
Camping For Boys Part 36

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[Ill.u.s.tration: Home Made Toboggan.]

Handy Funnel

[Ill.u.s.tration: A Handy Funnel]

A funnel may be made by taking an ordinary envelope and cutting off the part shown in dotted lines as in the ill.u.s.tration. Then clip a little off the point, open out, and you have an excellent funnel.

Onion Ink

Dip a pen in an onion and press until the juice comes; then, with plenty of juice on the pen, write your message. To read it warm it over the fire, when the writing will stand out clearly.



Field and Forest Handy Book--D. C. Beard. Charles Scribner's Sons, $2.00.

Jack of All Trades--D. C. Beard. Charles Scribner's Sons, $2.00.

The Boy Pioneers--D. C. Beard. Charles Scribner's Sons, $2.00 net.

The Boy Craftsman--A. Neely Hall. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., $2.00.

Woodworking for Beginners--C. G. Wheeler. Putnam and Company, $2.50.

Amateur Mechanics, Nos. 1 and 2. Popular Mechanics. 25 cents each. How to Build a Biplane Glider--A. P. Morgan. Spon & Chamberlain, 50 cents net.

Problems in Furniture Making--Fred D. Crawshaw. Manual Arts Press, $1.20.

Box Furniture--Louise Brigham. Century Co., $1.60 net.

The Boys' Book of Model Aeroplanes--Francis A. Collins. Century Co., $1.20 net. Postage extra.





Honour is purchased by the deeds we do; * * * honour is not won, Until some honourable deed be done.


[Ill.u.s.tration: Camp Dudley Arard]

Non-Compet.i.tive Awards

Achievement and cooperation based upon altruism, should be the underlying principles in determining the giving of emblems and awards. To give every boy an opportunity to do his best to measure up to the camp standard, is the thing desired in the awarding of emblems. Non-compet.i.tive tests are being recognized as the best lever of uplift and the most effective spur in arousing the latent ability of boys. The desire to down the other fellow is the reason for much of the prevailing demoralization of athletics and compet.i.tive games. Prizes should not be confused with "honors." An honor emblem should be representative of the best gift the camp can bestow and the recipient should be made to feel its worth. The emblem cannot be bought, it must be won.

Dudley Plan

Camp Dudley has the distinction of introducing the honor system in boys'

camps. Boys pa.s.s tests which include rowing, swimming, athletics, mountain climbing, nature study, carpenter work, manual labor, partic.i.p.ation in entertainments, "unknown" point (unknown to the camp, given secretly to the boy) and securing the approval of the leaders, in order to win the "C D." After winning this emblem, the boys try to win the camp pennant, the tests for which are graded higher.

Camp Eagle

"The Order of the Adirondack Camp Eagle" is established at Camp Adirondack for boys who qualify in the following tests: "Obedience is required to the few camp rules; promptness is required at the regular bugle calls--reveille, a.s.sembly for exercise, mess call, and tattoo and taps--and erect posture is required at meals. In addition to this there is a 'general personal' standard (embracing neatness at meals and courtesy, etc.). Boys coming up to the standard are initiated into the order and receive the emblem--the bronze eagle b.u.t.ton. Boys who reach an especially high standard receive the silver eagle. Boys reaching this higher degree may compete for the golden eagle, the highest camp honor. To obtain this it is necessary for a boy to swim a hundred yards, do the high dive (about 12 feet), be able to row well and paddle a canoe skillfully, recognize and name twenty-five trees, and pa.s.s a practical examination in other nature work and in practical camping and woodcraft, and answer questions in physical training and care of the body along lines covered in camp-fire talks."


"The Order of the Phantom Square" was organized at the Wisconsin State Boys' Camp for boys who succeed in qualifying in the tests named below:

[Ill.u.s.tration: Order of the Phantom Square.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Phantom Square; Honor Emblem]

Bronze, Silver and Gold Pins are awarded as follows: Bronze--60 points, 15 in each division.

Silver--80 points, 20 in each division.

