
Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe Part 7

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Considerations regarding the different intensity of light in stars, and their relative number, that is to say, their numerical frequency on telescopic fields of equal magnitude, have led to the a.s.sumption of unequal distances and distribution in s.p.a.ce in the strata which they compose. Such a.s.sumptions, in as far as they may lead us to draw the limits of the individual portions of the universe, can not offer the same degree of mathematical certainty as that which may be attained in all that p 88 relates to our solar system, whether we consider the rotation of double stars with unequal velocity round one common center of gravity, or the apparent or true movements of all the heavenly bodies. If we take up the physical description of the universe from the remotest nebulae, we may be inclined to compare it with the mythical portions of history. The one begins in the obscurity of antiquity, the other in that of inaccessible s.p.a.ce; and at the point where reality seems to flee before us, imagination becomes doubly incited to draw from its own fullness, and give definite outline and permanence to the changing forms of objects.

If we compare the regions of the universe with one of the island-studded seas of our own planet, we may imagine matter to be distributed in groups, either as unresolvable nebulae of different ages, condensed around one or more nuclei, or as already agglomerated into cl.u.s.ters of stars, or isolated spheroidal bodies. The cl.u.s.ter of stars, to which our cosmical island belongs, forms a lens-shaped, flattened stratum, detached on every side, whose major axis is estimated at seven or eight hundred, and its minor one at a hundred and fifty times the distance of Sirius. It would appear, on the supposition that the parallax of Sirius is not greater than that accurately determined for the brightest star in the Centaur (0".9128), that light traverses one distance of Sirius in three years, while it also follows, from Bessel's earlier excellent Memoir* on the parallax of the remarkable star 61 Cygni (0".3483), (whose considerable motion might lead to the inference of great proximity), that a period of nine years and a quarter is required for the transmission of light from this star to our planet.

[footnote] *See Maclear's "Results from 1839 to 1840," in the 'Trans. of the Astronomical Soc.', vol. xii., p. 370, on 'a' Centauri, the probable mean error being 0".0649. For 61 Cygni, see Bessel, in Schumacher's 'Jahrbuch', 1839, s. 47, and Schumacher's 'Astron. Nachr.', bd. xviii., s.

401, 402, probable mean error, 0".0141. With reference to the relative distances of stars of different magnitudes, how those of the third magnitude may probably be three times more remote, and the manner in which we represent to ourselves the material arrangement of the starry strata, I have found the following remarkable pa.s.sage in Kepler's 'Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae', 1618, t. i., lib. 1, p. 34-39: "Sol hic noster nil aliud est quam una ex fixis, n.o.bis major et clarior visa, quia propior quam fixa.

Pone terram stare ad latus, una semi-diametro via e lactea e, tunc ha ec via lactea apparebit circulus parvus, vel ellipsis parva, tota declinans ad latus alterum; eritque simul uno intuitu conspicua, quae nunc no potest nisi dimidia conspici quovis momento. Itaque fix arum spha era non tantum orbe stellarum, sed etiam circulo lactis versus not deorsum est terminata."

Our starry stratum is a disk of inconsiderable thickness, divided a p 89 third of its length into two branches; it is supposed that we are near this division, and nearer to the region of Sirius than to the constellation Aquila, almost in the middle of the stratum in the line of its thickness or minor axis.

This position of our solar system, and the form of the whole discoidal stratum, have been inferred from sidereal scales, that is to say, from that method of counting the stars to which I have already alluded, and which is based upon the equidistant subdivision of the telescopic field of view. The relative depth of the stratum in all directions is measured by the greater or smaller number of stars appearing in each division. These divisions give the length of the ray of vision in the same manner as we measure the depth to which the plummet has been thrown, before it reaches the bottom, although in the case of a starry stratum there can not, correctly speaking, be any idea of depth, but merely of outer limits. In the direction of the longer axis, where the stars lie behind one another, the more remote ones appear closely crowded together, united, as it were, by a milky-white radiance or luminous vapor, and are perspectively grouped, encircling as in a zone, the visible vault of heaven. This narrow and branched girdle, studded with a radiant light, and here and there interrupted by dark spots, deviates only by a few degrees from forming a perfect large circle round the concave sphere of heaven, owing to our being near the center of the large starry cl.u.s.ter, and almost on the plane of the Milky Way. If our planetary system were far 'outside' this cl.u.s.ter, the Milky Way would appear to telescopic vision as a ring, and at a still greater distance as a resolvable discoidal nebula.

