
Edge Hill Part 5

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PK A copy of a Letter sent from a Gentlemen of quality dwelling in Banbury to Mr. Jennings, of Fan Church Streete, &c. London, 1642.

PL Many Remarkable Pa.s.sages ... concerning the Battell on Sunday, the 23rd of October, 1642, with fearful observations upon the Dead Corpses, &c., by T. Talbott. London, 1642.

PM A Declaration of the Lords and Commons a.s.sembled in Parliament concerning the late Valorous and Acceptable Service of his Excellency Robert, Earle of Ess.e.x. London, 1642.

PN Special Newes from the Army at Warwicke since the Fight; sent from a Minister of good note to an Alderman, &c. London, 1642.

PO Speciall and Remarkable Pa.s.sages informed to both Houses. 1642.

PQ His Majestie's Declaration to all his Loving Subjects after his late Victory against the Rebels on Sunday, 23rd of October (with a Relation of the Battell). Oxford, 1642.

PR A Declaration of the Lords and Commons a.s.sembled in Parliament in answer to his Majestie's Declaration, &c. London, 1642.

PS The Last True intelligence from Warwick, being a certain Relation of the death of the Earle of Lindsey. London.

PT Prince Rupert, his Declaration. Oxford, 1642.

PU "The Parliament's Vindication in answer to Prince Rupert's Declaration," by S. W., Esquire (with Prince Rupert's Declaration).

London, 1642.

PV His Majestie's Declaration and Manifestation to all his Souldiers ...

at Southam, Oct. 21. London, 1642.

PX Eight Speeches spoken in Guild-Hall by Lord Wharton, Master Strode, &c.

London, 1642.

PY Three Speeches spoken in Guild-Hall concerning His Majestie's refusal of a Treaty of Peace. London, 1642.

PZ A Collection of Speciall Pa.s.sages ... from Monday, Oct. 17, till Tuesday, Novemb. 1, 1642. London, 1642.

AP A Perfect Declaration of the Barbarous and Cruel practices committed by Prince Robert, the Cavalliers, &c., by R. Andrewes, Chyrurgion. London, 1642.

BP Caleb's Integrity, a Sermon by Richard Vines. London, 1642.

CP The Loyall Convert (According to the Oxford Copy), by W. Bridges.

London, 1642.

DP A Dialogue or rather a Parley between Prince Rupert's Dogge, whose name is Puddle, and Tobie's Dog, whose name is Pepper. London, 1642.

EP Prince Rupert, his Reply to a Pamphlet ent.i.tled "The Parliament's Vindication," &c. 1642.

FP A True Copy of a Letter to the Lord Maior of London, from a Friend in the Army, after the Battel of Kineton, 1642.

GP A True Relation of the Fight betwixt his Majestie's Souldiers, and his Excellence the Earle of Ess.e.x, his Forces, on the 24th of Oct., 1642.

HP Letter from a Worthy Divine (Byfield) to the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor ... fr. Warwick Castle, 24th Dec. 1642, at 2 o'clock in the morning.

IP Relation of the great Battle fought between the King's Army and the Earle of Ess.e.x, near Kineton.

KP List of Army raised under Earle of Ess.e.x, with names of the severall Officers. 1642.

LP King's Instructions to his Commissioners. 1642.

MP Speech (Lord Broke) at the Election of the Captains and Commanders at Warwick Castle. 1642.

NP Most True Relation of the Present State of His Majestie's Army, &c., by Miles Corbet. 1642.

a Nugent--Memorials of John Hampden. London, 1831.

b Beesley, A.--History of Banbury. Banbury, 1841.

c History, Gazetteer, and Directory of County of Oxford, pp. 396. Gardner, Peterborough, 1852.

d Smith, W.--New History of County of Warwick. p. 73. Birmingham, 1830.

e Jago, R.--Edge Hill or the Rural Prospect delineated, &c. London, 1767.

f Beesley, P.--j.a.peth, Edge Hill, and other Poems. Banbury, 1834.

g Mavor, W.--The British Tourist. London, 1809.

h Dugdale, W.--Antiquities of Warwickshire, p. 392. 1765.

i Baker, G.--History ... of County of Northampton. Vol. I., p. 501.


j Sanford, T. L.--Studies and Illus. of Great Rebellion. London, 1858.

k Walford, L. N.--The Parliamentary Generals. 1886.

l Rapin--History of England (Tindal's trans.) Vol. II., p. 461. 1783.

m Johnson, W. P.--History of Banbury and neighbourhood. Banbury, 1862.

n Johnson, W. P.--The Battle of Edge Hill. Banbury, 1863.

o Gleig, G. R.--Eminent British Military Commanders. Vol. I. London, 1831.

p Picton, J.--Oliver Cromwell, the man and his mission, pp. 107-118. 1883.

q Caryle, T.--Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. London, 1883.

r Whitlock, R. H.--Memoir of Bulstrode Whitlock. London, 1860.

s Craik, A. D.--Farleigh Hall. pp. 51-65. London, 1887.

t Miller, G.--Rambles round Edge Hill. London, 1900.

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