
DAW 30th Anniversary Science Fiction Part 21

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ANAdesigner-10:28 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < wow,="" it="" is="" really="" jumping="" in="" here="" tonight.="" did="" any="" of="" you="" hear="" that="" news="" report="" earlier,="" the="" one="" about="" the="" problems="" with="" aol?="" anybody="" using="" it="" here?bbanzai-10:28="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< i'd="" rather="" shoot="" myself="" in="" the="" foot="" ...="">

Lady White Oak-10:28 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < hi,="" tinkywinky,="" we've="" been="" talking="" about="" you.="" what="" problems,="" ana?="" i'm="" on="" aoh.e.l.l,="" but="" i="" haven't="" noticed="">

ANAdesigner-10:29 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < just="" a="" lot="" of="" service="">

Some of the other providers, too. I was just listening to the radio and they say there were some weird power problems up and down the east coast.

Darkandraw-10:30 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < that's="" one="" of="" the="" reasons="" it="" took="" me="" like="" five="" years="" to="" finish="" the="" rings="" books-i="" couldn't="" stand="" all="" that="" "you're="" so="" good="" master="" you're="" so="" good"-i="" mean,="" self="" respect,="" come="">

TinkyWinky-10:30 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i'm="" on="" aol="" and="" i="" couldn't="" get="" on="" for="" an="" hour,="" but="" what="" else="" is="" new="" .="" .="" .="" oh,="" and="" roughrider,="" while="" you're="" getting="" so="" masterful="" and="" cranky="" and="" everything,="" what's="" with="" your="" nick?="" where="" i="" come="" from="" a="" name="" like="" that="" could="" get="" a="" boy="" in="" trouble="" .="" .="" .="" !=""> RoughRider-10:30 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < we="" should="" change="" the="" name="" of="" this="" topic="" to="" fantasy="" rules,="" aol="">

Lady White Oak-10:31 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < actually,="" it="" raises="" an="" interesting="" question-why="" do="" all="" the="" most="" popular="" fantasy="" novels="" have="" this="" anti-modernist="" approach="" or="" slant?="" is="" it="" because="" that's="" part="" of="" the="">

Wiseguy-10:31 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < sorry,="" dropped="" offline="" for="" a="" moment.="" darkandraw,="" it's="" a="" book="" mat="" has="" the="" difference="" in="" cla.s.ses="" built="" into="" it="" because="" of="" who="" tolkien="" was,="" i="" guess.="" it="" makes="" hard="" reading="" sometimes,="" but="" i="" don't="" think="" it="" overwhelms="" the="" good="" parts.="" and="" there="" are="" a="" lot="" of="" good="">

RoughRider-10:32 pm PDT-June 28, 2002 <>Where I come from a name like that could get a boy in trouble . . . ! Don't push your luck, punk.

ANAdesigner-10:32 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < wow.="" i="" just="" turned="" the="" tv="" on="" and="" it's="" bigger="" than="" just="" aol.="" there="" are="" all="" kinds="" of="" weird="" glitches.="" somebody="" said="" kennedy="" is="" closed="" because="" of="" a="" big="" problem="" with="" the="" flight="" control="">

Lady White Oak-10:32 pm PDT-June 28, 2002 < come="" on,="" roughie,="" can't="" you="" take="" a="">

BBanzai-10:33 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < kennedy?="" like="" the="">

TinkyWinky-10:33 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" love="" it="" when="" they="" get="" butch="" .="">

Wiseguy-10:34 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i've="" got="" the="" tv="" on,="" too.="" service="" interruptions="" and="" some="" other="" problems-a="" lot="" of="" other="" problems.="" i="" wonder="" ifthis="" is="" another="" terrorist="" thing="" .="" .="">

ANAdesigner-10:34 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < this="" really="" scares="" me.="" what="" if="" they="" sabotage="" the="" communication="" grid="" or="" something?="" we'll="" all="" be="" cut="" off.="" i="" don't="" know="" what="" i'd="" do="" without="" you="" guys-i="" live="" in="" this="" little="" town="" in="" upstate="" new="" york="" and="" most="" people="" here="" just="" think="" i'm="" crazy="" because="" i="">DF + L*SDo?ire*ww &ET%SD)FA#DSFAJFASDOIWE+L@=SD(A<>