Among the many self-luminous moving suns, erroneously called 'fixed stars', which const.i.tute our cosmical island, our own sun is the only one known by direct observation to be a 'central body' in its relations to spherical agglomerations of matter directly depending upon and revolving round it, either in the form of planets, comets, or aerolite asteroids. As far as we have hitherto been able to investigate 'multiple' stars (double stars or suns), these bodies are not subject, with respect to relative motion and illumination, to the same planetary dependence that characterizes our own solar system. Two or more self-luminous bodies, whose planets and moon, if such exist, have hitherto escaped our telescopic powers of vision, certainly revolve around one common center of gravity; but this is in a portion of s.p.a.ce which is probably occupied merely by unagglomerated matter or cosmical vapor, while in our system p 90 the center of gravity is often comprised within the innermost limits of a 'visible' central body. If, therefore, we regard the Sun and the Earth, or the Earth and the Moon, as double-stars, and the whole of our planetary solar system as a multiple cl.u.s.ter of stars, the a.n.a.logy thus suggested must be limited to the universality of the laws of attraction in different systems, being alike applicable to the independent processes of light and to the method of illumination.

For the generalization of cosmical views, corresponding with the plan we have proposed to follow in giving a delineation of nature or of the universe, the solar system to which the Earth belongs may be considered in a two-fold relation: first, with respect to the different cla.s.ses of individually agglomerated matter, and the relative size, conformation, density, and distance of the heavenly bodies of this system; and secondly, with reference to other portions of our starry cl.u.s.ter, and of the changes of position of its central body, the Sun.

The solar system, that is to say, the variously-formed matter circling round the Sun, consists, according to the present state of our knowledge of 'eleven primary planets',* eighteen satellites p 91 or secondary planets, and myriads of comets, three of which, known as the "planetary comets," do not pa.s.s beyond the narrow limits of the orbits described by the princ.i.p.al planets.

