
Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) Part 34

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The persecution somewhat abating, he brought his family to Perth, for the education of his children, where he continued preaching the gospel.

A few at first, but afterwards a great many, attended his ministry.

Being again informed against, a party of the horse-guards were sent to apprehend him, but he escaped, though his house was narrowly searched.

This forced him from his family, and he was obliged to lurk a good while after this.

At length he came with his family to Edinburgh, where he preached the gospel many years under a series of persecution. He was intercommuned in the year 1675, and his house, and many other places in and about the city, were narrowly searched for him, yet he was always marvelously hid, of which many instances might be given. When he went to the country, many a time parties of the guard were sent in quest of him, and sometimes he would meet them in his return, and pa.s.s through the midst of them unknown. When he was one time lodged in a remote part of the suburbs of Edinburgh, a captain, with a party, searched every house and chamber of the closs, but never entered into the house he was in, though the door was open.

Again, when he was lurking in a private family without the walls of Edinburgh, a party was sent to apprehend him. Providentially he had gone out to walk by the house; the party, observing him by his gravity to be a minister, said one to another, That may be the man we are seeking.----Nay, said another, he would not be walking there. Again, when he was advertised that the soldiers were coming to search for him in his own house, he lingered till another minister came to him, and said, Sir, you must surely have a protection from heaven, that you are so secure here, when the town is in such disorder, and a general search to be made. Immediately he went off, and in a little after Mr. Moncrief went out; and was not well down stairs before the guard came up and searched his house. He took a short turn in the street, and came back just as the guard went off.

But the persecution growing still worse, he was obliged to disperse his family for some time. He was solicited, when in these circ.u.mstances, to leave the kingdom, and had an ample call to Londonderry in Ireland, yet he always declined to leave his native country, and, in his pleasant way, used to say, He would suffer where he had sinned, and essay to keep possession of his Master's house, till he should come again. He had a sore sickness about the beginning of June 1680. In which time he uttered many heavenly expressions. But he recovered and continued in this the house of his pilgrimage until harvest 1688, when he died, and got above all sin and sorrow, after he had endured a great fight of affliction to obtain a crown of eternal life.

He was mighty in prayer, and had some very remarkable and strange returns thereof. His memory was savoury a long time after his death.

Many could bear witness, that G.o.d was with him of a truth. He left many seals of his ministry in Fife, and was a most faithful and painful minister. His sufferings are a little hinted at in the fulfilling of the scripture, though neither he nor his persecutors are mentioned there.

The relation runs thus:

"The first relates to a considerable family in this country, who made it their business to trouble and persecute the minister of that parish, an eminently holy and faithful man, yea, upon account of his faithfulness, the old laird of that house did pursue him, out of malice, with a false libel before the synod, either to get him broken and put out of the parish, or at least to crush his spirit and weaken him in the exercise of his ministry, but did there meet with a disappointment the Lord clearing the innocence of his servant, and the malice of the other. At which time that gentleman, while he went to the stable where his horses were, being then at the synod on that account, was in the place stricken with sickness, forced to hasten home, and take his bed; and there seized with horror of conscience, which made him often cry, intreating most earnestly for his minister, whom he had thus persecuted, and often said, Oh! to see his face; and told his friends, that if he would not come to him, they should carry him to his house. But his lady did out of malice, in a most rude and violent way, hinder the minister's access to him, and thus that poor gentleman in great horror and anguish died.

"After his death his lady still pursued the quarrel with no less malice, until she also fell sick, and had much terror upon her conscience, crying out for the minister, who was providentially absent, so that she was denied in that which she kept back from her husband; but he came to her before her death, and she confessed, with much bitterness, her wrong to him. After this, a young man, who had been their chaplain, and engaged by them to appear as a witness against that G.o.dly man, was so terrified in his conscience, that he could get no rest till he went to the next synod, to acknowledge that horrid sin, in bearing false witness against his minister; but being by some kept from a public appearance, he went to another part of the country, where it is reported he died distracted.