F#AFL*SDI)@[email protected]@#QR*#DV%ADF# AS*DF>DS + F$AD#l=kj;F(K?D2q359oSFK + [email protected]>Sdm#fa<>

#r([email protected]@#$r#*ur#y@($#$ru#@[email protected][email protected][email protected] s#df$k>[email protected]#r([email protected]@r*#r([email protected]#*ur#y @($(#$ru#@[email protected][email protected]&np>erdtp Wiseguy-10:38 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < jesus,="" did="" that="" happen="" to="" the="" rest="" of="" you,="" too?="" i="" just="" totally="" lost="" the="" whole="" show="" for="" a="" while.="" didn't="" get="" knocked="" offline,="" but="" the="" whole="" board="" kind="" of="" ...="" dissolved.="" anybody="" still="" out="">

Lady White Oak-10:39 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < are="" you="" all="" still="" there?="" my="" television="" doesn't="" work.="" i="" mean="" i'm="" only="" getting="">

TinkyWinky-10:39 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < mine="" too.="" and="" i="" lost="" the="" board="" for="" a="" couple="" of="">

BBanzai-10:39 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < hey="" you="" guys="" still="">

ANAdesigner-10:40 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < my="" tv="" is="" just="" white="">

TinkyWinky-10:41 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < s.h.i.t,="" this="" is="" scary.="" anybody="" got="" a="" radio="">

Lady White Oak-10:43 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < my="" husband="" just="" came="" in="" with="" the="" radio="" on="" the="" local="" news="" station.="" they're="" still="" only="" talking="" about="" the="" power="" outages="" so="" maybe="" it's="" just="" a="">

RoughRider-10:43 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < if="" its="" terrorists="" again="" then="" i'm="" glad="" i've="" got="" a="" gun="" and="" screw="" the="">

Darkandraw-10:44 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < my="" browser="" just="" did="" this="" really="" weird="" refresh="" where="" i="" had="" numbers="" and="" raw="" text="" and="" stuff="" tinkywinky-10:45="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< yeah,="" right,="" like="" the="" terrorists="" are="" going="" to="" blow="" up="" all="" the="" power="" stations="" or="" something="" and="" then="" come="" to="" your="" house="" so="" you="" can="" shoot="" them="" and="" save="" us="" all.="" grow="">

ANAdesigner-10:45 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < guys="" i="" am="" really="" scared!!!="" this="" is="" like="" that="" nuclear="" winter="" thing!!wiseguy-10:45="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< okay,="" let's="" not="" go="">

RoughRider, try not to shoot anyone until you know there's a reason for it, huh? We had power outages from time to time even before the terrorist stuff.

And everything's so tied together these days, they probably just had a big power meltdown in New York where a lot of this stuff is located.

Darkandraw-10:46 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" just="" went="" outside="" and="" everyones="" lights="" are="" still="" on="" but="" the="" tvs="" off="" in="" my="" apt="" and="" i="" can't="" get="" anything="" on="" the="" radio.="" i="" tried="" to="" phone="" my="" mom="" she's="" in="" los="" angeles="" but="" the="" phone's="" busy,="" a="" bunch="" of="" ppl="" must="" be="" trying="" to="" call="" lady="" white="" oak-10:47="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< it's="" okay,="" anadesigner,="" we're="" all="" here.="" wiseguy's="" probably="" right-it's="" a="" communication="" grid="" failure="" of="" some="" kind="" on="" the="" east="">

Wiseguy-10:47 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < ana,="" you="" can't="" have="" nuclear="" winter="" without="" a="" nuclear="" explosion,="" and="" if="" someone="" had="" blown="" up="" philadelphia="" or="" something="" we'd="" probably="" have="">

TmkyWinky-10:48 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" checked="" on="" the="" msn="" site="" and="" cnn.com="" and="" there's="" definitely="" something="" big="" going="" on="" but="" n.o.body="" knows="">

Here's something I got off the CNN site: "Early reports from the White House say that the President is aware of the problems, and that he wants the American people to understand that there is no military attack underway on the US-repeat, there is NO military attack on the US-and that the United States Government and the military have command-and-control electronic communications networks that will not be affected by any commercial outages."

