
The Vampire Project 50 So Confusing!

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After school, as promised, Sofie's waiting to pick up Ania and take her to Old Nicholson's office for a little chat. On the way there, she pa.s.sed by the hunter's conference room. From the door, she can see how serious and hardworking the recruits were. Being able to hide their ident.i.ties well while socializing with normal people. Their lives had changed the moment they decided to be a hunter. Everyone's being so dedicated with their work, as one of the founder of, she just want them to enjoy life as it is. Their dream of taking down the h.e.l.lgazers becomes the top most priority if they want to have peaceful lives.

"Big sis Sofie, is something the matter?" Ania pulled her sleeve as she doesn't quite know what Sofie's stopping for.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about a day when we don't have to fight against the h.e.l.lgazer and live a happy life." she then pats Ania's head and holds her little hand on the way to Nicholson's office.

Arriving at the front door of the office, Ania gave a few little knocks and a smiling Carolina opened the door for them.

"The guests have arrived. Oh how I miss this little adorable princess." Carolina kisses Ania's cheek and also greeted Sofie.

"The little investigator is here. I'm not that ready to be interrogated though. How about we eat a few snacks before getting into the main reason why you suddenly paid a visit." Nicholson handed over some chips and cookies for Ania to eat.

"Okay, an empty stomach won't get me anywhere though." Ania giggled.

As Ania's eating her snacks, Carolina sat beside her to accompany her while Nicholson hands over some doc.u.ments related to Volton's sponsorship on Ania's upcoming school activity.

"This man must be up to something bad again. Sponsoring such event, knowing that Ania's involved here, he must be preparing for some tricks that day."

"That's why I showed it to you beforehand. Having Ania's connection to us all will put her life in danger. But no worries, I already planted some people as a part of the organizers for the school activity. Also, having all of you there will stir up a lot of attention so I'm asking for the hunter's society's help that day. Being too careful isn't a sin."

"Thanks a lot Nicholson for the help. So are you ready to answer our little investigator?"

"I just hope she'll be satisfied with it as it will satisfy you for sure."

"You seem to have found out some good information, I guess."

"It's not something trivial." both of them sat right next to Ania who just finished a bag of chips.

"Are we ready now?" Ania wiped off the crumbs and sits properly looking at Nicholson with a smile on her face.

"As you wish your highness." Nicholson smiled back. "So what do you want to know Ania?"

"Well, I was just wondering how come the shadows appears and disappears at will?"

"Actually, they follow only one master they see fit."

"What do you mean? Is big sis Sofie that master?"

"Alright little one listen up. Before the Queen, Sofie's mother pa.s.sed on the t.i.tle of ruler, it all started by just a simple pact. A pact made by humans with great minds. Sofie's ancestors were the richest royals the world could ever have. Having been able to support some expensive laboratories in the old times, their wealth was totally unimaginable. Thus, the royal family wants their bloodline to continue amidst the fact that everytime the Queen gave birth, the royal family ended up only having a daughter. Which causes the late royals chaotic argument for the rightful heir in the future. They can't accept having a commoner's blood mixed up."

"Ahmm, I don't really get it at all." Ania's face seems totally confused.

"Oh dear, how am I going to explain it to you."

"How about I'll listen to him on your behalf Ania, you seem sleepy as well." Sofie gently lay Ania's head on her lap and pins her hair behind her ears. The sleepy Ania only nodded and fell asleep right away.

"Go on Nicholson, I'm listening."

"Okay, as what I just said, the problem of the royals bloodline on the verge of extinction made a great blow."

"Wait a minute, I've heard I still have a royal uncle and aunt. Also have cousins, so how come they encountered such impossible case."
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"Queen Sofie, the story just began. I will tell you the bottom of what I've known."

"Okay, so I won't interfere."