"Last of all the young laird, who succeeded in that estate, would needs pursue the quarrel, and finding more access through the change of the times, did so endeavour with some who were in power, that an order was pa.s.sed for banishing him out of that parish; and although he was then otherwise accused upon account of the public cause, yet it was known, the violent persecution of that gentleman was the main cause of that sentence, as those who had a hand in pa.s.sing it did confess; for he had solemnly sworn, that if he lived there, that minister should not be in that place. Returning to his house a few days after, and boasting how he had kept his word, and got his minister cast out of his parish, he was suddenly struck by the Lord with a high fever, which plucked him away in the very strength of his years." Fulfilling of the scriptures, page 428.

_The Life of Mr. ANGUS MACBEAN._

Mr. Angus MacBean was born about the year 1656. After he had spent some time at the grammar-school with good proficiency, he went to the university of Aberdeen; where he began to distinguish himself, no less for his great regard to practical religion (altho' he was yet of the episcopal persuasion), than for his extraordinary parts and abilities in learning.

About this time the bishops, having found their mistake in sending men of little learning and less religion to the south and west parts of Scotland, where the people were much disaffected to them, applied to the professors of divinity to name some of the greatest abilities to be sent to these parts. Accordingly professor Minzies singled out Mr. MacBean from amongst all his students, to be sent to the town of Ayr; but he did not continue long there, having got a call to be minister of Inverness, which he accepted of, and was there admitted Dec. 29, 1683; and here he proved a very pathetic and zealous preacher, and one of the most esteemed of that way. He usually once a-week lectured on a large portion of scripture, which was not the custom then in that apostate and degenerate age.

But notwithstanding of his being in the highest esteem among the prevailing party, the constancy shewn by the sufferers for the cause of truth, and the cruelty used toward them, made such deep impressions on his mind, as could never afterward be rooted out or effaced. As a native consequence of the toleration granted by the duke of York, the ma.s.s was openly set up in the castle of Inverness, against which Mr. MacBean preached publicly, and warned the people of the imminent danger the nation was then in. At which the priest was so incensed, that he sent Mr. MacBean a letter, challenging him to a public dispute. This letter he received in a crowd on the weekly market, where he usually walked with some constables to prevent common swearing. He went to a shop, and there wrote such an answer to the priest, as determined him to send him no more challenges. The report of this having spread, some of king James's officers (being there) entered into a resolution to go to church next Lord's day, and to take him out of the pulpit in case he uttered ought against that way. Of this he was informed late on Sat.u.r.day, and by some friends was importuned to abstain from saying any thing that might exasperate them. But he preached next day on Col. i. 18. and proved, that Christ was the sole King and Head of his church, in opposition to the usurpation of both popery and Erastianism; whereupon the officers got all up to execute their design, which the good man did not observe till he turned himself about (for they sat in a loft on the left side of the pulpit). Then he said with an authority that put them out of countenance, For these things I am become the song of drunkards. On which they all sat down, for it was when drinking, that they had formed that wicked design. From the popish controversy, he was led to a more serious inquiry into the merits of what was then the real controversy; and after serious wrestling with G.o.d, and earnest prayer for light and direction from him, in which he spent several nights in his garden, he at length determined fully to declare for the truth, whatever might be the consequence: And accordingly in June 1687, he declined to sit in the presbytery, but continued to preach. In August, the presbytery were informed not only that he absented wilfully, but that he disowned the government of the church by arch-bishops, bishops, &c. and appointed a committee to converse with him. Who, having done so, at a subsequent diet, reported that Mr. MacBean declared plainly to them that he had no freedom to meet with them in their judicatories any more; that it was over the belly of convictions that he had entered into the ministry under bishops; and that these convictions were returning with greater force upon his conscience, so that he could not overcome them; that he was convinced presbytery was the only government G.o.d owned in these nations; that he was fully determined to make all the satisfaction he could to the presbyterians; to preach for them and in their favours; and that though he should be dispensed with by bishop and presbytery from keeping their meetings, he could not promise that, in his preaching, he would not give ground of misconstruction to those that owned prelacy. At the same time his colleague Mr. Gilbert Marshal farther reported, That Mr. MacBean, both in his public lectures and sermons, did so reflect upon the government of the church, as was like to make a schism at Inverness; and therefore he had caused cite him to that meeting, to answer for his reproachful doctrine that could not be endured. Mr.

