
Dark Pursuit Part 29

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"That's my plan." He rubbed a thumb against his cane.

His mind was was going. "What are you talking about?" going. "What are you talking about?"

"His character's based on mine, you know-on Leland Hugh. I need to jump start my plot. Craig's bringing a chapter or two. I'll take from them whatever I can use."

Shock took hold of Kaitlan's stomach and dragged it inside out. Her mouth dropped open. Suddenly the crazy things her grandfather had said yesterday-needing a twist, not disappointing readers-made eminent sense.

"You're bringing Craig here-because of your book book?"

Her grandfather's head jerked, as if he'd let something slip. "Well, no, of course not-"

"Then why did you say he's going to help you?"

"Because ... I haven't ..."

"Haven't what? Been able to write?" Kaitlan surged three steps away from him. "I don't believe this!" She swiveled around. "So my coming to you for help was perfectly timed, is that it? Help a granddaughter, get a story."

Her grandfather pulled back his head. "What nonsense are you accusing me of?"

"You just said it. You're using me to get you a plot!"

His cheeks flushed. "I am not not using you!" using you!"

Kaitlan jabbed a finger toward Pete's laptop. "This plan of yours will never work. But you don't care, you just want your book."

"It will work!" Her grandfather waved his cane. "I've thought through-"

"Even if Craig leaves here not knowing a thing, the state police will never listen." Kaitlan paced, panic biting her heels. They'd been through all this last night, but she'd been tired enough to stop fighting. Now they were done for. Out of time and everything was crumbling away.

"Girl, don't be an idiot," he spat. "They will listen. With our proof they can tie Craig to the fabric-"

"Stop it, just stop it! None of this matters. The guy who wants to kill me is going to be here soon-and what are you thinking about? Your book!" Kaitlan thrust both hands in the air, her throat tightening. "That's how it's always been with you-your work. You don't care about anybody else or any other thing-just you. The King of Suspense and his writing!" Kaitlan's hands slid over her eyes. She was going to cry, and she hated herself for it.

"What on earth?" Margaret's astounded voice came from the doorway.

Kaitlan raised her head. Her grandfather's eyes were burning coals. "Go ahead, tell her."

He pointed his cane at Kaitlan. "I ought to throw you out of here, you ungrateful little brat."

The world blurred. So it was back to this. "Maybe I just want to live! Maybe I just want to believe that you care about my safety more than your writing."

"I do care about your safety, or you wouldn't be here!"

"It sure doesn't sound like it!"

Margaret's hands fluttered to the base of her throat.

"He just wants a plot." Kaitlan flung a hand toward her grandfather. "Figures he can get it from Craig's ma.n.u.script. He told me."

Margaret's eyes cut to Kaitlan's grandfather. "What's she talking about?"

"Nonsense, that's what." Her grandfather snorted.

Margaret looked from him to Kaitlan like a referee considering how best to calm a fight. "Kaitlan. Arguing now will only tire him."

"But he-"

"Do you want Craig caught?"

Kaitlan tipped her head back and sighed. Tears rolled out of her eyes. She just wanted to run and hide.

Pete barreled into the room. One look at their faces and he pulled up short, palms rising, as if apologizing for his interruption of a family argument. He c.o.c.ked his head at Kaitlan's grandfather. "It's ready."


Awkward silence tremored.

Weariness flushed through Kaitlan, sweeping her anger away. She turned eyes on her grandfather, seeking one sign that she should trust him.

He glared at her, thin shoulders rising with each breath.

Pete's cell phone rang. He pulled it from his belt holder and checked the ID. "Yeah, Martin." He listened, then drew a deep breath. "Come on, man, we need you."

Kaitlan swiped at a tear. The overhead light threw shadows on Pete's pockmarks, digging them deeper.

"I know you thought it would be tonight, but-" Pete's eyes squinted. "Tell you what, his offer just went up. Five times what I told you." He threw a glance at Kaitlan's grandfather, who nodded.