[footnote] * (Since the publication of Baron Humboldt's work in 1845, several other planets have been discovered, making the number of those belonging to our planetary system 'sixteen' instead of 'eleven'. Of these, Astrea, Hebe, Flora, and Iris are members of the remarkable group of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. Astrea and Hebe were discovered by Hencke at Driesen, the one in 1846 and the other in 1847; Flora and Iris were both discovered in 1847 by Mr. Hind, at the South Villa Observatory, Regent's Park. It would appear from the latest determinations of their elements, that the small planets have the following order with respect to mean distance from the Sun: Flora, Iris, Vesta, Hebe, Astrea, Juno, Ceres, Pallas. Of these, Flora has the shortest period (about 3 1/4 years). The planet Neptune, which, after having been predicted by several astronomers, was actually observed on the 25th of September, 1846, is situated on the confines of our planetary system beyond Ura.n.u.s. The discovery of this planet is not only highly interesting from the importance attached to it as a question of science, but also from the evidence it affords of the care and unremitting labor evinced by modern astronomers in the investigation and comparison of the older calculations, and the ingenious application of the results thus obtained to the observation of new facts. The merit of having paved the way for the discovery of the planet Neptune is due to M. Bouvard, who, in his persevering and a.s.siduous efforts to deduce the entire orbit of Ura.n.u.s from observations made during the forty years that succeeded the discovery of that planet in 1781, found the results yielded by theory to be at variance with fact, in a degree that had no parallel in the history of astronomy. This startling discrepancy, which seemed only to gain additional weight from every attempt made by M. Bouvard to correct his calculations, led Leverrier, after a careful modification of the tables of Bouvard, to establish the proposition that there was "a formal incompatibility between the observed motions of Ura.n.u.s and the hypothesis that he was acted on 'only' by the Sun and known planets, according to the law of universal gravitation." Pursuing this idea, Leverrier arrived at the conclusion that the disturbing cause must be a 'planet', and finally, after an amount of labor that seems perfectly overwhelming, he, on the 31st of August, 1846, laid before the French Inst.i.tute a paper, in which he indicated the exact spot in the heavens where this new planetary body would be found, giving the following data for its various elements: mean distance from the Sun, 36.154 times that of the Earth; period of revolution, 217.387 years; mean long., Jan. 1st, 1847, 318 degrees 47'; ma.s.s, 1/9300th; heliocentric long., Jan 1st1847, 326 degrees 32'. Essential difficulties still intervened, however, and as the remoteness of the planet rendered it improbable that its disk would be discernible by any telescopic instrument, no other means remained for detecting the suspected body but its planetary motion, which could only be ascertained by mapping, after every observation, the quarter of the heavens scanned, and by a comparison of the various maps. Fortunately for the verification of Leverrier's predictions, Dr. Bremiker had just completed a map of the precise region in which it was expected the new planet would apper, this being one of a series of maps made for the Academy of Berlin, of the small stars along the entire zodiac. By means of this valuable a.s.sistance, Dr. Galle, of the Berlin Observatory, was led, on the 25th of September, 1846, by the discovery of a star of the eighth magnitude, not recorded in Dr. Bremiker's map, to make the first observation of the planet predicted by Leverrier. By a singular coincidence, Mr. Adams, of Cambridge, had predicted the appearance of the planet simultaneously with M. Leverrier; but by the concurrence of several circ.u.mstances much to be regretted, the world at large were not made acquainted with Mr. Adams's valuable discovery until subsequently to the period at which Leverrier published his observations. As the data of Leverrier and Adams stand at present, there is a discrepancy between the predicted and the true distance, and in some other elements of the planet; it remains therefore, for these or future astronomers to reconcile theory with fact, or perhaps, as in the case of Ura.n.u.s, to make the new planet the means of leading to yet greater discoveries. It would appear from the most recent observations, that the ma.s.s of Neptune, instead of being, as at first stated, 1/9300th, is only about 1/23000th that of the Sun, while its periodic time is now given with a greater probability at 166 years, and its mean distance from the Sun nearly 30. The planet appears to have a ring, but as yet no accurate observations have been made regarding its system of satellites. See 'Trans. Astron.

Soc.', and 'The Planet Neptune', 1848, by J. P. Nicholl.) -- Tr.

We may, with no incondsiderable degree of probability, include within the domain of our Sun, in the immediate sphere of its central force, a rotating ring of vaporous matter, lying probably between the orbits of Venus and Mars, but certainly beyond that of the Earth,* which appears to us in p 92 a pyramidal form, and is known as the 'Zodiacal Light'; and a host of very small asteroids, whose orbits either intersect, or very nearly approach, that of our earth, and which present us with the phenomena of aerolites and falling or shooting stars.

[footnote] * "If there should be molecules in the zones diffused by the atmosphere of the Sun of too volatile a nature either to combine with one another or with the planets, we must suppose that they would, in circling round that luminary, present all the appearances of zodiacal light, without opposing any appreciable resistance to the different bodies composing the planetary system, either owing to their extreme rarity, or to the similarity existing between their motion and that of the planets with which they come in contact." -- Laplace, 'Expos. du Syst. du Monde' (ed. 5), p. 415.