MacBean did not appear before them, nevertheless the magistrates prevailed with the presbytery to desist from proceeding against him at that time. But shortly thereafter the presbytery referred him to the synod of Murray, who appointed a committee to join with the presbytery of Inverness to deal with him.

In the mean time Mr. MacBean went to church without his cannonical habit, publicly renounced prelacy, declared himself a presbyterian, and as he found not freedom in the exercise of his charge in that place, he demitted it. He preached his farewel sermon on Job x.x.xiv. 31, 32. The scriptures he advanced and insisted on, as warrants for his conduct, were Isaiah viii. 11,-14. Jerem. xv. 18,-21. 2 Cor. vi. 16, 18. and to prove that Christ was sole Head of the church, Eph. v. 23. Col. i. 18. 1 Pet. ii. 7. Next Lord's day he went to Ross, and there, in Mr.

MacGiligen's meeting-house, preached the truths he formerly opposed; and some times thereafter he preached at Inverness, till he was, by order of the council, called to Edinburgh before them.

On this surprizing change and alteration, a great opposition among the prevailing party soon appeared against him; which was the less to be wondered at, as he embraced every opportunity of declaring for the cause of truth, which they were most violent against; and therefore the presbytery of Inverness sent one of their number to inform the bishop of Murray, then at Glasgow, of the whole affair. But the bishop dying at that time, the arch-bishop of St. Andrews took the affair into his cognizance, and procured an order from the council to bring him to Edinburgh. In consequence of which he was carried south in Jan. 1688. in very tempestuous weather, and was called before the council, where he made a bold and n.o.ble stand in defence of the truths he had so solemnly professed. One of the questions asked at him, was, If he thought the king's power was limited? To which he answered, He knew no power, but the Almighty's, unlimited. And though the council could not find then wherewith to attack him, anent the state, yet, to please the bishops, he must be imprisoned: And upon the 27th of Feb. thereafter, the arch-bishop of St. Andrews conveened him before him and the bishop of Murray, and five doctors and ministers in Edinburgh, where (in the virtue of his metropolitan capacity) he deposed him from the exercise of any part of his pastoral office, and deprived him of all benefits that might accrue to him thereby, since the time of his wilful desertion; with certification, if he should transgress therein, the sentence of excommunication should pa.s.s against him. He was thereupon remanded back to prison; and though the town of Inverness wrote, earnestly soliciting him to make some compliance, that they might be favoured with his return, yet he valiantly withstood their intreaties, and by his answer dated July 1688. He dissuaded them from insisting on his return, as what he a.s.sured them would never happen, and condemns himself in the strongest manner for his adherence to prelacy, declaring against it in the most express way, as anti-scriptural as well as tyrannical. His confinement and the fatigue of his journey, having given such a shock to his const.i.tution, as his life was in danger, Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun, and Dun. Forbes of Culloden offered a bail bond for 10,000 merks to the earl of Perth, then chancellor, that they would present him when called upon, providing he was set at liberty; but he utterly refused to set him at liberty, though he was in a very languishing condition in the tolbooth; where he remained till Perth run away, and that the Edinburgh mob set the prisoners at liberty. After this he continued in the suburbs of Edinburgh, till in the month of Feb. 1689.

he joyfully finished his course in the Lord, being in the 33d year of his age. Some days before, news came that the parliament of England had settled the crown on king William, who put an end to those b.l.o.o.d.y times, and that tyrannical government.