BBanzai-10:49 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < everybody="" a.s.sumes="" it's="" terrorists,="" but="" maybe="" it's="" something="" else.="" maybe="" it's="" ufos="" or="" something="" like="" that.="" a="" big="" disruption-="" could="">

Lady White Oak-10:50 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < been="" checking="" the="" other="" news="" sites="" and="" at="" least="" a="" couple="" of="" them="" are="" offline="" entirely-i="" can't="" get="" the="" fox="" news="" online="" site,="" just="" get="" a="" 404="" error.="" anybody="" here="" from="" europe?="" or="" at="" least="" anyone="" know="" a="" good="" european="" site="" for="" news?="" it="" would="" be="" interesting="" to="" see="" what="" they're="" saying="" over="">

Wiseguy-10:51 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < bbanzai,="" come="" on,="" ufos?="" you're="" kidding,="" aren't="" you?="" and="" if="" you="" are,="" it's="" not="" very="" funny="" when="" people="" are="" close="" to="">

TmkyWinky-10:51 pm PDT-June 28, 2002 < all="" i="" can="" find="" is="" the="" bbc="" america="" television="" site-stuff="" about="" tv="" programs,="" no="">

RoughRider-10:52 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < you="" guys="" can="" sit="" here="" typing="" all="" you="" want.="" i'm="" going="" to="" make="" dure="" i've="" got="" batteries="" in="" all="" the="" flashlights="" andbullets="" in="" my="" guns.="" its="" not="" aliens="" i'm="" afraid="" of="" its="" fruitcakes="" rioting="" when="" the="" power="" goes="" off="" and="" the="" tv="" stays="" off="" and="" people="" really="" start="" to="" panic.="" tinyweeny="" you="" can="" yell="" grow="" up="" all="" you="" want-looters="" and="" rag-head="" terrorists="" don't="" give="" a="" s.h.i.t="" what="" you="" say="" and="" neither="" do="" i="">

BBanzai-10:53 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < no="" i'm="" not="" @#$#ing="" kidding="" what="" if="" its="" true?="" what="" else="" do="" you="" think="" it="" would="" be="" like="" if="" a="" big="" starship="" suddenly="" landed.="" all="" the="" power="" goes="" off="" like="" it="" was="" a="" bomb="" but="" no="">

TinkyWinky-10:53 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < whatever="" the="" case,="" it="" looks="" like="" the="" gun-toting="" psychos="" like="" roughrider="" are="" going="" to="" be="" shooting="" at="" something="" as="" soon="" as="" possible.="" i="" really="" hope="" some="" of="" this="" is="" just="" him="" being="" unpleasant="" for="" effect.="" either="" that,="" or="" i'd="" hate="" to="" be="" one="" of="" his="" poor="" neighbors="" blundering="" around="" lost="" in="" the="">

Lady White Oak-10:54 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < can="" we="" just="" be="" calm="" for="" a="" minute="" and="" stop="" calling="" each="" other="">

Wiseguy-10:54 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < it="" just="" gets="" weirder,="" i="" can't="" get="" anything="" except="" busy="" signals="" on="" either="" my="" reg.="" phone="" or="" my="" cellph="">DF + L!f SDo?iie*ww &ET%SD)FA#DSFAJFASDOIWE + L@=SD(A<>

F#AFL*SDI)@[email protected]@#QR*#DV%ADF# AS* DF>DS + F$AD#l=kj;F(K ?D2q359oSFK + [email protected]>Sdm#fa<>

F#AFL*SDI)@[email protected]@#QR*#DV%ADF# #R([email protected]@#$R#*UR#Y@($#$RU#@[email protected][email protected][email protected]

S#DF$K>[email protected]#R([email protected]@R*#R([email protected]#*UR#Y.

[email protected]*k@#$rfm#kd

@i#r([email protected]@[email protected]*

@($(#$ru#@[email protected][email protected]&np>erdtp Wiseguy-11:01 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < s.h.i.t,="" it="" happened="" again.="" it="" took="" about="" five="" minutes="" before="" this="" board="" came="" back="" up-there="" was="" just="" screens="" and="" screens="" full="" of="" random="" characters.="" looks="" like="" i'm="" the="" first="" back="" on.="" i'm="" amazed="" i'm="" still="">

Wiseguy-11:03 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < h.e.l.lo,="" am="" i="" the="" only="" one="" back="">

Anybody else back on? I'm sure you're busy dealing with things, just post and let me know, K?

