
Current Superstitions Part 12

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258. Twist a mullein-stalk nearly off after naming it. If it lives, he or she loves you; if not, not.

_Newton, Ma.s.s., and Tennessee._

259. After proceeding as above, count the number of new shoots that spring up (if any). The number shows how many children will result from the marriage.

_Greene Co., Mo._

260. Put a pea-pod with nine peas over the door. The first one who comes under it you will marry.

_New England._

261. Pluck three thistles in bloom, cut off the purple part and put the remainder of the flower in water over night, after naming. The one that blooms out over night you will marry.

_St. John, N.B., and Northern Ohio._

262. Sat.u.r.day night walk round a tall white yarrow three times, saying,--

Good evening, good evening, Mr. Yarrow.

I hope I see you well to-night, And trust I'll see you at meetin' to-morrow.

Then pluck the head, put it inside the dress, and sleep with it. The first person you meet with, to speak to, at church will be your husband.

_Deerfield, Ma.s.s._


263. Suspend a ring by a hair from the finger. Let it swing over a tumbler. The number of strokes against the side of the tumbler indicates the number of years of age of the future husband.

_Prince Edward Island._

264. Hang a gold ring over a gla.s.s of water, from a hair, saying the name of some man. If the ring strikes the side of the gla.s.s three times you will marry him.

_Willimantic, Conn._

265. Put three saucers on the table, and walk round it blindfolded three times, then put a finger in a saucer. One saucer contains a gold ring, one soapsuds, one is empty. Repeat twice (making nine in all). If one touches the ring, she will marry an unmarried man; if the suds, she will marry a widower; if the empty one, she will be an old maid. The one touched two out of three times is the fate.

_Central Maine._

266. If a piece of wedding-cake is pa.s.sed through a ring and put in the left stocking, then placed under the pillow and slept on three nights running, you will dream of your lover, or he or she will come to you.

_New England._


267. If you look at a bright star intently before retiring, you will dream of your sweetheart.


268. Count nine stars for nine successive nights. (If a rainy or cloudy night intervene, the charm is broken, and the project must be begun again.) The person you dream of on the ninth night will be your future partner in life.

_Prince Edward Island._

269. Count nine stars for nine consecutive nights, and the person you dream of the last night is your intended.

_Prince Edward Island and Alabama._

270. Count nine stars for nine nights in succession, and the first young gentleman with whom you shake hands is to be your future husband.

_Eastern Ma.s.sachusetts._

271. For three successive nights look out of the window and name three stars. Walk to bed backward and without speaking. The one you dream of two nights out of three will be your husband.

_Central Maine._

272. Have some one call a star which you have picked out, by the name of a young man. The next time you meet this man, if his face is toward you, he loves you; if his side, he likes you; if his back, he hates you.

_Province of Quebec and Bedford, Ma.s.s._


273. After drinking tea, turn the cup upside down, whirl it round three times, set it down in the saucer, whirl again, take it up, turn right side up, and look at the grounds. If all are settled in the bottom of the cup, you will be married right off. If they stay on the side, the number of grounds will be the number of years before marriage. The fine dust in the bottom means trouble, a wish, a letter, or a journey.

_Somewhat general in the United States._

274. Take a "beau" (a little stem) from the tea and put it in your shoe.

The first man you meet you will marry.

_St. John, N.B._

275. Sticks of tea in the teacup denote beaux. Name them, and bite them, and the hardest loves you best.



276. Go to walk and turn back. The first man you meet you'll marry.


277. If you walk the length of seven rails of a railroad track, the first man that speaks to you after you get off will be your future husband.

_Bedford, Ma.s.s._

278. Take a looking-gla.s.s and walk backwards to the wall, and you will see your future husband's picture.

_Nashua, N.H._

279. If you walk with a gentleman (for the first time), and have on new shoes and go over a bridge, you will marry him.

_Eastern Ma.s.sachusetts._

280. If a young woman walking into a strange place picks up three pebbles and puts them under her pillow, she will marry the young man she dreams of.

_Carbonear, N.F._

281. Run three times around the house, and on the third round a vision of your husband will rise before you.



282. Float two cambric needles on water and name them. If they float together, they'll marry. If they float apart, they won't marry.

_Pet.i.t Codiac, N.B._

283. Girls prepare basins of dirty and of clean water. If a blindfolded girl puts a stick, with which she reaches about, into the dirty water, she will marry a widower. If into clean water, she will marry a young man.


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Current Superstitions Part 12 summary

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