Mr. MacBean without all doubt was a man, both pious and learned, although at first brought up in the prelatical persuasion, and when near his death frequently compared himself in this particular to Moses, who from mount Pisgah saw the land of promise, but for his sinful compliance, as he always called it, would not be allowed to enter therein, having some time before his death, a firm belief of the amazing deliverance which the church and nation soon met with, and left his mortal life rejoicing in hope of the glory of G.o.d.

_The Life of Mr. THOMAS HOG._

Mr. Thomas Hog was born in the beginning of the year 1628, in the burgh of Tain, in the county of Ross. His parents were careful to give their son a liberal education; for which purpose he was early sent to school, and, from his commencement to the study of letters, he discovered an uncommon genius, and soon made such proficiency as rendered him respected during his youth. He was much addicted to the harmless diversions of that age, yet they did never abate his progress in his studies, nor his detestation of any thing immoral or unbecoming the character of a scholar. He was put to the university in the new town of Aberdeen, where he made great proficiency, till at last he was admitted master of arts, with the universal approbation of the regents of the college.

About this time, a very remarkable incident fell out, which confirmed Mr. Hog's aversion to drunkenness, and his belief of an over-ruling providence: For, having accompanied a merchant of Aberdeen to a ship in the mouth of the river Dee, who was going a voyage (being one of his acquaintance), upon his return, with two burgesses who had gone the same errand, through the importunity of one of them, they turned all aside to take a bottle in an inn by the way. There he tarried till he thought they had drunk sufficiently, and, finding they were not disposed to go home, he laid down his share of the reckoning, and was going away, but they, being averse to part with him, and resolute in their cups, laid hold on him to stay, but he, being full six feet high, and proportionably strong and vigorous, soon twisted himself out of their gripes, and went off; and came home to his chamber, and went to bed at his usual hour, but, though in good health, he could get no rest till the clock struck one, when he fell asleep, and rested quietly till the morning, when he arose. At which time coming forth to his cla.s.s, one met him weeping, and told him, That the two men he left yesternight, after continuing a while at their cups, fell a-contending and then a-fighting, in which the one killed the other. He asked, at what time? and being told just at one, he adored that providence which had both seasonably disposed him to leave them, and made him uneasy whilst the complication of sin was thus committing.

And though Mr. Hog was adorned with these natural and acquired accomplishments which const.i.tute a truly amiable person, heightened with the l.u.s.tre of an unblameable life, yet, as he himself acknowledged, he remained a stranger to the saving operations of the Spirit of G.o.d till about the year 1638, when the arm of the Lord was gloriously revealed in the revival of the work of reformation, and the influences of his grace poured out upon many through the nation: and yet still his conversation was strictly moral, and he frequented societies, conversed and prayed with them, was in the diligent use of means, and in reference to the public state of religion and reformation, was found, bold and resolute; in his straits acknowledging the Lord, bringing these his difficulties before him, to which he thought he got some notable returns; yet upon all these he himself declared, That if he was then in a state of grace and salvation, he was not in that state afterwards, for that the whole of the following work, which, by the Spirit and Word of G.o.d, was wrought on his heart, was founded upon a strong and clear conviction of his having been at that time out of Christ, notwithstanding all the forementioned lengths.

What the manner and means of his saving conversion were, we are at a loss to describe; only we find he was under a very deep and severe law-work, and that his convictions were very close, particular and pointed, setting his sin before him; and that during this work, which was of long continuance, whole clouds of sin were charged home upon him without end or measure, so that he was brought well nigh to despair, being then chaplain to the earl of Sutherland, where the work of G.o.d flourished in several souls about that house; and amongst whom the butler was at the same time under the same law-exercise, and yet the one did not know of the other; notwithstanding the countess (who was an eminent Christian), wanted not some discerning of what was a-working with them both, and particularly with Mr. Hog; as will appear by what follows:

