had "skipped" a lot of information.

His "observations" are becoming intermittent, from continuous observations to a series of images recorded every few years or even dozens years, and when these discrete images continue as one,it gives him the illusion that progress accelerated.

He had not been aware of this before, because his own mind was frozen when the perspective of observation was interrupted.

While the perspective was reactivated, his mind moved forward seamlessly.

So he didn't even realize what's wrong with him before.

Gonna f.u.c.ked up

The three words flashed through Gawain's mind.However, it is afraid that these "lighting thought" that flashed through his mind probably cost for hundreds of years.

For he saw the great change to this land -- at the same moment that three words came to his mind, another kingdom had gone from glory to ruin.

Gawain didn't know what was going on, but he knew it wasn't normal.He realized that his mind was on the edges of disappearing, as the images flitted through his mind that skipped time in years.

Every hundred years he could think for less than a second.

And his "thought frozen period" continue to lengthen.

He realized that things on the ground had skipped so wildly like a "slideshow" which flicked faster and faster, was almost completely incomprehensible.

In this way, perhaps after a moment, the mind named "Gawain" will be completely disappeared in unknown place, he will sleep forever in any moment, and no chance to restart.

After so many ten-thousand years, Gawain sense a feeling called "urgency" for the first time, he starts his brain storm(if he has), trying to get ride of this horrible situation, he thought his mind turning furiously, a myriad of thoughts..

However, looking at the land switching, he knew his mind actually have been slower in unit of thousands years.

Of course it is a kind of exaggeration method, but closed to the truth.

Out of this, out of this, out of this, out of this...

No matter how to do, no matter as what form, must get out of this situation, even let him go back to the crashing plane... 

Can't die in this strange way in this strange place!

Gawain felt his thinking gradually began to be chaotic, unconsciousness , the "seamless" thinking continuity seems to be wrong, he is angry and try his best to think, but due to the unshakable perspective —the only thing he can feel, no matter how angry he is can not change the situation.

But at the very flashing moment when he felt that his thoughts are about to disappeared or frozen forever, a voice come out .

"Energy system error. Mainframe host restarting..... failed."

"Escaping produce has been initiated."

The next moment, the perspective was gone -- Gawain's eyes get dark.

But he still keeps thinking.

For the first time in countless years, he keeps thinking while "closing his eyes."

He doesn't know how long he has stayed in the darkness, he feels as if in the back, in the fall, in the cold into a narrow place, various of strange perception from the limbs and skeleton, his brain is a mess, and in the confusion, he heard a young girl voice faintly ,sounds quite panic:

"Don't......Don't kill me yet!See the coffin lid of your ancestor's ..."

"It's shaking!"

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Sword Of Daybreaker Chapter 1 summary

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