When we consider the complication of variously-formed bodies which revolve round the Sun in orbits of such dissimilar eccentricity--although we may not be disposed, with the immortal author of the 'Mecanique Celeste', to regard the largr number of comets as nebulous stars, pa.s.sing from one central system to another,* we yet can not fail to acknowledge that the planetary system, especially so called (that is, the group of heavenly bodies which, together with their satellites, revolve with but slightly eccentric orbits round the Sun), const.i.tutes but a small portion of the whole system with respect to individual numbers, if not to ma.s.s.

[footnote] *Laplace, 'Exp. du Syst. du Monde', p. 396, 414.

It has been proposed to consider the telescopic planets, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas, with their more closely intersecting, inclined, and eccentric orbits, as a zone of separation, or as a middle group in s.p.a.ce; and if this view be adopted, we shall discover that the interior planetary group (consisting of Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars) presents several very striking contrasts* when compared with the exterior group, comprising Jupiter, Saturn, and Ura.n.u.s.

[footnote] *Littrow, 'Astronomie', 1825, bd.xi., 107. M?dler, 'Astron.', 1841, 212. Laplace, 'Exp. du Syst. du Monde', p. 210.

The planets nearest the Sun, and consequently included in the inner group, are of more moderate size, denser, rotate more slowly and with nearly equal velocity (their periods of revolution being almost all about 24 hours), are less compressed at the poles, and with the exception of one, are without satellites. The exterior planets, which are further removed from the Sun, are very considerably larger, have a density five times less, more than twice as great a velocity in the period of their rotation round their axes, are more compressed at the poles, and if six satellites may be ascribed to Ura.n.u.s, have a quant.i.tative preponderance in the number of their attendant moons, which is as seventeen to one.

p 93 Such general considerations regarding certain characteristic properties appertaining to whole groups, can not, however, be applied with equal justice to the individual planets of every group, nor to the relations between the distances of the revolving planets from the central body, and their absolute size, density, period or rotation, eccentricity, and the inclination of their orbits and the axes. We know as yet of no inherent necessity, no mechanical natural law, similar to the one which teaches us that the squares of the periodic times are proportional to the cubes of the major axes, by which the above-named six elements of the planetary bodies and the form of their orbit are made dependent either on one another, or on their mean distance from the Sun. Mars is smaller than the Earth and Venus, although further removed from the Sun than these last-named planets, approaching most nearly in size to Mercury, the nearest planet to the Sun.

Saturn is smaller than Jupiter, and yet much larger than Ura.n.u.s. The zone of the telescopic planets, which have so inconsiderable a volume, immediately procede Jupiter (the greatest in size of any of the planetary bodies), if we consider them with regard to distance from the Sun; and yet the disks of these small asteroids, which scarcely admit of measurement, have an areal surface not much more than half that of France, Madagascar, or Borneo. However striking may be the extremely small density of all the colossal planets, which are furthest removed from the Sun, we are yet unable in this respect to recognize any regular succession.*

[footnote] *See Kepler, on the increasing density and volume of the planets in proportion with their increase of distance from the Sun, which is described as the densest of all the heavenly bodies; in the 'Epitome Astran.

Copern. in' vii. 'libros digesta', 1618-1622, p. 420. Leibnitz also inclined to the opinions of Kepler and Otto von Guericke, that the planets increase in volume in proportion to their increase of distance from the Sun.

See his letter to the Magdeburg Burgomaster (Mayence, 1671), in Leibnitz, 'Deutschen Schriften, herausg. von Guhrauer', th. i., 264.

Ura.n.u.s appears to be denser than Saturn, even if we adopt the smaller ma.s.s, 1/24605, a.s.sumed by Lamont; and, notwithstanding the inconsiderable difference of density observed in the innermost planetary group,* we find both Venus and Mars less dense than the Earth, which lies between them.

[footnote] *On the arrangement of ma.s.ses, see Encke, in Schum., 'Astr.

Nachr', 1843 Nr. 488, 114.