One time Mr. Hog, sitting alone in his chamber in extreme anguish, nothing but wrath in his view, a horrible temptation was thrown in like a thunderbolt, _viz._ Why do you continue under such intolerable extremity of distress? Put rather an end to a miserable life immediately. Upon this suggestion, he resented the temptation and the tempter with indignation; his pen-knife (at which the enemy pointed) lying well sharpened upon the table, lest the a.s.sault should have been renewed, he rose up and threw it over the window, after which he sat down and fell a-musing upon the intricacies of this his complicated distress, and while in the midst of this his terrible whirlpool, the countess, besides her custom (though she had been ever affable at table) knocked gently at the door, and invited him to go and partake with her of a present of summer fruit; he went with her, and behaved so, that nothing could be known concerning his former troubles. She discovered by her kind speech and behaviour, that she was either impressed with his danger, or that she suspected somewhat of the matter with him. After this entertainment he returned to his room, and found the temptation mercifully removed.

As to the manner of his relief we learn in general, that, from a conviction of actual sin, he was carried up to the fountain-head, original sin, and to a conviction of unbelief as the seat of this fountain, according to Rom. xi. 32. John iii. 16, 38. The Lord having in this manner laid a solid, clear and excellent foundation, he was at length blessed with faith's views of the glory of Christ in his offices and person; which did so ravish his soul, as to render him most willing, through grace, to forego, endure, and, in his strength, to adventure upon any thing in his cause, and for his sake.

But the last and most considerable adventure, while in this family, was his being the instrument to convert a young gentleman of the name of Munro who frequented the house, and though of a sober deportment, yet void of real religion. He took great pleasure in Mr. Hog's company, but wasted his time with idle, frothy and useless discourse. He bore with him for some time, but pitying his case, he used all means possible with him, till by divine grace he was wholly brought over from a state of black nature unto a state of grace; and if he had visited Mr. Hog often before, he made many more visits to him after this, but never gave him occasion to impeach him, for the gentleman became eminently gracious; and for an evidence that this free dealing was blessed, the good man in his after-conduct did so excel in the virtues opposite to the former blemishes, that he was esteemed for accommodating differences, and several gentlemen did submit their contests to him, and acquiesced in his sole determination.

After Mr. Hog was settled at Killearn, this gentleman made him a visit; where, after their mutual endearments, the gentleman addressed Mr. Hog in this amazing dialect, "Sir, my course is nigh finished, and I am upon my entrance into a state of eternal rest. The Lord hath his own way of giving the watchful Christian previous warning concerning the end of the warfare, 2 Pet i. 14.; and I, being so privileged, have been seriously pondering where it may be most convenient to breathe out my last, and quietly lay down this tabernacle, and seeing, after deliberation, I can find no place nor company so fit as with you, I have adventured to come and die with you." At this time the gentleman was in good health, and ate his meat as well as ever, whereupon Mr. Hog endeavoured to divert him from these thoughts; but he firmly persisted in his persuasion: and accordingly in a few days he was seized with a fever, whereof he died.

Mr. Hog was licensed to preach the gospel in the 26th year of his age, and ere one year elapsed, several parishes were competing for him, some of which could have yielded him a greater living than what he ever had; but he preferred Killearn to the rest, because he understood that sovereign grace was pursuing some elect vessels there, and he knew that several gentlemen (especially the baron of Foulis) were friends to religion there: And he was ordained minister in the year 1654 or 1655, with the unanimous consent and approbation of all concerned.

