
Current Superstitions Part 30

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806. Tie a piece of black ribbon around a child's neck, and it will prevent croup.

_Waltham, Ma.s.s._

807. Bra.s.s earrings or rings are thought by negroes to keep away rheumatism.


808. To cure rheumatism, wear a bra.s.s ring on the finger.

_Boston, Ma.s.s._

809. Wearing bra.s.s rings will prevent cramp.


810. A bra.s.s ring worn on the finger will cure rheumatism.

_Chestertown, Md. (negro)._

811. Sailors wear gold earrings for weak eyes or to strengthen the sight.

_Brookline, Ma.s.s._

812. A common custom among negroes is to wear a leather strap about the wrist as a cure for rheumatism, sprains, etc., and to give strength.

_Chestertown, Md. (negro)._

813. As a cure for nose-bleed, tie a string about the little finger.

_Cape Breton._

814. A leather string commonly worn around the neck is supposed to prevent whooping-cough.

_Chestertown, Md._

815. A red string tied about the waist cures nausea or sea-sickness.



816. To keep fire always burning on the hearth will prevent cholera among chickens.


817. If a fish-hook pierces the hand, stick it three times into wood, in the name of the Trinity, to prevent festering or other evil consequences.


818. If you scratch yourself with a rusty nail, stick the nail immediately into hard wood, and it will prevent lockjaw.

_Salem, Ma.s.s._

819. A man who "stuck a nail in his foot" was told by a neighbor to pull it out, grease it, and hang it up in the "chimbly," otherwise he might have lockjaw.

_New Brunswick._

820. To cure nose-bleeding, write the person's name on the forehead.


821. For rheumatism, carry a horseshoe nail in the pocket.

_Central New York._

822. To get rid of rheumatism: "You go in de lot an' go up to fence. Den put you breas' on it and say, 'I lef you here, I lef you here,' tree times, den you go 'way and don't you never come back dere no more."

_French Canadian._

823. To cure fits, the first time the child or person has one, tear off the shirt of the patient and burn it up, and no more fits will return.

_Chestertown, Md. (negro)._

824. If you don't want the cramp in your foot, turn your shoes bottom up at night.

_Nashua, N.H._

825. To keep off nightmare, put your shoes at night with the toes pointing away from the bed.

_Central New York._

826. To ward off nightmare, sleep with shears under the pillow.

_Central New York._

827. Nightmare is caused by the nightmare man, a kind of evil spirit, struggling with one. It is prevented by placing a sharp knife under the pillow, and stuffing the keyhole with cotton.

_Windham, Me._

828. Sores can be cured by those who possess magical powers going through certain incantations, which are to be followed by applications of oatmeal and vinegar.


829. For a sty on the eye, take a small piece of paper, rub it on the sty, go across the road three times, and say each time,--

Sty, sty, go off my eye, Go on the first one that pa.s.ses by.

This is a sure cure in two or three days.

_Talladega, Ala._

830. To cure a sty repeat at a cross-roads,--

Sty, sty, leave my eye, And take the next one that pa.s.ses by.

_Ma.s.sachusetts, Indiana, and California._

831. Toothache may be cured by conjurers, who apply the finger to the aching tooth, while muttering a charm, or tie a number of knots in a fishing line.


832. Toothache may be cured by a written charm, sealed up and worn around the neck of the afflicted person. The following is a copy of the charm:--

I've seen it written a feller was sitten On a marvel stone, and our Lord came by, And He said to him, "What's the matter with thee, my man?"

And he said, "Got the toothache, Marster,"

And he said, "Follow me and thee shall have no more toothache."


833. For toothache take an eyelash, an eyebrow, tr.i.m.m.i.n.gs of the finger-nails, and toe-nails of the patient, bore a hole in a beech-tree, and put them in. The sufferer must not see the tree, and it must not be cut down or burned.

_Cape Breton._

834. Treat biliousness by boring three holes in a tree and walking three times around it, saying, "Go away, bilious."

_Eastern Sh.o.r.e of Maryland._

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Current Superstitions Part 30 summary

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