
I Told You To Manage The Reserve Unit For Me Instead Of Turning It Into A Special Troop Chapter 880: Final Battle?

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Chapter 880: Final Battle?


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

A gratified smile appeared on the old man’s face.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.”

Qin Yuan replied with a confident smile.

Qin Yuan stood up, gave the old man a military salute, and walked out of the room.

Outside, Green Snake and He Chenguang had been waiting for him for a long time. The two of them were bickering and laughing as usual.

“How was it? What did the old man say to you?”

Green Snake asked impatiently.

“I didn’t say anything. It’s just some nonsense.”

Qin Yuan said casually.

“What? You’ve been in there for so long. You must have said something important.”

He Chenguang did not believe Qin Yuan’s nonsense either.

” Why would I lie to you? Am I that kind of person?”

Qin Yuan was a little unhappy.

“We are here to discuss tactics, not to talk about other irrelevant things.”

” Don’t forget, our comrade Geng Hu is still in their hands!”

Qin Yuan said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, the two of them fell silent.

Qin Yuan was right. They did not have the time or reason to talk about other things. Geng Hu was waiting for them to rescue him in a dark corner.

“Then have you thought of a way?”

He Chenguang asked.

Qin Yuan nodded.

“I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t have come to look for you.”

“This time, we’ll face them head-on.”

Qin Yuan replied in a low voice.

“A direct confrontation?”

“Are you sure? We have a few hundred people to fight against thousands of people?”

The green snake looked incredulous.

“Yeah, do you have a fever? Or do you think that we’re being suppressed like this?”

He Chenguang also looked at Qin Yuan in confusion, his eyes filled with confusion.

“Your views are too one-sided.”

Qin Yuan smiled.

“You must know that what we lack the most now is not soldiers or combat strength, but a hearty victory.”

“I know that you are very worried about our combat strength, but what I want to say is that although we are fighting openly, this does not prevent me from sending another team over as an a.s.sault force.”

Qin Yuan narrowed his eyes and said.

“Oh, there’s still such a method?”

He Chenguang said with a faint smile.

“Of course, as the saying goes, all is fair in war. We won’t fight head-on with the other party like a hothead.”

Qin Yuan said.

“Then what do you plan to do?”

They all knew that what they were about to say next was the main point.

” Well, after some consideration, I’ve decided that you will lead the a.s.sault team.”

Qin Yuan glanced at the green snake and said solemnly.


Green Snake was a little surprised because he had always acted with Qin Yuan before. Now that he was leading the team, he was a little unused to it.

However, he also understood that Qin Yuan had to appear in the front line. Otherwise, the other party would definitely be suspicious.

“Isn’t Captain He here too? Why don’t you let him take on this important task?”

Green Snake asked.

“Don’t worry, you all have missions. I have other arrangements for him.”

Qin Yuan smiled.

“What mission? So mysterious?”

Green Snake asked curiously.

Qin Yuan thought for a moment. There was no problem a.s.signing tasks here, so he said directly,

“I plan to arrange for him to track down Geng Hu’s whereabouts during the chaotic battle.”

Qin Yuan said seriously.

“Hmm, your wishful thinking is not bad.”

” Although we may not have the advantage on the battlefield, you are the best talent on the silent battlefield!”

Green Snake said with a smile.

Qin Yuan’s expression was cold, and he did not have the time to pay attention to his praise.

They didn’t have much time left. It was now two in the afternoon. He had to reorganize all the troops within half a day and set off at night at the latest.

“I will lead the main force to the front line to fight with them. Green Snake will be responsible for leading the small team to disrupt the enemy’s rear. He Chenguang will lead the second team to search for Geng Hu’s whereabouts. We will divide our work. Do you understand?”

“Go back and reorganize the troops immediately. Our operation will begin on time at midnight.”

Qin Yuan said.

” Wait, how are we going to distribute our forces?”

He Chenguang hurriedly asked.

” You can decide for yourselves. I won’t dictate your actions.”

“We only have 300 troops at most now. Our team will each have 50 troops. The rest will be given to Qin Yuan. How about that?”

He Chenguang suggested.


The green snake agreed readily.

“Then it’s decided. Go back and prepare. We don’t have much time left.”

Qin Yuan said.

Then, the three of them walked out of the room and returned to the camp.

Qin Yuan gathered all the soldiers with combat strength to the front of the formation.

“Warriors! I know you’ve been working hard these past few days, but! I’m the same as all of you! I’m also physically and mentally exhausted!”

” Everyone, please stay alert for the last time, because the upcoming battle concerns the life and death of everyone!”

” Today is very likely the final battle between us and Xiao Yan!”

“We will split into three teams! I will lead the main force to attack the enemy’s main force!”

” Captain He Chenguang and Green Snake will lead two teams to attack the enemy’s rear camp!”

“What do you think of this tactic?”

Qin Yuan asked the soldiers loudly.

Although he was the commander of the army, logically speaking, only the army obeyed his orders. There was no need to ask the other party.

However, at this juncture, it was time for everyone to be united. Qin Yuan did not need to follow the rules like before.

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I Told You To Manage The Reserve Unit For Me Instead Of Turning It Into A Special Troop Chapter 880: Final Battle? summary

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