Mr. Hog, being thus settled, he heartily applied himself to his work, taking heed to himself and his doctrine, that he might both save himself and them that heard him, casting a good copy or example before them, in all manner of temperance and Christian virtues, but more especially remarkable in his public character. His concern and sympathy with the ignorant was great, the bulk of the people of that parish, through the long infirmity of their former pastor, and the interveening vacation, being neglected in their examination, became very ignorant; but he was at great pains in spreading catechisms and other abstracts among them; and, going from house to house, he prayed with, exhorted and instructed them in the things pertaining to the kingdom of G.o.d; and his deportment was attended with as much majesty proper to that function, as had been observed in any; and no wonder, for few were favoured with so many testimonies of the divine presence, in the discharge of their ministry; as witness J----s N----o, E----b B----e his spouse, B----a B----e her sister, afterwards Mrs. S----d, Mrs. R----s, the judicious and famous John Monro of Ross, Mr. Thomas Taylor, Mr. Angus MacBean minister at Inverness, John Bulloch his own servant, Christian MacIntosh a poor woman in the depths of soul distress; holy Mr. Ross; Mr. John Welwood, and the so much famed John Monro, were either converted or confirmed by him while in this parish, or after his ejection, while he was settled at Knockgaudy in Murray; and none more particular than that instance of Monro of Lumlair, an heritor in that parish, who, upon some reprehensory expressions by Mr. Hog, which he was at first dreadfully offended at, yet were made the means of his thorough conversion, so that he ever looked on Mr. Hog after as his best friend, and laid himself out to promote the success of his ministry.

So soon as it pleased the Lord thus to bless his parochial labours with a gracious change wrought upon a considerable number of the people, he took care to join the more judicious in societies for prayer and conference. These he kept under his own inspection, and did heartily concur with them; for he himself was much in the exercise of that duty, and had several notable returns thereof, of which we have several instances.

_1st_, A good woman having come to him with this sore lamentation, that her daughter C---- L---- was distracted, Mr. Hog charged one or two devout persons (for he frequently employed such on extraordinary occasions) to set apart a day and a night for fasting and prayer, and then join with him in prayer for the maid next day. Accordingly when this appointment was performed, she recovered her senses as well as before.

_2ndly_, A daughter of the laird of Parks, his brother-in-law, who lodged with him, being seized with a high fever, and little hope of life; Mr. Hog loved the child dearly, and while he and his wife were jointly supplicating the Lord in prayer, acknowledging their own and the child's iniquity, the fever instantly left her. This pa.s.sage was found in his own diary, which he concludes with admiration upon the goodness of G.o.d, to whom he ascribes the praise of all.

_3dly_, In like manner, a child of the reverend Mr. Urquhart having been at the point of death, those present pressed Mr. Hog to pray (for he was now become so esteemed that none other would in such case do it, he being present) upon which he solemnly charged them to join with him; and having fervently wrestled in prayer and supplication for some time, the child was restored to health. A like instance is found of a child of Kinmundy's in his own diary.

_4thly_, One David Dumbar, who lived at a distance, being in a frenzy, came to Mr. Hog's house in one of his fits. Mr. Hog caused him to sit down, and having advised with Mr. Frazer of Brae, and some others present, what could be done for the lad; some were for letting blood, but Mr Hog said, The prelates have deprived us of money, wherewith to pay physicians, therefore let us employ him who cures freely, and so laid it on Mr. Frazer to pray, but he put it back on himself. So after commanding the distracted person to be still, he prayed fervently for the poor man, and he was immediately restored to his right mind. This is faithfully attested by those who were eye and ear witnesses.

_5thly_, Mr. Hog having once gone to see a gracious woman in great extremity of distress, both of body and mind, he prayed with and for her, using this remarkable expression among many others, O Lord, rebuke this temptation, and we in thy name rebuke the same; and immediately the woman was restored both in body and mind. And yet notwithstanding the Lord had honoured him in such a manner, it is doubtful if any in his day more carefully guarded against delusions than he did, it being his ordinary, whenever he bowed a knee, to request to be saved from delusions, &c.

