
Celta: Heart Choice Part 11

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Mitch.e.l.la steadied her breathing. The evening had been one surprise after another. The most astonishing of all was how emotionally involved she was already with Straif Blackthorn. As she watched him absorb blow after blow, she reacted herself, with tenderness, determination, ready to fight his battles with him. She'd never in her life thought of fighting anyone's battles but Antenn's and her own. Perhaps it was living with Antenn that made her more vulnerable to Straif. Just as with Antenn, there was something a little lost under outward toughness.

She shouldn't take on his fights. She was a Commoner, with average Flair. In every way, he'd outcla.s.s her, win any contest. Still, the image of him wielding a broom at a huge cobweb or two that she'd spotted in T'Blackthorn Residence was apt, and if the battlefield was renovating T'Blackthorn Residence, she was the expert and he the novice. She didn't know how much gilt he might have personally, probably what she considered a fortune. With that she could certainly rehabilitate the house. Even with a tiny budget, she could convince suppliers to donate furniture, especially the Clovers. She could wheedle loans, call in favors. But the man belonged to the highest circles of Celtan society, so he'd have powerful alliances of his own. She was sure that there were vast storerooms of out-of-fashion furnishings in T'Blackthorn Residence. She'd bet her salary that most of what she needed to make the Residence a showplace was available there.

While she mulled over the new circ.u.mstances, T'Holly rose and bowed to T'Ash and Straif, kissed Danith's fingers and crossed to Mitch.e.l.la. He studied Straif's grip on her hand with a slight smile, then bowed deeply, as if she was a n.o.ble Lady. He waved a hand at the chamber. "You have shown excellent style and understanding of your clients, here. I am sure you will be equally successful in redesigning T'Blackthorn Residence. With your help, Straif will keep his t.i.tle, estate, and fortune."

Mitch.e.l.la's stomach plummeted as she realized that the outcome of this high-stakes maneuvering could very well rest on her shoulders-or depend on her taste.

Straif kept hold of her fingers and cradled them in both of his hands. "I have no doubt that between the two of us-"

Drina yowled. He glanced at the small cat on his lap.

"-between the three of us, T'Blackthorn Residence will amaze the Councils with its beauty."

"Of course," Danith said.

Before Mitch.e.l.la could find words to answer all these expectations, T'Holly had left, escorted by T'Ash. She consulted an antique timer on the wall and smiled brightly. "I must go." It was earlier than she usually left, but she began to feel trapped in a net of n.o.ble schemes. If so much depended upon her, she wanted to return to work immediately.

She jerked her hand from Straif's and stood. Drina increased the level of her purr, and Mitch.e.l.la understood the FamCat preferred Straif's attention focused on her. Once again she hoped that their tastes would not clash. She glanced at Straif and found him watching her. They, and the Residence, must learn to work together, though she was sure each of them was used to working alone. Each of them had definite ideas. Wonderful. This project was becoming more difficult by the moment.

"I must go. There's much to do, and I have a feeling that we have little time." She glanced at Danith. "Do you have any idea how long AllCla.s.s Council will give us to repair the property?"

Danith shook her head.

Hands on hips, Mitch.e.l.la stared at Straif. "Do you?"

"No," he said. "I don't. Perhaps a season, probably not longer. Since spring equinox is upcoming, I'd say we should plan on a large open-house or party on summer solstice."

A wave of horror washed over her. "So soon?"

He raised his brows. "Plenty of time."

That's what he thought. She turned on her heel and marched to the door, but he was there ahead of her, holding it open for her and Danith, who had followed.

Danith glanced from Straif to Mitch.e.l.la, looking anxious.

Mitch.e.l.la sailed through the door and down the corridor to the great hall and front door, aware of Danith and Straif following. The butler and T'Ash were in the entryway. When the butler saw her, he opened a concealed closet door and withdrew her wrap.

T'Ash took her cloak and dismissed the butler. Thrusting her cape at her, T'Ash scowled at Straif. "You're sure about this GreatRitual on new twinmoons? It's in three days."

"We can do it," Straif said. Mitch.e.l.la nearly s.n.a.t.c.hed her wrap from T'Ash's grip. The sooner she was out of n.o.ble Country, the better. She'd have time to consider the new circ.u.mstances regarding the project, and plan.

But Straif took the cloak from her and settled it around her, resting his hands on her shoulders. They were warm and strong and strangely comforting. He should be the nervous one, but apparently he'd already accepted the startling situation.

Straif narrowed his eyes. "I must choose who I invite carefully." He bowed to T'Ash. "Thank you for saying we are allied."

T'Ash stuck out his hand. Straif stepped from behind Mitch.e.l.la to grasp arms with T'Ash. "I affirm a formal alliance with T'Ash," Straif said.

"I affirm a formal alliance with T'Blackthorn," T'Ash said, squeezed Straif's arm, then dropped it.