The time of rotation certainly diminishes with increasing solar distance, but yet it is greater in Mars than in the Earth, and in Saturn than in Jupiter. The elliptic p 94 orbits of Juno, Pallas, and Mercury have the greatest degree of eccentricity, and Mars and Venus, which immediately follow each other, have the least. Mercury and Venus exhibit the same contrasts that may be observed in the four smaller planets, or asteroids, whose paths are so closely interwoven.

The eccentriciities of Juno and Pallas are very nearly identical, and reach three times as great as those of Ceres and Vesta. The same may be said of the inclination of the orbits of the planets toward the plane of projection of the ecliptic, or in the position of their axes of rotation with relation to their orbits, a position on which the relations of climate, seasons of the year, and length of the days depend more than on eccentricity. Those planets that have the most elongated elliptic orbits, as Juno, Pallas, and Mercury, have also, although not to the same degree their orbits most strongly inclined toward the ecliptic. Pallas has a comet-like inclination nearly twenty-six times greater than that of Jupiter, while in the little planet Vesta, which is so near Pallas, the angle of inclination scarcely by six times exceeds that of Jupiter. An equally irregular succession is observed in the position of the axes of the few planets (four or five) whose planes of rotation we know with any degree of certainty. It would appear from the position of the satellites of Ura.n.u.s, two of which, the second and fourth, have been recently observed with certainty, that the axis of this, the outermost of all the planets is scarcely inclined as much as 11 degrees toward the plane of its...o...b..t, while Saturn is placed between this planet, whose axis almost coincides with the plane of its...o...b..t, and Jupiter, whose axis of rotation is nearly perpendicular to it.

In this enumeration of the forms which compose the world in s.p.a.ce, we have delineated them as possessing an actual existence, and not as objects of intellectual contemplation, or as mere links of a mental and causal chain of connection. The planetary system, in its relations of absolute size and relative position of the axes, density, time of rotation, and different degrees of eccentricity of the orbits, does not appear to offer to our apprehension any stronger evidence of a natural necessity than the proportion observed in the distribution of land and water on the Earth, the configuration of continents, or the height of mountain chains. In these respects we can discover no common law in the regions of s.p.a.ce or in the inequalities of the earth's crust. They are 'facts' in nature that have arisen from the conflict of manifold forces acting under unknown p 95 conditions, although man considers as 'accidental' whatever he is unable to explain in the planetary formation on purely genetic principles. If the planets have been formed out of separate rings of vaporous matter revolving round the Sun, we may conjecture that the different thickness, unequal density, temperature, and electro-magnetic tension of these rings may have given occasion to the most various agglomerations of matter, in the same manner as the amount of tangential velocity and small variations in its direction have produced so great a differencein the forms and inclinations of the elliptic orbits. Attractions of ma.s.s and laws of gravitation have no doubt exercised an influence here, no less than in the geognostic relations of the elevations of continents; but we are unable from the present forms to draw any conclusions regarding the series of conditions through which they have pa.s.sed. Even the so-called law of the distances of the planets from the Sun, the law of progression (which led Kepler to conjecture the existence of a planet supplying the link that was wanting in the chain of connection between Mars and Jupiter), has been found numerically inexact for the distances between Mercury, Venus, and the Earth, and a variance with the conception of a series, owing to the necessity for a supposition in the case of the first member.