But as Mr. Hog was sent of G.o.d to be an amba.s.sador of peace to some, so he was also a messenger of wrath to others. Of which we have several instances, but none more particular than the following, of a certain gentleman in the parish, who had one dead in his family, and intended to bury in the kirk; but on account of the vulgar superst.i.tion the general a.s.sembly had by an act discharged the same, and Mr. Hog being a strenuous defender of the act of the church, the gentleman was non-plussed what to do; but one William Munro, a strong hectoring fellow, engaged to make his way good against all opposition, and succeeded so far that the people with the corpse were entering the church-yard when Mr. Hog got notice. He went out and set his back to the door through which the corpse was to pa.s.s, and began to reason with the people to convince them of their error in breaking through good order; but this had not the desired effect, for the fellow laid violent hands on Mr. Hog to pull him from the door; but he, having the spirit of a man as well as of a Christian, turned on his adversary, wrested the key out of his hand, and told the a.s.sailant, Were he to repel force with force, probably he would be no gainer; and then said to the people, "This man hath grieved the Spirit of the Lord, and you shall see either his sudden repentance or a singular judgment befal him." Accordingly the poor wretch continued in his wicked courses, and met with the foretold judgment in a few months after that. Having made a violent attack upon one, who drew out the wretch's sword and dagger, and thrust him through the belly, so that his bowels burst out, and he died most miserably.

Another instance of this kind fell out, while he was lecturing in the laird of Lethem's house in the county of Murray. During the time of worship, he observed a servant laugh once and again, and after an admonition the third time, at which Mr. Hog paused a little, and then with an air of severity said, "The Spirit of G.o.d is grieved by one in the company, for mocking at these great truths, therefore I am bold to say, Such offers of grace shall be visibly and more suddenly punished than any here could wish, &c." After they had supped, and retired to their apartments, a message came to his chamber, telling him, that the forementioned mocker was seized with a sudden sickness and cried bitterly for him. Upon this Mr. Hog arose, quickly cast on his gown, and came down stairs to see him without losing a minute's time, but ere he got to him, the poor creature was dead.

Mr. Hog was in judgment on that side called protestors, and therefore was in the beginning of the year 1661. deposed by the synod of Ross, because he would not decline that party judicially; and afterward when he knew he was to be put out of the charge at Killearn _anno_ 1662. he had a farewell sermon to them, where, with the apostle Paul, he took G.o.d and their own consciences to witness that he had not shunned to declare the whole counsel of G.o.d to them, and added, That the storm would be of a long continuance, but, after all, the sky would clear, and he would live to see it, and be called to his own charge again as minister of Killearn, and die with them. And further said, If any of you shall decline from that good way, and these truths wherein ye have been taught, and shall comply with the wicked designs now carried on, I take heaven and earth to witness against you, I take the stones of these walls I preached in, every word that was spoken, and every one of you to be witnesses against another. With many other words he exhorted them, and his labours were not altogether in vain; for there was not a parish in Scotland that complied less with the corruptions than they did.

After his ejection, John Card, who was converted by his ministry, told him, That he should go to Murray. Of which he had no thoughts then, but in a little the laird of Park offered him Knockgaudy near Oldearn to labour and dwell in, of which he accepted, and went thither; where he was a very useful instrument in the hand of the Lord in turning many souls to him, as has been already said, and here finding his private ministry so blessed with success, he adventured to give the sacrament in this place, which was a bold attempt, considering the severity of the laws at that time. But this solemnity being remarkably blessed with the divine presence and glory, the communicants returned to their habitations with unspeakable joy, and amongst the rest one MacLoad who came from Ross-shire, and understood nothing of the English language; but, Mr. Hog understanding the Irish language, he told him, That he came hither obeying the command of his exalted Redeemer, and understood what was preached there in the English, as well as if every word had been spoken in his own tongue. Which when Mr. Hog interpreted to the rest, they were filled with wonder, and the good man was allowed to communicate, which he did with joy.

_Anno_ 1668. he was imprisoned for the truth at Forres, upon a complaint for keeping conventicles, &c. and there he was wonderfully strengthened and comforted, having great joy in his sufferings. Upon his account many prayers were put up by many in Murray, and their prayers, as one faith of the church's prayers for Peter while in the like case, set G.o.d a-working. The effect was, That Mr. Hog, without his own knowledge or expectation, was set at liberty, without any concessions on his part.