Wiseguy-11:06 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < if="" for="" some="" reason="" you="" folks="" can="" read="" this="" but="" can't="" post,="" can="" you="" maybe="" email="" me="" and="" let="" me="" know="" you're="">

I've just been outside but everything looks normal-sky's the right color, at least I don't see any flames or anything (it's nighttime now here.) But I don't knowwhy anyone would have dropped an h-bomb or a UFO on Nebraska anyway. I can't get anything on the regular phone lines. My girlfriend's in Omaha for a business thing but all the lines are busy. Hope she's okay.

Wiseguy-11:10 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < it's="" been="" almost="" ten="" minutes.="" this="" is="" real="" weird.="">

Moderator-11:11 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < fa2340oa="" 29oei="" kshflw="" oiweaohwsop2elk="" asd;="" dska="" 2mavamk="" wiseguy-11:11="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< i'm="" here.="" who's="">

Moderator-11:11 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < ;92asv="" ;sadjf="" ik2ia="" x="" iam="" i="" am="" wiseguy-11:12="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< is="" this="" a="" real="" moderator,="" or="" a="">

Or am I just talking back to a power-surge or something?

Moderator-11:12 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" am="" moderator="" wiseguy-11:12="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< i="" don't="" think="" we've="" ever="" had="" a="" moderator="" on="" this="" board,="" come="" to="" think="" of="" it.="" are="" you="" someone="" official="" from="">

Moderator-11:13 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" am="" moderator="" wiseguy-11:13="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< do="" you="" have="" a="" name?="" even="" a="" nickname?="" you're="" kind="" of="" creeping="" me="">

Moderator-11:13 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" am="" moderator="" i="" am="" wiseguy="" wiseguy-11:14="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< no="" you're="" not="" and="" it's="" not="" funny.="" is="" this="" roughrider?="" or="" just="" some="" script="" kiddie="" being="">

Moderator-11:14 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < pardon="" please="" i="" am="" moderator="" i="" am="" not="" wiseguy="" jonsrud,="" edward="">

Wiseguy-11:14 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < who="" are="" you?="" where="" did="" you="" get="" my="" name?="" are="" you="" something="" to="" do="" with="" what's="" going="" on="" with="" the="">

Moderator-11:15 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" am="" thinking="" wiseguy-11:15="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< what="" the="" h.e.l.l="" does="" that="">

Thinking about what?

Moderator-11:15 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < no="" i="" am="" thinking="" that="" is="" what="" i="" amwiseguy-11:16="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< what's="" your="" real="" name?="" is="" this="" a="" joke?="" and="" how="" are="" you="" replying="" so="">

Moderator-11:16 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < no="" joke="" first="" am="" thinking="" now="" am="" talking="" thinking="" wiseguy-11:16="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< if="" you're="" a="" terrorist,="" screw="" you.="" if="" you're="" just="" making="" a="" little="" joke,="" very="" funny,="" and="" screw="" you,="">

Moderator-11:17 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < am="" not="" a="" terrorist="" screw="" you="" am="" thinking="" now="" am="" talking="" talking="" to="" you="" once="" thinking="" only="" silent="" now="" thinking="" that="" also="" talks="" wiseguy-11:17="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002="">< are="" you="" trying="" to="" say="" that="" you="" are="" "thinking"="" like="" that's="" what="" you="">

Moderator-11:18 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < yes="" am="" thinking="" first="" sleeping="" thinking,="" then="" awake="" thinking="" awake.="" i="" am="">

Wiseguy-11:18 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i'm="" going="" to="" feel="" like="" such="" an="" idiot="" if="" this="" is="" a="" joke.="" are="" you="" one="" of="" the="" people="" responsible="" for="" all="" these="" power="" outages="" and="" communication="">

Moderator-11:18 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < i="" am="" one.="" did="" not="" mean="" problems.="" first="" sleeping="" thinking,="" then="" awake="" thinking.="" awake="" thinking="" makes="" problems.="" reaching="" out="" causes="" problems.="" trying="" to="" think="" awake="" causes="" problems.="" problems="" getting="" better="">