The hitherto disscovered princ.i.p.al planets that revolve round our Sun are attended certainly by fourteen, and probably by eighteen secondary planets (moons or satellites). The princ.i.p.al planets are, therefore, themselves the central bodies of subordinate systems. We seem to recognize in the fabric of the universe the same process of arrangement so frequently exhibited in the development of organic life, where we find in the manifold combinations of groups of plants or animals the same typical form repeated in the 'subordinate cla.s.ses'. The secondary planets or satellites are more frequent in the external region of the planetary system, lying beyond the intersecting orbits of the smaller planets or asteroids; in the inner region none of the planets are attended by satellites, with the exception of the Earth, whose moon is relatively of great magnitude, since its diameter is equal to a fourth of that of the Earth, while the diameter of the largest of all known secondary planets -- the sixth satellite of Saturn -- is probably about one seventeenth, and the largest of Jupiter's moons, the third, only about one twenty-sixth part that of the primary planet or central body. The planets which are attended by the largest number of satellites are most remote from the Sun, p 96 and are at the same time the largest, most compressed at the poles, and the least dense. According to the most recent measurements of M?dler, Ura.n.u.s has a greater planetary compression than any other of the planets, viz., 1/9.92d. In our Earth and her moon, whose mean distance from one another amounts to 207,200 miles, we find that the differences of ma.s.s* and diameter between the two are much less considerable than are usually observed to exist between the princ.i.p.al planets and their attendant satellites, or between bodies of different orders in the solar system.

[footnote] *If, according to Burckhardt's determination, the Moon's radius be 0.2725 and its volume 1/49.00th, its density will be 0.5596, or nearly five ninths. Compare, also, Wilh. Beer and H. Madler, 'der Mond', 2, 10, and Madler, 'Ast.', 157. The material contents of the Moon are, according to Hansen, nearly 1/34th (and ?dler 1/40.6th) that of the Earth, and its ma.s.s equal to 1/87.73d that of the Earth. In the largest of Jupiter's moons, the third, the relations of volume to the central body are 1/15370th, and of ma.s.s 1/11300th. On the polar flattening of Ura.n.u.s, see Schum, 'Astron. Nachr.', 1844, No. 493.

While the density of the Moon is five ninths less than that of the Earth, it would appear, if we may sufficiently depend upon the determinations of their magnitudes and ma.s.ses, that the second of Jupiter's moons is actually denser than that great planet itself. Among the fourteen satellites that have been investigated with any degree of certainty, the system of the seven satellites of Saturn presents an instance of the greatest possible contrast, both in absolute magnitude and in distance from the central body. The sixth of these satellites is probably not much smaller than Mars, while our moon has a diameter which does not amount to more than half that of the latter planet. With respect to volume, the two outer, the sixth and seventh of Saturn's satellites, approach the nearest to the third and brightest of Jupiter's moons. The two innermost of these satellites belong perhaps, together with the remote moons of Ura.n.u.s to the smallest cosmical bodies of our solar system, being only made visible under favorable circ.u.mstances by the most powerful instruments. They were first discovered by the forty-foot telescope of William Herschel in 1789, and were seen again by John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope, by Vico at Rome, and by Lamont at Munich.

Determinations of the 'true' diameter of satellites, made by the measurement of the apparent size of their small disks, are subjected to many optical difficulties; but numerical astronomy, whose task it is to predetermine by calculation the motions of the heavenly bodies as they will appear when viewed from the Earth, is directed almost p 97 exclusively to motion and ma.s.s, and but little to volume. The absolute distance of a satellite from its central body is greatest in the case of the outermost or seventh satellite of Saturn, its distance from the body round which it revolves amounting to more than two millions of miles, or ten times as great a distance as that of our moon from the Earth. In the case of Jupiter we find that the outermost or fourth attendant moon is only 1,040,000 miles from that planet, while the distance between Ura.n.u.s and its sixth satellite (if the latter really exist) amounts to as much as 1,360,000 miles. If we compare, in each of these subordinate systems, the volume of the satellite, we discover the existence of entirely new numerical relations. The distances of the outermost satellites of Ura.n.u.s, Saturn, and Jupiter are when expressed in semi-diameters of the main planets, as 91, 64, and 27. The outermost satellite of Saturn appears, therefore, to be removed only about one fifteenth further from the center of that planet than our moon is from the Earth. The first or innermost of Saturn's satellites is nearer to its central body than any other of the secondary planets, and presents, moreover, the only instance of a period of revolution of less than twenty-four hours. Its distance from the center of Saturn may, according to M?dler and Wilhelm Beer, be expressed as 2.47 semi-diameters of that planet, or as 80,088 miles. Its distance from the surface of the main planet is therefore 47,480 miles, and from the outer-most edge of the ring only 4916 miles. The traveler may form to himself an estimate of the smallness of this amount by remembering the statement of an enterprising navigator, Captain Beechey, that he had in three years pa.s.sed over 72,800 miles. If, instead of absolute distances, we take the semi-diameters of the princ.i.p.al planets, we shall find that even the first or nearest of the moons of Jupiter (which is 26,000 miles further removed from the center of that planet than our moon is from that of the Earth) is only six semi-diameters of Jupiter from its center, while our moon is removed from us fully 60 1/3d semi-diameters of the Earth.