But what was more remarkable, he was again apprehended about the beginning of the year 1676. for the same cause, and sent to Edinburgh.

He said to some in company, I thank my G.o.d, this messenger was most welcome to me: And giving a scratch with his nails on the wall, he said, I trust in the living G.o.d, that before my conscience shall get that much of a scratch, this neck (pointing to it) shall go for it. Accordingly when tried, he submitted himself joyfully to a prison, rather than bind himself from preaching; and was sent to the Ba.s.s, where by the air of the place and his close confinement he fell into a b.l.o.o.d.y flux, whereof he was in great danger. A physician being called, gave his opinion, Unless he was liberated from that place, there was no hope of life. But Mr. Hog, hesitating, would not address that mongrel court, at any rate.

However the doctor, of his own accord, did it without his knowledge, and gave in a pet.i.tion to the council, in the strongest terms he could devise. The pet.i.tion being read, some of the lords interceeded for Mr.

Hog, and said, That he lived more quietly, and travelled not the country so much as other presbyterians did. Upon which bishop Sharp, taking up the argument, said, That the prisoner did, and was in a capacity to do, more hurt to their interests, sitting in his elbow-chair, than twenty others could do by travelling from this corner of the land to the other; and if the justice of G.o.d was pursuing him, to take him off the stage, the clemency of the government should not interpose to hinder it; and it was his opinion that if there was any place in the prison worse than another, he should be put there. Which motion, being seconded by the prelates, was put to vote, and carried, To the closest prison in the Ba.s.s; which was speedily put in execution. When the keeper intimated this to Mr. Hog, he said, It was as severe as if Satan himself had penned it. His servant William Bulloch, being with him when he carried him down to that low, nasty dungeon in the Ba.s.s, fell a-weeping, and cried, Now, master, your death is unavoidable. But the good man, directing his eyes up, said, Now, that men have no mercy, the Lord will shew himself merciful; from the moment of my entering this dungeon I date my recovery. And so it fell out, for the very next day he recovered surprisingly, and in a short time was as well as ever. Yet afterward, when speaking of the arch-prelate, he never shewed any resentment, but merrily said, Commend him to me for a good physician.

In the end of the year 1679 being brought to Edinburgh before the council, and refusing to take the bond to live peaceably, he was remanded back to prison, and afterwards liberated, but on what conditions we do not learn.

About the year 1683, he fell again under the displeasure of the managers, for holding private conventicles, and was banished by the privy council, and ordained to remove off the kingdom in 48 hours, unless he gave caution not to exercise any part of his ministry, under a penalty of 5000 merks over and above performance; which conditions he would by no means submit to, and therefore retired to Berwick, and from thence to London, with a design the first opportunity to go from thence to Carolina; but the pretended plot, called the presbyterian plot, then falling out, he was thrown into prison, where he continued some time, till his money being near spent, for beside his own and his servant's maintenance, he paid 10 shillings sterling weekly to the keeper, for a place by himself, and not to be put down among thieves and felons, he said to his servant William, I'll set to-morrow apart for prayer and see that no person be allowed to come in to interrupt me. Accordingly he rose early and continued close at meditation and prayer till 12 o'clock, when a person in the habit of a gentleman desired to speak with him.

William Bulloch told him, that his master was retired, &c. yet he still interceeded to see him. Upon which William, seeing him of a grave pleasant aspect, reported his desire to his master, who ordered him to his room. Mr. Hog received him courteously. The other entertained him with a discourse about suffering for a good G.o.d and a good cause, and shewed that _our light afflictions which are but for a moment, are not to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed_. After which he arose and embraced Mr. Hog most lovingly, exhorted him to continue in well-doing, and then took out of his pocket a white paper, and gave it to him. Mr. Hog, finding its weight, understood it was money, and said to the stranger, Upon what account, Sir, do you give me this money? The other answered, Because I am appointed by our great and exalted Master to do so. Mr. Hog asked his name, and upon his refusing to tell it, Mr.

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