"Good," said Danith. "A person can never have too many friends. We'll be at your Ritual. We'll bring some Fams, too, those whom I'm training and have good Flair."

Drina sniffed, making it echo throughout the great hall.

Straif's lips twitched. "A good idea, D'Ash." A considering look came to his eyes. "I trust the Ashes, and any Fams. But as for human partic.i.p.ants in the Ritual-"

"Invite Holm and Lark," T'Ash said.

Straif's startled look matched her own spurt of surprise.

"Do you think that's wise?" he asked.

T'Ash said, "It's been eight months since T'Holly and D'Holly have seen their son. Their broken vows of honor wear on them. Time to start the resolution of this whole mess. No better place than the neutral ground of T'Blackthorn estate. No better occasion than a GreatRitual where natural bonds can mend. All the other Hollys will welcome Holm and Lark, will make it easier on everyone."

Mitch.e.l.la stared at T'Ash. She hadn't thought the man had such sensitivity. Danith went to her husband, stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips. "A very good idea, HeartMate."

T'Ash flushed. Danith slipped an arm around his waist, tilted her head at Straif, then a distant, inward look came to her eyes. "Ask Captain'sLady Ailim SilverFir Elder, too. She's heavy with child, due to birth soon, and such energy will help your Ritual. You can ask her to officiate as the Lady to your Lord."

Straif caught Mitch.e.l.la's hand and lifted it to his lips. "Mitch.e.l.la will be the Lady of that Ritual."

Again Mitch.e.l.la jerked her hand free. "Absolutely not. I will never act as Lady in a GreatRitual. I have not the Flair."

Scowling, Straif said, "You're the woman who is and will be responsible for restoring the Residence, thus you are integral to the Ritual."

Mitch.e.l.la took two strides away from him, toward the door, hugging her cloak close. "No. I will not. You have a HeartMate, I won't ever act as your Lady in a capacity that should belong to her."

"Ask Ailim Elder," T'Ash said. "Since her husband nullifies Flair and can't partic.i.p.ate, she will be a single woman in the Ritual. Best to invite pairs, or ensure there is an equal balance of male and female."

"I agree that I should take part in the Ritual," Mitch.e.l.la said coolly, "but I can pair with G'Uncle Tab Holly. He's the only Holly I know well." She smiled as she thought of the old man, owner of a fencing salon.

"How do you know him?" demanded Straif.

"He has many treasures from his seafaring days and wanted advice on what to display and still keep his rooms comfortable," Mitch.e.l.la said. "I've worked with him. He's charming."

"I'll consider it," Straif snapped. "Yes, I'll have to think on who to invite." His smile was grim. "I might offer alliances." His expression sharpened.

Mitch.e.l.la took three more steps toward the door. His Flair throbbed from him, nearly visible. She was seeing a powerful GrandLord calculate strategy.

"Right," he continued, more to himself than to her. "If I'm in the debt of several, they might be more inclined to keep me as GrandLord instead of the new claimant. More advantage to them."

The thought of being in debt to the most powerful cadre on Celta made Mitch.e.l.la's stomach twist. She laid her hand on the door latch. The evening had been exhausting. She remembered Straif's words when they first met and shook her head at the irony. Restoring a GreatHouse, making it a showplace, with gilt no object. She always knew such a job was too good to be true.

"Merry meet," she began her good-byes.

"And merry part," Danith and T'Ash replied in unison. Straif's brows lowered. Drina made a happy sound.

"And merry meet again," Mitch.e.l.la said.

"I'll escort you home," Straif said.

"No. It's after working hours, GrandLord. Please allow me the choice of my own company." She smiled not too sweetly.

Danith frowned and T'Ash growled, "T'Blackthorn." There was no future for a FirstFamily GrandLord who needed to reestablish his Family bloodline and a sterile woman. Mitch.e.l.la was surprised T'Ash was concerned for her, but he'd do anything to spare Danith worry, especially now she was pregnant, including protecting her friend. Mitch.e.l.la dipped her head in thanks, and his gaze softened. Perhaps they'd come to a common understanding after all. They both loved Danith.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, then, at Work bell," Straif said, looking thwarted.

"Yes," Mitch.e.l.la said. She'd just opened the door when a mental shriek and stabbing pain flung her against the wall.



Fire! The word, the image of flame and smoke, panic, burst into Mitch.e.l.la's head and sent her reeling back into the wall.

"Fire!" she cried, echoing Trif's mental shriek. "My home. Antenn, Trif!"

Straif was there, his hands gripping her shoulders. "Visualize so we can 'port."

Danith wrapped her arms around Mitch.e.l.la as she swayed, a telepathic link snapped between them. Danith grasped Straif's wrist and sent images of Mitch.e.l.la's rented house and street.