Gold .--100 points, 25 in each division.


Event A (16-17) B (14-15) C (12-13) Points *1. Run 100 yd 12 sec. 13 sec. 7.2 sec. (50 yd.) 1 *2. Run 440 yd 1:13 1:25 1:34 1 *3. Running Broad Jump 14 ft. 13 ft. 11 ft. 1 *4. Running High Jump 4 ft. 3 ft. 10 in. 3 ft 6 in. 1 *5. Shot put 8 lb. 30 ft. 25 ft. 20 ft. 1 *6. Swim 25 yd 19 sec. 22 sec. 25 sec 1 *7. Swim on back 25 yd --- --- --- 1 *8. Swim 100 yd --- --- --- 1 *9. Dive in acceptable form --- --- --- 1 *10. Row one mile 4:20 4:25 5:10 1 *11. Life Saving Test 70-79; 80-89; 90-100 3-5 +12. Calisthenic Drill 8, 11, 14 times 1-3 +13. Early Plunge in Lake 8, 11, 14 times 1-3 *14. Walk 10 miles 2 +15. Cleanliness 1-5

Social Activity Points *16. Teach other boys in aquatics, athletics, or mental tests 1-5 *17. Perform other good turns to individuals 1-5 +18. Congeniality with camp mates 1-4 +19. Neatness in care of personal property, tent and table 1-5 +20. Promptness in responding to bugle calls, signals and camp duties 1-3 *21. Partic.i.p.ating acceptably in evening entertainments 1-5 *22. Partic.i.p.ating acceptably in camp orchestra or glee club 3

Mental Test Points *23. Pa.s.s written test in life-saving examination with grade of 70-79, 80-89, or 90-100 3-5 *24. Name and describe different kinds of trees and birds 1-5 *25. Name and point out star groups 1-3 *26. Answer questions on camp-fire talks 1-4 *27. Read and orally answer questions on "Youth to Manhood" 1-5 *28. Read and tell story of other acceptable books 1-3 *29. Compose an acceptable song or yell for camp 5

Moral Activity Points *30. Daily Bible reading with written answers to questions 1-5 +31. Reverence at Religious exercises 1-3 +32. Attendance at Church on Sundays during camp 3 +33. Cheerful and faithful performance of camp duties 1-5 +34. Extra volunteer service at camp 1-5 +35. Self-control 1-4 +36. General conduct and disposition 1-5

Tests marked thus (*) are judged by certain leaders delegated for the purpose. Tests marked thus (+) are judged by all tent leaders for boys in their tents.

After a candidate has won the requisite number of points for the first degree, a unanimous vote of all leaders in council a.s.sembled, is necessary, after which, a solemn ceremony of initiation is conducted.

The Honor Emblem is given to all who win a total of at least thirty points covering all the tests.

Flag of Honor

Camp Couchiching spirit is developed through the "Flag of Honor," which is awarded each day to the tent scoring the highest number of points, as follows: Every boy up and in line at 3 minutes after 7, scores 5 points for his tent; the morning dip, 5 points; tent inspection, 100 points for perfect; winning in athletic and aquatic meet, 25 points; second, 20; third, 15; fourth, 10; and fifth, 5. On a winning baseball team, 5 points and amateur stunt, 10 points.

Green Rag Society

Camp Eberhart has the following elaborate plan: The camp emblem itself represents the first degree and the camper must be in camp for one full week before he can wear it. The emblem is a brown triangle with a large E placed upon it with a green background. A green bar is added for each year spent in camp. The second, third and fourth degrees are indicated by a small green star, to be placed at the points of the triangle, beginning at the lowest point, then the upper left, then the upper right. The second degree will be awarded by the first star, the third degree by the second star, also ent.i.tling the winner to membership in the "Brown Rag" Society.

The fourth degree will be awarded by the third star and the winner be ent.i.tled to membership in the "Green Rag" Society.

Membership in the "Green Rag" Society is the highest honor the camp can bestow. The following are the requirements for the higher degrees.

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