"The royal family at that time was made up by the King, the Queen, and two more young princes and a princess. It seems like the cruelty of the world poured down on them. Their castle got totally occupied by an enemy country and the King together with the two princes got locked up. The Queen was locked up in a separated room together with the princess. Those cold blooded occupants raped both the Queen and the princess and then was killed. Those barbarians showed the King's most beloved women lifeless in front of them with the intention of evidently showing off their crimes. The king was in rage an attacked the leader of the occupants but ended up the one to die instead. From the two princes, they were beheaded in front of the royal family's loyal followers. But what they dp not know was that the other princes's chamber maid was wise enough to switch the two kids clothing. A sacrifice was made by a mother's desperate move. The moment the attacked happened the Queen already hidden the youngest prince on the bas.e.m.e.nt together with her loyal chambermaid. The chambermaid's son was of the same age of the youngest prince. The chambermaid, even though it's hard for her to sacrifice her own son for the sake of the prince's safety. She thought of it as a wise move. Knowing her son's health deteriorating everyday, she was left with no choice but to give him up for the sake of the young prince. The barbarians didn't know that one of the royal family managed to escape. The chambermaid and a soldier managed to escape from the castle. They escorted the prince safely away from the torn down castle. Having been sure enough that the royal bloodline has been totally wiped out, the real culprit showed up. It's the King's half brother who initiated the attack. And also, the Queen wasn't totally dead that time. Instead of killing her, the King's brother who raped her and choked her to death before sending their lifeless bodies in front of the king decided to keep her alive. The Queen recuperated at the new castle and acted like she lost her memories. The Queen wanted to avenge her family, and sure enough she knew that one of her son was safe somewhere else. She faked her memory loss and acted out accordingly to what the culprits' intention was. When the King's brother Uldeir usurps the throne, he crowned her still as the Queen. Queen Nimpha secretly sends messages to her loyal chambermaid through one of the loyal soldier that was left working for her secretly. They established a fine plan, but unexpectedly, another problem showed up. Queen Nimpha was pregnant with King Uldeir's child. She can't bare to raise Uldeir's child so she aborted it without having the king know then she faked an accident that makes it look like she accidentally miscarried. A few months after, she got a news from the laboratory her late husband funded that the research has been done as for her request and was ready for initiation. It was way impossible for it to be a success but the Queen went for it anyway. With an old amd limited knowledge way back, the experiment failed as expected."

"What experiment?" Sofie asked confusingly.

"This is the old blueprint and some of the research materials that we recovered." Sofie looked at each page a bit stunned. Who would have thought, way back, something like this would take place.

"So this experiment, what happened exactly?"

"The experiment was made to secure the old king's bloodline by keeping their pure blood flowing through a royalty. And as you may guess, the prince was the sole survivor and the most fitting one to extract blood from. All those years, they managed to store enough blood for a few people. But, it didn't go well and the laboratory exploded on the process. Six great soldiers died while the experiment was taking place. They're supposed to be drained out of blood and replaced by the prince's blood but the laboratory exploded halfway. Marking it as a failure. The Queen committed suicide and as of the Prince, he lived his life as an ordinary man after being free from the extraction process. What they didn't know was the six soldiers who exploded together with the laboratory, their souls were then binded with the Prince's blood. From then on they followed him in the shadows amd serve him when they managed to find a good body to live with. That's when they regain conciousness of a human and a loyal fighter of the Prince's sole bloodline. Their memories starts from the moment they possessed their new bodies. With their help, the Prince s.n.a.t.c.hed back the throne and married a new Queen. It seems the heavens cursed the late royal family for it's inhumane intentions, that prince and his queen only gave birth to princesses. And you Sofie came from that bloodline. Your mother was the daughter of the prince. Even though your blood wasn't as pure as the prince's as long as you have his blood in your veins, no matter how little, the shadow guards will continue to follow you until you pa.s.s it on to the next generation."

"Everything's so hard to understand. I still am confuse."

"Even I am, there are still loopholes in the story. But I know we can get all the information we need along the way."

'Thanks a lot Nicholson, I guess it's the only way for now. And I hope you can lend me this doc.u.ments, I'll show it to Harry maybe he can understand some of it."

"Great idea. Well, make sure to call me when he figure out something."

"Okay we will. Thanks again." Sofie carried the sleeping Ania in her arms and heads for her car. She buckled Ania safely at the back and carefully drive home. New informations are waiting for her for sure. Just don't know how she will absorb every bit of it. Never she have thought that her ancestor's lives were so complicated.

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The Vampire Project 50 So Confusing! summary

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