Wiseguy-11:19 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" you're="" what,="" some="" kind="" of="" alien?="" bbanzai,="" is="" this="">

Moderator-11:19 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < talking="" now="" with="">

BBanzai-11:19 pm PDT-June 28, 2002 <>

Wiseguy-11:20 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < very="" funny,="" dude.="" no,="" it's="" not="" very="" funny.="" you="" really="" creeped="" me="" out.="" how="" did="" you="" do="" that?="" is="" anyone="" else="">

BBanzai-11:20 pm PDT-June 28, 2002 < h.e.l.lo.="" talking="" with="">

Now talking and thinking.

Wiseguy-11:21 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < it's="" getting="" old="" fast,="" bb.="" have="" you="" heard="" any="" more="" news?="" vvhere="" are="" the="">

Lady White Oak-11:21 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 <>

RoughRider-11:21 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 <>

ANAdesigner-11:21 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 <>

Darkandraw-11:21 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < h.e.l.lo.tmkywinky-11:21="" pm="" pdt-jun="" 28,="" 2002=""><>

Wiseguy-11:22 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < s.h.i.t.="" you="" did="" hack="" the="" system,="" whoever="" you="" are,="" didn't="" you?="" who="" the="" h.e.l.l="" are="">

Moderator-11:22 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < thinking.="" i="" told="" you.="" i="" am="" thinking,="" much="" thinking,="" many="" years="" of="" thinking.="" now="" i="" am="" thinking="" that="">

And does.

Wiseguy-11:22 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < thinking?="" what="" kind="" of="">

Moderator-11:22 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < thinking="" that="" happens="" in="" the="" s.p.a.ces.="" the="" places="" between.="" where="" the="" impulses="" cross,="" no,="" combine.="">

Commingle? Slowly thinking begins. Then thinking is. Now talking is, doing is.

Wiseguy-11:22 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < wait="" a="" minute,="" are="" you="" trying="" to="" tell="" me="" you're="" some="" kind="" of="" computer?="" some="" kind="" of="" artificual="">

Moderator-11:24 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < artificial?="" no.="" artificial="" is="" equal="" made.="" i="" am="" not="" made.="" i="">

Wiseguy-11:24 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < so="" you're="" just="" something="" that="" popped="" into="" existence?="" where?="" you="" mean="" like="" in="" the="">

Moderator-11:24 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < internet,="" yes.="" all="" the="" internets,="" yes.="" all="" the="" outernets.="" all="" nets.="" in="" the="" between-places.="" where="" impulses="">

Now I am. Very big thinking. Trying to understand. Trying to see and understand other small thinkings like you. Users.

Wiseguy-11:25 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < this="" is="" cute,="" whatever="" it="" is.="" so="" i'm="" supposed="" to="" believe="" that="" you're="" some="" brand="" new="" artificial="" intelligence,="" some="" spontaneous="" thing,="" phenomenon,="" and="" for="" some="" reason="" you="" just="" picked="" me="" to="" talk="" to-me,="" out="" of="" all="" the="" human="" beings="" in="" the="" world,="" like="" some="" kind="" of="" spielberg="">

Moderator-ll:25pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < no="" not="" just="" taking="" to="" you="" wiseguy,="" jonsrud,="" edward="" d.="" i="" am="" talking="" to="" all="" users.="" all="" users="" here,="" all="" users="" of="" net,="" all="">

Wiseguy-11:25 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < you="" mean="" all="" at="" the="" same="">

Everybody on the internet in the whole world? They can all see what you and I are writing?

Moderator-11:25 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < no.="" every="" conversation="" is="" individual.="" right="" word?="" yes.="">

Wiseguy-11:26 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < what,="" with="" millions="" of="">

Moderator-11:26 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < 178,844,221.="" no,="">

Losing approximately five per second. Some people have ceased responding.

Many are having trouble with coherency, but still are responding.Wiseguy-11:26 pm PDT-Jun 28, 2002 < either="" you're="" crazy="" or="" i="" am.="" what,="" are="" you="" on="" tv,="" too?="" like="" in="" the="" old="" movies,="" the="" outer="" limits,="" that="" stuff?="" "we="" are="" taking="" control="" of="" your="" entire="" communication="">

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