Kaitlan could vaguely hear Martin's voice, ticking through further excuses. Something had come up, no way could he leave work right now. This wasn't what they'd agreed.

Pete argued and upped the payment two more times. He argued some more. Finally he heaved a sigh. "All right, man. Later."

He snapped the phone shut. "The tech can't come."


CHAPTER fifty-two

Don't think I will be taken. Don't believe for a minute I will be tricked.

They think they are so clever. That I can't see.

Let me ask you-who is more ruthless? More driven?

I didn't choose this gift, it chose me. In anyone else's hands the black and green silk is just cloth. It takes cunning, ingenuity, the ability to shed light where there is none, to give it Purpose.

I don't regret what I have done.

I will protect myself at any cost.

Try me, you'll see. I welcome it. I can't wait for it.

You think you can heal me? Redeem me? Like this is some curse to be rid of?

So little you know. And you claim to be enlightened.

What I have is freedom. And no one will take it from me.

I am ready. Strong.

My hands itch.

CHAPTER fifty-three

Darell sank into a chair at his office table. His limbs wobbled from the brunt of Kaitlan's anger.

The brat. Thought she knew everything.

He frowned. What had just happened? Something gone wrong ...

His mind churned like a wheel in mud.

The answer surfaced. Pete's computer tech couldn't come.

So what? Darell could do this without details of the hacking. They knew Craig did it-that's what counted. He'd pretend he had the proof.

Darell's gaze fell on Pete's laptop. Screensaver photos rolled-Pete and his Great Dane on the beach, cuddling a little boy in a white cane rocker. Pete was crazy about his grandkids.

"Now what?" Kaitlan's voice accused. Her eyes darted from Darell to Pete.

Darell sighed. "It's fine, Granddaughter, fine." His mouth dragged downward. Would she even be thankful when this was over?

"But how-"

"I don't need the proof right now, all right? We'll get it soon enough. Pete, call the tech back and tell him to come tonight."

"Yeah, okay." Pete nodded. "So you wing it. It's all in the presentation."

"But without proof stuck in front of him, Craig won't admit it," Kaitlan cried. "We'll have nothing."

"Then let him deny it!" Darell smacked the table. "When we get proof I'll press charges and the police will still have to investigate. That'll lead to everything else."



Darell seethed at the laptop. A new picture rolled in. Pete, feeding a pink-clad baby with a bottle.

Darell shook his head, clearing it. Time he took back charge of this situation. "Pete, I want to see what you've done in the library." He pushed out of the chair, glowering at Kaitlan. "And I don't want another word out of you you."

CHAPTER fifty-four

Margaret and Pete trailed her grandfather out of the office. Kaitlan refused to follow.

Left alone, she stalked the hardwood floor, insides roiling.

None of this would work. The plan was stupid, stupid. Margaret knew it too. But would Kaitlan's grandfather listen? Oh, no. He just wanted to write his book.

Fear and dread clumped in Kaitlan's lungs. She pa.s.sed a window and stalled, gazing into the fog. A wind sent swirls of mist dipping, turning, whisking ghost fingers against the pane.

She pictured the dead woman's silently screaming face and shuddered.

The clock read 1:40 p.m.

Kaitlan fretted her way out of the office and up the hall. She found herself in the formal living room on the other side of the entryway. All muted colors of browns and beige, everything perfect. She could remember when her grandfather would hold grand parties here. When wine gla.s.ses clinked and women trilled laughter and men tried to emulate the great King of Suspense, standing straighter in his presence, working their eyebrows.

Once, even, her mother had come.

Kaitlan slid onto the corner of a couch, brought her knees up, and hugged them. When this plan failed she would have to flee the area, she and her unborn baby. Go ... somewhere.

But in what car-with Craig's ability to track her license plate?

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Dark Pursuit Part 29 summary

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