T'Ash connected with them through Danith, grim. Fire, he whispered mentally. Before Mitch.e.l.la could stave off his memories, she saw his Residence burn. She screamed again.

"I've got the coordinates. We go on the count of three," Straif said. "One. Two. Three."

An instant later the cold rush of spring night air wrapped around them as they materialized outside Mitch.e.l.la's home. It burned, flames flickering behind shattered windows, reaching upward from the second story to the roof. Neighbors crowded the street. Smoke rasped her eyes and throat.

"Mitch.e.l.la, we've scryed the AirMages!" A neighbor shouted, mixed horror and excitement in her voice.

T'Ash and Danith stepped away from Mitch.e.l.la and Straif.

"Antenn, my Antenn, Trif!" she screamed, flinging herself forward. Straif's steely grip held her back.

"I can't lose them!" She struggled with all her might, but he held her fast.

"I'll 'port inside. Mitch.e.l.la, think, give me coordinates," Straif panted.

Her mind gibbered so she concentrated on the strength in his fingers.

"Where would they be, Mitch.e.l.la?" asked Danith.

"Can you link with your cuz Trif?" demanded T'Ash. "I Tested her. She has more than ordinary Flair."

Mitch.e.l.la reached with all her senses. Inhaled smoke and coughed. "Mains.p.a.ce. Far left corner. Trif around Antenn around Pinky." She knew that room intimately, had tinted every wall, refinished the floor and baseboards, furnished it. Knew the exact dimensions. She visualized a holo of the chamber with a measurement grid. Sent the image to Straif.

He jerked a nod. "T'Ash?" snapped Straif, holding out his hand.

T'Ash settled into himself. "Right." He grasped Straif's hand. "On three. One. Two. Three."

They were gone.

Mitch.e.l.la cried out and lunged after them, but Danith held her back with slim fingers on her arm and a twist of heavy Flair. "Let the men get them. They're FirstFamily Lords, with great Flair. We can't match them in that. We'll handle the cleanup."

There would be no cleanup. Not of the house. It couldn't be saved. Mitch.e.l.la prayed the child of her heart and cuz were safe. Tears welled and leaked from her eyes. Her breath came in ragged sobs of fear. Though the fire raged, the only warmth Mitch.e.l.la felt was Danith's fingers.

"The men have them!" Danith's face shone with triumph. "They're all 'porting to Primary Healing Hall. Let's go. I must care for Pinky. Does anyone in this neighborhood have a glider?"

Mitch.e.l.la stared. Her throat had closed with terror, and she tried twice before she could speak. "We're not so affluent."

At that moment the AirMages showed up, six of them, each partnered with a Persun who stored Flair. They ran to surround the house. With trained efficiency as they raised their arms, a net of white light wove between them, multiplying from six strands to a full shining cloth of energy.

"I've scanned inside, no one's there," the SecondLevel AirMage in charge said. She stood close to Mitch.e.l.la and Danith. The AirMage's Persun, a huge man, circled her waist to link with her. Unable to look away, Mitch.e.l.la watched her belongings burn.

"Let's bring it down and smother the fire!" the AirMage said.

Slowly, steadily, the energy-cloth descended through the house. The Persun sucked in a loud breath as the energy from the fire being snuffed pulsed through the AirMage to be stored by him and later released constructively, to Heal or mend buildings or farm. His skin glowed.

Finally, the fire was out and the AirMages carefully equalized the air pressure of the vacuum inside the house with the atmosphere outside.

Even so, the house collapsed upon itself.

Mitch.e.l.la bit her lip and swallowed hard. "I always knew the house was poorly made, but it didn't matter."

Danith hugged her. "It had charm."

"Charm is not always the best priority in purchasing a house," the AirMage said, pulling out a note flexistrip. She stated the time of the "incident" and aimed the device at Mitch.e.l.la. "I take it you are the owner of the property."

The AirMage's tough tone stiffened Mitch.e.l.la's backbone. "I'm the renter. The owner is GraceLord Jalap, and the insurance company is Saffron and Hops."

The AirMage said, "You weren't in the house? Do you have any idea how the fire might have started? It burned too rapidly."

At that moment a glider-for-hire swept down the street, Aunt Pratty hanging out the window and screaming, "Mitch.e.l.la, where's my Trif?"

In a trembling voice, Mitch.e.l.la addressed the AirMage. "I was at dinner with friends. I don't know how the fire started. My ward and my cuz were in the house. They're at Primary Healing Hall now. That's my aunt, I must speak with her." Mitch.e.l.la ran over to join Danith who was trying to calm Aunt Pratty, who'd exited the glider and leaned against it.

"T'Ash told me that Trif and Antenn have already been seen by the Healers and can be discharged." Danith hugged the tear-streaked woman, stroked her hair.

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Celta: Heart Choice Part 11 summary

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