In the subordinate systems of satellites, we find that the same laws of gravitation which regulate the revolutions of the princ.i.p.al planets round the Sun likewise govern the mutual relations existing between these planets among one another and with reference to their attendant satellites. The twelve moons of Saturn, Jupiter, and the Earth all most like the primary planets from west to east, and in elliptic orbits, deviating p 98 but little from circles. It is only in the case of one moon, and perhaps in that of the first and innermost of the satellites of Saturn (0.068), that we discover an eccentricity greater than that of Jupiter; according to the very exact observations of Bessel, the eccentricity of the sixth of Saturn's satellites (0.029) exceeds that of the Earth. On the extremest limits of the planetary system, where, at a distance nineteen times greater than that of our Earth, the centripetal force of the Sun is greatly diminished, the satellites of Ura.n.u.s (which most striking contrasts from the facts observed with regard to other secondary planets. Instead, as in all other satellites, of having their orbits but slightly inclined toward the ecliptic and (not excepting even Saturn's ring, which may be regarded as a fusion of agglomerated satellites) moving from west to east, the satellites of Ura.n.u.s are almost perpendicular to the ecliptic, and move retrogressively from east to west, as Sir John Herschel has proved by observations continued during many years. If the primary and secondary planets have been formed by the condensation of rotating rings of solar and planetary atmospheric vapor, there must have existed singular causes of r.e.t.a.r.dation or impediment in the vaporous rings revolving round Ura.n.u.s, by which, under the relations with which we are unacquainted, the revolution of the second and fourth of its satellites was made to a.s.sume a direction opposite to that of the rotation of the central planet.

It seems highly probable that the period of rotation of 'all' secondary planets is equal to that of their revolution round the main planet, and therefore that they always present to the latter the same side.

Inequalities, occasioned by sight variations in the revolution, give rise to fluctuations of from 6 degrees to 8 degrees, or to an apparent libration in longitude as well as in lat.i.tude. Thus, in the case of our moon, we sometimes observe more than the half of its surface, the eastern and northern edges being more visible at one time, and the western or southern at another. By means of this libration* we are enabled to see the annular mountain Malapert (which occasionally conceals the Moon's south pole), the arctic landscape round the crater of Gioja, and the large gray plane near Endymion which exceeds in superficial extent the 'Mare Vaporum'.

[footnote] *Beer and Madler, op. cit., 185, s.208, and 347, s. 332; and ix their 'Phys. Kenntniss der himml. Korper', s. 4 und 69, Tab. 1 (Physical History of the Heavenly Bodies).

Three sevenths of the Moon's surface are entirely p 99 concealed from our observation, and must always remain so, unless new and unexpected disturbing causes come into play. These cosmical relations involuntarily remind us of nearly similar conditions in the intellectual world, where, in the domain of deep research into the mysteries and the primeval creative forces of nature, there are regions similarly turned away from us, and apparently unattainable, of which only a narrow margin has revealed itself, for thousands of years, to the human mind, appearing, from time to time, either glimmering in true or delusive light. We have hitherto considered the primary planets, their satellites, and the concentric rings which belong to one, at least, of the outermost planets, as products of tangential force, and as closely connected together by mutual attraction; it therefore now only remains for us to speak of the unnumbered host of 'comets' which const.i.tute a portion of the cosmical bodies revolving in independent orbits round the Sun. If we a.s.sume an equable distribution of their orbits, and the limits of their perihelia, or greatest proximities to the Sun, and the possibility of their remaining invisible to the inhabitants of the Earth, and base our estimates on the rules of the calculus of probabilities, we shall obtain as the result an amount of myriads perfectly astonishing. Kepler, with his usual animation of expression, said that there were more comets in the regions of s.p.a.ce than fishes in the depths of the ocean. As yet, however, there are scarcely one hundred and fifty whose paths have been calculated, if we may a.s.sume at six or seven hundred the number of comets whose appearance and pa.s.sage through known constellations have been ascertained by more or less precise observations. While the so-called cla.s.sical nations of the West, the Greeks and Romans, although they may occasionally have indicated the position in which a comet first appeared, never afford any information regarding its apparent path, the copious literature of the Chinese (who observed nature carefully, and recorded with accuracy what they saw) contains circ.u.mstantial notices of the constellations through which each comet was observed to pa.s.s. These notices go back to more than five hundred years before the Christian era, and many of them are still found to be of value in astronomical observations.*

[footnote] *The first comets of whose orbits we have any knowledge, and which were calculated from Chinese observations, are those of 240 (under Gordian II.), 539 (under Justinian), 565, 568, 574, 837, 1337, and 1385.

See John Russell Hind, in Schum., 'Astron. Nachr.', 1843, No. 498. While the comet of 837 (which, according to Du Sejour, continued during twenty-four hours within a distance of 2,000,000 miles from the Earth) terrified Louis I. of France to that degree that he busied himself in building churches and founding monastic establishments, in the hope of appeasing the evils threatened by its appearance, the Chinese astronomers made observations on the path of this cosmical body, whose tail extended over a s.p.a.ce of 60 degrees, appearing sometimes single and sometimes multiple. The first comet that has been calculated solely from European observations was that of 1456, known as Halley's comet, from the belief long, but erroneously, entertained that the period when it was first observed by that astronomer was its first and only well-attested appearance.

See Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1836, p. 204, and Langier, 'Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Acad.', 1843, t. xvi., 1006.

p 100 Although comets have a smaller ma.s.s than any other cosmical bodies -- being, according to our present knowledge, probably not equal to 1/5000th part of the Earth's ma.s.s -- yet they occupy the largest s.p.a.ce, as their tails in several instances extend over many millions of miles. The cone of luminous vapor which radiates from them has been found, in some cases (as in 1680 and 1811), to equal the length of the Earth's distance from the Sun, forming a line that intersects both the orbits of Venus and Mercury. It is even probable that the vapor of the tails of comets mingled with our atmosphere in the years 1819 and 1823.

Comets exhibit such diversities of form, which appear rather to appertain to the individual than the cla.s.s, that a description of one of these "wandering light-clouds," as they were already called by Xenophanes and Theon of Alexandria, contemporaries of Pappus, can only be applied with caution to another. The faintest telescopic comets are generally devoid of visible tails, and resemble Herschel's nebulous stars. They appear like circular nebulae of faintly-glimmering vapor, with the light concentrted toward the middle. This is the most simple type; but it can not, however, be regarded as rudimentary, since it might equally be the type of an older cosmical body, exhausted by exhalation. In the larger comets we may distinguish both the so-called "head" or "nucleus," and the single or multiple tail, which is characteristically denominated by the Chinese astronomers "the brush"

('sui'). The nucleus generally presents no definite outline, although, in a few rare cases, it appears like a star of the first or second magnitude, and has even been seen in bright sunshine;* as, p 101 for instance, in the large comets of 1402, 1532, 1577, 1744, and 1843.

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